

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 70bbdb7c447f780b7bf8f5a27fade4f3 > files > 21


EPIC5-0.9.0 (EPIC5-0.3.10)

*** News 11/24/2008 -- New /window operation, /WINDOW SCROLL_LINES
	The /WINDOW SCROLL_LINES operation overrules /SET SCROLL_LINES for
	one particular window.  The value may be -1 (which is the default, 
	and means use /SET SCROLL_LINES) or a positive number.

*** News 11/01/2008 -- New /SET, /SET DCC_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
	This set will control how long a nonblocking connect for a /dcc get
	or /dcc chat can go before the client decides to abandon it.  The 
	value is in seconds, and 0 turns this off (connects will not time out)
	The default value is 30 seconds.  This feature uses system timers,
	and you shouldn't change the value of this /set while a connect is 
	pending or you'll confuse things and your connects probably won't
	time out properly.

*** News 09/24/2008 -- New script, 'topicbar'
	The idea with this script is to use topline 1 of any window
	with a channel to display the topic of the given channel.

*** News 08/25/2008 -- /SET INPUT_INDICATOR_RIGHT now functional
	It was documented below, but the code for it wasn't finished until
	today.  So now it will start appearing on your input line.

*** News 07/01/2008 -- Add servers from file -- $serverctl(READ_FILE filename)
	You may now insert servers into the server list from a file using
	$serverctl(READ_FILE filename) where "filename" is the name of the 
	servers description file.  Note that the servers are appended to the
	end of the servers list!  The filename must be in the same format
	as the server description file that is loaded at startup.


*** News 06/25/2008 -- configure --without-wserv, job control
	Configure now checks your system to see if it has posix job control
	(which means you have setsid() and tcsetpgrp()) and if it does not,
	it turns off job-control features:
		/LOADing of compressed files
		$open() of compressed files
		The -b command line option
		External crypto program support
		Asynchronous (nonblocking) DNS lookups
		Wserv support

	You can also use the --without-wserv flag to configure to turn off
	wserv support for a system that otherwise supports job control.
	There is nothing gained by omitting wserv support, only things
	removed.  Normally this flag wouldn't be added but I did it as a
	favor to someone.

*** News 06/25/2008 -- You can now /ignore a server
	Due to some networks (undernet) having annoying servers that 
	spam you 10-20 times a day with annoying messages you don't want
	to receive, it's now possible to /ignore a server:

*** News 05/09/2008 -- Hitting ^C twice interrupts infinite loop
	Historically, if you hit ^C twice in a row and the client is stuck,
	it will send itself a SIGARLM.  In the past, this was because the
	client used blocking connect()s and stuff, and guarded them with
	alarm(3)s, so sending SIGARLM would cause an early interruption to 
	a blocking connect.

	Anyways, since we don't have any blocking stuff any more, this is no
	longer useful for its intended purpose.  You've been able to send the
	client a SIGUSR2 to raise a 'system exception" which attempts to 
	gracefully end an infinite loop in your script.  Hitting ^C twice
	in a row on a stuck client will send a SIGUSR2 which will cause an
	infinite loop in your script to terminate.

	This was written and contributed by fusion.  Thanks!

	The input line has been changed so the input prompt is always visible.
	When you reach the right or left side of the display, the input line 
	will still scroll side-to-side, but the input prompt will always be 
	visible, not just when you're at the start of the input line.

	Because it would otherwise not be obvious whether you are at the 
	beginning of the input line or not, there have been two new /set's
		/set input_indicator_left +
		/set input_indicator_right  +

	When there is more stuff on the input line than what is currently
	visible, if the extra stuff is off to the left, the first /set is
	used to tell you there is more in that direction.  If the extra 
	stuff is off to the right, the second set is used to tell you there
	is more in that direction.

	As of the time of this writing, the support for the second /set isn't
	ready yet, so there is no visual clue if you are at the end of the
	input line or not.  Keep watching for more info about this.

*** News 04/23/2008 -- Added new /on, /ON WINDOW_NOTIFIED
	This is hook is thrown when there's activity in a hidden window
	that is notified.
		$0 - The window refnum
		$1 - The level of the activity.
	Be careful with this hook, as output defered from it, may
	wreak havoc. 


*** News 04/10/2008 -- Added new /on, /ON SIGNAL
	You can hook signals with /ON SIGNAL
		$0 - The signal that was caught (a number)
		$1 - The number of times this signal has been caught
		     since the last time /ON SIGNAL was thrown
	Not every signal can be caught, and some signals are dangerous
	to catch.  For example, no matter what, you can't catch signals
	9 (KILL) or 13 (PIPE) 15 (TERM).  It's safe to catch 30 (USR1)
	and 31 (USR2), but everything else is entirely at your own risk.
	You should /defer anything you do within an /on signal to be safe.

*** News 04/10/2008 -- /USERHOST -FLUSH
	/USERHOST -FLUSH removes those userhosts which are "pending send"
	not those which are "pending receive".



*** News 03/10/2008 -- /NOTIFY list now applicable to local server.
	The notify list can now be updated on a per server basis.  This is done
	by placing the ":" nick before the list of local changes in the /NOTIFY
	command.  Everything on the /NOTIFY line UP TO the ":" is still
	applicable to every server.

	/NOTIFY : - [nicks]  # Clear local list and replace with [nicks].
	/NOTIFY - : [nicks]  # Clear all notify lists and add [nicks] locally.

*** News 01/28/2008 -- /ON WINDOW_COMMAND has command as $2        (kitambi)
	The command being executed is $2 in /on window_command.  If you do evil
	things with this, you may crash the client.  You Have Been Warned.

*** News 01/23/2008 -- New built in function $check_code(...)
	--- Warning --- This function is not really as useful as it looks
	because you would be unable to submit an invalid block statement
	or expression to the function without getting a warning from the 
	syntax parser in the first place.  I don't know how I will "fix"
	this, but maybe you might find the function interesting for now.

	The $check_code() function takes either a *block statement* 
	(surrounded by curly braces {}) or an *expression* (surrounded 
	by parenthesis ()) and tells you whether the item is well-formed
	and does not have any unmatched braces or parentheses.  It does 
	*NOT* tell you if the code or expresison inside the item is valid
	or even makes sense, it only tells you if it contains code that
	you could pass to /eval or to /@.

	Return values:
		 0 - The expression or block statement looks ok
		-1 - This is not an expression or block statement
		-2 - The expression/block statement is invalid, probably
		     because there is unmatched brace or parenthesis
		-3 - There is trailing garbage after the closing brace or
	More return values will probably be added in the future as more
	errors become detectable.

*** News 01/22/2008 -- /SERVER listing now shows your vhost
	The listing of your servers from /SERVER now shows you the vhost
	that you're using (if any).  I forget who asked for this.

*** News 01/22/2008 -- Oper passwords no longer revealed with ^L
	Wjr pointed out that if you did /oper and typed a password that
	was hidden and hit ^L it would reveal the password.  This has 
	now been fixed.

*** News 01/22/2008 -- $ignorectl(SUSPEND) and $ignorectl(UNSUSPEND)
	Larne asked for a way to globally turn off /ignores for some 
	period of time.  So you can turn off all ignores globally 
	with $ignorectl(SUSPEND) and turn ignores back on again later
	with $ignorectl(UNSUSPEND).  A word of caution -- this is a counting
	queue, so each SUSPEND must be matched with an UNSUSPEND.  If you
	do two SUSPENDs and one UNSUSPEND, it will still be SUSPENDed.
	Use $ignorectl(RESET_SUSPEND) if you get the client totaly confused.

*** News 01/22/2008 -- You can /load executable files, with caution
	Crimedog said that all of his scripts on windows were executable 
	(+x) and epic wouldn't let him /load them, and so I've removed the
	restriction that you can't /load executable files.  I've replaced it
	with a warning that the file is executable and that /loading binary
	files yields undesirable results.

*** News 01/22/2008 -- /xecho -w -1 outputs to current window
	As a special favor to BlackJack, /xecho -w -1 will output to the
	current window, because this is what epic4 used to do, particularly
	when you did /xecho -w $winchan(#foo) and #foo was not a channel
	that you were on (so it returned -1) and it output to the curernt
	window.  In any other case but -1, /xecho -w to a window that 
	does not exist will drop the output.

*** News 01/22/2008 -- New built in function $strptime()
	Now you know the $strftime() function converts a $time() value into
	a string using a special format.  If you have the output of strftime
	and you have the format it was created with,t he $strptime() function
	will return the original $time() value it was created with.  This
	is probably useful by people who are parsing logfiles and want to 
	get a $time() value so they can do time math and see how long ago
	something occured.

	For the moment, this only works if you have strptime(3) on your
	system, and not everybody does.  Very soon, a compat version of 
	strptime() will be shipped with epic to ensure minimum functionality.

*** News 01/05/2008 -- You can now use arglists with /input (fusion)
	You can now use arglists with input, like so:

	input "Enter command and arguments: " (cmd, args) {
		xecho -b You entered [$cmd] and [$args]!

*** News 01/03/2008 -- $info(o) values for libarchive, iconv support
	If the binary supports libarchive, $info(o) will include 'r'.
	If the binary supports iconv, $info(o) will include 'v'.
	Libarchive support is required to /load from a .zip file
	Iconv support is required to be able to do character set translation.

*** News 11/29/2007 -- New function $fix_width()
	The $fix_width() function takes the following arguments:
		cols      $0    Number of columns
		justify   $1    Justification (must be "l" for left justify)
		fillchar  $2    Fill character (a dword, so use " " for space)
		text      $3-   

	This function returns <text> formatted so that it takes up exactly 
	<cols> number of columns on the display.  It does this by adding
	<fillchar> to the string on either the left or the right or both.

	If <text> is already wider than <cols> then it is truncated to <cols>.

	<Justify> must be either "l" for left justify, "c" for center, or "r"
	for right justify.  Only left justify is supported.  The others are
	for future expansion.

	This function is intended for creating full width reverse toplines:
		@ :cols = word(0 $geom())
		@ :str = fix_width($cols l " " blah blah blah blah)
		window topline 1 "^V$str"

	You will probably want to call $fix_width() in a separate statement
	from the /window topline in order to avoid the syntactic confusion
	with passing a double quoted word to /window and passing a double
	quoted word to $fix_width() (the space).  Trust me.  Don't go there.

	In the future, support will be added for right justify and centered.
	Please keep watch out in this document for more info.

*** News 11/29/2007 -- Support for ZIP files from libarchive
	Support for loading files from .zip files has been added.  This first
	round of implementation just adds the raw ability, but it's not 
	totaly ready to be used yet.  You're welcome to start playing with
	it and reporting any problems you have.

	You can $open() a file for reading or /load it from a zip file:
		@fd = open( R)

	If you /load a zip file, it will load the file ".ircrc" in the top
	level directory.  This might be enahanced or changed in the future:
	acts like

	Some operations cannot be performed on zipped files, such as $fseek()
	and $frewind() and so forth.  This might change in the future.

	All of this is based on 'libarchive' being installed.  You will need
	to re-run configure in order to pick up libarchive support after you
	do a cvs update.

*** News 10/22/2007 -- New flag to /lastlog, /lastlog -window
	The /lastlog -window flag lets you grep the lastlog from a different
	window.  The output will still go to the *current* window, however!

*** News 09/19/2007 -- Some built in functions now 'builtin' aliases.
	Several functions that have been deprecated by $xform() have been
	demoted from built in functions to aliases in the 'builtins' script.
		encode		decode		b64encode	b64decode
		urlencode	urldecode	sedcrypt	sha256


*** News 09/14/2007 -- New built in function: $splitw(<delim> <string>)
	This function takes a <string> which has sections delimited by
	<delim>.  The <delim> argument can only be one character.  An
	obvious example of this is $PATH which is a <string> that uses
	the colon as <delim>.  The <delim> is a dword, so you can use the
	space as a delimiter if you needed to.

	This function unconditionally converts <string> into a dword list.
	You will need to xdebug dword to iterate over the return value, or
	you can use $unsplit(" " $splitw(<delim> <string>)) to collapse it
	to a uword list (although this is probably pointless)

		@ directories = splitw(: $PATH)
	might return
		/bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin

		@ foo = splitw(: one:two:three a berry:four:five)
		one two "three a berry" four five

*** News 09/13/2007 -- New /SET, /SET STATUS_HOLDMODE
	This is the value that %{1}H expands to.  The default is " (Hold)".
	If you don't like the "(Hold)" in your status bar when your window
	is in hold mode but not holding anything, unset this variable 
		/set -status_holdmode
	and it will disappear.  Or remove %{1}H from your status format.

*** News 09/13/2007 -- New status expando, %{1}H, hold mode indicator.
	The %H status expando expands when your window is in hold mode
	*and* there is something being held.  But if your window is in
	hold mode, but nothing is held, you can't tell just by looking.
	So the %{1}H status expando will expand whenever the window is in
	hold mode *except* when %H will expando.  This is so you can put
	in your status format and one or the other (but not both) will 
	expand at all times hold mode is on.

	This expando has been added to the client's default status format.
	The value of %{1}H is controlled by /set status_holdmode, and the
	default value of that is " (Hold)"

*** News 09/13/2007 -- Remember, *0 is an rvalue, but *var is an lvalue
	The deref operator ("*") converts a token into an rvalue and then
	uses that as an lvalue.  Example:
		assign foo bar
		@ *foo = [testing]
		echo $bar
	in the above (*foo) is the same as "bar".  But numbers are different.
	Derefing a number yields an rvalue:
		alias oofda { @ foo = *0 }
		offda one
	To convert an argument into an lvalue, deref it a second time:
		alias booya { @ *(*0) = 'testing' }
		booya varname
		echo $varname
	Does that make it clear?

*** News 09/02/2007 -- New function, $is8bit(string)
	This function find the first character of string that has the
	eight bit set. Useful to discover Unicode-strings or other 
	non-eight bit characters.

*** News 08/22/2007 -- New xform, $xform(ICONV "from/to" text)
	If your binary is built with iconv support (re-run configure before
	you tell me it doesn't work!) then you will be able to use iconv()
	to translate strings from one character encoding to another.  This
	might be useful to experimentally convert to and from utf8 while 
	you wait for the unicode-enabled input line to be written.

XXX Help files updated to here XXX

*** News 08/22/2007 -- Checks for iconv in configure: --with-iconv
	Configure will now check for libiconv support.  Normally it will
	look for libiconv.a and iconv.h in the --prefix/lib and 
	--prefix/include directory, or in /usr/local or /opt or /usr/opt.
	If your iconv support is not in any of these places, then you must
	supply the --with-iconv=/path/to/dir where that directory contains
	"include/iconv.h" and "lib/libiconv.a"

*** News 08/22/2007 -- Checks for alt place in configure: --with-localdir
	A lot of times you'll have software installed but it won't be in
	the places the compiler looks for it.  Usually this is /usr/local
	or /opt or something.  You can use this flag to tell configure to
	look in this directory in addition to the default directories.  This
	can aid in ensuring optional dependancies don't get turned off because
	they're in a directory the compiler doesn't look in.

*** News 08/13/2007 -- New /SETs, /SET DEFAULT_REALNAME and DEFAULT_USERNAME
	Per a discussion on the list, it was decided to introduce two new
	what realname and username should be sent to the server each time you
	connect.  Although I can't stop you, you shouldn't unset these 
	variables if you know what is good for you.

	/SET DEFAULT_REALNAME replaces /SET REALNAME, which confused people
	who though that /setting it changed their realname immediately

	/SET DEFAULT_USERNAME replaces /ircuser which confused people
	because they thought it was going to be a /set.

*** News 07/20/2007 -- New /SET, /SET LASTLOG_REWRITE
	This provides the default value to /lastlog -rewrite whenever you
	don't use the /lastlog -rewrite flag.  If you always want the 
	/lastlog command to timestamp each line, try this:
		/set lastlog_rewrite $strftime($1 %T) $8-

	(Remember, if you use this in a pf loaded script to double up $'s...
		/set lastlog_rewrite $$strftime($1 %T) $$8-		)

*** News 07/20/2007 -- New flag to /LASTLOG, /LASTLOG -REWRITE
	The /LASTLOG -REWRITE flag rewrites each lastlog line with the 
	following values for $*
		$0  - The lastlog item's unique refnum
		$1  - Timestamp (suitable for use with $strftime())
		$2  - Window refnum
		$3  - Output level
		$4  - Reserved for future use
		$5  - Reserved for future use
		$6  - Reserved for future use
		$7  - Output target
		$8- - The logical line of output
	Not all of these field are intended to be useful -- but I don't
	know what sort of imaginative things people might come up with.

	Example:  To put a timestamp before every line...
		/lastlog -rewrite "$strftime($1 %T) $8-"

*** News 07/04/2007 -- New $windowctl() option, $windowctl(GET refnum CHANNELS)
	You can now fetch all of the channels in a window by using
		$windowctl(GET <refnum> CHANNELS)
	There is no defined order to the channels returned.

*** News 07/02/2007 -- Clarification of single-indirection implied hooks
	Earlier, I said...
	   You may surround <string> with {}s if you wish, to avoid quoting
	   hell.  Match sure to keep your {}s matched up if you do so.
	   See the "loadformats" info above for how to practically use this.

	But due to a mistake, this never worked correctly.  This is now 
	fixed.  If you compare the normal two-expansion version:
		@ var = [format_send_public]
		@ fmt = '<%W$N%n> $1-'
		addset $var int
		@ hookctl(set list send_public implied \\$var);
		set $var $fmt
	which ties /on send_public dynamically to the value of 
	/set format_send_public.

	If you wanted to do it directly, and not tie the implied hook to a
	variable, you can surround the format in curly braces, like so:
		@ hookctl(set list send_public implied {<%W$N%n> $1-})
	Remember that curly braces protect the insides from $-expansion,
	so for all purposes the inside of {}s is a literal string that is
	not expanded except each time the /on is thrown.

*** News 07/02/2007 -- Clarification on using $'s in expression parser
	The old expression parser used to allow you to use expandos as
	lvalues in order to indirectly assign to variables, for example:
		alias inc {
			@ $0 += 1
	But this is not supported in the new math parser.  Instead you 
	have to use the deref operator, like so:
		alias inc {
			@ *0 += 1
	which does the same thing.

*** News 06/25/2007 -- New flag to /XECHO, /XECHO -AS
	The /XECHO -AS flag will output a message to all windows on the
	current server.  You can combine this with the -S flag if you want 
	to output to another server.  This might be good for blasting a 
	message when you're disconnected from the server.  For another
	example, see below.

*** News 06/25/2007 -- New window level, SYSERR
	The SYSERR window level will now be used for all of those layered
	"INFO --" system errors ("syserrs").  The client will make its best
	effort to ensure that these messages go to the correct server's
	windows, and that /on yell is hooked in the correct server context.

	You can combine this with /xecho -as  [see above]...
		on ^yell "* INFO -- *" {xecho -as $*}


*** News 06/02/2007 -- New tranformer: $xform(ALL)
	The $xform(ALL) transform ignores the text and returns a list of
	all supported tranformers.  If the user didn't compile SSL support,
	then you won't be able to use the strong crypto transforms, so this
	is a great way to check before trying to use crypto.

	Since this is a regular old transform, you can further transform it
	any way you want to (if you want to).

*** News 06/01/2007 -- More $xform()s added to the list below
	Please re-read the list immediately below, it's been updated!

*** News 06/01/2007 -- Totaly rewritten $xform(), now actually useful!
	Here's the plan -- we're going to do this over again a second time.

	$xform("<transformations>" "meta" "meta" text)
	Where the <transformation>s are supported by transform_string().
	At the time i write this, they are:

	Reversable encodings that convert between binary and printable data
	and do not require a meta:
	     URL             URL encoding           
	     ENC             Base16 encoding        
	     B64             Base64 encoding        
	     CTCP            CTCP encoding          
             NONE            Straight copy -- data not changed

	Reversable encryptions that require a meta value (a password):
	     SED             Simple Encrypt Data  
	     BF              Blowfish-CBC         
	     CAST            CAST5-CBC            
	     AES             AES256-CBC
	     AESSHA          AES256-CBC with SHA256 digest of the meta
	     DEF             Default encryption     (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!)

	Irreversable digest operations that do not require a meta:
	     SHA256          SHA256 message digest

	You can string together multiple transformations.  Any transformation
	that requires a meta value (ie, a cipherkey) should be supplied after
	the transformations *in the correct order*.  After this should be the
	plain text.  To apply a transformation, prefix its name with a plus sign
	("+") and to remove a transformation, prefix its name with a minus sign
	("-").  For example, +URL means url encode, and -URL means url decode.

	The transformations is a dword (must be surrounded by double quotes if
	it contains a space, which it will if you do multiple transformations).
	The meta values are dwords (must be surrounded by double quotes if 
	they contain a space).  These two things make this function behave 
	differently than functions normally do, so this is a documented 

	     URL-encode a string     $xform(+URL this is a string)
	     URL-decode a string     $xform(-URL this%20is%20a%20string)
	     SED-cipher a string     $xform(+SED password this is a string)
	     SED-decipher a string   $xform(-sed password <whatever>)

	More practical examples:
	1) Read binary data from a file, encrypt it, and url encode it again.
	     @fd = open(file.txt R)
	     @data = read($fd 1024)
	     @cipher = xform("-CTCP +SED +URL" password $data)
	     msg someone $cipher

	Why does this work?
	 -- $read() returns ctcp-enquoted data, so -CTCP removes it
	 -- Now we have binary data, so +SED will cipher it
	 -- Now we have ciphertext, so +URL will url encode it.

	We can send this to someone else, and they can put it in $cipher...

	     @newfd = open(newfile.txt W)
	     @newdata = xform("-URL -SED +CTCP" password $cipher)
	     @writeb($newfd $newdata)

	We did the reverse of the above:
	 -- We -URL to recover the binary data
	 -- We -SED to decrypt it using the password
	 -- We +CTCP to put it in a form we can use with $writeb().


*** News 05/31/2007 -- New math operator, Unary ** operator
	The ** unary prefix operator treats its operand as an unexpanded
	string, permitting it to be expanded again.  This should remove
	most any need to use /eval.  Example:
		@ foo = 'this is a string with $var in it'
		@ var = 'one'
		@ val1 = **foo
		@ var = 'two'
		@ val2 == **foo
	So $val1 is "this is a string with one in it" and $val2 is
	"this is a string with two in it".  You can apply this operator
	to any rvalue (natch):
		@ foo = **[booya $foo booya!]
		@ foo = **[booya this is a string with $var in it]
		@ foo == [booya this is a string with two in it]

*** News 05/17/2007 -- New script, 'dcc_ports'
	This script adds two new sets:
		/set dcc_port_min <number>
		/set dcc_port_max <number>
	which create a port range which will be used by your dcc's.  Each
	number in the range will be chosen sequentially (this will be 
	enhanced further in the future) and any time you change either of 
	these values you reset the sequence and it goes back to the minimum
	port again.  When the port range is exhausted, it will cycle back
	again to the minimum port.

*** News 05/17/2007 -- Default ports for dcc, recovering from ports-in-use
	There are two new features, that sort of complement each other, and
	sort of overlap each other.  Whether to use one or the other depends
	on how your script is set up and what your needs are.

	When you use /dcc chat or /dcc send, but do not use the -p flag to
	specify a port, you can create a callback to your script to create
	a default port:
		@dccctl(DEFAULT_PORT <string>)
	The <string> will be expanded with $* being the dcc refnum of the
	dcc needing a port number.  The expanded value of <string> will be
	used to set the WANT_PORT value (see below).  If a port cannot be 
	used because it is already in use by someone else, this value will
	be expanded repeatedly until it generates a port we can use.

	Whenever you use /dcc chat or /dcc send and use -p to bind a port,
	and that port is already in use, then /on dcc_lost will be thrown
		$0	The person you're sending it to
		$1	The dcc type (ie, send or chat)
		$2	The filename (url encoded)
		$3	The refnum of the dcc
		$4	The port that we tried to use that is in use.
		$5-	The literal string "PORT IN USE"
	It is expected that you will catch this hook and then do
		@dccctl(SET $4 WANT_PORT <new port>)
	and then the client will try the new port again.  If a port cannot
	be used because it is already in use by someone else, this hook will
	be thrown repeatedly until you set a port we can use, or you don't
	change the port

	In either case, if a port is in use, and neither the DEFAULT_PORT
	nor /ON DCC_LOST results in the WANT_PORT value being changed, then
	the dcc will be considered a failure, and it will be abandoned, 
	just as it has always been until this change.

*** News 05/15/2007 -- New dccctl() value, "WANT_PORT"
	You can now get and set the "WANT_PORT" value for a dcc, which 
	is the value that the -p flag sets.  You can therefore use this
	to change the -p flag for the user.  Because this value is only
	used at the time the client tries to bind() an inbound address,
	changing this value after the dcc has already been offered will
	have no effect: it is too late at that point to change the port.

*** News 05/15/2007 -- Normalization of the /SAY and /SEND commands
	The old behavior:
	- /SEND (the command used when you type text) sends a message to 
	       1) Current Query
	    or 2) Current Channel
	    or 3) Nowhere
	- /SAY (the "empty" command to overrule a query) sends a message to 
	       1) Current Channel
	    or 2) Nowhere

	The new behavior:
	- /SEND sends a message to 
	       1) Current Query
	    or 2) Current Channel
	    or 3) Nowhere
	- /SAY sends a message to 
	       1) Current Channel
	    or 2) Current Query		<--- this is the change here
	    or 3) Nowhere

	So /SAY will now send a message to the current query if you are
	not on a channel, rather than silently failing.  Until this change,
	there was no way to do this at all.

*** News 05/13/2007 -- ***IMPORTANT*** Removal of /SET REVERSE_STATUS_LINE
	The /set reverse_status_line variable has been removed.  This means
	that your /set status_format* variables, and your /window status_format
	variables will not be auto-prepended with ^Vs like they have always
	been since time immemorial.  You ***MUST*** prepend your status_formats
	with ^Vs (control-Vs, ie, the reverse character) if you want them to
	appear in reverse. 


*** News 04/11/2007 -- New argument to /xecho, -TARGET
	Usually if you wanted to output to a channel's window, you would do
		/xecho -w $winchan(#channel) ....
	but someone asked (nicely) for a -target flag to /xecho because they
	thought that looked nicer.  So now you can do
		/xecho -t #channel ...

*** News 04/11/2007 -- New serverctl operation "ALLGROUPS"
	The $serverctl(ALLGROUPS) operation will return a unique list of all of
	the group names used in all your servers.  Do not pass any arguments 
	to this operation, since that's reserved for future expansion.

*** News 04/11/2007 -- New gettable serverctl value, "FULLDESC"
	This value returns the fully qualified server description for a
	server, suitable for writing into a servers file, or for passing
	to /server -add or any old place.  You can only get this value; 
	you cannot set it, although that's planned for the future.

*** News 01/27/2007 -- New serverctl value, "AUTOCLOSE"
	Normally a server is automatically closed when the last window
	to it is disconnected (or killed).  Many people hate this behavior
	and would like to have a server's connect persist even if there
	are no windows connected to it.  You can now control this behavior.
		@serverctl(SET refnum AUTOCLOSE 0)
	The default is 1 (natch).  The behavior of turning this off is 
	not well understood.  Use with caution, tell me of any troubles.

*** News 12/09/2006 -- New configure flag, --with-threaded-stdout
	EJB has graciously provided us with a patch to do threaded output.
	This code will hopefully work around problems with gnu screen
	blocking, causing pinging out of your servers.  You can turn this
	code on by using the '--with-threaded-stdout' flag to configure.
	This code is sort of experimental at this time, but this is an
	officially supported feature, so please do report any problems you
	have with it.
	If you turn this option on, then $info(o) will include 'o'.

*** News 11/17/2006 -- New flag to /userhost, /userhost -extra
	The /USERHOST -EXTRA flag causes the present value of a variable 
	to be appended to the $* value of the results of a userhost query.

	Remember that /on 303 and /userhost -cmd are hooked with:
		$0	Nickname
		$1	+ if oper, - if not oper
		$2	+ if away, - if not away
		$3	Username
		$4	Hostname
	and now,
		$5-	Contents of the -extra variable

	If you do not hook /on 303 or use /userhost -cmd, the contents of the
	-extra variable are appended to the output.

		@ foo = [extra stuff]
		USERHOST hop -extra foo -cmd {xecho -b $0!$3@$4 ($5-)}
	might output
		*** hop! (extra stuff)

	Remember that the argument to the -extra flag is *an lvalue*
	(the name of a variable) and is not literal text!  The lval is 
	expanded (yeilding an rval) and *that* value is saved, and used
	later on.  You can freely change the value of the variable and 
	that will not affect anything:

		@ foo = [extra stuff]
		USERHOST hop -extra foo -cmd {xecho -b $0!$3@$4 ($5-)}
		@ foo = [blah blah]
	still will output:
		*** hop! (extra stuff)
	because the value is saved at the time you do /userhost.


*** News 11/04/2006 -- $shift() and $unshift() changed like $push() and $pop()
	In the same way that $push() now only takes two arguments, $unshift()
	now takes only two arguments, an lval, and an unquoted dword:
		@ foo = [one two]
		@ unshift(foo three four)
			($foo is one two "three four")

	In the same way that $pop() now only takes one argument, $shift() 
	now only takes one argument, an lval:
		@ foo = [one two three]
		@ booya = shift(foo)
			($booya is one and $foo is two three)

*** News 11/04/2006 -- The /xdebug command now takes a block argument
	You can temporarily change the /xdebug value for a block of
	statements, and have the original value restored, all in one

		xdebug dword { @push(bar "one two") }
		@ foo1 = leftw(1 $bar)
			($foo1 is "one)
		xdebug dword { @ foo2 = leftw(1 $bar) }
			($foo2 is "one two")

*** News 11/04/2006 -- New built-in function, $curcmd() (nullie)
	With this one you know what command is currently executing. For
	instance, you might want to not timestamp lines generated by
	/lastlog to avoid having doubled timstamps, or prepend them with
	something else than timestamps.


	/set output_rewrite ${ curcmd() == [lastlog] ? [Lastlog:] : Z} $1-

*** News 11/4/2006 -- Changes to how $push() works with dwords
	Up until this time, the $push() function treated the arguments
	as a list of words, rather than a single word that needed to be
	added.  This caused confusion because people didn't have a way
	to add a word atomically.  For example:

		xdebug dword
		assign foo one two
		@push(foo three four)
		echo $foo                 returns   one two "three four"

	So from now on, $push() takes two arguments, an lvalue, an a
	single *unquoted* dword.  If the dword contains spaces, then it
	will be quoted before added to the variable (as above)

*** News 11/4/2006 -- Changes to how $pop() works (along with dwords)
	Up until this time, the $pop() function has had two conflicting
	behaviors, that ambiguously overlapped:
		$pop(word word word word)
	But what happens if you have a word list with only one word?
	For this reason, $pop() wasn't really useful, and people avoided
	using it.  So I've removed the ambiguity by removing the first
	case, which isn't used.

	If you want to $pop() off a word list, use $rightw(1 <word list>)
	which has the proper behavior.

	Further, to differentiate $rightw() from $pop(), the $pop()
	function returns an *dequoted string*, as in this example:

		assign foo one two "three four"
		xdebug dword
		echo $rightw(1 $foo)       returns "three four"
		echo $pop(foo)             returns three four

*** News 10/25/2006 -- New field for server descriptions, 'vhost'
	You may now specify per-server virtual hostnames ("vhosts")
	by using the "vhost" field in a server descrpition.  


	Obviously the value you set for vhost must be a value that 
	you could use for /hostname; that is, a hostname or p-addr
	that resolves to an address your machine will let you bind().
	Specifying a vhost for the wrong protocol will malfunction.
	 (For example: /server[ff::ff] )

*** News 09/24/2006 -- New /ON, "WINDOW_SERVER" (nullie)
	This new hook will trigger every time window's server is
	changed. This might be useful for purging window-related data
	such as scripted window-to-channel associations. The params are:
	$0 - affected window's refnum
	$1 - old server
	$2 - new server

*** News 09/19/2006 -- New /ON, "UNKNOWN_COMMAND" (nullie)
	The hook is thrown whenever an unknown command is entered on the
	command line or specified in a script. This way, you can
	complete a partial command name with an ambiguous hook. The
	params are:

	$0 - command being unknown
	$1 - parameters, if any

*** News 09/19/2006 -- New /ON, "CHANNEL_LOST" (nullie)
	This hook is thrown whenever the client leaves a channel for any reason.
	It is meant as a generalized way for clearing channel-related structures
	in scripts, instead of having to hook on several other ones (KICK, PART
	and SERVER_LOST). The parameters are:

	$0 - server refnum where a channel is being destroyed
	$1 - channel name

	Have one thing in mind, though. This hook isn't necessarily
	thrown in current server's context. Instead of $servernick(),
	you need to do $servernick($0).

*** News 09/18/2006 -- New keybinding, "RESET_LINE"
	The "RESET_LINE" keybinding is intended to be used by tabkey and
	history recall scripts that need to be able to replace the contents 
	of the input line without affecting the cut buffer.

	The RESET_LINE keybinding takes an argument (naturally) that is
	the new value of the input line.  If you don't provide an argument
	then the input line is simply cleared.

	   /alias oofda {parsekey reset_line this is your new input line}
	   /bind ^I parse_command {oofda}
	   (type something and then hit tab)

*** News 09/18/2006 -- New field in server description, "proto"
	A new (seventh) field, has been added to server descriptions.
	This field is named "protocol" (see below) and can be abbreviated
	as "pr".  The field restricts what socket protocols you want epic
	to use for this server.  Possible values are;
		tcp4    or   4		IPv4 only
		tcp6    or   6		IPv6 only
		tcp     or   any	IPv4 or IPv6, doesn't matter
	Naturally, "any" is the default.

*** News 09/16/2006 -- Enhancements to server descriptions
	You are permitted to skip fields in the server description.  Each
	field has a name that you refer to it by:
		host	port	pass	nick	group	type

	You can change the field by "assignment", like so:

	The server description actually skips to the name field, so
	you don't have to specify them in order, you can skip around
	however it suits you.  If you skip to a field and then don't
	specify the name of the following field, whatever field would
	naturally follow is assumed:


	In this case, you skipped to the 'group' field, and the field
	that follows that is 'type', so that is what "irc-ssl' is 
	assumed to be.

	This can be used any place server descriptions are taken, 
	from /server, to /window server, to ircII.server, to the
	command line, everywhere.

*** News 09/14/2006 -- WINDOW command will fail if given invalid window refnum
	Consider the behavior of
	in the two cases where the window 'foo' does and does not exist.

	Up until now, if 'foo' existed, it will killed, but if 'foo' did
	not exist, this was not an error, and the current window was killed.
	Ignoring window refnums that didn't exist was intended as a courtesy
	but actually is a hassle, since most people assume that any further
	commands will operate only on that window, or not at all.

	So this behavior has been changed.  In the above case, if 'foo' does
	not exist, then the /window command simply fails at that spot and
	all further actions in that statement are ignored.

*** News 09/14/2006 -- Some functions no longer support double quoted words
        The work was done by nullie.

        The following functions have previously supported double quoted
        words, but due to popular sentiment, this support is being removed
        to make the functions useful with untrusted data (ie, irc stuff)

        match           rmatch          userhost        word
        remw            insertw         chngw           pattern
        filter          rpattern        pop             findw
        findws          splitw          diff            sort
        numsort         uniq            remws           getsets
        getcommands     getfunctions    prefix          rfilter
        copattern       corpattern      cofilter        corfilter

        The following functions didn't support dwords unless you did
        /xdebug extractw.  Nothing has changed for these functions.

        leftw           rightw          midw            notw
        restw           insertw         chngw           beforew
        tow             afterw          fromw           splice

        The /FE and /FOR I IN (list) commands previously supported
        double quoted words, but now they will not.

        You can revert to the epic4 behavior (for now) with /xdebug dword

*** News 08/31/2006 -- New serverctl value, $serverctl(GET refnum ADDRSLEFT)
	This returns the number of addresses left from the last dns lookup
	for the server "refnum".  It's intended to be used like this:
		on server_status "% % CLOSED" {
			if (serverctl(GET $0 ADDRSLEFT)) {
				# epic will be reconnecting...
	This will help nullie write his reconnect script to not trap until
	epic is finished with what it wants to do.

*** News 08/17/2006 -- Add support for OPERWALL, /ON OPERWALL, OPERWALL level
	OPERWALL is an efnet server command which servers send amongst
	themselves.  The local server very graciously sends it to you 
	wrapped in a WALLOPS (big ups to whoever was considerate enough
	and made this decision, you made it much easier to support!)
	so we peer at WALLOPS and route "OPERWALL - " messages to 
	/ON OPERWALL and a new OPERWALL window level.  Now black will 
	stop asking me to add this.

	This is all opt-in.  If you don't hook /on operwall, then they
	continue going to /on wallops and WALLOPS as they have always done.

*** News 08/17/2006 -- Two new server states CREATED and DELETED
	When a server is added to the server list, it's initial state is
	"CREATED".  Once it is initialized, it is switched to the "RECONNECT"
	stage.  So you can trap new servers with:
		/on server_status "% CREATED %" {xecho -b New server is $0}

	Servers that are deleted are switched to the DELETED state:
		/on server_status "% % DELETED" {xecho -b Server $0 going away}
	No matter what you do, you cannot stop the deletion of a server.
	It is recommended you /defer any changes you make to the server list
	from within an /on server_status that traps a server deletion.


*** News 07/01/2006 -- Revamped /encrypt command
	The /encrypt command, which is a legacy ircII command, has been 
	revamped and a lot of functionality has been added (see below).
	The new format looks like this:

		See the cipher list

	*** Ways to specify the other person (TARGET is a NICK or CHANNEL)
	/encrypt TARGET key
		Trade messages with 'nick' on all servers using 'key'.
	/encrypt 0/TARGET key
		Trade messages with 'nick' only on server 0 using 'key'
	/encrypt SERVERNAME/TARGET key	
		Trade messages with 'nick' on server 'name' using 'key'.
		'name' can be "ourname", or "itsname"
		Trade messages with 'nick' on group 'group' using 'key'.
	/encrypt ALTNAME/TARGET key
		Trade messages with 'nick' on servers with 'altname' using

	*** Ways to specify the cipher you want to use
	/encrypt nick key
		Trade SED messages (default)
	/encrypt nick key /path/to/program
		Trade messages ciphered by an external crypto script
	/encrypt -SED nick key
		Trade SED messages
	/encrypt -SEDSHA nick key
		Trade SED messages, using the SHA256 hash of 'key'.
	/encrypt -CAST nick key
		Trade CAST5-CBC messages 
	/encrypt -BLOWFISH nick key
		Trade BLOWFISH-CBC messages 
	/encrypt -AES nick key
		Trade AES256-CBC messages 
	/encrypt -AESSHA nick key
		Trade AES256-CBC messages, using the SHA256 hash of 'key'.

	Compatability and availability of all these is discussed in the 
	following news bulletin.

	AESSHA is the best cipher, but if it's not available, then SEDSHA
	is better than SED, but SED is universally compatable.  If you must
	use SED, use a very long key string (40 chars)

	For backwards compatability, messages ciphered by external crypto
	scripts are always sent as SED messages, even though they are not,
	technically, ciphered with SED.

*** News 06/26/2006 -- CAST5, Blowfish, AES, and AES-SHA encryption support
	This only took me 8 years to catch up with ircII!  Yah!
	All of this support is provided by the EVP api in OpenSSL.
	If you don't have OpenSSL, this won't be supported.

	The /ENCRYPT command now takes an argument after the nickname,
	which can be either -CAST, -BLOWFISH, -AES, or -AESSHA
		/ENCRYPT nick -CAST key
		/ENCRYPT nick -AES key
		/ENCRYPT nick -AESSHA key

	The -CAST support is fully compatable with ircII (as of the last 
	time I tested it) and -BLOWFISH isn't compatable with anything 
	but your fellow bleeding edgers (since nobody supports that yet).
	Same thing with -AES (only supported by EPIC for now).

	The Blowfish support is *NOT* compatable with FiSH, because FiSH
	has a couple of idiosyncracies (non-standard Base64, supports keys
	that are longer than what openssl supports).  It would probably be
	more likely that FiSH needs bag-on-the-side support than to be 
	mainlined into the crypto support...

	AES uses a fixed 256 bit key.  This is 32 characters.  If your key
	is not 32 characters, it is padded out with nuls (ascii 0).  If your
	key is more than 32 characters, it is truncated.

	AESSHA runs your key through SHA2 to generate a 256 bit key for AES.
	In any other way, it works the same as AES.

	SEDSHA runs your key through SHA2 to generate a 256 bit key for SED.
	In any other way, it works the same as SED.  Unlike the others, this
	does not depend on openssl and is always available.

	Please remember, when you /ENCRYPT a target, everything you send to
	that target is encoded.  This includes /CTCP requests (/DCC offers).
	Because ircII does not do CTCP-over-CTCP, you won't be able to send
	/DCC SEND or /DCC CHAT offers to ircII users, but it will work with 
	EPIC users.

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New ON, /ON NUMERIC
	The /ON NUMERIC hook is thrown for all numerics that you do not 
	catch with a more specific /ON <number>.  For example:
		/ON 318 * {echo Numeric 318 -- $*}
		/ON NUMERIC * {echo Not Numeric 318 -- $*}
	This can be used to unilaterally replace the default format for 
	numerics that you don't otherwise catch, without having to actually
	catch all of them!  The expandos are:
		$0	The numeric being thrown
		$1	The server who sent the message
		$2-	The message

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New script, 'reconnect' from nullie
	The script causes the client to reconnect to disconnected servers after
	a certain period (/SET reconnect_time, measured in minutes), cycling
	between servers in a given servergroup. To register given servergroup
	for its use, use "/NETWORK ADD group". With conjunction with the
	autojoin scripts, allows the user to automatically rejoin channels he
	was on before a disconnect.

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New script, 'renumber' from nullie
	The script adds an alias (/RENUMBER), filling "gaps" in window numbers.
	If /SET renumber_auto is set (defaults to OFF), this will be performed
	automatically after a window is closed.

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New script, 'floodprot' from nullie
	This script buffers all outgoing data sent by the client before
	transmitting it to the remote server, to avoid "Excess Flood"
	disconnection, e.g. pasting a lot of text or sending a lot of /MODE

	/SET floodprot_burst decides how many lines can be sent immediately
	after an idle period.

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New script, 'autoquery' from nullie
	The script creates new windows for incoming private messages, one per
	each sender.

	/SET autocreate_split_queries (defaults to OFF) decides whether windows
	will be split (ON) or hidden (OFF).

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New script, 'autojoin' from nullie
	The script maintains a list of channels to join upon connecting to a
	server. For user-defined channels that are joined after every connect,
	create an ~/.irc/channels file with one line for each channel to join 
	in the specified format:

	<channel>   <winnum>  <servergroup> [key]

	For instance:

	#epic       2         efnet
	#secretchan 3         somenet       qwerty

	If the reconnect script is loaded and given server's group is added 
	via /network add, the script will automatically rejoin channels on 
	which user was before a disconnect, remembering the keys.

*** News 06/24/2006 -- SEND_LINE does SCROLL_FORWARD in HOLD_MODE
	For those who use HOLD_MODE, if you accidentally scroll back, you
	might find yourself trapped in a place where hitting <enter> (the
	SEND_LINE keybinding) does not get you back current.  To avoid this
	unfortunate situation, if you are in HOLD_MODE, then SEND_LINE 
	keybinding (the <enter> key) will now always advance you forward a 
	page, even if you are in scrollback mode.

*** News 06/24/2006 -- Support for MAILDIR maildrops, /SET MAIL_TYPE
	If you /SET MAIL_TYPE MAILDIR, epic will check your maildir maildrop
	for email instead of your mbox maildrop.  You can /SET MAIL_TYPE MBOX
	to switch back to mbox.
	You must set the MAILDIR (or MAIL) environment variable to point to
	your maildrop.  For MAILDIR, your maildrop is the directory that 
	contains the 'new' and 'cur' subdirectories.

	EPIC will check your 'new' directory for new emails.  This support
	works the same way for maildir as it does for mbox:

		/on mail  (maildir)		/on mail (mbox)
		$0 -- New emails in 'new'	$0 -- New emails in 'mbox'
		$1 -- Total emails in 'new'	$1 -- Total emails in 'mbox'

	The maildir support does not look in 'cur' or anywhere else. 

*** News 06/24/2006 -- Nonblocking SSL negotiation
	Connections to ssl-enabled servers have an SSL protocol negotiation
	stage between the nonblocking connect() and irc protocol negotation.
	Traditionally, this SSL negotation has been blocking, but this can
	take a long time, during which the client is locked up.  So now 
	SSL negotiations are nonblocking.  Yay.

	Previously, the server state goes from CONNECTING to REGISTERING.
	But if it has to take a detour for nonblocking ssl negotation, it

*** News 06/24/2006 -- New script, 'nickcomp' from Blackjac

*** News 06/06/2006 -- Much improved configure support for perl/tcl/ruby

	The code in the 'configure' script that decides how to integrate
	perl, tcl, and ruby has been rewritten.  For the most part, it 
	should automagically work.  Here's the details:

	By default, unless you specify --without-perl (or --with-perl=no), 
	configure will look for the 'perl' program in your path (or use the 
	perl you specify) and will interrogate the extmod package for details 
	how to compile sucessfully against perl.  If the default 'perl' binary
	is fine, you need do nothing at all.  Otherwise, all you need know 
	is what 'perl' binary you want to use.

	Same deal as with perl.  Configure will use the 'ruby' program (or
	the one you specify) to get all the details necessary to get support
	for ruby.  For most people, you need do nothing at all.

	TCL is a little different.  It looks for a '' file.
	These ones are used by default (in this order)
	If your is not in one of these places, or if you want
	to use a specific tcl version, you must specify the path to the 
	tclConfig.h file to --with-tcl.

	Note to package maintainers:
	Please throw away all of the hacks and patches you have in place
	to support the old nasty way to set these flags.  I tried to make
	this as painless as possible.  If the user has ruby/perl installed, 
	then ruby/perl support will be included.  The hard part is tcl, since
	every system puts their in an odd place.

*** News 06/06/2006 -- /SET INPUT_ALIASES and /SET CMDCHARS deprecated
	Due to recent optimizations in the epic command parser, these two
	sets no longer have any function (although they have not yet been
	removed).  If you desparately need the use of these /set's, please
	let me know.  Otherwise someday they will vanish into the ether.

*** News 06/06/2006 -- Support for RUBY: $ruby() and /ruby
	Support for ruby (1.6.4 and 1.8.4 are tested) has been added.  The 
	support is similar to perl and tcl.  You can call out to ruby using 
	either the $ruby() function or the /ruby command.  

	The following callbacks to epic are available from within ruby:

	EPIC.echo(stringval)		Same as /echo
	EPIC.say(stringval)		Same as /xecho -b
	EPIC.cmd(stringval)		Run "stringval" without $-expansion
	EPIC.eval(stringval)		Run "stringval" with $-expansion
	EPIC.expr(stringval)		Return value of epic expression		Return value of epic function call

	All of these functions take one argument (a string) and return one
	value (also a string).

	Some examples:
	To export an epic variable to ruby (as a String object):
		@ ruby(rubyvar='$epicvar')
		ruby {rubyvar = EPIC.expr("epicvar")}

	To export a ruby variable to epic:
		@ epicvar=ruby(rubyvar)
		ruby {EPIC.expr("epicvar=[#{rubyvar}]")}

	To iterate over each item in a ruby collection, passing each
	value as the argument to an epic command:
		ruby {
			something.each {|x|
				EPIC.cmd("epiccmd #{x}")
	(Think of using this to do database access)

	The EPIC.cmd and EPIC.eval commands do not start off a new atomic
	scope within epic.  Consequently, you can read (and write) local
	variables that are otherwise in scope:
		alias booya {
			@ :epiclocal = 5
			ruby {
				rubyvar = EPIC.expr("epiclocal").to_i
				rubyvar = rubyvar + 1
				EPIC.expr("epiclocal = '#{rubyvar}'")
			echo $epiclocal
	It is *IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER* that because EPIC is untyped, everything
	returned to ruby is a String object.  If you have a number in EPIC,
	it will be a String in ruby, and you need to explicitly convert it
	to an integer (as in the above example).

	It is *ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER* that if you use the /ruby
	command, and you use it in a script that is loaded with the standard
	(legacy) loader, the loader will insert semicolons into your ruby code
	in the places where it would belong if it were ircII code.  Needless
	to say, THIS MAY OR MAY NOT ALWAYS BE CORRECT.  The best solution is 
	to get with the program and switch over to the pf-loader where this 
	is entirely under your control.

*** News 06/06/2006 -- New commands: /PERL and /TCL
	Support for perl and tcl has been via the $perl() and $tcl() 
	functions.  Regretably, calling a function submits the argument
	list to quoting hell, which can be particularly painful for perl.
	To remedy this somewhat, you can now call a block of perl or tcl
	code with these new commands.  The block of code must be surrounded
	by curly braces, which protect the inside from quoting hell.
	Usage:	/perl { <perl code goes here> };
	Usage:	/tcl { <tcl code goes here> };

	See the above warnings (for ruby) about using these commands in a 
	script that is loaded by the standard loader.  Semicolons may be
	a problem.  Use the PF loader instead.

*** News 06/06/2006 -- Removal of /set highlight_char
	The long-threatened removal of /set highlight_char has occurred.
	Please use the 'highlight' script for its replacement.

*** News 06/06/2006 -- New script, "chanmonitor"

*** News 06/06/2006 -- Extra support for 64 bits, if you have it.
	Most built-in-functions that take an integer argument will 
	now support 64 bit integer values.  

	Further, the following functions can output 64 bits whereas
	they never could before:
		fseek		numsort		strtol
		tobase		tobase		stat

	EPIC5-0.2.0 was released somewhere in here


*** News 12/09/2005 -- New window verb, /WINDOW INDENT (ON|OFF)
	The /window indent value permits you to tweak the /set indent
	value on a per-window basis.  However, if you do /set indent,
	it will overwrite all of your per-window indent values (I'm 
	open to discussion on this), to retain backwards compatability.

*** News 12/09/2005 -- New built in function, $xform()
	This information is no longer useful.  Do not rely on it.  Please
	            check out the new documentation up above.

	The $xform() function does (symmetrical) string transformations.
	What is a symmetrical transformation?  It is one in which all of
	the bits in the original string are present in the result string,
	and the original string can be recreated from the result.  This is
	distinct from the idea of hashing, which is closer to being a lossy
	compression algorithm.

	The general format of the $xform() function is:
		$xform(TYPE DIRECTION KEY text)
	whereby TYPE is one of the following:
		URL	Convert non-printable chars to %HH equivalent
			Equivalent to $urlencode() and $urldecode()
		ENC	Base16 encoding, for creating variable names
			Equivalent to $encode() and $decode()
		B64	Base64 encoding, for sending over email/http
			Equivalent to $b64encode() and $b64decode()
		NONE	No changes (just copies the string)
		CTCP	Mangle things they way CTCP ought to be
			No equivalent

	and DIRECTION is either "E" (for encoding) or "D" (for decoding),
	and KEY is ignored except for SED, where it is the cypher used in 
	the SED bit-twiddling, and DEF where it is the nickname of the 
	person who it should be transformed for

	At the time I write this, SED, CTCP, and DEF are not implemented
	yet, but they will be soon.  Watch for more info.

	More transformations are expected to be supported in the future
	(including real encryption routines).  It will probably be possible 
	to add your own at some point.

*** News 11/28/2005 -- New /ON, /ON KEYBINDING
	This on goes off whenever a keybinding is activated:
	  $0 - The keybinding that is activated
	  $1 - Length of the sequence (future expansion -- always 0 for now)
	  $2 - The ascii number of the key that activated it.

	Note that $2 only contains the last character in the bound sequence.
	In the future, $2- will change to be a word list containing all of
	the characters in the sequence.  When this change is made, $1 will
	be changed to a positive value.  But for now, $1 is always 0, and 
	$2 is always just the last character.

	If you hook this silently, you will suppress the keybinding!
	If you only want to spy on a keybinding, hook it quietly.
	The purpose for which this was requested was to be able to trap 
	everything bound to SELF_INSERT without having to rebind them.

	To do something every time capital-A is pressed:
	   on -keybinding "SELF_INSERT % 65" {echo You pressed A}
	To keep the user from using the SWITCH_CHANNELS keybinding.
	   on ^keybinding "SWITCH_CHANNELS % *" #

*** News 10/30/2005 -- New function, $dbmctl() [hash table support]
	*** Notice *** This function uses a custom implementation of SDBM.
	The file format it generates should be compatable with $perl() but
	is not compatable with ndbm or gdbm.

	The $dbmctl() function is an interface to the unix DBM API:
	    $dbmctl(OPEN type filename)
		Open a DBM file for read and write access.
	    $dbmctl(OPEN_READ type filename)
		Open a DBM file for read-only access.
	    $dbmctl(CLOSE refnum)
		Close a previously opened DBM file
	    $dbmctl(ADD refnum "key" data)
		Insert a new key/data pair.  Fail if key already exists.
	    $dbmctl(CHANGE refnum "key" data)
		If key already exists, change its data.  If it doesn't exist, 
		add it.
	    $dbmctl(DELETE refnum "key")
		Remove a key/data pair
	    $dbmctl(READ refnum "key")
		Return the data for a key.
	    $dbmctl(NEXT_KEY refnum start-over)
		Return the next key in the database
	    $dbmctl(ALL_KEYS refnum)
		Return all keys -- could be huge! could take a long time!
	    $dbmctl(ERROR refnum)
		Return the errno for the last error.

	"Type" must always be "STD" for now.  Reserved for future expansion.
	"Filename" must be a filename that doesn't include the ".db" extension!
		This is a requirement of the DBM api, and not an epic thing.
	"Refnum" is the integer value returned by OPEN or OPEN_READ
	"Key" is a hash table key value
	"Data" is a hash table data value
	"Start-over" is 1 if you want to fetch the first key in the table, and
		is 0 if you want to fetch the next key.  You must call this
		with 1 before you call it with 0, according to the API.
	ALL_KEYS does a "start-over" and you need to do another "start-over"
		after using it.

*** News 10/29/2005 -- New built in function, $levelctl()
	You may now add new window/lastlog/ignore/flood levels at runtime!
	Once you add a level, you can use it in your windows, and you can use
	it in /xecho -l.  Since ignore and flood control are hardcoded features
	adding a level will show up in their types, but will never be used.

	The $levelctl() function permits you to add and query levels:
		Return a space-separated list of all canonical level names.
		This does not return any alias names (see below)
	  $levelctl(ADD new-name)
		Add "new-name" as a new canonical level name.  This new name
		is automagically considered part of ALL.  There is no way to
		remove levels (yet).  This returns the new level's refnum,
		which is a small integer value.  If you try to add a level
		that already exists, it is not added again, but it's existing
		refnum is returned.
	  $levelctl(ALIAS old-name new-name)
		Add "new-name" as an alias for "old-name".  An alias name is
		permitted anywhere that level names are accepted, but an alias
		name is never output by the client -- it is silently converted
		into the canonical name.  For example, "OTHER" is the canonical
		level name, and "CRAP" is its alias.  If you do 
		It will tell you
			*** Window level is OTHER
	  $levelctl(LOOKUP level-name)
		Returns the refnum for a level-name.  The level-name can either
		be a canonical level name or an alias level name.
	  $levelctl(LOOKUP refnum)
		Returns the canonical level name for a refnum.
	  $levelctl(NORMALIZE level-name(s))
		Given a comma-and-space separated list of level names (like
		what you specify to /window level), this returns a canonical
		form which is suitable for /save'ing or displaying to the user. 
		For example,
		would return


*** News 10/12/2005 -- The %D status bar expando (dcc activity) improved
	Previously, the %D status bar expando showed you "packets" of 
	activity.  A packet was 2k of data, so it looked like this:
		(      hop: 99 of 2350 (4%))
	Now this is all done in reasonable units, like so:
		(      hop: 198Kb of 4.7Mb (4.2%))
	Perhaps in the future I might remove the "b" after "Kb" and "Mb".

*** News 10/12/2005 -- New script 'highlight', removal of highlight ignores
	This is kind of experimental for now, but there is a new script 
	'highlight' which you can /load, which will implement the features
	that were previously available via "highlight ignores".  I haven't
	yet moved /set highlight_char over to the script, but I will do that
	for EPIC5-0.0.8.  If you want to help me make this script more robust,
	drop me a line or just /msg me.  If you have no idea what I'm talking
	about, don't worry, you're not missing anything.

*** News 10/12/2005 -- New built in functions $b64encode() and $b64decode()
	The $b64encode() function takes an arbitrary string and returns an
	expanded string using the Base64 encoding, which uses all of the 
	characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and + and /.  If you count them up, this
	is 64 distinct characters (hence the name base64), which represent
	six bits of information.  Thus, 3 bytes of data (24 bits) can be 
	transformed into 4 characters which are safe to send through data
	channels that can only handle text (such as the irc server, or 
	DCC CHAT, email, or a web server)

*** News 10/12/2005 -- Can now set both level and target with with /XECHO
	Maybe it would help if I just re-documented /XECHO's options:
	XECHO options can always be abbreviated as long as they're not 
	ambiguous.  For example, /XECHO -CURRENT can be used as /XECHO -C,
	and /XECHO -WINDOW can be used as /XECHO -W.

		The same as -W 0  (output to current global window)
	 -LINE <number>
		Must be used in conjunction with -WINDOW.  This allows you to
		replace the <number>th line on a specified window.  This is 
		the feature of the old "scratch windows".  All windows behave
		as scratch windows these days.
	-LEVEL <window-level>
		The window levels are of course NONE, CRAP, PUBLICS, MSGS,
		MODES, and USER1 through USER10.  If you use this option 
		without using -WINDOW, then the output will be sent to the
		window that claims the corresponding level for the current
		server.  If you use this option together with -WINDOW, then
		it will be sent to that window anyways.  This is new, because
		previously you could not tag output to a window with a level
		that didn't belong to that window.
		Output to a visible (non-hidden) window.  If window 0 (the
		global current window) is visible, it is used.  If window 0
		is hidden, then another visible window is chosen.
	-WINDOW <refnum>
		Output to a particular window, instead of the normal one.
		Remember that window refnum 0 is special, and represents the
		global current window which **may or may not** be connected
		to the current server.  If you need the current server's 
		current window, use $serverwin().
		Output to each and every window.
		Prefix the output with the /SET BANNER value.
		Send the output directly to the terminal and do not attempt
		to pre-process it.  This is used to send special control 
		sequences to your terminal that EPIC does not support (such
		as sequences to change your character set)
		Do not allow the line of output to be written to the global
		logfile, a window logfile, or to a /LOG logfile.
		Use say() to output the line, which makes it subject to 
		output suppression rules.  An example will help:
			alias loud { xecho -b This is always displayed }
			alias noloud { xecho -b -s This is not always }

		In the first case, you could do
		and you would still see the output either way.  There is no
		way to "suppress" the output.  In the second case
		shows the output but
		does not.
		("Extended" output?)  Ignore /SET DISPLAY_MANGLE for just 
		this one line, and pretend it was /SET to NORMALIZE instead.
		The most obvious use for this would be to output something in
		color even when the user has used /set display_mangle to strip
		Do not allow the line of output to trigger hidden-window-
		notification.  Normally output to a hidden window will cause
		that window's refnum to show up in the %F status bar expando.
		Using this keeps that from happening.
		End of argument processing: there are no more arguments after
		this and everything else should just be output directly
			xecho -- -f <- the -f here is output!

*** News 10/05/2005 -- Automatic Scrollback rebuilding, new /WINDOW operation
	Whenever the width of a window changes (either because you're 
	swapping it in, and the screen is a different size than when you 
	swapped the window out, or because it's visible on a screen that 
	is changing size), the window's scrollback will be rebuilt.  This is
	accomplished by clearing the scrollback and then rebreaking the 
	lastlog.  If you have a large scrollback and a small lastlog, this
	may result in some data lossage.

	Although the rebuilding process attempts to keep the top of the window
	the same before and after the rebuild, it's possible for what you were
	seeing on your window to be gone after the rebuild.  If this occurs,
	the window will be set to the very top of the scrollback (ie, as far
	back as it can go).

	Generally, it is advisable from now on to have a lastlog that is 
	at least as large as your scrollback, if you want to avoid any
	chance of problems when your windows resize.

*** News 10/05/2005 -- DNS Helper (hostname lookups) now nonblocking by default
	EPIC5-0.0.6 shipped with a dns helper, but it was synchronous (it 
	did not fork off a subprocess).  It has been debugged and now it is
	turned on, and it is asynchronous.  This DNS helper is only used for
	server connections.  This is the final stage in making connections to 
	server fully nonblocking. yay!  However, forking off a child process
	to do the nonblocking dns lookup can cause issues with resource
	limitations.  (Typically you are only permitted to run a certain
	number of processes at a time, and this would count against that limit.)

*** News 10/05/2005 -- New /SET, /SET MANGLE_DISPLAY, many sets removed
	There is a new /SET, /SET MANGLE_DISPLAY, which mangles all output
	being sent to your display, naturally.  It works in the same way
	that /set mangle_inbound, mangle_outbound, mangle_logfiles works,
	and its default value is "NORMALIZE".  You should always specify
	either "NORMALIZE" or "MANGLE_ESCAPE" -- if you turn off both, then
	it will be possible for remote people on irc to send raw escape
	sequences to your display, and that is bad!

	The following /SETs have been superceded by recent changes, and have
	been removed:
		alt_charset 	blink_video 	bold_video
		color		display_ansi 	display_pc_characters
		inverse_video	underline_video

*** News 10/05/2005 -- Functions that changed because of unified mangler
	$leftpc(<COUNT> <TEXT>)
		This function performs a $stripcrap(NORMALIZE <text>) now.
		This function performs a $stripcrap(NORMALIZE <text>) now.
		This function performs a $stripcrap(NORMALIZE <text>) now.
		This function is the same as $stripcrap(NORMALIZE <text>)
		This function is the same as $stripcrap(COLOR <text>)
		See below for important information.

*** News 10/05/2005 -- Unified string mangler/normalizer
	Forget everything you thought you knew about the old mangler and
	normalizer (sorry!).  This is (believe it or not) much less complicated
	than before, and certainly more well documented than before!

	EPIC5 now includes a unified mangler/normalizer that is used by the
	following features:
		(The above functions)
		The input prompt	
		/lastlog -mangle
		/log mangle		
		/set mangle_inbound
		/set mangle_outbound	
		The status bar

	All characters are grouped into one of 9 "types":
	0	Normal chars 		32-127, 160-255
	1	High bit control chars	128-159
	2	Escape char 		^[
	3	Color char 		^C
	4	Highlight toggle	^B ^E ^F ^O ^V ^_
	5	Unsafe char		^M (\r)
	6	Control char		^@ ^A ^D ^H ^K ^L ^N ^P ^Q 
					^R ^T ^U ^W ^X ^Y ^Z ^\ ^] ^^
	7	Beep			^G
	8	Tab			^I
	9	Non-destructive Space	^S

	There are the 12 following mangle types:

	The mangle types transform the characters, according to this table:
        A = Character or sequence converted into an attribute
        M = Character mangled (ie, ^A into ^VA^V)
        S = Character stripped, sequence (if any) NOT stripped
        X = Character stripped, sequence (if any) also stripped
        T = Transformed into other (safe) chars
        - = No transformation

				0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
	(default)               -    -    -    -    A    -    -    T    T    T
	NORMALIZE               -    -    A    A    -    X    M    -    -    -
	MANGLE_ESCAPES          -    -    S    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
	STRIP_COLOR             -    -    -    X    -    -    -    -    -    -
	STRIP_*                 -    -    -    -    X    -    -    -    -    -
	STRIP_UNPRINTABLE       -    X    S    S    X    X    X    X    -    -
	STRIP_OTHER             X    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    X    X
	(/SET ALLOW_C1)         -    X    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -

	There are only *three* ambiguous cases:
	* Type 2:
		MANGLE_ESCAPES has first priority, then NORMALIZE, and 
	* Type 3:
		STRIP_UNPRINTABLE has first priority, then NORMALIZE, and
		STRIP_COLOR.  You need to use both NORMALIZE and STRIP_COLOR
		to remove color changes in escape sequences
	* Type 6:
		STRIP_UNPRINTABLE has first priority over NORMALIZE.

*** News 10/05/2005 -- "ANSI" mangle type linked to "NORMALIZE"
	The mangler type "ANSI" has been renamed to "NORMALIZE".  You can 
	continue to use "ANSI", but it will be silently changed to "NORMALIZE"

*** News 10/05/2005 -- New behavior for $mask() [jm]
	Jm needs to write me some documentation for this...

*** News 08/30/2005 -- De-support of 7-bit-only terminal/emulators
	Once upon a time, long long ago, on a planet far away, there
	used to be terminals and terminal emulators that did not know
	how to handle characters with the 8th bit set.  Thankfully,
	nobody uses these any more.  There has been rudimentary support
	in ircII clients to support this old hardware, but it is now
	unnecessary and only causes to torment people who can't figure
	out how to input their 8 bit characters!

	/SET EIGHT_BIT_CHARACTERS has been removed, and its behavior is
	now hardcoded to the previous "ON" value.  If you really need
	7-bit support, epic4 will always have it...

*** News 08/30/2005 -- Simplification of display mangling, part one
	There are 15 /set's that control how output to the display is
	prepared ("mangled").  That's about 14 too many.  The following
	/set's are at best historical curiosities and do not serve any
	modern purpose.  Their function has been eliminated.


*** News 08/23/2005 -- New /window verb, /WINDOW FLUSH_SCROLLBACK
	The /WINDOW FLUSH_SCROLLBACK option, which I already regret the
	naming of, deletes all of the items in your scrollback buffer.
	Because the scrollback buffer is used to paint your window, your
	window will be cleared when you do this.

*** News 08/10/2005 -- Mangle level "ALL" does not include "UNPRINTABLE"
	This was a mistake, and "ALL" should never have included the
	UNPRINTABLE mangle level.  So if you want to do them both, then
	just do ALL,UNPRINTABLE.  Although you would never want to do
	that, since UNPRINTABLE is more encompassing than ALL.


*** News 08/08/2005 -- Updated behavior for /DCC GET
	Based on a request from larne, the following syntaxes are now
	supported for /DCC GET:

	* /DCC GET nick file1 file2 ... fileN /directory
	This will download one or more files to /directory.

	* /DCC GET nick offered-file not-offered-file
	This will do a /DCC RENAME get nick offered-file not-offered-file
	and then a /DCC GET not-offered file.  You cannot combine this with
	the previous syntax.

	* /DCC GET nick
	Download ALL files that "nick" have offered you.  You can combine
	this with the first one, (/DCC GET nick /directory) to download 
	all files offered to a single directory.

*** News 08/06/2005 -- Generalized status bar activity handling
	There are three new windowctls, and /window commands to follow
	later on.  They allow you to control a new status bar expando %E.
	This will take a bit of explanation.

	Each window has 11 "activity levels".  An "activity level" is a 
	format and a $* value.  The activity levels are numbered 0 to 10,
	and 0 is special.

	Each window has a 'current activity level' which you can set with:
		$windowctl(SET <winref> CURRENT_ACTIVITY <number>)
	When you set the current activity level to a number 1 to 10, then 
	the %E status bar expando will replace with that activity level's
	format expanded against that activity level's data.  The activity 
	level 0 is not usable, but instead stores default values that are
	used if you don't define something else for the activity level.

	To set a window's activity level format:
		$windowctl(SET <winref> ACTIVITY_FORMAT <number> <string>)
	Remember that $'s in <string> need to be doubled, in order to protect
	them from being expanded at $windowctl() time.  You do not need to
	(and you should not) put quotation marks around <string>.  If you do
	not set an activity format for a given level, then the activity format
	you set for level 0 will be used as a default.

	To set a window's activity level data:
		$windowctl(SET <winref> ACTIVITY_DATA <number> <string>)
	This is the value of $* that will be used to expand the activity 
	format each time epic redraws the status bar.  If you do not set 
	an activity data for a given level, the activity data you set for 
	level 0 will be used as a default.

	So to put this all together, if you set the current_activity value
	to 0, then the %E expando will expand to nothing.  If you set the
	current_activity level to any value 1 to 10, then it will expand to
	the "activity_format" value, which is expanded on the fly using the
	"activity_data" value as $*.  If you use a current_activity level that
	is missing an activity_format or activity_data value, the values you
	set for level 0 are used as defaults.

		$windowctl(SET 1 ACTIVITY_FORMAT 1 ^C3$$*)
		$windowctl(SET 1 ACTIVITY_FORMAT 2 ^C4$$*)
		$windowctl(SET 1 ACTIVITY_FORMAT 3 ^C7$$notifywindows())
		$windowctl(SET 1 ACTIVITY_FORMAT 4 ^C12$$*)
		$windowctl(SET 1 ACTIVITY_DATA 0 booya)
		$windowctl(SET 1 ACTIVITY_DATA 2 hazmat)

	Now if I
		$windowctl(SET 1 CURRENT_ACTIVITY 1)
	then %E will expand to a green "booya" because the format is
		^C$$* and the value of $* is "booya" 
				(from activity_data 0)
	If I then
		$windowctl(SET 1 CURRENT_ACTIVITY 2)
	then %E will expand to a bold red "hazmat" because the format is
		^C4$$* and the value of $* is "hazmat" 
				(cause I set activity_data 2)

	If I then
		$windowctl(SET 1 CURRENT_ACTIVITY 3)
	then %E will expand to a yellow $notifywindows() that will dynamically
	update, because there are two $'s in front of it.  It will ignore the
	"booya" because it does not reference $*.

	This feature is intended to be used to create a %F workalike that
	gives you full and utter control over all aspects of how the expando
	will show up, since you get 10 levels, plus a default level, and you 
	get to control which ones use the default and which ones get their
	own custom $* and you control the formats -- you control it all.
	Have fun!

*** News 08/05/2005 -- New flag to /LASTLOG, /LASTLOG -MANGLE
	The /LASTLOG -MANGLE flag takes a mangle description (the thing that
	$stripcrap() takes) and mangles each line in the lastlog before 
	matching against your pattern.  THIS IS VERY EXPENSIVE so you should 
	not do this unless you really want to.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- *** IMPORTANT *** /EXEC -OUT changed
	/EXEC -OUT will now output to the window's current target, instead
	of to the window's current channel.  The current target is $T, and
	is the window's current query (if there is one) or the window's 
	current channel (if there isn't a query).

*** News 08/05/2005 -- Text following unmatched braces/parens/brackets
	If an unmatched brace/bracket/paren is found, about 20 chars after
	the character will be output in the error message, to help you find
	it.  Unfortunately I can't give you line numbers yet.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- New server status state, "ERROR"
	The "ERROR" status state is used in the following cases:
	* DNS lookup failed (DNS -> ERROR -> CLOSED)
	* Connect failed (CONNECTING -> ERROR -> CLOSING -> CLOSED)
	* Socket write failed (<ANY> -> ERROR -> CLOSING -> CLOSED)

*** News 08/05/2005 -- The script "" is renamed to "altchan" ...
	... Because we deleted the old (lame) altchan script.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- New /set, /SET OLD_MATH_PARSER
	To use the old math parser, you need to /SET OLD_MATH_PARSER ON.
	This is a promoted version of /xdebug old_math, which you should
	no longer use, it will no longer work.  Please make plans to 
	migrate away from the old math parser in epic5 scripts.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- New mangle type, "UNPRINTABLE"
	You can now mangle "UNPRINTABLE", which closely models the 
	/SET NO_CONTROL_LOG variable.  When you mangle UNPRINTABLE, all
	characters that are not printable (isgraph() || isspace()) will
	be removed, which includes all of the highlight characters.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- New script 'ison' from jm
	Jm has written a new 'ison' script which implements an ison queue,
	and acts as the backend for the 'notify' script which he has also
	revamped for this release.  This notify script will soon take over
	the notify duties for epic, so it'd be a good thing to test it 
	before the builtin notify goes away...

*** News 08/05/2005 -- New operators, === and !==
	The new math parser now supports two new operators, which do case
	sensitive string comparisons.  === returns true if the two strings
	are the same, and !== returns true if the two strings are not the

*** News 08/05/2005 -- *** IMPORTANT *** Case insensitive changes
	All case insensitive string comparisons should now be handled in
	the CASEMAPPING=ascii sense.  This means '{' and '[' are not equal,
	and | and ~ and ] and } are not equal.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- 005 CASEMAPPING value now handled (sort of)
	Some networks use CASEMAPPING=ascii, which means that the characters
	{|} are not the same as [~] as they are when CASEMAPPING=rfc1459.
	So in order to keep track of nicks correctly on the former servers,
	we now track CASEMAPPING and use it as best we can.

*** News 08/05/2005 -- Flexible on patterns can match against themselves
	When you do /ON TYPE '<pattern>', the value of $* in the pattern is
	the $* of the ON, so you can essentially do self-references.  For
	example, this now works...
		/on general_privmsg '% $0 *' {
			... you sent a message to yourself ...

*** News 08/05/2005 -- Can set NOTIFY_NAME via $windowctl()
	You can $windowctl(SET <refnum> NOTIFY_NAME <stuff>) now, instead
	of having to battle with quoting hell with /window notify_name "..."

*** News 07/27/2005 -- Extended $userhost() behaviour.
	Given a channel name in place of a nick, $userhost() will return the
	unknown userhost as it did previously, but as a side effect, it will
	attempt to resolve the remaining list of nicks in the given channel
	only.  This is a somewhat esoteric feature which should only be useful
	for people who use the $serverctl() maxcache feature.

*** News 07/27/2005 -- New function $shiftbrace().
	Given a variable name, $shiftbrace() will remove the braced expression
	at the beginning of the variables value and return it.  This is a
	somewhat experimental scripting feature.

	/assign qwer {asdf zxcv} {zxcv asdf qwer}
	/eval echo $shiftbrace(qwer)  =>  asdf zxcv
	/eval echo $shiftbrace(qwer)  =>  zxcv asdf qwer

*** News 06/21/2005 -- Many scripts desupported
	Many scripts that shipped with epic4 are now unsupported in epic5.
	They will always be available at

	but they won't be supported for use with epic5, unless someone 
	makes a motion to re-support them.  Here are the scripts:

	alias		altchan		autokick	autoop
	away		basical		columns		dcc_spacefix
	dcc_timeout	deban		dig		dns
	edit		efnext		environment	events
	events.hop	fake-dcc	fe
	genalias	hybrid6		imap		ip-to-int
	ircprimer	keybinds	killpath	kpstat
	langtrans	list		ls		meta
	mkpdir		more		mudirc		netsplit.env
	newformat	nicks		old-dcc		prefix
	recursion	repeat		scandir		sdiff
	silent		sound		starutils	stat
	status_lag	tabkey		tc
	time		tls		vi-binds	webster

*** News 06/03/2005 -- New script, "newnick" (blackjac)
	The "newnick" script, which is loaded automatically by the 'global' 
	script [and which you need to load from your startup script if you 
	like this functionality] implements the functionality of the old 
	/SET AUTO_NEW_NICK feature, which has recently been removed.

	It exposes four /SETs (default values):
		When ON, automaticaly mangle the nickname to ensure that you
		can connect to the server without delay.
		Then character to append to your nickname in the mangling 
		The maximum nickname length that can be mangled.
		A list of nicknames to try to use before mangling begins.

*** News 06/03/2005 -- New /TIMER flags, and execution contexts.
	[ About timer domains ]
	Each timer now belongs to one of three domains:
		1) Server timers
		2) Window timers
		3) General timers
	A "server timer" is created when you run /TIMER down-wind from
	an /ON caused by a server event.  A "window timer" is created
	when you run /TIMER at any other time.

	[ Forcing a particular type of timer ]
	You can manually force a timer to be in a particular domain
	with a flag:
		/TIMER -SERVER <refnum>		Create a server timer
		/TIMER -WINDOW <refnum>		Create a window timer
		/TIMER -GENERAL			Create a general timer.

	[ When timers go off, they change the current window and server ]
	When a timer goes off, if it is a server timer, then it will 
	switch the default server to its server, and switch the current
	window to that server's current window.  If the timer is a window
	timer, it switches the current window to its window, and switches
	the current server to that window's server.  If the timer is a 
	general timer, it leaves the current window alone, and switches
	the server to the current window's server.

	[ When timers go off and their window or server is gone ]
	So each server and window timer is "attached" to something, either
	a server refnum or a window refnum.  If that thing it is attached to
	no longer exists when the timer goes off, then the timer has to either
	turn into a general timer (and bind to the current server) or simply
	not execute at all.  If you use the -CANCELABLE flag, the timer is 
	cancelable and will not execute in this case.  The default is to be
	non-cancelable and to be treated as a general timer if the window or
	server disappears.

*** News 06/03/2005 -- The SIGUSR2 signal now supported
	If you send epic the SIGUSR2 signal (kill -USR2 pid) from an
	outside shell, EPIC will throw a "system exception" which makes
	epic give up on whatever it is doing and fully unrecurse.  This
	can be used to break out of an infinite loop.

*** News 06/03/2005 -- Several builtin /set's removed, now scripted
	The following builtin sets which no longer are used in the base
	executable have been formally removed.  Many of them have been
	implemented by the 'builtins' script.


*** News 06/02/2005 -- Your startup script is loaded before connecting
	Historically ircII has always loaded your startup script (~/.epicrc
	or ~/.ircrc) after you successfully completed your first connection 
	to a server.  This was to allow you to do irc commands in your startup
	script, such as /JOIN and /NICK and /UMODE, etc.  This has now been
	changed so your startup script is always loaded at startup before 
	epic has attempted to connect to a server.

	If you need or prefer the prior semantics, please wrap your startup
	script in a wrapper like so:

		on #^connect -1 * {
			... your old ircrc goes here ...
			@hookctl(remove -1)

	What this does is tell epic that you want the body of your script 
	(the "... your old ircrc goes here ..." part) to be loaded after
	you connect to a server, and the @hookctl(remove -1) part makes sure
	that the /on deletes itself after it goes off.  This exactly effects
	the prior behavior.

	The -B command line option continues to be supported, but is ignored
	since its behavior is now the default.

*** News 06/02/2005 -- Changes to how server descriptions w/o ports get handled
	As you may or may not know, epic handles all server descriptions
	in a unified way.  Server descriptions are the things that look like:

	The places you can use a server description ("hostname") are:
		/SERVER -ADD <hostname>
		/SERVER -DELETE <hostname>
		/SERVER +<hostname>
		/SERVER -<hostname>
		/SERVER <hostname>
		/DISCONNECT <hostname>
		$serverctl(REFNUM <hostname>)
		/XEVAL -S <hostname>
		/XQUOTE -S <hostname>
		/MSG -<hostname>/target
		$winchan(#chan <hostname>)
		/LOG SERVER <hostname>
		/WINDOW SERVER <hostname>
	(Every other place in epic requires a server refnum)

	This change makes the following backwards-incompatable change:
	When you add the first server for a given <hostname>, the port you
	use on that server becomes the default port for that <hostname> in 
	all other places in epic.  This is true even if you later add other 
	servers for <hostname> using other ports!

	Example 1:
			/server -add
	adds a new server, we'll call server refnum 0.  So now any place you 
	use "" (see above) will default to port 6666, and thus 
	"" will refer to server refnum 0, rather than being an 
	error.  Furthermore, let's say you do:
			/server -add
	and this becomes server refnum 1.  The "" continues to 
	refer to server 0, even though this server uses port 6667.

	Example 2:
			/server -add
	adds a new server, server refnum 0.  Then later on you do 
	This will connect to server refnum 0, on port 6666, and WILL NOT 
	create a new server on port 6667 and connect on port 6667!

*** News 06/02/2005 -- /QUIT with no arguments uses per-server quit messages
	If you do /QUIT with no arguments, then any per-server quit message
	that you have previously set with $serverctl() will be used, and will
	not be clobbered by /SET QUIT_MESSAGE.  Thus, /SET QUIT_MESSAGE is 
	only used as a fallback for servers that do not have their own quit 

*** News 06/02/2005 -- Preliminary support for nonblocking dns for server
	DNS lookups for server connections are now done in a nonblocking way.  
	This code has not been tested very much so it may be unstable.  If you
	try to break it, you probably will.  Let me know how you did it.

	Nonblocking DNS lookups require the use of a "dns helper" process,
	which is fork()ed for every lookup.  Since you only have a limited 
	number of processes available to you, this means you shouldn't try
	to connect to an unreasonable number of servers concurrently.  If you
	do manage to do that, you may receive errors.

	It should be safe to use /server to cancel a very long nonblocking
	dns request.

*** News 06/02/2005 -- /WINDOW SERVER shows server list instead of error
	Previously /window server without an argument displayed an error
	which isn't terribly friendly.  So now it will display the server
	list, as if you had done /server without any arguments.

*** News 05/10/2005 -- Nickname rejections handled differently now
	When the server rejects your NICK change request after you have
	already connected and registered with the server, no further
	action will take place because there's nothing that can be done
	to stop a nick collision, and nothing that needs to be done if 
	your new nick is taken.

	If the server rejects your NICK during the registration process,
	epic will no longer "fudge" your nickname by adding _'s and/or
	rotating your nickname, and will no longer "reset" your nickname
	by prompting you for a new one and stopping the world until you
	give it a new one.  Rather, EPIC will throw /on new_nickname and
	if you don't use it, will warn you that you need to use /NICK
	to choose a new nickname (and /server +<ref> to reconnect if you
	ping out)

	This also means that /SET AUTO_NEW_NICK is gone (soon to be replaced
	by a script, which will implement the old hardcoded behavior), and
	handling nickname change failures is fully under control of script!

*** News 05/10/2005 -- New window verb, /WINDOW KILLABLE (default on)
	When you /WINDOW KILLABLE OFF, the following changes occur:
	  * /WINDOW KILL will fail[1] with an error message.
	  * /WINDOW KILL_ALL_HIDDEN will not kill the window.
	  * /WINDOW KILL_OTHERS will not kill the window.
	  * /WINDOW KILLSWAP will fail[1] with an error message.
	[1] A failure of *any* /window operation causes any subsequent 
	    operations in the same statement to be discarded, to avoid
	    accidentally operating on the wrong window.  This behavior
	    is not a special-case.

*** News 05/07/2005 -- New $windowctl(SET <ref> TOPLINE <num> <stuff>)
	You can now set a topline literally (without wrangling with the
	/window command) this way.  The <stuff> is not subject to any
	sort of double-quoting shenanigans.  BTW, don't get too excited,
	I haven't implemented any other $windowctl(SET *) operations,
	but this one needed to be done right away.

*** News 05/02/2005 -- New $serverctl(), $serverctl(GET <ref> LOCALPORT)
	This returns the port used by the local side of a connection to 
	the server.  If the server is not connected, it returns 0.

*** News 04/28/2005 -- *** IMPORTANT *** /ON LEAVE changed to /ON PART
	This is a hard cut-over breaking of backwards compatability.
	There is no way to "go back", but there are means you can take 
	to compensate:
		@type = (info(i) < 1224) ? [LEAVE] : [PART]
		on $type * { ..... }
	This is the last vestige of the senseless substitution of the
	non-irc word "LEAVE" for the irc word "PART".  Good riddens to it
	and may it never return again.

*** News 04/25/2005 -- /SET -CREATE removed (use /ADDSET)
	The /set -create command which was first marked for deletion 6 months
	ago has now been removed.  You can use the /addset alias provided by
	the "builtins" script to get the same functionality:
			/ADDSET <name> <type> {
				... callback ...
	Don't forget to /SET <name> <value> after you do an /addset to give 
	it an initial value!

*** News 04/25/2005 -- *** IMPORTANT *** NEW MATH PARSER NOW DEFAULT
	The new math parser, which first appeared in 1998 in EPIC4pre2.001,
	and has been stable since early 1999, has now finally been made the

	If you need to continue using the old math parser, you can turn it 
	back on with:
			/xdebug old_math
	The old math parser won't be going away any time soon, but it will
	never again be the default math parser (barring rioting crowds with
	effigies and pitchforks at my door...)

	The operation /xdebug new_math is now a no-op, and doing it will have
	ANY MORE.  YOU MUST DO THE ABOVE /xdebug old_math.


*** News 04/18/2005 -- New $windowctl() stuff
	$windowctl(GET <win> DISPLAY_SIZE)	to replace $winsize()
	$windowctl(GET <win> SCREEN)		to replace $winscreen()
	$windowctl(GET <win> LINE <num>)	to replace $winline()

*** News 04/18/2005 -- /SET -OLD_SERVER_LASTLOG_LEVEL turns that feature off.
	If you /set -old_server_lastlog_level, then the window's level is not
	changed when it is connected to an existing server.  This is probably
	a bad idea as it can lead to level duplication, the effects of which
	are poorly-defined

*** News 04/18/2005 -- /SET -NEW_SERVER_LASTLOG_LEVEL turns that feature off.
	If you /set -new_server_lastlog_level, then the window's level is not
	changed when it is connected to a new server.  This allows you to 
	completely opt-out of this feature. 
*** News 04/18/2005 -- New $serverctl() stuff
	So $serverctl(LAST_SERVER) and $serverctl(FROM_SERVER) have been
	added and are used by the builtins script

*** News 04/18/2005 -- Translations now fixed
	I apologize to you RUSSIAN_WIN translation users for it being 
	broken.  This release fixes it up, and the fix was back-ported 
	to EPIC4.

*** News 04/18/2005 -- /SET STATUS_* subformats no longer size limited
	Previously, the effective size that /SET STATUS_* values you could
	expand to (especially if you have /SET STATUS_DOES_EXPANDOS ON)
	as limited on a per-expando basis.  This was inconveniently small 
	for some people who were using lots of characters doing color 
	markup, etc.  So all of those limits have been removed.

*** News 04/18/2005 -- "ERROR --" changed to "INFO --", not used for exec, dcc
	The "ERROR --" io messages were alarming people so they were changed
	to "INFO --" in this release.  Further, EXEC and DCC connections do 
	not output these diagnostic messages.

*** News 04/18/2005 -- /XECHO -v outputs to current window if it's visible
	/XECHO -v has traditionally output to the first visible window (the
	first window on the first screen), but it was agreed that it is more
	reasonable to output to the current window if that is visible.

*** News 04/18/2005 -- Ways to keep dcc xfers from swamping your cpu...
	There are three new ways to keep high speed dcc xfers from swamping
	your cpu with unnecessary status bar redraws:

	$dccctl(UPDATES_STATUS [0|1])
	   Turns off (on) whether or not the %D status bar value should be
	   updated whenever any activity occurs.  If you turn this off, then
	   %D is frozen until you turn it back on.  The argument is optional,
	   and if you don't supply it, it returns the current value.  If you
	   do supply it, the old value is returned.

	$dccctl([SET|GET] <refnum> UPDATES_STATUS [0|1])
	   Turns off (on) whether or not a particular dcc should update the 
	   %D status bar expando when it has activity.

	   Hooking (and suppressing) /ON DCC_ACTIVITY will prevent the status
	   bar from being redrawn as a result of this activity.  This won't
	   stop %D from being updated, but it does stop the status bar from
	   thrasing uncontrollably.
*** News 04/18/2005 -- The "builtins" script (Blackjac)
	As noted below in "notes for forward compatability", there is a new
	script called "builtins" which is loaded by "global" which is not 
	loaded by default if you have a startup script.  This means it is
	really important that you add either /LOAD global or /LOAD builtins 
	to your ~/.ircrc (or ~/.epicrc) file, or you will notice that the 
	following features have "disappeared":


	Furthermore, the following new commands have been added:
	which allow you to add a scripted built in /set variable (which
	is used extensively by this script).

	BUG THAT THEY ARE "MISSING".  The way to fix this is to /load global 
	or /load builtins in your startup script.

*** News 04/18/2005 -- New script, "loadformats" (fudd)
	This script presents the usable interface to implied on hooks.
	See the explanation for implied on hooks below.

	/ADDFORMAT <type> [value]
	   This binds the implied on hook for /ON <type> to a new builtin set
	   that is called /SET FORMAT_<type>.  Remember that implied on hooks 
	   are only used if you don't hook serial number zero!

	/DELFORMAT <type>
	   This removes the implied on hook for /ON <type> and removes the
	   builtin set /SET FORMAT_<type>.

	   This does a /DELFORMAT for all possible values of <type>.  You
	   will not have any implied on hooks after this is done.

	/LOADFORMAT <filename>
	   Given a file that contains lines that look like this:
	   Run /ADDFORMAT <TYPE> <VALUE> for each line.

	/SAVEFORMATS <filename>
	  Save all implied hooks to a file so it can be loaded later with

*** News 03/29/2005 -- Just a note about mangling of /on patterns...
	In EPIC5, your /ON patterns are no longer "filled out" to the expected
	number of words in $*.  An example:
		EPIC4:	/ON PUBLIC "hop" 	becomes	
			/ON PUBLIC "hop % *"
		EPIC5:	/ON PUBLIC "hop"	stays as it is.
	Note that the EPIC5 version *WILL* *NOT* *EVER* *MATCH* any real
	/on public's because it doesn't match any valid $* values.

	Why was this change made?  Because /on is a general purpose function,
	there were problems where some /on's sometimes did not always have
	the minimum number of words in $* that they were supposed to, and it
	would lead to spaces in odd places, preventing matches.

	It was decided that we would leave "filling it out" as a task that 
	the scripter would need to be responsible for.  In the above case,
	you can simple solve the problem with:

		EPIC5:	/ON PUBLIC "hop *"

*** News 03/20/2005 -- History recall moved into a script (Blackjac)
	History recall (BACKWARD_HISTORY and FORWARD_HISTORY) are now
	scripted features, implemented by 
			/load history
	instead of hardcoded into the client.  If you want to be able to
	use cursor up and down to recall input history you need to add
			/load history
	to your ~/.epicrc or ~/.ircrc file.  Remember, if you do not put 
			/load history
	in your startup file, then you will find that input history recall
	will no longer be available.  So just put 
			/load history
	in your startup file, and everything will be cool!


*** News 03/14/2005 -- New option to $line(), $line(<num> -TIME)
	You can now provide the "-TIME" option to the $line() function
	which returns the timestamp when that line was added to the lastlog.
	You can use -TIME together with -LEVEL, and if you do, the level is
	always the second-to-last word, and the timestamp is the last word.
	You can pass the timestamp to $strftime() for conversion.

		$line(<num> -LEVEL -TIME)
	might return
		"Some line goes here CRAP 1110000000"

*** News 03/11/2005 -- Implied ON hooks ($hookctl(SET LIST <type> IMPLIED <str>)
	A lot of people create a large number of on hooks that look like:
		ON ^TYPE * { echo $cparse($format[type]) }
	for each TYPE.  Since all of these ONs are otherwise identical,
	they clutter up the /on list, and managing all of the variables
	is a hassle.  So there is now a feature to allow you to set an
	"implied" on hook that does nothing more than the above.

	You can now set a format with 
		$hookctl(SET LIST <type> IMPLIED <string>)
	and if you don't have an /ON <type> *, then epic will do
		echo $cparse(<string>)
	and suppress the normal output.

	You may surround <string> with {}s if you wish, to avoid quoting
	hell.  Match sure to keep your {}s matched up if you do so.
	See the "loadformats" info above for how to practically use this.

	You can compile out this feature if it offends you by #undef'ing
	IMPLIED_ON_HOOKS in config.h

*** News 03/03/2005 -- New status bar expandos, %{2}+ and %{3}+
	These two status exapndos act like %+ and %{1}+ respectively,
	except that %{2}+ and %{3}+ will contain only the mode string,
	and not any subsequent arguments.  Specifically, %{2}+ and %{3}+
	don't include the channel's key or user limit (if any).

*** News 03/03/2005 -- New configure options, --with-multiplex
	You can choose which multiplex function you want epic to use with
	a new configure option, "--with-multiplex".  These are the values:
	If you don't choose a multiplexer, or you choose one that isn't
	supported by your system, it will use select instead.  Note that
	the kqueue() support is only tested on freebsd-4 and freebsd-5.

	If you use --with-multiplex=pthread and --with-ssl together,
	and your openssl version was not compiled to be thread-safe, then
	you won't be able to use ssl with pthreads (it would crash if 
	you tried).

*** News 03/03/2005 -- New $hookctl() operation, "GET HOOK <ref> STRING"
	The $hookctl(GET HOOK <ref> STRING) operation returns a string that
	is suitable for passing to /eval {....} to recreate the hook.  This
	will be used by scripts that want to "/save" an /on.  If you write
	these values to a file, you will be able to /load it later.

*** News 03/03/2005 -- Changes to how error messages are displayed
	Traditionally, ircII clients have tried to emit one error message
	for each error event, putting all of the information into one line.
	This has its advantages and disadvantages.  The main disadvantage is
	that if information is difficult to pass around, it is usually 
	discarded, and the user may be given a vague or useless error message.

	So now error reporting has been revamped in epic.  Whenever an error
	is actually generated (or first noticed), the information that is 
	available will be displayed to the screen.  Then a failure condition
	will be sent up to the higher levels of epic, and each higher level	
	will give you whatever information it has available.  Thus, while an
	error message may take up 3 or 4 lines of display, each line has a 
	little piece of information the others don't, and taken together, you
	get the full picture of what happened.

	Each error line looks like this:
			*** ERROR -- <message>
	where "***" is the value of /SET BANNER.  These errors are yells, 
	so if you want to hide them, use /ON YELL.

*** News 02/28/2005 -- !!! IMPORTANT !!! "global" SCRIPT NO LONGER AUTO-LOADED
		This is a backwards incompatable change!

	A lot of people who run script packs find that the "global" script 
	which is automatically and unconditionally loaded by epic at startup
	is a nuisance which must be eliminated.  After much deliberation, it
	seems agreeable to most parties that *by default*, the "global" script
	will only be loaded for those people who do not have their own startup
	script (~/.ircrc or ~/.epicrc)

	If you *have* your own startup script, and you *like* having the global
	script loaded at startup then you need to make a one-time change to 
	the top of your startup script:
			load global
	which will give you old backwards-comaptable behavior.  If you do not
	make this change, then some /on's, /alias's, and other things that
	you may have had access to will disappear until you make this change.

	For those of you who do not have your own startup script, you will not
	notice any changes.

	For those of you who have wished the 'global' script to die a horrible
	fiery death, you have got your wish.

*** News 02/28/2005 -- New built in command, /SUBPACKAGE
	The /SUBPACKAGE command is probably temporary, so don't get too
	attached to it yet.  This command should be used in scripts that
	are loaded from other scripts, who have used the /PACKAGE command,
	to set up a "nested" package name.  For example:

	File "one":
	  /PACKAGE one
	  /LOAD two
	  /ALIAS frobnitz {echo hello!}

	File "two"
	  /ALIAS oofda {echo hi!}

	In this example, "frobnitz" will be in the package "one" and 
	"oofda" will be in the package "one::two".

*** News 02/28/2005 -- The invite command changed here
	This was never documented for some reason until June 2007.

	You can now invite people more flexibly:
		INVITE #chan nick1 nick2 nick3
	or	INVITE nick #chan1 #chan2 #chan3
	or	INVITE nick

	and it will just figure out the right thing to do.

*** News 02/04/2005 -- Clarification on /EXEC process output.
	Until this time, partial lines of output from /EXEC processes
	were silently ignored, could not be redirected, and callbacks
	and /on's were not executed in the correct window.  Now the
	partial-line and full-line handler for /exec processes has been
	unified, and they both work like this:

	1) Set up the correct server and window
	   Note: Yes, I am aware this may need further refactoring.
	2) Increment the line output
	   Note: Partial lines now count as a line of output for the
		 -LIMIT counter.
	3) If you used -MSG or -NOTICE or -OUT, send the the text to 
	   the target.
	   Note: This usually hooks an /ON SEND_* hook (see below)
	4) If you used -LINE or -LINEPART or -ERROR or -ERRORPART, call
	   the appropriate callback
	4a) If you didn't use them, hook the appropriate /ON.
	4b) If you didn't hook the /ON, and you aren't redirecting the
	    output to another target, output it to the screen.

	Note that (4b) and (3) work in complement to each other.  If you do
		/EXEC -MSG nick w
	then the output will be handled through /ON SEND_MSG (either from
	your own on, or from the default output).  If you do not, then the 
	output will be handled by /ON EXEC. 

*** News 02/02/2005 -- New $serverctl() attribute, "PROTOCOL"
	$serverctl(GET <refnum> PROTOCOL) now either returns "IRC" or 
	"IRC-SSL" depending on whether you're doing a regular irc, or an 
	ssl-enabled irc connection, eh!

*** News 02/02/2005 -- Automatic creation of ALTNAME for servers, %S changes.
	When you create a new server (with /server or /server -add or 
	/window server), the server will automatically be given its first
	"altname" (see "Alternate server names" below).  

	Each server's first altname is constructed as:
	* If the server name is an IP address, the whole name, 
        * Otherwise, the first segment that does not start with "irc".

	This is the value you have historically seen at %S on your status
	bar.  This value is now automatically created as your server's
	first altname, and you can change it!

		@serverctl(SET <refnum> ALTNAMES <whatever>)

	%S, and %{1}S have been changed to use the "first altname" for 
	the server, whatever you choose that to be.

	Please note:  If you clear your server's altname list, then %S and
	%{1}S will have no choice but to show the server's full name.  This
	is intentional and not a bug.  %{2}S will continue to show your
	server's full name all the time.

*** News 01/27/2005 -- New status expando, %{3}S
	%{3}S is just like %{2}S, but instead it shows the server's group
	instead of the server's name.

*** News 01/26/2005 -- Notes for forward compatability
	EPIC5-0.0.3 includes /SET -CREATE, but this is deprecated, and will
	be removed by EPIC5-0.0.5.  It is suggested that you start using
	$symbolctl() [see below] in scripts that support EPIC5-0.0.3 and up.

	Starting before EPIC5-0.0.5, there will be a signficant shift to try
	to script as many /set's and builtin commands as possible.  This
	stuff is all intended to be put into the 'builtins' script which is
	loaded from 'global' (ie, it's automatically loaded).  Some of you do
	not load 'global' and so by EPIC5-0.0.5, if you do not load builtins,
	you will find a lot of features gone.  I won't consider this a "bug",
	but the natural progression of EPIC5's development...

	Builtin commands that will be moved to 'builtins'

	Builtin functions that will be moved to 'builtins'

	Builtin SETs that will be moved to 'builtins'


*** News 01/25/2005 -- New built in function, $symbolctl()
	Here's the plan.  An all-encompasing low-level symbol manipulation 
	thingee.  This interface is not intended to replace $aliasctl(), but 
	rather to supplement it.  No, $aliasctl() will never be removed.  
	Yes, much of its functionality (but not all) is duplicated here.

	     Return all of the types supported in this version of EPIC:

	$symbolctl(PMATCH <type> <pattern>)
	     Return all symbols of type <type> that match <pattern>.  You can 
	     use the special value "*" for <type> to get symbols of all types.

	$symbolctl(CREATE <symbol>)
	     Ensure that <symbol> exists in the global symbol table.  When 
	     symbols are first created, they do not contain any actual values, 
	     but rather act as a placeholder in case you want to set any.  
	     You must ensure that a symbol exists before you try to change 
	     its values.  CREATEing a symbol that already exists is harmless; 
	     feel free to do it.

	$symbolctl(DELETE <symbol>)
	$symbolctl(DELETE <symbol> <type>)
	     Delete all of the values of a particular symbol, or just one type.
	     Example: $symbolctl(DELETE booya ALIAS) is the same as 
				/alias -booya
	     Warning: You can delete built in variables/functions/etc with this!
		      There's no way to restore them back if you do!  Caution!

	$symbolctl(CHECK <symbol>)
	     Inspects <symbol> to see if it has any values left.  If there are 
	     no values left for <symbol>, it is removed from the global symbol 
	     table.  You must then CREATE it again if you want to use it later.

	In order to "get" or "set" a symbol's values, the symbol needs to exist.
	If you try to "get" or "set" a symbol that doesn't exist, $symbolctl() 
	will return the empty string to tell you that it failed.  You need to 
	use the CREATE operation above to bootstrap a new symbol before using 

	Now, /STACK PUSH and /STACK POP work by manipulating "levels" in the 
	symbol table.  By rule, <level> == 1 always refers to the "current" 
	value of a symbol.  If you do /STACK PUSH, then the value you pushed 
	will be copied to <level> == 2.  If you /STACK PUSH something else, 
	that values moves to <level> == 3.  So what you can do is use 
	"GET x LEVELS" to find out how many levels a symbol has, and then use 
	"GET x <num>" to find out if there is a symbol type that interest you 
	at that level.  IN THIS WAY you can directly manipulate the /stack push
	values without having to actually use the /stack command.

	In general, <level> is always 1 for everything you want to do, unless 
	you are intentionally monkeying around with your /stack values.

	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> LEVELS)
	     Return the number of levels of <symbol> that are /STACKed.  This
	     value is always 1 unless you have /STACK PUSHed something.
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level>)
	     Return all of the <type>s that are defined for <symbol> at <level>.
	     If <level> is 1, it gets the current value(s).  If <level> is > 1,
	     it starts looking at the /STACK PUSHed values.

	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ALIAS VALUE)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ALIAS STUB)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ALIAS PACKAGE)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ALIAS ARGLIST)
	     Retrieve one of the values for one of your aliases

	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ASSIGN VALUE)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ASSIGN STUB)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> ASSIGN PACKAGE)
	     Retrieve one of the values for one of your assigns

	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_COMMAND)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_FUNCTION)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_EXPANDO)
	     Returns 0 if these types are not in use (ie, if there is not a 
	     built in command), and returns non-zero if there is.  If you're 
	     smart, you won't try to do anything with the non-zero value.

	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE TYPE)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE DATA)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE BUILTIN)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE SCRIPT)
	$symbolctl(GET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE FLAGS)
	     Retrieve information about a /SET.  
	     The "TYPE" is one of "STR", "INT", "BOOL", or "CHAR"
	     Generally, either "BUILTIN" or "SCRIPT" is set, but not both.

	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ALIAS VALUE <string>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ALIAS STUB <string>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ALIAS PACKAGE <string>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ALIAS ARGLIST <string>)
	     Change one of the values for one of your aliases.  If you omit
	     the <string>, it will clear the value.

	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ASSIGN VALUE <string>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ASSIGN STUB <string>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> ASSIGN PACKAGE <string>)
	     Change one of the values for one of your assigns.  If you omit
	     the <string>, it will clear the value.

	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE)
	     Create a new user-created /SET with default values (type == BOOL,
	     data == OFF, script is <empty>.)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE TYPE <set-type>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE DATA <string>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE BUILTIN)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE SCRIPT <code>)
	$symbolctl(SET <symbol> <level> BUILTIN_VARIABLE FLAGS)
	     Change one of the values for one of your /set's.  You cannot 
	     change values for system /set's, sorry.  Setting the TYPE value 
	     changes the DATA value to a default (<empty> for strings, 0 for 
	     everything else) so always set DATA after setting TYPE. 
	     Yes, you can change the TYPE of a /set after you create it!
	     It's probably a bad idea to set FLAGS for the present.

*** News 01/13/2005 -- New $logctl() feature, $logctl(CURRENT)
	$logctl(CURRENT) can return one of these values:

		-1	Nothing is being logged right now
		 0	Something is being logged to the global log, or to
			a window log
		>0	Something is being logged to the given log refnum.
			You can use this log refnum with $logctl().

*** News 01/11/2005 -- New /ON, /ON NEW_NICKNAME
	This allows you to create your own nickname mangler whenever EPIC
	is resetting your nickname to register to a server.  Remember that
	your nickname is (usually) not reset if /SET AUTO_NEW_NICK is ON, so
	you need to /SET that to OFF before this can be used.

	Each time that your nickname is "reset" (see next entry), the
	/ON NEW_NICKNAME hook will be thrown.
		$0 - Server whose nickname is being reset
		$1 - Your current nickname ("*" if you're unregistered)
		$2 - The nickname you tried to change to ("*" if none)
	You should somehow use this information to generate a new nickname
	and then do a /NICK <newnick> operation.  You should avoid trying
	to do anything else, particularly asynchronous things like /wait,
	because the status of the connection is unknown when this /ON is
	thrown (ie, you may not be connected).  Just stick to /NICK.

	If you do not hook the /ON, or you do not do a /NICK within the
	/ON, then epic will prompt you for a new nickname in the way it
	has always done (so this change is opt-in and backwards compatable).

*** News 01/11/2005 -- Changes to how nick change errors are handled
	Until this point, EPIC sometimes (rather aggressively) forced the
	user to provide a new nickname, when it wasn't necessary.  This 
	was called "resetting" the nickname.  The variable /SET AUTO_NEW_NICK
	existed to try to avoid needlessly annoying the user with requests
	for nicknames when a new one could be whipped up.

	Well, anyways, this has all been refactored.  If you are already 
	connected to the server, epic will no longer "reset" your nickname 
	when it recieves one of the many numerics that indicate that your 
	nickname is not acceptable.  "Resets" will only occur when you are
	unregistered (when you do not have a nickname yet).

	As with before, if you have /SET AUTO_NEW_NICK ON, then your nickname
	will never be "reset" unless the nickname mangler is unable to come
	up with an alternate nickname for you.

*** News 01/11/2005 -- Change to how /set new_server_lastlog_level works
	In EPIC4, when you do /window server, the window that is changing
	server has its window level changed to /SET NEW_SERVER_LASTLOG_LEVEL.
	This can result in two windows with level ALL if the new server can't
	be connected to.  Starting with now, this change will not occur until
	after we have registered with the server (when we get the 001 numeric).

	This means if you do /window new server, that the new window
	will be level NONE until the connection to "" is successful.
	Furthermore, only the "current window" for "" will be changed.
	If you move multiple windows to a new server at the same time, only
	one of them is the "current window" and only that window ever has
	its window levels changed.  The others stay at "NONE".

*** News 01/06/2005 -- Can now set ipv4/ipv6 vhosts separately
	The /hostname (/irchost) and -H command line option may now take 
	two hostnames, separated by a slash.  Example:

	/hostname		Use "" as the vhost for 
					both ipv4 and ipv6
					Use "" as the vhost for
					ipv4, and "" as the vhost
					for ipv6.
	/hostname		Use "" as the vhost for 
					ipv4 only -- don't change the ipv6
	/hostname /		Use "" as the vhost for
					ipv6 only -- don't change the ipv4

*** News 01/06/2005 -- New serverctl attr: $serverctl(GET <num> ADDRFAMILY)
	The $serverctl(GET <num> ADDRFAMILY) value returns either
		ipv4		if the server connection is ipv4
		ipv6		if the server connection is ipv6
		unix		if the server connection is a filename

*** News 01/06/2005 -- Old (undocumented) function: $servports()
	There has been a function $servports() around for a very long time,
	but it's never been documented.  It returns two values, the first
	one is the remote port (what you connected to the server with), and
	the second one is the local port (which is not always useful).

*** News 01/01/2005 -- Argument lists for hooks, and $fix_arglist() (howl)
	$fix_arglist(arglist) returns how argument list arglist will be parsed
	by epic.

	It is now possible to supply argument lists to hooks, just like
	one would do for aliases:
	/on hook "*" (a,b,...) {echo $a $b $*;};

	They are optional, of course.

	/ON lists the argument list as part of its output, and does also include
	the hook's userial (unique serial)

*** News 01/01/2005 -- New function: $hookctl() (howl)
    This function presents a low-level interface to the /on system

    $hookctl(ADD [#][!][']<noise><TYPE> [<serial>] <pattern> 
							[(<arg list>)] <code>)
	Compare this to:
	   /ON [#]<noise><TYPE> [<serial>] [!]<pattern> [(<arglist>)] <code>

	Where [#] is used to indicate a <serial> number should be used,
	where [!] is used to indicate that the ON is a "negative" ON
	where ['] is used to indicate that the ON is a "flexible" ON
	where [<noise>] is one of "?", "^", "-", "+", "%", or nothing.
	where [<TYPE>] is one of the ON types (ACTION, MSG, PUBLIC, etc)
	where [<serial>] is the ON's serial number (NOT the refnum!)
	where [<pattern>] is the ON's wildcard pattern (the "nick") that is
		matched against $* each time the ON is checked
	where [<code>] is the ircII code that is executed each time the ON
		is run.

	ADD registers a new /ON and returns the /ON's new <refnum>.  This
	<refnum> can be used in other $hookctl() operations.

	Example: $hookctl(ADD ^MSG * (nick, msg) {echo msg from $nick: $msg})
	   is the same as
		/ON ^MSG * (nick, msg) {echo msg from $nick: $msg}
	   except it returns the new /on's <refnum> (of course).

    $hookctl(REMOVE <refnum>) 
	Delete the given /ON.  If <refnum> is -1, it removes the currently
	executing /ON.

    -- In these GET HOOK operations, the values in <> are the values that
       were originally provided to the ADD operation (or the /ON command)
       <Refnum> is always allowed to be -1, and refers to the currently
       executing /ON.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> ARGUMENT_LIST)
	Return an /ON's <arglist> if it has one.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> FLEXIBLE)
	Return 1 if /ON was created with ['] (flexible -- <pattern> is 
		expanded each time the /ON is checked)
	Return 0 if not.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> NICK)
	Return an /ON's <pattern>.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> NOT)
	Return 1 if /ON was created with [!] (negative on)
	Return 0 if not.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> NOISE)
    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> NOISY)
	Return an /ON's <noise>.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> PACKAGE)
	Return an /ON's </package> value.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> SERIAL)
	Return an /ON's <serial>.  If one wasn't given, 0 is the default.

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> SKIP)
	Return 1 if the /ON is being "skipped" 
		("skipped" == ignored -- treated as if it had been deleted)

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> STUFF)
	Return an /ON's <stuff>
		("stuff" == the ircII code when the /ON goes off)

    $hookctl(GET HOOK <refnum> TYPE)
	Return an /ON's <TYPE>

    -- In these SET HOOK operations, if you attempt to change a value so it
       clobbers (duplicates) an existing ON's value, then the operation will
       either fail, or it will replace the existing ON.  I'll have to ask
       howl how he handled this.

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> ARGUMENT_LIST)
	Clear an /ON's argument list (so it no longer takes one)

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> ARGUMENT_LIST <list>)
	Replace an /ON's argument list

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> FLEXIBLE [0|1])
	Clear (or set) an /ON's flexible-pattern attribute

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> NICK <pattern>)
	Change an /ON's <pattern>.  Warning -- You can only have one /ON
	per serial number with the exact same <pattern>.

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> NOT [0|1])
	Clear (or set) an /ON's "negative on" attribute

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> NOISE <noiseref|noise>)
    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> NOISY <noiseref|noise>)
	Change an /ON's <noise> value using either a noise-refnum or
	the noise's name itsself
	Example: $hookctl(SET HOOK 147 NOISE SILENT)
	     and $hookctl(SET HOOK 147 NOISE 1) do the same thing.
    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> PACKAGE <string>)
	Change an /ON's </package> value.  This is used by /unload.

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> SERIAL <number>)
	Change an /ON's <serial> value.  Warning -- You can only have one 
	/ON per serial number with the exact same <pattern>.

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> SKIP [0|1])
	Clear (or set) an /ON's skippable attribute.  When an /ON is being
	"skipped", it cannot ever be executed; it is treated as if it were

    $hookctl(SET HOOK <refnum> STUFF <ircII code>)
	Change the ircII commands executed when an /ON goes off.

    $hookctl(LIST LISTS)
	Return all of the valid <TYPE>s

    $hookctl(LIST LISTS <pattern>)
	Return all of the valie <TYPE>s that match the <pattern>

	Return all of the valid <TYPE>s that have an /ON registered for them.

    $hookctl(LIST POPULATED_LISTS <pattern>)
	Return all of the valid <TYPE>s that match the <pattern> that have an
	/ON registered for them.

    $hookctl(LIST HOOKS)
	Return all of the registered <refnum>s

    $hookctl(LIST HOOKS <pattern>)
	Return all registered <refnum>s for <TYPE>s that match <pattern>.
	Ex: $hookctl(LIST HOOKS MSG) returns the refnums of your /ON MSG's

	Return the number such that
		$word($hookctl(FIRST_NAMED_HOOK) $hookctl(LIST))
	returns the first non-numeric /ON type.

    $hookctl(COUNT LISTS)
	Return the number of items in $hookctl(LIST)

    $hookctl(COUNT LISTS <pattern>)
	Return the number of items in $hookctl(LIST LISTS <pattern>)

	Return the number of items in $hookctl(LIST POPULATED_LISTS)

    $hookctl(COUNT POPULATED_LISTS <pattern>)
	Return the number of items in $hookctl(LIST POPULATED_LISTS <pattern>)

    $hookctl(COUNT HOOKS)
	Return the number of items in $hookctl(LIST HOOKS)

    $hookctl(COUNT HOOKS <pattern>)
	Return the number of items in $hookctl(LIST HOOKS <pattern>)

    $hookctl(GET LIST <TYPE> NAME)
	This just returns <TYPE>, since the name of any <TYPE> is itsself.

    $hookctl(GET LIST <TYPE> PARAMS)
	Return the mininum number of words in $* for any /ON of this type.
	Remember that your <pattern> is expected to match a $* that has 
	AT LEAST this number of words.  If your <pattern> doesn't, the /ON
	will never go off.

    $hookctl(GET LIST <TYPE> MARK)
	Return the number of invocations of this /ON type are pending.
	For example, the first time an /ON MSG event is thrown, then 
	$hookctl(GET LIST MSG MARK) is 1.  If your /ON does something 
	funky like a /WAIT and another MSG comes in before your /ON is
	finished, then $hookctl(GET LIST MSG MARK) is 2.

    $hookctl(GET LIST <TYPE> FLAGS)
	This is an internal bitmask value.  The only defined bit is 1, which
	is used to prevent an /ON from going off recursively.  One such ON
	is /ON INPUT.  If $hookctl(GET LIST INPUT MARK) is 1, then another
	/ON INPUT event is thrown, no /ON's will actually be executed; the
	ON is considered unhooked.  This allows you do perform certain
	commands (like /sendline) from within certain /ON's (like /on input)
	where without this flag that would result in infinite recursion
	(and crash)

	This always returns "NORMAL" for now.  This is the <noisetype> whose
	VALUE (see below) is the null character.

	This returns all of the <noisetype> values.

    $hookctl(NOISE_LEVELS <pattern>)
	This returns all of the <noisetype> values that match <pattern>
	Ex: $hookctl(NOISE LEVELS s*) returns "SILENT SYSTEM"

	This returns the highest <noiseref> value.

    In the GET NOISE operations, <noisetype> is the name of a noise 
    flag.  This is one of "SILENT", "QUIET", "NORMAL", "NOISY", and 
    "SYSTEM".  <noiseref> is a refnum that uniquely identifies each
    of the noise types.  The above are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> NAME)
	Get the name of the noise type.  One of "SILENT", "QUIET", 

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> DISPLAY)
	Returns 0 if the noise type does a /SET DISPLAY OFF while
		executing the /ON body.
	Returns 1 if /SET DISPLAY is not changed when the /ON goes off.

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> ALERT)
	Returns 0 if you are not told when the /ON is executed.
	Returns 1 if you are told whenever the /ON is executed.

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> SUPPRESS)
	Preface:  With most /ON's, if you do not have any /ON's that 
		are appropriate to run, then some "default" action will
		be taken.
	Returns 0 if executing the /ON does not cause the "default" action
		to be suppressed.
	Returns 1 if executing the /ON causes the "default" action to be

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> VALUE) 	(refnum)
	Returns the refnum of the noise type.
	Example: $hookctl(GET NOISE SILENT VALUE) returns "1".

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> IDENTIFIER)
	Returns the <noise> value to use when you want to use this noise type.
	Example: $hookctl(GET NOISE SILENT IDENTIFIER) returns "^".

    $hookctl(GET NOISE <noisetype|noiseref> CUSTOM)
	This always returns 0 for now.

	This returns the refnums of all of the hooks that are currently 
	pending (executing).  Since /ONs work like a LIFO queue, the first
	word is the current /ON, and the second word is the /ON that is waiting
	for the first one to finish, etc.   Obviously you can use this to 
	operate on an /ON from within itsself whenever it goes off.

    $hookctl(HALTCHAIN <refnum>)
    $hookctl(DENY_ALL_HOOKS 1)
    $hookctl(DENY_ALL_HOOKS 0)
    $hookctl(PACKAGE <package> [<type>])
    $hookctl(SERIAL <sernum> [<type>])
    $hookctl(RETVAL <value>)
    $hookctl(LOOKUP <type> <pattern> <serial>)
    $hookctl(MATCH <type> <pattern>) 

*** News 01/01/2005 -- New function: $hookctl() (howl)
    This new function, $hookctl(), lets the users do pretty much whatever

	$hookctl() arguments:
   ADD <#!'[NOISETYPE]><list> [[#]<serial>] <nick> [(<argument list>)] <stuff>
       Argument list not yet implemented for $hookctl()
   ADD <#!'[NOISETYPE]><list> [[#]<serial>] <nick> <stuff>
       - Creates a new hook. Returns hook id.
       - See COUNT/LIST
   HALTCHAIN <recursive number>
       - Will set the haltflag for eventchain. May halt the current chain,
         or any chain currently being executed.
         Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
       - returns the 'default noise level'. It is not currently possible
         to change the current noise level, and probably never will be.
   DENY_ALL_HOOKS <arguments>
       - this sets the deny_all_hooks flag, or gets it's value. If set,
         to anything non negative, all hooks will be "ignored", and the
         default action of any event will be taken. Similar to a /DUMP ON
         but doens't actually remove any hooks.
       - will return a list of empty slots in the hook-list.
       - will return a list of the current executing hooks. This is a
         'recursive' list, listing the current hook first.
       - returns FIRST_NAMED_HOOK
       - will returns HOOKLIST_SIZE
       - returns the value of LAST_CREATED_HOOK
       - See COUNT/LIST
   NOISE_LEVELS <pattern>
       - Returns a list of 'noise-types'. If <pattern> is specified only
         noise levels matching pattern will be returns.
       - Returns NOISE_LEVEL_NUM
       - Returns NUBER_OF_LISTS
   PACKAGE <package> [<list>]
       - Returns a list of hooks of the given package. If <list> is
         specified, it will return only hooks in list <list>
   RETVAL <recursive number> [<new value>]
       - If recursve number isn't specified, 0 (the current) is specified.
         Will either return the value of retval for the given hook, or
         set it.
   SERIAL <serial> [<list>]
       - Works exactly like PACKAGE.

   GET <type> <arg>
       - See GET/SET
   LOOKUP <list> <nick> [<serial>]
       - Returns hook matching given parametres.
   MATCH <list> <pattern>
       - Returns a list of matching hooks.
   REMOVE <hook id>
       - Removes the hook with the given hook ID. Returns 1 on success,
         0 otherwise.
   SET <type> <arg>
       - See GET/SET

   * GET/SET usage
   GET gettype <arguments>
       - will return 'gettype'
   SET gettype <arguments>
       - will set 'gettype' or similar, and return 1 on success. Not all
         'gettypes' may be set, and not all gettypes will silently ignore
         being set.

   It is very important to remember that GET won't ever SET anything(!!!)
   Won't, and shouldn't.

   * GET/SET types:
   HOOK <argument>
       - More info on this under GET/SET HOOK
   LIST <arguments>
       - More info on this under GET/SET LIST
   NOISE <argument>
   NOISY <argument>
       - More info on this under GET/SET NOISE/NOISY
   MATCHES <argument>
       - More info on this under GET/SET MATCHES

   * GET/SET HOOK usage:
       GET HOOK <hook id> <prop> <arg>
       SET HOOK <hook id> <prop> <arg>

       <prop> may be one of the following:
           - Returns or sets the argument list, if SET and <arg> is empty,
             it will be set to NULL, and therefore not used.
           - Returns or sets the value of flexible
           - Sets or gets the hook's nick. The position of the hook will
             be changed if needed, and it is not possible to change this
             to a "crashing nick"
           - Sets or gets the value of NOT.
           - Sets or returns the value of noisy.
           - Returns or sets the hook's packagename
           - Returns or sets the serial for the hook. The hook's position
             in the list will be changed if necesarry, and it is not
             possible to set the serial to a crashing serial.
           - Returns or sets the value of skip.
           - Returns or sets the value of stuff.
           - Returns or sets the type.

   * GET/SET LIST usage:
       GET LIST <listname> <prop>
       SET LIST <listname> <prop> - not functional

       <prop> may be one of the following:
           - Returns count of hooks
           - Returns flags
           - Returns mark
           - Returns name
           - Returns value of params

       GET NOISE <noisename> <prop>
       SET NOISE <noisename> <prop> - not functional

       <prop> may be one of the following:
               - returns value of alert.
               - returns value of custom.
               - returns value of display.
               - returns value of identifier.
               - returns name.
               - returns value of suppress.
               - returns value of value. d'oh!

       - This function is not ready yet, and will currently RETURN_NULL.

   * COUNT/LIST usage:
      COUNT / LIST work doing the same, the only difference is that
      COUNT will return the count of lists/hooks, while list will return
      a list

      The following options are permitted:

          LISTS <pattern>
          - Will either return all lists available, or only the
            matching ones.
          POPULATED_LISTS <pattern>
          - Works _just_ like LISTS, but will only return "populated"
          HOOKS <pattern>
          - Will either return all the hooks on the system, or all
            the hooks in the matching lists

*** News 10/29/2004 -- New /ison features.
	To go with the -d and -f switches, the following switches have been
	added to exploit the new queueing mechanism:

		-n                  # Prioritise this request.
		-s                  # Send the next ison request now.
		-len number         # Change the number of nicks per request.
		-oncmd {commands}   # Run these commands for online users.
		-offcmd {commands}  # Run these commands for offline users.

	The descriptions of these switches are simplistic and a little
	inaccurate.  Some clarifications follow.

	-len will change the maximum length of an ISON request from 500 to the
	given number.  This number will be used for _all_ requests from then on
	including those from the notify system.  In practice it may be
	necessary in some cases to tune this value downwards to avoid the
	server dropping some names off the list when they are all online.

	-oncmd and -offcmd will run the given lines of code with $* set to all
	the users that a reply indicates are online or offline, respectively.
	Note that a single /ison request can generate multiple replies.  Also
	note, that there is no guarantee that the code will or will not run if
	$* is empty.

	-n will place the current requests at the head of the queue.  This is
	useful when many requests are waiting to be sent and it is necessary to
	have this one replied to quickly.  Note that if the request isn't
	actually sent by the time the next -n is used, the newer request will
	always get the higher priority.

	-s will "kick" the ison system back into action in cases where
	something has gone wrong and it has become necessary to use the -f flag
	for eg.  This is more of a debugging tool.  It will not actually cause
	more than $serverctl(get $servernum() maxison) requests to be sent.

*** News 10/01/2004 -- New status format, %{3}W
	This is a compromise between %W and %{2}W.  %W only shows in the
	input window when there are split windows, and %{2}W shows in all
	split windows.  So %{3}W shows in the input window, even if it is
	the only visible window (ie, there are no split windows).

*** News 10/01/2004 -- New window option, "toplines"
	You may now reserve 0 to 9 lines at the top of every windows to be
	removed from the scrollable portion of the window, creating a place
	for you to put things like a channel topic, or channel users, or

		Reserves and displays <N> lines at the top of the window, 
		which will not be part of the window's scrollable display.
		By default, toplines are blank until you set them with...
	/WINDOW TOPLINE <N> "<string>"	
		Sets the window's <N>th topline to <string>.  <N> must be 
		1 to 9.  You should put <string> in double quotes.  You can
		change toplines even if they aren't visible.

	$windowctl(GET <refnum> TOPLINES)
		Returns the number of toplines reserved at the top of the
	$windowctl(GET <refnum> TOPLINE <n>)
		Returns the <n>th topline for the window.

*** News 09/14/2004 -- Added Howls shebang script support.
	It is now possible to write epic scripts that run from the shell
	command line.  Yaaay..!  The nature of the epic binary itself made this
	a little difficult at the interface level, so a little hackery was
	required.  The form of the shebang line is this:

		#!/path/to/epic -S [command line options] -l

	Note that the -l switch must be the last on the line, and -S must be
	the first.  Also note that at this point in time, -S will only work as
	the first part of the first argument.  The results of the use of this
	switch anywhere else is currently undefined.

*** News 09/14/2004 -- Added some features to the commandqueues script.
	The first argument to /1cmd may now have a second number attached, with
	a coma.  This number if given, will cause any recurrences of the same
	command within that number of seconds to reset the last-executed time
	_without_ executing the command.

	Use of the 0 or 1 argument form of /qcmd will now cause the timer to be
	reset to 5 seconds, and if called as a function, the command will be
	returned without executing it.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New target syntax, -<serverdesc>/<target>
	You can now send messages to the special message type:
	where <serverdesc> is a server description (see below) and <target>
	is obviously a nick or channel on that server.  This allows you to
	send a message to a nickname on a server other than your current
	window's server.  For example:
		@serverctl(SET 0 ALTNAME booya)		(set an altname)
		/msg -booya/nick hi there!
	Will send the message to "nick" on server 0.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- "Server descriptions"
	Anywhere EPIC expects you to give it a server, it now expects a 
	"server description" which is one of the following (in this order)

		1) A number, which is taken as a server refnum

		2) An "ourname" of an open server
		3) An "itsname" of an open server
		4) A "group" of an open server
		5) An "alternate name" of an open server

		6) An "ourname" of a closed server
		7) An "itsname" of a closed server
		8) A "group" of a closed server
		9) An "alternate name" of a closed server

	The server description may be a wildcard!  The first server 
	(starting with server 0) that matches is used.

	This means you can do something like this:
		@serverctl(SET 0 ALTNAME booya)		(set an altname)
		/server -0				(disconnect from 0)
		/server +booya				(reconnect to "booya")
	and it will connect to server 0, because server 0 has the alternate
	name of "booya"!

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Alternate server names
	You may now give a server a list of "alternate names".  There is no
	limit.  You add a new alternate name with:
		$serverctl(SET <refnum> ALTNAME <name>)
	You can totaly replace the list with:
		$serverctl(SET <refnum> ALTNAMES <names>)
	<name> and <names> should be space-separated list of words.

	You can get the list of alternate names with
		$serverctl(GET <refnum> ALTNAMES)

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Aliases now shown with their argument lists
	When you do /alias, you now see the argument list along with all
	of the other stuff.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Mangling now supports "ALT_CHAR"
	How did this ever get missed?

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New function, $mktime()
	Usage: $mktime(year month day hour minute second DST)
	The first six arguments are required.  Returns -1 on error.
	Returns whatever mktime(3) on your system would return, usually
	the number of seconds since the epoch represented by the arguments.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Support for ircnet's "unique id" nicknames
	You can now always use your "unique id" as your nickname, and also
	the "0" shortcut nickname, on ircnet.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New status expando, %{1}F
	This is just like %F, it displays all of the "notified" windows,
	except it uses the window's "notify_name" instead of its refnum.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New window command, /WINDOW NOTIFY_NAME
	If you change the /WINDOW NOTIFY_NAME, and use the %{1}F status
	expando, then the notify_name, and not the window's refnum, will
	show up.  Howl wanted to colorize the refnum up, and this is how
	you should do it.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Support for +I channel mode (ratbox)
	Because adm asked me to

*** News 08/25/2004 -- User-created /SETs, /SET -CREATE   -- WARNING
			*** DEPRECATED ***
	You can create your own /set's for now with 
		/SET -CREATE <name> <type> {<code>}
	where <type> is one of BOOL, STR, or INT.  <code> is code that 
	will be run any time the user does /SET <name> <newval>.  You can
	/SET the value within <code> to override the user's value.  

	*** WARNING *** This interface is temporary and will go away in 
	the future.  It will be replaced by $symbolctl() which has not
	yet been written, so stay tuned for more information!
			*** DEPRECATED ***
	This feature only existed in EPIC5-0.0.3 and was/will be removed
	in EPIC5-0.0.4.  Do not use this feature.
			*** DEPRECATED ***

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Unification of symbol namespaces
	There is now one big table that holds all of the symbol names for
	aliases, assigns, built in commands, built in functions, sets, and
	inline expandos.  You should not notice any changes at all, except
	maybe epic runs faster.  This was done to pave the path towards
	plugins, which will need to be able to add their own commands and
	functions on the fly!

*** News 08/25/2004 -- The /IRCNAME and /REALNAME commands removed here...
	because they are duplicates of /SET REALNAME.  Use the /SET now.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- $stripcrap(ALL) no longer strips "ALL_OFF"...
	because the crap-mangler makes liberal use of ALL_OFFs and it is of
	no harm to leave them in there, and it does great harm to take them
	out. ;-)  If you want to remove them, do $stripcrap(ALL,ALL_OFF)

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New script 'builtins' loaded from global
	Some things are starting to migrate from hardcoded builtins to 
	script features.  They are not "being removed", their implementation
	is just changing.  This script will contain backwards compatability
	stuff for epic4.  You really do need this script!  Do 'make install'!

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Automatic command completion removed
	You can no longer do /whoi as a replacement for /whois.  You'll have
	to spell out the command name in full now.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- Using your nickname as a command removed here
	You can no longer do /<mynick> as an alias for /me.  Just use /me.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- The COMMAND_COMPLETION keybinding removed here
	A new script replacement is forthcoming -- stand by!

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New serverctl, $serverctl(GET <refnum> STATUS)
	This returns the server's current status, which is described below
	in the /on server_status stuff.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New script, 'slowcat'
	This script cats a file to your current target, 2 lines per second
	to avoid triggering flood control.  
		/load slowcat
		/slowcat filename

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New status expando, %{2}W
	This acts just like %W, but it shows in every window, and not just 
	the current window.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New /SET, /SET OLD_SERVER_LASTLOG_LEVEL
	When you /WINDOW SERVER to move a window to a server that is already
	connected, the window's level will be set to this /set value.  This
	is important, because of the following situation:
		Window 1, server 0, level ALL
		Window 2, server 1, level ALL
	If you do /window 1 server 1  then you have two servers connected
	to server 1 with level "ALL".  Who wins?  Not you. ;-)  This defaults
	to NONE, which is probably the only sensible value.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- /WINDOW KILL_ALL_HIDDEN kills your hidden windows.
	After you run this, you will be left with only your visible windows.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- /ON TYPE !"PATTERN" acts as an exception.
	If you use this syntax, then the default action will occurs whenever
	the pattern is matched.  This is how ircII's /ON TYPE ^PATTERN works.
	For example:
			on ^msg * echo msg from $0: $1-
			on ^msg !"nick" 
	In this case, if anyone but nick sends you a msg, it is echoed as
	in the first /on.  But if nick sends you a message, it will be
	displayed in the "default" way by epic, as though you did not have
	an on at all.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- It is now always safe to delete ONs from within ONs
	Up until now, you needed to /defer the removal of any /ONs from
	within other /ONs, or you risked crashing epic.  This meant you 
	could not safely stop an /ON with a higher serial number from
	running by deleting it.  All of this has been fixed now.  You can
	delete /ONs without restriction and the change takes place 

*** News 08/25/2004 -- ONs no longer compile patterns to regexes
	This was fraught with peril, so ONs no longer compile their
	patterns to regexes, and now we do things like we have always
	done with ONs

*** News 08/25/2004 -- New built in function, $regcomp_cs()
	This is just like $regcomp(), but it's case sensitive.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- In /ON DCC_RAW "* E *", $3 is the port number
	Previously it held the "othername", which wasn't terribly useful.

*** News 08/25/2004 -- /WAIT =<fd> waits for a dcc connection to complete
	If you do $connect(), it is nonblocking and returns before the
	connection is ready to be used.  If you need to wait until the
	connection completes, like it did in epic4, do this:
			@fd = connect(host port)
			wait =$fd
	and it's pretty much the same.  This wait is of course recursive
	(and does not block the client)


*** News 08/25/2004 -- Level names are always plural, except for CRAP
	The levels have these names now, and they're gonna stay this way:

		ALL (special)	NONE (special)

*** News 08/18/2004 -- Overloadable function aliases.
	When an alias name "collides" with a built in function, the built in
	function has traditionally been called.  This update changes this
	behaviour to calling the alias first.

	NOTE:  This will cause recursive loops in scripts that rely on this
	behaviour.  To fix this the aliases in question need to be renamed or
	rewritten to use the following ::function() feature.

	It is possible to call the built in with the :: notation used for
	global variables, as in $::function().  $:function() will explicitly
	call the alias.

	NOTE:  Do not use the $::function() and $:function() features just yet,
	as they will crash epic if the alias or the built in doesn't exist.  It
	is safe to use if you are sure they do though.

*** News 08/02/2004 -- New commands for $dccctl().
	$dccctl(readables) will return the refnums of DCCs that have data
	waiting to be read and $dccctl(get [refnum] readable) will return a 1
	or 0 depending on whether the given refnum is readable or not.

	Since epic will automatically read data from all unheld DCCs, this
	feature is expected to be useful only for DCCs in the "held" state.

*** News 08/02/2004 -- General improvements to the flood detection system.
	Flood detection now works for channel PARTS and for ctcp replies, which
	is bound to the NOTICES flood.

	Also, the first argument from each flood returned from $floodinfo()
	when flood_maskuser is set to 1 or 2 is now a valid user@host mask for
	the flooder in question, suitable for putting in a ban or kline.

*** News 08/02/2004 -- New argument for /on flood.
	The fourth argument ($3) in the flood hook is now the number of repeats
	of the flood in question.  This makes it easy to deal with particular
	kinds of floods in different ways, as they occur.  For example:

	/on flood "% parts % 5" mode $2 +b *!*@$after(@ $userhost())
	/on flood "% ctcps % 5" mode $2 +b *!*@$after(@ $userhost())
	/on flood "% % % 50" mode $2 +b *!*@$after(@ $userhost())

*** News 08/02/2004 -- Improvements to $floodinfo().
	$floodinfo() will now accept as input the same list of lists it
	outputs.  The lists themselves don't have to be complete.  Any
	unspecified arguments will match all records.  For example:

	$floodinfo("% #chan joins")  # Return all join records for #chan.
	$floodinfo(*)                # This still works.
	$floodinfo($floodinfo(*))    # Same output as above.

	Feeding $floodinfo() output back into its input is useful for tuning
	the flood /sets by seeing which non-flooders are being caught long term
	in the system.

	The fields are these:

	u@h mask that matches the flooder.  Defaults to "*".
	channel mask.  Defaults to "*".
	flood type mask.  Defaults to "*".
	Server number.  Defaults to -1, which matches all.
	Numeric minimum number of flood hits.
	Numeric minimum duration of flood.
	Numeric minimum flood rate.

	The last three numeric arguments may be negative, in which case, they
	specify the _maximum_ values.  These fields make it possible to deal
	with different kinds of floods in different ways _after_ they occur.
	For example, a join flood may be falsely triggered by a net join, but
	it is reasonable to expect that if you have join and part flood records
	for the same u@h, then it is participating in a join/part flood.

	/on flood "% parts % 5" {
		if (floodinfo("$userhost() $2 joins $servernum() 5")) {
			mode $2 +b *!*@$after(@ $userhost())

	Or alternately:

	/on flood "% joins % 5" {
		if (floodinfo("$userhost() $2 parts $servernum() 5")) {
			mode $2 +b *!*@$after(@ $userhost())

*** News 08/02/2004 -- Changes to /userhost and notify.
	The changes to the ison back end mentioned in the previous entry now
	also apply to the userhost back end, along with the caveats relating to
	/wait and flush.  This applies to the /userhost, /userip and /usrip

	A new option has been added to these commands.  /userhost -count
	[number] will change the number of items that epic will put into each
	USERHOST request.  This isn't a particularly significant change since
	this number is already tuned to a number that works on all servers.

	To change the number of USERHOST requests sent at one time, use
	$serverctl(set [servernum] maxuserhost [number]).  Set it to 0 to turn
	the new behaviour off.

*** News 07/08/2004 -- Changes to /ison and notify.
	The back end of the notify system and the /ison command has been
	changed to permit only a certain number of ISONs to be sent to a server
	at one time.  The benefit of this is that it will typically prevent a
	large notify list flooding the client off the server.

	The down side is that it will cause scripts like $is_on() in script/guh
	that use "/wait for ison .." to fail until they have been fixed.  The
	fix is to put "@ serverctl(set $servernum() maxison 0)" at the top of
	any alias that uses it.  This will turn the new behaviour off.

	The notify system itself will not queue an ISON to be sent if there are
	any ISONs waiting to be sent, but the /ison command will.

	One final note is that the "waiting to be sent" queue won't be flushed
	when the client reconnects to the server or when "/ison -f" is run.
	This won't cause any particular damage, but it's not nice and will
	probably change soon.

*** News 07/08/2004 -- Userhost updating in NICK changes.
	This is relevant to those who use the $serverctl() maxcache feature,
	which, if in effect, will prevent a /who message being sent to a
	server, and thereby make $userhost() fail for every nick that joined
	the channel before the client did.

	This patch will grab the userhost information for these users from the
	NICK message itself, and help to rebuild the $userhost() database
	faster.  It also makes it possible to manually get it into the database
	by /pretend'ing a NICK message with a userhost obtained from other
	sources such as the /userhost command.

*** News 03/19/2004 -- New built in function, $tobase(<base> <num>) [howl]
	This function converts <num>, a number in base 10, to base <base>.
	For example, $tobase(16 65536) returns "10000"

*** News 03/19/2004 -- New built in function, $strtol(<base> <num>) [howl]
	This function converts <num>, a number in base <base> to base 10.
	For example, $strtol(16 10000) returns "65536"

*** News 03/19/2004 -- Changes to /WINDOW NOTIFY, /WINDOW NOTIFIED
	These two /WINDOW operations now take ON, OFF, or TOGGLE arguments,
	instead of taking no arguments and behaving as toggle switches.
	If you do not provide an argument, they show you their current
	values as the other /WINDOW boolean values do.

*** News 03/19/2004 -- Addition and changes to $windowctl()
	$windowctl(GET <refnum> MISCFLAGS) always returns 0, and
	$windowctl(GET <refnum> NOTIFY) returns 1 if /window notify is on
	$windowctl(GET <refnum> NOTIFIED) returns 1 if /window notified is on.

*** News 03/19/2004 -- New key binding, SWITCH_QUERY
	Whenever a window has multple nicknames in its nickname list,
	and one of those nicknames is active as the window's query, it
	is possible to use this binding to switch between all of the 
	nicks in the nick list, just in the same way you can switch
	between channels using SWITCH_CHANNELS.  If the window does not
	have an active query, this key binding will have no effect, even
	if the window has nicks in its nicklist!

*** News 03/19/2004 -- Unification of /WINDOW QUERY and /WINDOW ADD
	Historically, when you /WINDOW QUERY (or just /QUERY) <NICK>, then
	it would add <NICK> to the window's "NICK LIST".  The "NICK LIST" 
	is a list of nicknames for which output goes to that window, just
	like output to channels go to windows.  Output to or from a nick
	that is not on any window's "nick list" goes to the LEVEL_MSG level.
	When you used /WINDOW QUERY <NICK2> to change the query, it would
	remove the old query from the nick list, and messages to and from
	the original query went back to LEVEL_MSG.

	Well, this has been unified somewhat.  Now the following rules apply:
	1) When you /WINDOW QUERY <NICK>, then <NICK> is added to the 
	   window's nick list.
	2) If the window already has a query, then the old query nickname
	   is NO LONGER REMOVED from the window's nick list.  Output to 
	   that nick will continue to go to the window as it had before.
	3) When you use /WINDOW QUERY to cancel a query, then the current
	   query IS STILL REMOVED from the window's nick list, and output
	   to or from that nick will go to LEVEL_MSGS.

	It is no longer possible to have a window query that is not on the
	window's nicklist, because the query is selected from the members of
	the window's nicklist, rather than being a separate thing.

*** News 03/17/2004 -- Change to how /SET INDENT behaves
	Historically, if you have /SET INDENT ON, and the first word of the
	first line of output is wider than 1/3 of your screen, then the
	second (and subsequent) line(s) of output are NOT INDENTED.  This 
	has been changed so subsequent lines are indented 1/3 of the window's
	width.  To understand this change, think about how /set indent usually
	works, and if it would indent more than 1/3 of your screen, then it 
	will indent 1/3 instead of not at all.

*** News 03/17/2004 -- New flag to /XECHO , /XECHO -F
	If you use the /XECHO -F flag, "hidden window output notification"
	will not occur for any hidden windows that receive the output. 
*** News 03/16/2004 -- You can now bind the 255 character (ΓΏ)
	There has been a problem with the new key binding system that
	made it difficult for Russian language speakers to bind the 255
	character which is in their alphabet.  This should be fixed now.

*** News 03/16/2004 -- Can now join channels simultaneously per window
	Previously, if you attempted to join multiple channels in the same
	window simultaneously, you were not assured that all of the channels
	would go to that window.  Now you can be assured of this.  This should
	make reconnection/rejoin scripts much more sane.

*** News 03/16/2004 -- New built in function, $startupfile()
	This expands to the file that the client loaded at startup as your
	"startup file".  Usually this is ~/.ircrc or ~/.epicrc or whatever
	you specified as the IRCRC environment variable or the argument to
	-l or -L on the command line.

*** News 03/16/2004 -- Unknown CTCP requests offered via /ON CTCP_REQUEST
	It was pointed out that unknown/unhandled CTCP requests were only
	being hooked through /on ctcp, so it wasn't possible to use 
	/on ctcp_request to handle EVERY request.  Well, now unhandled CTCPs
	are hooked through both /on's just like handled CTCPs are.

*** News 03/16/2004 -- Semantic changes to $connect()
	You used to be able to depend on /ON DCC_RAW "% % E %" or 
	/ON DCC_RAW "% % C" hooking before $connect() returned.  Now that
	$connect() is nonblocking, YOU CAN NO LONGER DEPEND ON THIS.  You
	must set up your script to assume that /ON DCC_RAW will be hooked
	asynchronously, after at least the next sequence point.  Think of 
	it as being like not being able to depend on /WHOIS returning the
	numerics.  I'll probably add a way to /wait for a connection in the
	future.  Stay tuned.

*** News 03/16/2004 -- DCC connections are now nonblocking
	All connect()ions for DCC, including /DCC GET, /DCC CHAT, /DCC RESUME
	and $connect() are all fully nonblocking.  This means all connects
	in EPIC are now fully nonblocking! HUZZAH!

*** News 03/15/2004 -- /HELP command now handled by script
	The built in /HELP command has been replaced by a script that
	was written by howl for our use.  Much thanks to him!

*** News 03/14/2004 -- Six new USER lastlog levels
	You may now use USER5, USER6, USER7, USER8, USER9, and USER10
	as levels with your window, lastlog, flood, and ignore.  Just 
	use /xecho -l USER5 for example to send to your USER5 window.

*** News 01/20/2004 -- kqueue() support
	You can uncomment #define USE_FREEBSD_KQUEUE in newio.h if you
	want to play around with this experimental feature.

*** News 01/15/2004 -- /WINDOW DISCON and /WINDOW NOSERV now the same
	There was a subtle semantic difference between /WINDOW DISCON 
	and /WINDOW NOSERV that had to do with the window's "last server"
	that was used for reconnects.  Because the client no longer does
	reconnections, this difference is moot.  These two commands now 
	always do the same thing, which is to disassociate the window
	with any server.  The window becomes "server-less".

*** News 01/15/2004 -- Changes to /SERVER command
	     Show the server list.
	/SERVER -DELETE <refnum|desc>
	     Remove server <refnum> (or <desc>) from server list.
	     Fails if you do not give it a refnum or desc.
	     Fails if server does not exist.
	     Fails if server is open.
	/SERVER -ADD <desc>
	     Add server <desc> to server list.
	     Fails if you do not give it a <desc>
	/SERVER +<refnum|desc>
	     If the server's state is "CLOSED", change it to "RECONNECT".  
	     This allows the server to reconnect if windows are pointed to it.
	     Note: server reconnection is asynchronous
	/SERVER -<refnum|desc>
	     Unconditionally close a server connection
	     Note: server disconnection is synchronous!
	     Switch windows from current server to next server in same group
	     Switch windows from current server to previous server in same group
	/SERVER <refnum|desc>
	     Switch windows from current server to another server.

*** News 01/08/2004 -- /ON WIDELIST went away here
	This /ON hasn't been hooked in many a year, and here it officially
	passed into the void.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Removal of WINDOW BIND feature
	As part of the larger project to decouple windows from channels,
	the "window bind" feature has been removed.  This means you can 
	cannot use $windowctl(* BIND_CHANNEL *) or $winbound().  It is 
	expected that eventually scripts will take over the job of routing 
	channels to the appropriate windows and EPIC will stay entirely 
	out of the way.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- New /ON, /ON SERVER_STATUS
	This /ON is thrown every time a server changes its "state".
	The states are listed below in "Server States" and I won't
	go into that again here.
		$0 - The server changing state
		$1 - The old status (a string, not a number)
		$2 - The new status
	If you find that you do something particularly onerous in 
	this /ON and EPIC panics or crashes, try /DEFERing it, and
	if that doesn't work either, let me know.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Removal of NOTE support
	I doubt anyone will notice this, and if you do, bummer.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Server states
	Servers now exist in one of several "states" each time it connects
	to the server.  It moves through each of the states from start to
	end, and stays at the end until manually reset by the user (or script)

	RECONNECT	As soon as a window is attached to the server, the 
			server should be connected to.
	CONNECTING	A connection to the server is in progress.  The server 
			is not ready to be used.
	REGISTERING	We are attempting protocol registration (NICK/USER) 
			with the server.  The server is open, but we cannot 
			really use it yet.
	SYNCING		Our registration has been accepted and we're doing 
			whatever meta-tasks are needed to get the connection 
			fully active
	ACTIVE		The connection is fully ready for all use.
	EOF		An End Of File (EOF) has been detected from the server.
			The connection was closed by the server and cannot be 
			used any longer.
	CLOSING		The connection to the server is being shut down.  If 
			the previous state was "ACTIVE" then you can still 
			send something to the server.  If the previous state
			was "EOF" then it's too late.  You cannot stop the
			closing of a server.
	CLOSED		The server is disconnected and cannot be used.  The
			server (and any windows connected to this server) stay
			in this state until the user resets the state to 

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Channels are not tracked across disconnects
	When you are disconnected from a server for *any* reason, EPIC
	will not retain knowledge of the channels for the next connection
	and will not rejoin them.  It is expected that scripts will use
	this to their advantage to fully control the semantics you will
	have governing "auto-rejoin-on-reconnect".

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Server connections are now brought up asynchronously
	When you do /WINDOW SERVER or /SERVER or otherwise change the
	server of a window, the server is not immediately connected or
	disconnected, and the change will not take effect until the
	next time through the event looper.  This means that all server
	connections are "asychronous" (they don't interrupt the current
	flow of the script).  This means you most definitely cannot
	do /WINDOW SERVER <host> CHANNEL <channel> any more.  So please
	stop doing that. ;-)  Use /ON SERVER_STATUS to join channels.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- /XDEBUG SERVER_CONNECT a lot more interesting
	If you want to watch epic work its gory nonblocking connects,
	you can turn on this /xdebug and see everything in its glory.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Nonblocking server connects
	EPIC now does all server connections using asynchronous, 
	nonrecursive, nonblocking connections.  And yes, it still 
	supports multiple protocols and multiple addresses (ie, 
	""), and *yes*, it will try another address if 
	a server refuses us registration ("You do not have access to 
	this server").

*** News 01/07/2004 -- EPIC no longer tracks server "dialect" per se
	The $version() string now always returns "2.8" since all 
	servers are nominally 2.8 class (rfc1459) servers, and epic
	does not attempt to determine if it's an undernet, ircnet,
	efnet, or dalnet server, etc.  This is mostly because scripts
	can hook /on 004 if they care, and the 005 numeric (ISUPPORT)
	is making dependance on the server's version much less important.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- EPIC loads ~/.ircrc (or ~/.epicrc) on 001 now
	Traditionally, ircII has loaded your ircrc when it received 
	the 002 numeric, and traditionally, epic has done it when it
	received the 004 numeric.  Due to some refactoring in epic,
	it is now possible for epic to load your ircrc when it receives
	the 001 numeric *and before it hooks /on 001*  This means you 
	shouldn't have to suffer the default epic output for any of
	the numerics from the server.

*** News 01/07/2004 -- Usermodes now tracked as strings instead of bits
	Before this change, ircII clients had always tracked your user
	and channel modes as bits, and the valid (supported) modes were
	hardcoded into the client at compile time.  With this change, 
	EPIC will no longer track your modes using bits, but instead 
	using strings.  This means that epic won't need source code
	changes to support new modes from your server.  You can't do
	$serverctl(SET|GET <refnum> UMODES) any more (but the old
	"UMODE" still works)

*** News 01/07/2004 -- /ON wildcard patterns now compiled into regexes
			*** OBSOLETE ***
	At or around this date, EPIC started converting wildcard patterns
	used by /ON into extended POSIX regexes and compiling them, and
	using the regexes instead of the pattern matcher.  In the future,
	epic will allow you to specify your own regexes.  "Flexible"
	/on hooks are still wildcard pattern matched (for now) because
	recompiling the pattern every time the /on is thrown is senseless.
			*** OBSOLETE ***
	This feature was removed (see note above for 08/25/2004)
			*** OBSOLETE ***


*** News -- 12/16/2003 -- New levels, KICK, QUIT, and MODE
	So just for a canonical list, here are all of the levels supported
	by flood, ignore, lastlog, and windows:
		ALL (special)	NONE (special)

*** News -- 12/16/2003 -- Unification of ignore, flood, and lastlog levels
	Previously, the ignore, flood, and lastlog levels used the same
	names, but they had different meanings in each subsystem (ie, CRAP 
	in flood was different from CRAP in ignore, and CRAP in lastlog).
	Now all three subsystems use the same levels, all named the same,
	and (more or less) all defined the same.  There are some holes in
	this conversion cause I didn't check every possible combination.
	Report any odd behavior to me so I can fix it.

*** News -- 12/16/2003 -- New noise type for /ON, /ON %TYPE
	The /ON %TYPE modifier acts just like /ON ^TYPE, because it
	suppresses the default action, but it is unlike /ON ^TYPE
	because it does not turn off the display (what /ON ^TYPE
	does is it prefixes all the commands in the ON body with 
	the ^ modifier, which turns off output for that command.)
	This new modifer does not prefix each command with ^, so any
	commands not so prefixed will generate their normal output.	
	The idea is you can use this for /on set's

*** News -- 12/16/2003 -- Removed /SET BEEP_WHEN_AWAY
	This feature can be re-implemented in one line of script:
		/ON #MSG 617 * {IF (A) {BEEP}}

*** News -- 12/16/2003 -- Removed /SET BEEP_ON_MSG
	The /SET BEEP_ON_MSG feature has been removed because it was only
	half-implemented, and even that half didn't work right.  Keep an
	eye out for a scripted re-implementation of this in the future.

*** News -- 12/16/2003 -- Runtime auto-append-of-$* removed
	Historically, the ircII language has allowed you to auto-append
	$* onto the end of an alias at runtime by creating an alias that
	does not refer to any of the command line arguments.  For example,
		/alias m msg
	behaves at runtime as
		/alias m msg $*
	but with a performance penalty.  This behavior has now been removed
	and if you wish to have $* appended to your aliases, you need to 
	change them.  This change would be backwards compatable with epic4.

# End of file