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<title>The &kab; Handbook</title>




<holder>Mirko Boehm, Pam Roberts</holder>


<abstract><para>&kab; (&kde; Address book) is a simple address book for
&kde;.</para> </abstract>

<keyword>address book</keyword>


<chapter id="introduction">

<para>&kab; is an address book for use with &kde; that lets you save
names, postal, email, talk and <acronym>WWW</acronym> addresses,
telephone numbers, important dates and other information in a card index

<chapter id="using">
<title>Using &kab;</title>

<sect1 id="entering">
<title>Entering Data</title>

<para>You can import address book data from the &kde; 1 version of &kab;
or from &Netscape; by using the
menu option.</para>
<para>You can also add individual entries by choosing the
Entry...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option, which brings up the
following dialog box:</para>

<screeninfo>Here's another screen-shot of &kab;</screeninfo>
    <imagedata fileref="kab-edit.png" format="PNG"/>
    <phrase>&kab; in edit view mode</phrase>

<para>This view is used to add or change the details for a card. It has
four main tab pages; <guilabel>Person</guilabel>,
<guilabel>Telephone</guilabel>, <guilabel>Address</guilabel> and
<para>The <guilabel>Person</guilabel> tab page is where you enter the
person's name and email and Talk addresses and any associated
&URL;s. Whatever you enter in the <guilabel>Formatted name:</guilabel>
text box will appear as the entry's name in the entry navigation list,
the Toolbar Drop Down list and at the top left of the card. If you do
not enter anything in the <guilabel>Formatted name:</guilabel> text box
then &kab; will automatically generate a formatted name such as
<quote>Holmes, Sherlock</quote>.</para>

<para>The <guilabel>Telephone</guilabel> tab page is, obviously, where
you enter the telephone number(s).</para>

<para>The <guilabel>Addresses</guilabel> tab page lets you enter one or
more addresses for this entry.</para>

<para>For each address you want to enter, click on the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. It will display a drop down list
containing the address types you have set up with the
<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure this
file...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option. Choose one and it will appear
in the <guilabel>Address types</guilabel> text box where you can edit it
if required.</para>
<para>Then fill in the address details.</para>
<para>Pressing the <guibutton>Organization...</guibutton> button brings
up another dialog box where you can enter details of any organization
that the person works for and his position within it. However, the
current version of &kab; does not display this information in the
<guimenuitem>Business Card</guimenuitem> view. </para>

<para>The <guilabel>Birthday</guilabel> tab page is where you select a
significant date to appear at the top right of the card view. It will
only appear if you have checked the <guilabel>I know this person's
birthday:</guilabel> box.</para>

<para>You will probably need to experiment with your entries in the
<guilabel>Person</guilabel> and <guilabel>Addresses</guilabel> tab pages
to get the kind of result you want in the Card view.</para>

<para>There are two other tab pages in this dialog box which may be
useful in some circumstances:</para>

<para>The <guilabel>Comment</guilabel> page. Any text you enter here
will not appear in the <guimenuitem>Business Card</guimenuitem> view but
will be included when you print out the card details.</para>

<para>The <guilabel>User fields</guilabel> page. This lets you add
information to the database file with user defined fields and data. This
data is not shown in the <guimenuitem>Business Card</guimenuitem> view,
nor is it printed out, but could be read by another program.</para>


<sect1 id="kabcard">
<title>Viewing Data</title>

<para>&kab; has two basic views, <guimenuitem>Business
Card</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Editing</guimenuitem>. You can
switch between them with the <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu. The
screen-shot below shows the <guimenuitem>Business Card</guimenuitem>

<screeninfo>Here's a screen-shot of &kab;</screeninfo>
    <imagedata fileref="kab-using.png" format="PNG"/>
    <phrase>&kab; in card view mode</phrase>

<para>This view lets you search for an entry in &kab;'s database and see
the information held for that entry.</para>

<para>To select a particular entry you can pick it from the Drop Down
box in the Toolbar or the entry navigation list, or you can step through
the entries using the <guiicon>large Toolbar arrows</guiicon> or with
your keyboard arrow keys.</para>

<para>You can also search the database for a particular entry by using
the <link
entries...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></link> option or by entering an
email address, first name or last name into the text box at the top of
the entry navigation list.</para>

<para>At the top of the main card area you can see the name as it
appears in the Toolbar Drop Down box list, and possibly an important
date such as the person's Birthday.</para>

<para>An address will be shown in the middle of the card. &kab; lets you
enter more than one address, for - say - Home, Work and Holiday
Dacha. The Drop Down box above the address then lets you select which of
these is displayed.</para>

<para>The bottom of the card shows email addresses, &URL;s and telephone
numbers. Left click on the email address to send an email, on the &URL;
to open a browser window. If you have entered more than one email
address or &URL;, then only one will be displayed on the card followed
by [..] and when you click on it a little dialog box will appear so that
you can choose the address you want.</para>

<para>The <link linkend="kab-file-menu"><guimenu>File</guimenu></link>
menu has options allowing you to create and use more than one database,
import your old &kde; 1 or &Netscape; address book, or print one or all


<chapter id="commands">
<title>Command Reference</title>

<sect1 id="kab-menubar">
<title>The Menu bar</title>

<sect2 id="kab-file-menu">
<title>The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu</title>


<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Create New Database...</guimenuitem>
<para>Use this if you want to create another &kab; address book database
so that you can keep separate address books for, say, business and
personal contacts.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
<para><action>Open</action> a &kab; database. This menu choice
is used to open a new address book that you have created.</para>

<guimenuitem>Open Default Database</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Opens the default</action> &kab;  database.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
<para><action>Save</action> the current &kab;  database.</para>

<guimenuitem>KDE 1 Address Book</guimenuitem>
<para>Lets you <action>import an address book</action> generated by
version 1 of &kab;, changing its format to that used by version 2, and
saving it with a different name. Doing this does not destroy the
original address book.</para>

<guimenuitem>Netscape Address Book</guimenuitem>
<para>Lets you <action>import an address book</action> generated by

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Print Entry...</guimenuitem>
<para>To print out all details of the current entry.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Print Entries...</guimenuitem>
<para>To print out all details of all entries in the database.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
<para><action>Quits</action> &kab;.</para>



<sect2 id="kab-edit-menu">
<title>The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu</title>


<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Add Entry...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para><action>Add a new entry to the address book</action>. This does
 the same
as using the Toolbar <guiicon>New entry</guiicon>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Edit
entry...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para>If you are in Business card view you can use this menu item (or
the Toolbar <guiicon>Edit Entry...</guiicon> icon) when you want to
<action>edit the current entry</action>, rather than changing to
<guimenuitem>Editing</guimenuitem> view with the
menu choice.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Remove Entry</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
<para>Remove the current entry from the database.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>M</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Send an Email</guimenuitem>
<para> Does the same as <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> clicking on the
<guilabel>Email</guilabel> line at the bottom of the Business

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>B</keycap></keycombo>
<para><action>Open a browser</action> with the &URL; stored for the
current &kab; entry.</para>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Search Entries...</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Search the database</action> for a particular

<guimenuitem>Enable all Messages</guimenuitem>
<para>There are some messages that might be accidentally disabled by the
user, such as one at start up informing him how to import his old &kde;
1 addressbook. <action>Selecting this menu item makes all such messages
reappear. </action></para>

<guimenuitem>Configure this File...</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Lets you configure some parameters of the current address
book</action>. At present the <guilabel>User fields</guilabel> tab page
does not function, but the <guilabel>Address types</guilabel> tab page
can be used to set up default address <guilabel>Address types</guilabel>
values. </para>

<guimenuitem>Preferences for KDE Address
<para>Allows you to set up some general &kab; settings.</para>



<title>The <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu</title>


<guimenuitem>Business Card</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Show the normal card index view.</action></para>

<listitem><para><action>Change</action> the main &kab; window to allow the entry
to be edited. </para></listitem>

<guimenuitem>Show Main Toolbar</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Show or hide the main toolbar</action>.</para>

<guimenuitem>Show Entry Navigation Toolbar</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Show or hide the toolbar used to navigate through your

<guimenuitem>Show Entry Navigation List</guimenuitem>
<para><action>Show or hide the entry list at the left side of &kab;'s



<title>The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu</title>




<chapter id="faq">
<title>Questions and Answers</title>


<para>Where does &kab; store the address book?</para>
<para>The default address book database is stored at
<filename>~/.kde/share/apps/kab/addressbook.kab</filename>, any new
databases that you have created will be stored wherever you put
them. </para>

<para>What configuration files does &kab; use?</para>
<para>The file <filename>~/.kde/share/apps/kab/kab.config</filename>
holds your &kab; <quote>preferences</quote> and the command strings for
mail and talk.</para>

<para><filename>~/.kde/share/config/kabrc</filename> holds general &kab;
appearance parameters and a list of the most recently visited address

<para>Don't modify these files unless you really know what you are doing
(and have made a back up).</para>



<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>

<para>Program copyright 1996-2001 Mirko Boehm

<para>Documentation copyright 2001</para>

<listitem><para>Mirko Boehm <email></email></para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Pam Roberts



<appendix id="installation">



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