

distrib > Mandriva > current > x86_64 > by-pkgid > c546789ff5782723925f27b4c0b7e636 > files > 68


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/** \page compilation_linux Compiling Libsmbios on Linux
 \section lin_comp Linux Compilation
 Libsmbios has been tested with the following compilers on Linux:
    - GCC 3.2 
    - GCC 3.3
    - GCC 3.4

 Note: Older versions of libsmbios were tested on GCC 2.96. Libsmbios is no
 longer actively maintained for this and earlier versions of GCC.

 In addition to the tools mentioned in the \ref all section, for the Linux
 compile the following tools are recommended (but not required):
    - Valgrind: 

 The steps to build the library on Linux are as follows:
  - Untar the distribution:
    user@host:~/$ tar xvjf libsmbios-0.1.0.tar.bz2

  - run "make default"

  - Other make targets of interest:
        - <pre><b>make noxml      </b></pre>-- Compiles only code that has no XML dependencies (same as "default")
        - <pre><b>make xml        </b></pre>-- Compiles all code, must have additional libs installed (xerces) to compile everything
        - <pre><b>make all        </b></pre>-- same as "xml"
        - <pre><b>make static     </b></pre>-- compile statically-linked binaries
        - <pre><b>make unit_test  </b></pre>-- Runs all unit tests <b> Highly recommended </b>
        - <pre><b>make valgrind   </b></pre>-- Checks for memory leaks 
        - <pre><b>make coverage   </b></pre>-- produce \ref code_coverage
        - <pre><b>make header_file_check  </b></pre>-- check against \ref header_rules
        - <pre><b>make tarball    </b></pre>-- create a release tarball

 \subsection xerces Compiling Xerces on Linux
    To compile all of libsmbios, xerces is necessary. You can download the
    xerces-devel package from the libsmbios yum repository, which will save
    you some troubles. Information on the libsmbios yum repository is here:
    \ref yum.  To install the necessary xerces libs, do a "yum install
    xerces-devel" after setting up the repository.
    If you wish to compile xerces from source, some people have reported
    problems compiling xerces on Linux. Here are a few things you need to do
    to compile the xerces tarball to an RPM. 

    1) Rename the tarball:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)" -ta ../xerces-c-current.tar.gz
error: File /home/michael_e_brown/xerces-c-src_2_7_0.tar.gz: No such file or
$ cp ../xerces-c-current.tar.gz SOURCES/xerces-c-src_2_7_0.tar.gz

    2) Unpackaged files:

    Xerces compilation may fail on newer Red Hat distributions due to
    "unpackaged files" in their RPM. You can work around this issue by
    building xercies like this:

$ rpmbuild --define "_topdir $(pwd)" --define "_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0" -ta SOURCES/xerces-c-src_2_7_0.tar.gz

    3) SUSE x64 - The RPM does not compile due to failed validation checks.
    The current spec file places 64-bit libs in the wrong directory and needs
    to be patched. A version for SUSE with a fixed SPEC file is available in
    the libsmbios yum repository. A fix has been submitted upstream. \ref yum

    4) FC4 - The RPM does not compile due to obsolete spec file syntax. A
    version for FC4 with a fix for this defect is in the libsmbios yum
    repository. A fix has been submitted upstream. \ref yum
