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<center><h1>Module <a href="type_Goals.Array.html">Goals.Array</a></h1></center>
<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> Array: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="Goals.Array.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><hr width="100%">
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALforalli"></a>foralli : <code class="type">?select:('a array -> int) -> (int -> 'a -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a>) -> 'a array -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">foralli ?select g a</code> returns the conjunctive iteration
     of the application of goal <code class="code">g</code> on the elements of array <code class="code">a</code>
     and on their indices. The order is computed by the heuristic
     <code class="code">?select</code> which must raise <code class="code">Not_found</code> to terminate.
     Default heuristic is increasing order over indices.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALforall"></a>forall : <code class="type">?select:('a array -> int) -> ('a -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a>) -> 'a array -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">forall ?select g a</code> defined by <code class="code">foralli ?select (fun _i x -&gt; g x) a</code>,
     i.e. indices of selected elements are not passed to goal <code class="code">g</code>.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALexistsi"></a>existsi : <code class="type">?select:('a array -> int) -> (int -> 'a -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a>) -> 'a array -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">existsi ?select g a</code> returns the disjunctive iteration
     of the application of goal <code class="code">g</code> on the elements of array <code class="code">a</code>
     and on their indices. The order is computed by the heuristic
     <code class="code">?select</code> which must raise <code class="code">Not_found</code> to terminate.
     Default heuristic is increasing order over indices.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALexists"></a>exists : <code class="type">?select:('a array -> int) -> ('a -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a>) -> 'a array -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">exists ?select g a</code> defined by <code class="code">existsi ?select (fun _i x -&gt; g x) a</code>,
     i.e. indices of selected elements are not passed to goal <code class="code">g</code>.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALchoose_index"></a>choose_index : <code class="type">(Var.Attr.t -> Var.Attr.t -> bool) -> Var.Fd.t array -> int</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">choose_index order fds</code> returns the index of the best (minimun)
     free (not instantiated) variable in the array <code class="code">fds</code> for the criterion
     <code class="code">order</code>. Raises <code class="code">Not_found</code> if all variables are bound (instantiated).<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALnot_instantiated_fd"></a>not_instantiated_fd : <code class="type">Var.Fd.t array -> int</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">not_instantiated_fd fds</code> returns the index of one element in <code class="code">fds</code>
     which is not instantiated. Raises <code class="code">Not_found</code> if all variables in array
     <code class="code">fds</code> are bound.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALlabeling"></a>labeling : <code class="type">Var.Fd.t array -> <a href="Goals.html#TYPEt">Goals.t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
Standard labeling, i.e. conjunctive non-deterministic instantiation of
     an array of variables. Defined as <code class="code">forall indomain</code>.<br>