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<h3 class="section">24.2 Quadratic Programming</h3>

<p>Octave can also solve Quadratic Programming problems, this is
<pre class="example">     min 0.5 x'*H*x + x'*q
   <p>subject to
<pre class="example">          A*x = b
          lb &lt;= x &lt;= ub
          A_lb &lt;= A_in*x &lt;= A_ub
   <!-- ./optimization/qp.m -->
   <p><a name="doc_002dqp"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function File: [<var>x</var>, <var>obj</var>, <var>info</var>, <var>lambda</var>] = <b>qp</b> (<var>x0, H, q, A, b, lb, ub, A_lb, A_in, A_ub</var>)<var><a name="index-qp-1802"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Solve the quadratic program

     <pre class="example">               min 0.5 x'*H*x + x'*q
        <p>subject to

     <pre class="example">               A*x = b
               lb &lt;= x &lt;= ub
               A_lb &lt;= A_in*x &lt;= A_ub
        <p class="noindent">using a null-space active-set method.

        <p>Any bound (<var>A</var>, <var>b</var>, <var>lb</var>, <var>ub</var>, <var>A_lb</var>,
<var>A_ub</var>) may be set to the empty matrix (<code>[]</code>) if not
present.  If the initial guess is feasible the algorithm is faster.

        <p>The value <var>info</var> is a structure with the following fields:
<dt><code>solveiter</code><dd>The number of iterations required to find the solution. 
<br><dt><code>info</code><dd>An integer indicating the status of the solution, as follows:
<dt>0<dd>The problem is feasible and convex.  Global solution found. 
<br><dt>1<dd>The problem is not convex.  Local solution found. 
<br><dt>2<dd>The problem is not convex and unbounded. 
<br><dt>3<dd>Maximum number of iterations reached. 
<br><dt>6<dd>The problem is infeasible. 
