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      QuickStart – OpenCT
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          <h1 id="Aquickinstallationguidetoopenct">A quick installation guide to openct</h1>
Please read <a class="wiki" href="OperatingSystems.html" shape="rect">OperatingSystems</a> page first for the general concept and problems and then come back here for step by step instructions. Thanks.
To install openct, please do as user,
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">$ wget
$ tar xfvz openct-0.6.16.tar.gz
$ cd openct-0.6.16

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
This will install openct in /usr, but put the config file
into /etc. The configure out put is quite long, with many
tests for software, versions and so on. At the end a summary
is printed, it should look like this:
OpenCT has been configured with the following options
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">User binaries:       ${exec_prefix}/bin
Configuration files: /etc

Host:                i686-pc-linux-gnu
Compiler:            gcc
Compiler flags:      -Wall -g -O2 
Preprocessor flags:  -I${top_builddir}/src/include -I${top_srcdir}/src/include 
Linker flags:        
Libraries:           -lpthread 

PC/SC support:       yes
Libusb used:         yes
To use usb tokens and readers, libusb support is highly recommended.
PC/SC support is only useful, if you want to use openct drivers with
applications other than opensc, using the pcsc-lite middleware.
This author does only use openct with opensc and thus would not need
PC/SC support.
Please note that OpenCT uses pkg-config to find libusb and pcsc-lite. pkg-config
should be installed, and - if necessary - PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment set to
directories with the *.pc files, like /usr/lib/pkgconfig/. If you cannot install
pkg-config or for some reason you want to use a version of e.g. libusb that has no
pkg-config file, you can work around this problem by setting environment variables,
for example LIBUSB_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/your/libusb/include" and LIBUSB_LIBS="-L/path/to/your/libusb/lib -lusb".
This will also work if your pkg-config files are broken for some reason.
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">$ make
$ su root
and as root
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve"># make install
will install all the files. 
At system boot, openct needs to create a status file and
start a process for every permanent connected reader.
For this you need to install the init script into /etc/init.d/
and create startup and shutdown symlinks.
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve"># cp etc/init-script /etc/init.d/openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc0.d/K50openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc1.d/S50openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc2.d/S50openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc3.d/S50openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc4.d/S50openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc5.d/S50openct
# ln -s ../init.d/openct /etc/rc6.d/K20openct
This init script will create the directory /var/run/openct/
when run. If you want to restrict access to openct, it might
be best to edit the init script. We have put the mkdir command
in the init script, as some distributions use a tmpfs on /var/run/
and thus all files and directories in it vanish after a reboot.
Openct also supports hotplugging. If properly configured you can
simply plugin a usb smart card reader and instantly access it,
or remove it. Beware: never remove a smart card reader or usb
crypto dongle while someone is using it. Incomplete transactions
can leave some smart cards confused up to the point of being unusable.
This is rare, but it happends (especially while a card is initialized).
Over the time different mechanisms were developed for hotplugging -
how the kernel can get the message "here is a new usb device" to
the user space application that can make good use of it. OpenCT
now suggests to use hald for this, as most distributions prefer this
way and favor it.
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve"> mkdir -p /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/
cp etc/openct.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-usb-openct.fdi
cp openct-policy.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-usb-openct.fdi 
cp etc/openct.hald /usr/lib/hal/hald-addon-openct # distro dependent
chmod 0755 /usr/lib/hal/hald-addon-openct # needs to be executable
Note that hald setup does not support readers in pcmcia or pc-card so far.
But for usb it was tested and is working fine.
See <a class="wiki" href="OperatingSystems.html" shape="rect">OperatingSystems</a> for more details and information
on other operating systems.
Finaly, openct needs a config file to work correctly.
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">cp etc/openct.conf /etc/openct.conf
if you have serial readers (or anything else, not hotplugged),
edit /etc/openct.conf and configure your reader. Here is an
example for a Towitoko reader connected to the first serial
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">        reader towitoko {
               driver = towitoko;
               device = serial:/dev/ttyS0;
Now attach all those serial readers and start openct. Hotplug readers
already attached will be found as well, but you can as well attach them
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">/etc/init.d/openct start
now you can test it as user:
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">openct-tool list
  0 Towitoko Chipdrive Micro
  1 Schlumberger E-Gate
As you can see I have a normal, serial reader (Towitoko Chipdrive Micro)
and one usb token. If I remove the usb token, it will no longer be listed.
If I add a new token, the new one will show up:
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">openct-tool list
  0 Towitoko Chipdrive Micro
  1 Aladdin eToken PRO
I tested this on systems with several usb ports, too. But this "screen shot"
is from a system with only one usb port, my old laptop.
If you have a card in the reader, you can get the answer to reset ("ATR"),
which is a byte string containing some parameters, but can be used very
well to identify a card. Default is reader 0, add "-r 1" to use reader 1.
<pre class="wiki" xml:space="preserve">openct-tool -r 1 atr
Detected Aladdin eToken PRO
Card present, status changed
ATR: 3b e2 00 ff c1 10 31 fe 55 c8 02 9c
and similar commands. openct is ready.

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