

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 2d17ecc404292c0c782d719b211ea706 > files > 162


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ATTENTION: this file used utf8 encoding
# MythTV added new recording order by mail interface
# mail format require OnTV<> "net remocon" and TV Guide format
# MythMail is distributed under GPL, version 2 only.
# If you don't have a copy of the GPL, get one at:
# Author: Hirobumi Shimada <>

use MIME::Parser;
use Date::Calc qw(check_time check_date This_Year Add_Delta_Days);
use Encode qw(from_to);
use DBI;

### default settings ###
%settings = (
	# mythtv's configuration file
	# please edit configuration path
	'configfile'	=> '/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt',

	# mail charset
	'mailcharset'  => 'iso-2022-jp',

	# generating new program if does not exist required program
	'generate_program' => '1',

	# 0	kNotRecording
	# 1	kSingleRecord
	# 2	kTimeslotRecord
	# 3	kChannelRecord
	# 4	kAllRecord
	# 5	WeekslotRecord
	'type' 		=> 1,

	# set MythTV recording profile
	'profile' 	=> 'Default',

	# any settings 
	'recpriority' 	=> 0,
	'recorddups' 	=> 0,
	'maxnewest' 	=> 0,
	'maxepisodes' 	=> 0,
	'autoexpire' 	=> 1,

	# searching postfix in, if needed
	'idpostfix'	=> '',

my @mail_parser_entry = (
	{ (	'title' => 'OnTV Guide Mail',
		'mail_parser' => mail_parser_guide_mail,
		'headeritem' => 'subject',
		'pattern' => 'TV Program Guide' ) },

	{ (	'title' => 'OnTV Remocon Mail',
		'mail_parser' => mail_parser_recording_mail,
		'headeritem' => 'return-path',
		'pattern' => '' ) },

my %blank_prg = (
	'chanid'	=> '',
	'starttime'	=> '',
	'startdate'	=> '',
	'endtime'	=> '',
	'enddate'	=> '',
	'title}'	=> '',
	'subtitle'	=> '',
	'desc'		=> '',
	'category'	=> '',

my $verbose = 1;
my $noupdate = 0;
my $dbprm;

# load database connecting parameters from mythtv's config file
open(CONF, "< $settings{configfile}") or die "cannot open config file:$settings{configfile}\n";

	$dbprm{$1} = $2;

# read mail
my $mail;
	local $/;
	$mail = <>;

	# convert encoding to utf8
	from_to($mail, $settings{mailcharset}, 'utf8');

# parse mail structure
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;

my $ent = $parser->parse_data($mail) or die "cannot parse this mail";

# get mail parser
my $mail_parser = get_mail_parser($ent) or die "no parser for this mail\n";

# connecting db
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbprm{DBName}:$dbprm{DBHostName}",
		$dbprm{DBPassword}) or die $dbh->errstr;

# parsing mail
if (&$mail_parser($dbh, $ent))


### end of main

# find parser
sub get_mail_parser
	my ($ent) = @_;

	foreach $pi (@mail_parser_entry)
		if($ent->head->get($pi->{headeritem}) =~ /$pi->{pattern}/)
			warn "assume:$pi->{title}\n";
			return $pi->{mail_parser};

sub format_time {
	my ($time) = @_;
	my $rc;
	($hour, $min) = $time =~/(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
	if (check_time($hour, $min, 0)) {
		$rc = "$hour:$min:00";
	return $rc;

sub format_date 
	my ($date, $bias) = @_;
	my $year = This_Year;
	my $rc;

	($month, $day) = $date =~ /(\d{2})\/*(\d{2})/;
	if (check_date($year, $month, $day)) 
		($year, $month, $day) = Add_Delta_Days($year, $month, $day, $bias);
		$rc = "$year-$month-$day";
	return $rc;

sub get_chanid
	my ($dbh, $xmltvid, $callsign) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT chanid FROM channel";
	my $chanid;
	if ($xmltvid)
		$sql .= " WHERE xmltvid='$xmltvid.$settings{idpostfix}'";
		$sql .= " WHERE callsign='$callsign'";

	warn "get_chanid:$sql\n" if ($verbose);
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
	if (!$sth->execute)
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return 0;

	if ($sth->rows) 
		my @fields = $sth->fetchrow_array;
		$chanid = $fields[0];
	return $chanid;

sub check_program_existed
	my ($dbh, %prg) = @_;

	my $sql = "SELECT chanid FROM program" .
			" WHERE title='$prg{title}'" .
			" AND chanid=$prg{chanid}" .
			" AND starttime='$prg{startdate} $prg{starttime}'" .
			" AND endtime='$prg{enddate} $prg{endtime}'";
	warn "check_program:$sql\n" if ($verbose);
	my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
	if (!$sth->execute)
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return FALSE;

	my $existed = $sth->rows > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
	warn "rows:$existed\n";

	return $existed;

sub generate_program
	my ($dbh, %prg) = @_;

	my $sql = "INSERT INTO program (chanid,starttime,endtime," .
                    "title,subtitle,description,category,airdate," .
                    "stars) VALUES(" .
		    "$prg{chanid}" .
		    ",'$prg{startdate} $prg{starttime}'" .
		    ",'$prg{enddate} $prg{endtime}'" .
		    ",'$prg{title}'" .
		    ",'$prg{subtitle}'" .
		    ",'$prg{desc}'" .
		    ",'$prg{category}'" .
		    ",'0', '0')";
	warn "generate_program:$sql\n";
	if(!$noupdate && $dbh->do($sql))
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

sub insert_recording_order 
	my ($dbh, %prg) = @_;

	if (!($prg{chanid} = get_chanid($dbh, $prg{xmltvid}, $prg{callsign}))) 
		warn "not configured channel [$prg{'xmltvid'}]\n";

	# non alphabet strings required utf8
	$prg{subtitle} = '' if (!$prg{subtitle});
	$prg{desc} = '' if (!$prg{desc});
	$prg{category} = '' if (!$prg{category});

		&& (!check_program_existed($dbh, %prg)
			|| !generate_program($dbh, %prg)))
		return FALSE;

	$sql = "INSERT INTO record(type, chanid, starttime, startdate" .
			", endtime, enddate, title, subtitle, description" .
			", category, profile, recpriority" .
			", recorddups, maxnewest, maxepisodes, autoexpire)" .
		"VALUES($settings{type}" .
			", $prg{chanid}" .
			", '$prg{starttime}'" .
			", '$prg{startdate}'" .
			", '$prg{endtime}'" .
			", '$prg{enddate}'" .
			", '$prg{title}'" .
			", '$prg{subtitle}'" .
			", '$prg{desc}'" . 
			", '$prg{category}'" .
			", '$settings{profile}'" .
			", '$settings{recpriority}'".
			", '$settings{recorddups}'" .
			", '$settings{maxnewest}'" .
			", '$settings{maxepisodes}'" .
			", '$settings{autoexpire}')";
	warn "set_recording:$sql\n" if ($verbose);

	if (!$noupdate && !$dbh->do($sql))
		warn "$dbh->errstr\n";
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

sub backend_notify_changes
	my ($dbh) = @_;
	my $sql = "UPDATE settings SET data='yes' WHERE value='RecordChanged'";
	warn "backend_notify_changes:$sql\n" if ($verbose);

	if (!$dbh->do($sql))
		warn "$dbh->errstr";
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

## mail parser define

# mail parser
# parse remocon mail
# mail format are
# open {keyword} {source? tv} {'SC'+channel} {starttime} {endtime} {startdate}
# {program title}
sub mail_parser_recording_mail
	my ($dbh, $ent) = @_;
	my %prg = %blank_prg;

	$_ = $ent->bodyhandle->as_string;
	return FALSE if (!/^(open) (.+) (.+) SC(\d+) (\d{4}) (\d{4}) (\d{4})\n(.*)\n/);

	$prg{header}	= $1;
	$prg{keyword}	= $2;
	$prg{source}	= $3;
	$prg{xmltvid}	= $4;
	$prg{starttime}	= $5;
	$prg{endtime}	= $6;
	$prg{startdate}	= $7;
	$prg{enddate}	= $7;
	$prg{title}	= $8;

	# if overlapped 2 days, enddate set tomorrow
	my $bias = $prg{starttime} ge $prg{endtime} ? 1: 0;
	if(!($prg{startdate} = format_date($prg{startdate}, 0))
		|| !($prg{enddate} = format_date($prg{enddate}, $bias))
		|| !($prg{starttime} = format_time($prg{starttime}))
		|| !($prg{endtime} = format_time($prg{endtime}))) 
		warn "broken format\n";
		return FALSE;

	return insert_recording_order($dbh, %prg);

# mail parser
# parse guide mail
# mail format is
# title line
# subtitle lines {optional}
# time info
# description {optional}
# {blank line}
# repeated ...
# ------END--------
sub mail_parser_guide_mail
	my ($dbh, $ent) = @_;
	my @lines = $ent->bodyhandle->as_lines;
	my %prg;
	my $phase = 0;
	my $run = 1;
	my $affected = FALSE;

	while ($run && chop($_ = shift(@lines))) 
		# check end of list
			$run = 0;
			$_ = "";

		# skip blank line
			if($phase < 2)
				warn "broken format\n";
				$affected = TRUE if (insert_recording_order($dbh, %prg));

			%prg = %blank_prg;
			$phase = 0;

		if($phase == 0)
			# first line is title
			$prg{title} = $_;
		elsif ($phase == 1)
			# few subtitle line and time info
				$prg{subtitle} .= $_;
				$prg{startdate} = $1;
				$prg{enddate} = $1;
				$prg{starttime} = $2;
				$prg{endtime} = $3;
				$prg{station} = $4;
				$prg{callsign} = $5;
				$prg{category} = $6;

				$prg{startdate} =~ s/\///;
				$prg{enddate} =~ s/\///;

				$prg{starttime} =~ s/[^\d]//g;
				my $sbias = $` =~ /æ·±/ ? 1 : 0;
				$prg{endtime} =~ s/[^\d]//g;
				my $ebias = $prg{starttime} ge $prg{endtime} 
					? $sbias+1 : $sbias;

				if(($prg{startdate} = format_date($prg{startdate}, $sbias))
					&& ($prg{enddate} = format_date($prg{enddate}, $ebias))
					&& ($prg{starttime} = format_time($prg{starttime}))
					&& ($prg{endtime} = format_time($prg{endtime})))
					warn "broken format:$_\n";
					%prg = ();
					$phase = 0;
			# description lines
			$prg{desc} .= $_;

	return $affected;
# end