

help > urls

Formating results

This page describe supporting URLs on the website.

Normally all urls support output as:

For XMLRPC functions, see XMLRPC Help page.

The default output is of course HTML format, like any website would do.

Alternative output is obtained by passing argument either as POST or GET:


NB: Some URL don't support (yet) all output type.


Url: /distrib

Return the list of currently indexed distributions.

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIBUTION>

Return the list of available releases for given DISTRIBUTION.


Return the list of available architectures for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE.


Return the list of available medias for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE, ARCH.

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIBUTION>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/rpms

Return the list of available rpms for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE, ARCH.

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIBUTION>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/srpms

Return the list of available source rpms for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE, ARCH.


Show the highest version of source rpm named RPMNAME for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE, ARCH.


Show the highest version of binary rpm named RPMNAME for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE, ARCH.

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIBUTION>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/by-pkgid/<PKGID>

Show information about rpm having pkgid PKGID for given DISTRIBUTION, RELEASE, ARCH.

This is likely the same thing than /rpm/PKGID but website will return a 404 error code if the rpm is not in this distrib

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIB>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/media/<MEDIA>

Return the list of rpms in media MEDIA for distribution DISTRIB, RELEASE, ARCH.

The result list is an array of struct:

            filename => 'zvbi-0.2.33-5.fc14.x86_64.rpm',
            pkgid => 'bb9cc5113f0de3e4c7140a1ee8694900'
            filename => 'zvbi-devel-0.2.33-5.fc14.i686.rpm',
            pkgid => '2c3b41c5e1c475dfa31492998eb4de9f'

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIB>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/media/<MEDIA>/rpms/<NAME>

Show binary rpm named NAME in this distribution/media.

Return 404 error if such rpm does not exists

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIB>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/media/<MEDIA>/srpms/<NAME>

Show source rpm named NAME in this distribution/media.

Return 404 error if such rpm does not exists

Url: /distrib/<DISTRIB>/<RELEASE>/<ARCH>/media/<MEDIA>/by-pkgid/<PKGID>

Show rpm having PKGID in this distribution/media.

Return 404 error if such rpm does not exists

Url: /maintainers/<RPM>/<DISTRIB>

Return the list of maintainers for source rpm named RPM for distribution DISTRIB.

Theses alternatives are supported:




To use JSON (same for AJAX):




Url: /rpms/<PKGID>/basicinfo?json

Return a struct about basic informations about rpm having pkgid PKGID.

Example of information return:

          'arch' => 'x86_64',
          'version' => '0.0.3',
          'src' => '1',
          'issrc' => '1',
          'name' => 'ecap-samples',
          'release' => '1mdv2010.2',
          'description' => 'The sample contains three basic adapters.',
          'pkgid' => 'aa17ce95dd816e0817da78d7af54abdb',
          'summary' => 'Simple ecap samples',
          'filename' => 'ecap-samples-0.0.3-1mdv2010.2.src.rpm',
          'evr' => '0.0.3-1mdv2010.2'

NB: This url works only in JSON format.

Url: /rpms/<PKGID>/info?json

Like rpms/<PKGID>basicinfo return a struct containing single information about the request rpm.

NB: This url works only in JSON format.

Url: /rpms/<PKGID>/dependency/<DEPTYPE>?json

Return a list of DEPTYPE dependencies for package PKGID where DEPTYPE is one of: