

distrib > * > 2008.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 55ad7a2f985f647361872a99e78ff91c > files > 6


# *tmb* series kernels now use versioning
%define kernelversion	2
%define patchlevel	6
%define sublevel	23

# kernel Makefile extraversion is substituted by 
# kpatch/kstable wich are either 0 (empty), pre/rc (kpatch) or stable release (kstable)
%define kpatch		0
%define kstable		13

# this is the releaseversion
%define kbuild		1

%define ktag 		tmb
%define kname 		kernel-%{ktag}

%define rpmtag		%distsuffix
%if %kpatch
%define rpmrel		%mkrel 0.%{kpatch}.%{kbuild}
%define rpmrel		%mkrel %{kbuild}

# theese two never change, they are used to fool rpm/urpmi/smart
%define fakever		1
%define fakerel		%mkrel 1

# When we are using a pre/rc patch, the tarball is a sublevel -1
%if %kpatch
%define kversion  	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}
%define tar_ver	  	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%(expr %{sublevel} - 1)
%define patch_ver 	%{kversion}-%{kpatch}-%{ktag}%{kbuild}
%if %kstable
%define kversion  	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}.%{kstable}
%define tar_ver   	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}
%define kversion  	%{kernelversion}.%{patchlevel}.%{sublevel}
%define tar_ver   	%{kversion}
%define patch_ver 	%{kversion}-%{ktag}%{kbuild}
%define kverrel   	%{kversion}-%{rpmrel}

# used for not making too long names for rpms or search paths 
%if %kpatch
%define buildrpmrel     0.%{kpatch}.%{kbuild}%{rpmtag}
%define buildrpmrel     %{kbuild}%{rpmtag}
%define buildrel     	%{kversion}-%{buildrpmrel}

# having different top level names for packges means that you have to remove them by hard :(
%define top_dir_name 	%{kname}-%{_arch}

%define build_dir 	${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{top_dir_name}
%define src_dir 	%{build_dir}/linux-%{tar_ver}

# disable useless debug rpms...
%define _enable_debug_packages 	%{nil}
%define debug_package 		%{nil}

# Build defines
%define build_doc 		0
%define build_source 		1
%define build_devel 		1
%define build_debug 		0

# Build desktop i586 / 1GB
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define build_desktop586	1

# Build mm (i686 / 4GB) / x86_64 / sparc64 sets
%define build_desktop		1

# Build laptop (i686 / 4GB)/ x86_64
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%define build_laptop		1

# Build server (i686 / 64GB)/x86_64 / sparc64 sets
%define build_server		1

# End of user definitions
%{?_without_desktop586: %global build_desktop586 0}
%{?_without_desktop: %global build_desktop 0}
%{?_without_laptop: %global build_laptop 0}
%{?_without_server: %global build_server 0}
%{?_without_doc: %global build_doc 0}
%{?_without_source: %global build_source 0}
%{?_without_devel: %global build_devel 0}
%{?_without_debug: %global build_debug 0}

%{?_with_desktop586: %global build_desktop586 1}
%{?_with_desktop: %global build_desktop 1}
%{?_with_laptop: %global build_laptop 1}
%{?_with_server: %global build_server 1}
%{?_with_doc: %global build_doc 1}
%{?_with_source: %global build_source 1}
%{?_with_devel: %global build_devel 1}
%{?_with_debug: %global build_debug 1}

# For the .nosrc.rpm
%define build_nosrc 	0
%{?_with_nosrc: %global build_nosrc 1}

%define kmake %make
# there are places where parallel make don't work
%define smake make

# Sparc arch wants sparc64 kernels
%define target_arch    %(echo %{_arch} | sed -e "s/sparc/sparc64/")

# SRC RPM description
Summary: 	Linux kernel built for Mandriva with modifications by %{ktag}
Name:		%{kname}
Version: 	%{kversion}
Release: 	%{rpmrel}
License: 	GPL
Group: 	 	System/Kernel and hardware
ExclusiveArch: 	%{ix86} x86_64 sparc64
ExclusiveOS: 	Linux

# Sources
### This is for full SRC RPM
### This is for stripped SRC RPM
%if %build_nosrc
NoSource: 0
# This is for disabling mrproper on -devel rpms
Source2: 	disable-mrproper-in-devel-rpms.patch

Source4: 	README.kernel-%{ktag}-sources
Source5: 	README.Mandriva_Linux_%{ktag}
Source6: 	README.%{ktag}.urpmi

Source100: 	linux-%{patch_ver}.tar.bz2
Source101: 	linux-%{patch_ver}.tar.bz2.sign
Source102: 	%{kname}.patchlist

# Patches

# Patch0 to Patch100 are for core kernel upgrades.

# Pre linus patch:

%if %kpatch
%if %kstable


# Defines for the things that are needed for all the kernels
%define common_description_kernel The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of your \
Mandriva Linux operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions \
of the operating system:  memory allocation, process allocation, device \
input and output, etc.

%define common_description_info For instructions for update, see:	\			\
The %{ktag} kernels is an experimental kernel based on the	\
kernels with added patches. Some of them may/will never end up in	\
the main kernels due to their experimental nature. Some refer to	\
this kernel as a 'hackkernel' ...					\
Use these kernels at your own risk !!					

### Global Requires/Provides
%define requires1 	mkinitrd >= 4.2.17-%mkrel 52
%define requires2 	bootloader-utils >= 1.12-%mkrel 1
%define requires3 	sysfsutils >= 1.3.0-%mkrel 1 module-init-tools >= 3.2-0.pre8.%mkrel 2

%define kprovides 	%{kname} = %{kverrel}, kernel = %{tar_ver}, drbd-api = 86

BuildRoot: 		%{_tmppath}/%{kname}-%{kversion}-%{_arch}-build
Autoreqprov: 		no
BuildRequires: 		gcc >= 4.0.1-%mkrel 5 module-init-tools >= 3.2-0.pre8.%mkrel 2



# mkflavour() name flavour processor
# name: the flavour name in the package name
# flavour: first parameter of CreateKernel()
%define mkflavour()					\
%package -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}			\
Version:	%{fakever}				\
Release:	%{fakerel}				\
Provides:	%kprovides				\
Requires(pre):	%requires1 %requires2 %requires3	\
Summary:	%{expand:%{summary_%(echo %{1})}}	\
Group:		System/Kernel and hardware		\
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}		\
%common_description_kernel %{expand:%{info_%(echo %{1})}} \
%common_description_info				\
%package -n	%{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel}		\
Version:	%{fakever}				\
Release:	%{fakerel}				\
Requires:	glibc-devel ncurses-devel make gcc perl	\
Summary:	The kernel-devel files for %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} \
Group:		Development/Kernel			\
Provides:	kernel-devel = %{kverrel} 		\
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel}		\
This package contains the kernel-devel files that should be enough to build \
3rdparty drivers against for use with %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}. \
If you want to build your own kernel, you need to install the full \
%{kname}-source-%{buildrel} rpm.			\
%common_description_info				\
%package -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest			\
Version:	%{kversion}				\
Release:	%{rpmrel}				\
Summary:	Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-%{1}	\
Group:		System/Kernel and hardware		\
Requires:	%{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel}		\
Obsoletes:	%{kname}-%{1}-smp-latest <= 2.6.22-0.rc5.%{expand:%mkrel 1} \
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest			\
This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the \
latest %{kname}-%{1} installed...			\
%common_description_info				\
%package -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest			\
Version:	%{kversion}				\
Release:	%{rpmrel}				\
Summary:	Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-%{1}-devel \
Group:		Development/Kernel			\
Requires:	%{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel}		\
Obsoletes:	%{kname}-%{1}-smp-devel-latest <= 2.6.22-0.rc5.%{expand:%mkrel 1} \
%description -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest		\
This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the \
latest %{kname}-%{1}-devel installed...			\
%common_description_info				\
%post -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-post \
%preun -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-preun \
%postun -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1}-postun \
%post -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-post \
%preun -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1}-preun \
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-%{buildrel} -f kernel_files.%{1} \
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-latest				\
%defattr(-,root,root)					\
%if %build_devel					\
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-%{buildrel} -f kernel_devel_files.%{1} \
%files -n %{kname}-%{1}-devel-latest			\
%defattr(-,root,root)					\

%ifarch %{ix86}
# kernel-desktop586: i586, smp-alternatives, 1GB

%if %build_desktop586
%define summary_desktop586 Linux kernel for desktop use with i586 & 1GB RAM
%define info_desktop586 This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple i586 processor(s)/core(s) and less than 1GB RAM (usually 870-900MB \
detected), using voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%mkflavour desktop586

# kernel-desktop: i686, smp-alternatives, 4 GB / x86_64

%if %build_desktop
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define summary_desktop Linux Kernel for desktop use with i686 & 4GB RAM
%define info_desktop This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and less than 4GB RAM, using voluntary \
preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%define summary_desktop Linux Kernel for desktop use with %{_arch}
%define info_desktop This kernel is compiled for desktop use, single or \
multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using voluntary preempt, CFS cpu \
scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%mkflavour desktop

# kernel-laptop: i686, smp-alternatives, 4GB / x86_64

%if %build_laptop
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define summary_laptop Linux kernel for laptop use with i686-up/smp-4GB
%define info_laptop This kernel is compiled for laptop use, single or \
multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and less than 4GB RAM, using HZ_300 \
to save battery, voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler, cfq i/o scheduler \
and some other laptop-specific optimizations. If you want to sacrifice \
battery life for performance, you better use the %{kname}-desktop. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%define summary_laptop Linux kernel for laptop use with %{_arch}
%define info_laptop This kernel is compiled for laptop use, single or \
multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using HZ_300 to save battery, \
voluntary preempt, CFS cpu scheduler, cfq i/o scheduler and some other \
laptop-specific optimizations. If you want to sacrifice battery life for \
performance, you better use the %{kname}-desktop. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%mkflavour laptop

# kernel-server: i686, smp-alternatives, 64 GB /x86_64

%if %build_server
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define summary_server Linux Kernel for server use with i686  & 64GB RAM
%define info_server This kernel is compiled for server use, single or \
multiple i686 processor(s)/core(s) and up to 64GB RAM using PAE, using \
no preempt, CFS cpu scheduler and cfq i/o scheduler. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%define summary_server Linux Kernel for server use with %{_arch}
%define info_server This kernel is compiled for server use, single or \
multiple %{_arch} processor(s)/core(s), using no preempt, CFS cpu scheduler \
and cfq i/o scheduler. \
This kernel relies on in-kernel smp alternatives to switch between up & smp \
mode depending on detected hardware. To force the kernel to boot in single \
processor mode, use the "nosmp" boot parameter.
%mkflavour server

# kernel-source
%package -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
Version: 	%{fakever}
Release: 	%{fakerel}
Requires: 	glibc-devel, ncurses-devel, make, gcc, perl
Summary: 	The Linux source code for %{kname}-%{buildrel}  
Group: 		Development/Kernel
Autoreqprov: 	no
Provides: 	kernel-source = %{kverrel}, kernel-devel = %{kverrel}

%description -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
The %{kname}-source package contains the source code files for the %{ktag}
series Linux kernel. Theese source files are only needed if you want to 
build your own custom kernel that is better tuned to your particular hardware.

If you only want the files needed to build 3rdparty (nVidia, Ati, dkms-*,...)
drivers against, install the *-devel-* rpm that is matching your kernel.


%post -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
for i in /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-*-%{buildrpmrel}; do
        if [ -d $i ]; then
		if [ ! -L $i/build -a ! -L $i/source ]; then	
            		ln -sf /usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-%{buildrpmrel} $i/build
            		ln -sf /usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-%{buildrpmrel} $i/source

%preun -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
for i in /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-*-%{buildrpmrel}/{build,source}; do
	if [ -L $i ]; then
		if [ "$(readlink $i)" = "/usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-%{buildrpmrel}" ]; then
			rm -f $i
exit 0

# kernel-source-latest: virtual rpm
%package -n %{kname}-source-latest
Version: 	%{kversion}
Release: 	%{rpmrel}
Summary: 	Virtual rpm for latest %{kname}-source
Group:   	Development/Kernel
Requires: 	%{kname}-source-%{buildrel}

%description -n %{kname}-source-latest
This package is a virtual rpm that aims to make sure you always have the
latest %{kname}-source installed...


# kernel-doc: documentation for the Linux kernel
%package -n %{kname}-doc-%{buildrel}
Version: 	%{fakever}
Release: 	%{fakerel}
Summary: 	Various documentation bits found in the %{kname} source
Group: 		Books/Computer books

%description -n %{kname}-doc-%{buildrel}
This package contains documentation files from the %{kname} source. 
Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the device drivers 
shipped with it are documented in these files. You also might want install 
this package if you need a reference to the options that can be passed to 
Linux kernel modules at load time.


# End packages - here begins build stage
%setup -q -n %top_dir_name -c

%setup -q -n %top_dir_name -D -T -a100

%define patches_dir ../%{patch_ver}/

cd %src_dir
%if %kpatch
%patch1 -p1
%if %kstable
%patch1 -p1



# Setup Begin

# Prepare all the variables for calling create_configs

%if %build_debug
%define debug --debug
%define debug --no-debug

%{patches_dir}/scripts/create_configs %debug --user_cpu="%{target_arch}"

# make sure the kernel has the sublevel we know it has...
LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{sublevel}/" Makefile

# get rid of unwanted files
find . -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.append' |xargs rm -f

# Common target directories
%define _kerneldir /usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-%{buildrpmrel}
%define _bootdir /boot
%define _modulesdir /lib/modules

# Directories definition needed for building
%define temp_root %{build_dir}/temp-root
%define temp_source %{temp_root}%{_kerneldir}
%define temp_boot %{temp_root}%{_bootdir}
%define temp_modules %{temp_root}%{_modulesdir}

PrepareKernel() {
	echo "Make dep for kernel $extension"
	%smake -s mrproper

	if [ $name = ""]; then
	    cp arch/%{target_arch}/defconfig-desktop .config
	    cp arch/%{target_arch}/defconfig-$name .config
# make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
%if %kstable
	LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = .%{kstable}-$extension/" Makefile
	LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -$extension/" Makefile
### FIXME MDV bugs #29744, #29074, will be removed when fixed upstream
	LC_ALL=C perl -p -i -e "s/^source/### source/" drivers/crypto/Kconfig

	%smake oldconfig

BuildKernel() {
	echo "Building kernel $KernelVer"

	%kmake all

	# Start installing stuff
	install -d %{temp_boot}
	install -m 644 %{temp_boot}/$KernelVer
	install -m 644 .config %{temp_boot}/config-$KernelVer

	%ifarch sparc sparc64
		gzip -9c vmlinux > %{temp_boot}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
		cp -f arch/%{target_arch}/boot/bzImage %{temp_boot}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer

	# modules
	install -d %{temp_modules}/$KernelVer
	%smake INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{temp_root} KERNELRELEASE=$KernelVer modules_install 

SaveDevel() {


	mkdir -p $TempDevelRoot
	for i in $(find . -name Makefile -o -name Makefile-* -o -name Makefile.*); do cp -R --parents $i $TempDevelRoot;done
	for i in $(find . -name Kconfig -o -name Kconfig.* -o -name Kbuild -o -name Kbuild.*); do cp -R --parents $i $TempDevelRoot;done
	cp -fR include $TempDevelRoot
	cp -fR scripts $TempDevelRoot
	cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/asm-offsets.{c,s} $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/
	%ifarch %{ix86}
	cp -fR arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/sigframe.h $TempDevelRoot/arch/%{target_arch}/kernel/
	cp -fR .config Module.symvers $TempDevelRoot
	cp -fR 3rdparty/ $TempDevelRoot/3rdparty
	# Needed for truecrypt build (Danny)
	cp -fR drivers/md/dm.h $TempDevelRoot/drivers/md/
	for i in alpha arm arm26 avr32 blackfin cris frv h8300 ia64 mips m32r m68k m68knommu parisc powerpc ppc s390 sh sh64 v850 xtensa; do
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/$i
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/asm-$i
	%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/i386
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/x86_64
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/asm-i386
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/asm-x86_64
	%ifnarch sparc sparc64
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/sparc
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/arch/sparc64
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/asm-sparc
		rm -rf $TempDevelRoot/include/asm-sparc64

	# Clean the scripts tree
	pushd $TempDevelRoot >/dev/null
		%smake -s clean
	popd >/dev/null
	# fix permissions
	chmod -R a+rX $TempDevelRoot
	# disable mrproper in -devel rpms
	patch -p1 -d $TempDevelRoot -i %{SOURCE2}


### Cteate the kernel_devel_files.*
cat > $kernel_devel_files <<EOF
%dir $DevelRoot
%dir $DevelRoot/arch
%dir $DevelRoot/include
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%ifarch sparc sparc64
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%ifarch sparc sparc64
%doc README.Mandriva_Linux_%{ktag}
%doc README.kernel-%{ktag}-sources
%doc README.urpmi

### Create -devel Post script on the fly
cat > $kernel_devel_files-post <<EOF
if [ -d /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/{build,source}
	ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
	ln -sf $DevelRoot /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source

### Create -devel Preun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_devel_files-preun <<EOF
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}$devel_cpu/source ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$devel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
exit 0

CreateFiles() {
### Create the kernel_files.*
cat > $kernel_files <<EOF
%dir %{_modulesdir}/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/
%doc README.Mandriva_Linux_%{ktag}
%doc README.kernel-%{ktag}-sources
%doc README.urpmi

### Create kernel Post script
cat > $kernel_files-post <<EOF
/sbin/installkernel -L %{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
if [ -x /sys/devices/platform/i8042 ]; then
	grep -q -s "psmouse" /etc/modprobe.preload || \
	/bin/echo -e "\npsmouse" >> /etc/modprobe.preload
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
grep -q -s "pcspkr" /etc/modprobe.preload || \
/bin/echo -e "\npcspkr" >> /etc/modprobe.preload
pushd /boot > /dev/null
if [ -L vmlinuz-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour ]; then
	rm -f vmlinuz-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour
ln -sf vmlinuz-%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} vmlinuz-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour
if [ -L initrd-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour.img ]; then
	rm -f initrd-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour.img
ln -sf initrd-%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img initrd-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour.img
popd > /dev/null
%if %build_devel
if [ -d /usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/{build,source}
	ln -sf /usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
	ln -sf /usr/src/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel} /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source

### Create kernel Preun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_files-preun <<EOF
/sbin/installkernel -R %{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
pushd /boot > /dev/null
if [ -L vmlinuz-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour ]; then
	if [ "$(readlink vmlinuz-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour)" = "vmlinuz-%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}" ]; then
		rm -f vmlinuz-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour
if [ -L initrd-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour.img ]; then
	if [ "$(readlink initrd-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour.img)" = "initrd-%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}.img" ]; then
		rm -f initrd-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour.img
popd > /dev/null
%if %build_devel
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/build
if [ -L /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source ]; then
	rm -f /lib/modules/%{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}/source
exit 0

### Create kernel Postun script on the fly
cat > $kernel_files-postun <<EOF
/sbin/kernel_remove_initrd %{kversion}-%{ktag}-$kernel_flavour-%{buildrpmrel}

CreateKernel() {

	PrepareKernel $flavour %{ktag}-$flavour-%{buildrpmrel}

	BuildKernel %{kversion}-%{ktag}-$flavour-%{buildrpmrel}
	%if %build_devel
		SaveDevel $flavour
	CreateFiles $flavour

# DO it...

# Create a simulacro of buildroot
rm -rf %{temp_root}
install -d %{temp_root}

#make sure we are in the directory
cd %src_dir

%ifarch %{ix86}
%if %build_desktop586
CreateKernel desktop586

%if %build_desktop
CreateKernel desktop

%if %build_laptop
CreateKernel laptop

%if %build_server
CreateKernel server

# We don't make to repeat the depend code at the install phase
%if %build_source
    PrepareKernel "" %{buildrpmrel}%{ktag}custom
%smake -s prepare
%smake -s scripts
%smake -s clean

### install
install -m 644 %{SOURCE4}  .
install -m 644 %{SOURCE5}  .
install -m 644 %{SOURCE6}  README.urpmi

cd %src_dir

# Directories definition needed for installing
%define target_source %{buildroot}%{_kerneldir}
%define target_boot %{buildroot}%{_bootdir}
%define target_modules %{buildroot}%{_modulesdir}

# We want to be able to test several times the install part
rm -rf %{buildroot}
cp -a %{temp_root} %{buildroot}

# Create directories infastructure
%if %build_source
install -d %{target_source} 

tar cf - . | tar xf - -C %{target_source}
chmod -R a+rX %{target_source}

# we remove all the source files that we don't ship
# first architecture files
for i in alpha arm arm26 avr32 blackfin cris frv h8300 ia64 mips m32r m68k m68knommu parisc powerpc ppc s390 sh sh64 v850 xtensa; do
	rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/$i
	rm -rf %{target_source}/include/asm-$i

%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
	rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/i386
	rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/x86_64
	rm -rf %{target_source}/include/asm-i386
	rm -rf %{target_source}/include/asm-x86_64
%ifnarch sparc sparc64
	rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/sparc
	rm -rf %{target_source}/arch/sparc64
	rm -rf %{target_source}/include/asm-sparc
	rm -rf %{target_source}/include/asm-sparc64

# other misc files
rm -f %{target_source}/{.config.old,.config.cmd,.mailmap,.missing-syscalls.d}

#endif %build_source

# gzipping modules
find %{target_modules} -name "*.ko" | xargs gzip -9

# We used to have a copy of PrepareKernel here
# Now, we make sure that the thing in the linux dir is what we want it to be
for i in %{target_modules}/*; do
  rm -f $i/build $i/source $i/modules.*

# sniff, if we gzipped all the modules, we change the stamp :(
# we really need the depmod -ae here
pushd %{target_modules}
for i in *; do
	/sbin/depmod -u -ae -b %{buildroot} -r -F %{target_boot}/$i $i
	echo $?

for i in *; do
	pushd $i
	echo "Creating module.description for $i"
	modules=`find . -name "*.ko.gz"`
	echo $modules | xargs /sbin/modinfo \
	| perl -lne 'print "$name\t$1" if $name && /^description:\s*(.*)/; $name = $1 if m!^filename:\s*(.*)\.k?o!; $name =~ s!.*/!!' > modules.description

### clean
rm -rf %{buildroot}

# We don't want to remove this, the whole reason of its existence is to be 
# able to do several rpm --short-circuit -bi for testing install 
# phase without repeating compilation phase
#rm -rf %{temp_root} 

### source and doc file lists

%if %build_source
%files -n %{kname}-source-%{buildrel}
%dir %{_kerneldir}
%dir %{_kerneldir}/arch
%dir %{_kerneldir}/include
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%ifarch sparc sparc64
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%ifarch sparc sparc64
%doc README.Mandriva_Linux_%{ktag}
%doc README.kernel-%{ktag}-sources
%doc README.urpmi
#endif build_source

%files -n %{kname}-source-latest


%if %build_doc
%files -n %{kname}-doc-%{buildrel}
%doc linux-%{tar_ver}/Documentation/*

* Thu Jan 10 2008 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 147733
- update to stable:
- fix build,source symlinks to -source tree to be created only if no
  matching -devel tree is installed, and to be removed only if they
  point at the -source tree
- fix url to point at Mandriva wiki
- use make clean to not ship unneeded files
- update patch AS01: linux-phc v 0.3.1
- drop patch AX01: possible nVidia sata corruption fix (dropped upstream)
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.23-hrt5
- update patch CR02: BadRaM support more stable on x86_64
- drop patches DA10,DA11: nVidia soft NCQ support (dropped upstream)
- update patches MB50-MB51: qc-usb v0.6.6
- add patches MD001-MD02: uvc r158 + fixes
- switch back to SLAB for 2.6.23 branch, as it's not performing as it should
- drop defconfig-maximum as it's a duplicate of defconfig-desktop
- update defconfigs
- update to stable:
- update patch CF01: CFS scheduler v 24.1
- drop patches CF02-CF04: CFS bugfixes (merged upstream)
- update patches DS01-DS02: alsa pcspeaker support, and enable it
- add patch DM01: update to thinkpad-acpi v 0.18 (#35222)
- update patches MB10-MB12: ndiswrapper 1.51
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi 0.10 final
- add patch MS01: fix SLUB vs SLAB hackbench regression
- switch to SLUB as default (same as upstream)
- update defconfigs
- update to stable:
- update to stable:
- drop patches AA01-AA08: -stable prepatches (merged upstream)
- add patch AI10: fix kernel error message when CPU is not fully
  i686-compatible, and suggest desktop586 flavour (#34231)
- rediff patch CF01: CFS scheduler v24
- add patches CF02, CF03: CFS scheduler Local Dos bugfixes (#35822)
- add patch CF04: sched: enable early use of sched_clock()
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi 0.10rc5
- update patch MC30: drbd v 8.0.8 (#36055)
- add patches AA01-AA08 from stable queue:
  * libertas: properly account for queue commands
  * NET: random : secure_tcp_sequence_number should not assume
  * NETFILTER: Fix NULL pointer dereference in nf_nat_move_storage()
  * ramdisk: fix data corruption on memory pressure
  * PKT_SCHED: Check subqueue status before calling hard_start_xmit
  * Fix synchronize_irq races with IRQ handler
  * Input: ALPS - add support for model found in Dell Vostro 1400
  * Input: ALPS - add signature for ThinkPad R61
- update to
  * CVE-2007-5500, CVE-2007-5501, CVE-2006-6058
- update patch CF01: CFS scheduler to v24
- add patch DN20: iwlvifi 1.2.0
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.49 final
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi 0.10rc4
- add patch NI07: netfilter IFWLOG api fix (Luiz)
- add patch NI12: netfilter PSD api fix (Luiz)
- sync with main:
  * update patches MB70-MB71: rt2400 cvs20071020 wireless support
  * update patches MB80-MB81: rt2500 cvs20071020 wireless support
  * update patches MB90-MB91: rt2570 cvs20071020 wireless support
  * update patches MC00-MC02: rt61 cvs202071020 wireless support
  * update patches MC10-MC12: rt73 cvs20071020 wireless support
  * add patches MC50-MC52: acx cvs200701 wireless support
  * add patches MC60-MC51: Atmel at76c503a wireless support
  * add patches MC80-MC81: Via High Speed serial support
  * add patch MD00: USB Video class support
- enable DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE for x86_64 too
- update defconfigs
- add patches DC01-DC03: fix x86_64 build of i8k (Dell SMM)
- update to stable
- drop patch AA01: 2.6.23-rc8-git2, merged upstream
- update kernel-laptop summary and descriptions
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.23-hrt3
- add patch CF01: update CFS scheduler to v22.1-rc0
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper-1.49rc4
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi 0.10rc3
- update patches MB60-MB64: ipw3945 1.2.2
- sync wireless support with main:
  * update MB70,MB71: rt2400-cvs20070820
  * update MB80,MB81: rt2500-cvs20070820
  * update MB90,MB91: rt2570-cvs20070820
  * update MC00-MC02: rt61-cvs20070820
  * update MC10-MC12: rt73-cvs20070823
- add patches MC40,MC41: Tablet Buttons Driver for Fujitsu Siemens
  (requested bu Austin)
- re-enable CONFIG_INPUT_TABLET as it got disabled by mistake
- set -laptop kernels to HZ_300 as HZ_100 is known to cause audio skips
  as noted during testing of main kernel
- disable mrproper target on -devel rpms to stop 3rdparty installers from
  wiping out needed files and thereby breaking builds
  (based on an initial patch by Danny used in kernel-multimedia series)
- update defconfigs

* Fri Sep 28 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.23-0.rc8.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 93765
- update to 2.6.23-rc8-git2 (fixes CVE-2007-4571)
- drop old patch AA01: CVE-2007-4573 fix, merged upstream
- drop patches AA10, AA11: ACPI and VESA wakeup fixes, merged upstream
- rediff patch AX10: hrt/tickless support

* Sun Sep 23 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.23-0.rc7.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 92406
- add patch AA01: x86_64 zero extend all registers after ptrace in
  32bit entry path (CVE-2007-4573)
- add patch SA48: fix AppArmor return-code and rejected_mask
  (from John Johansen @ suse)
- add patch FS03: unionfs: do not update mtime if there is no upper
  branch for the inode (

* Thu Sep 20 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.23-0.rc7.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 91673
- add patch AA10: fix VESA mode decoding in ACPI wakeup (LKML)
- add patch AA11: fix ACPI wakeup devices after hibernation (LKML)
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- add patch MC32: drbd Kconfig and Makefile buildfix (from main, Luiz)
- update to 2.6.23-rc7
- drop patch AA01: rc6-git6, mergesd upstream
- rediff patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- rediff patch KP01: tuxonice
- require the fixed mkinitrd-4.2.17-52mdv
- fix i386 defconfig to be i686, so that only desktop586 is built
  for i586 (Thanks to Danny for noticing)
- update defconfigs

* Thu Sep 20 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.23-0.rc6.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 91248
- update patch KP01: tuxonice (suspend2) is back
- update defconfigs

* Sun Sep 16 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.23-0.rc6.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 88713
- update to 2.6.23-rc6
- update patch AA01: 2.6.23-rc6-git6
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- update patches FS01, FS02: unionfs 2.1.3
- add patch SA47: fix AppArmor syslog logging (AppArmor svn rev 961)
- update defconfigs

* Fri Sep 07 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.23-0.rc5.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 81410
- add include/xen/ to filelists
- update to 2.6.23-rc5
- add patch AA01: 2.6.23-rc5-git1
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- disable patch CA03: video 80x25 fallback, as there is a brand new
  setup code in 2.6.23-rcX
- drop patch CF01: cfs sceduler, merged upstream
- disable patches CK01-CK06: swap prefetch as it's broken
- drop patches DA59-DA80: alsa fixes, merged upstream
- drop patch DC01: P4M900 agpgart spport, mreged upstream
- drop patch DF01: dmi based autoloading, merged upstream
- drop patch DI01: 2.6.23-ide-git-upstream, merged upstream
- drop patch DI10: wacom bamboo support, merged upstream
- drop patches DI25,DI26: marvell ide support, as it's broken
- disable patch DN02: add 47xx support to b44, needs to be updated
- drop patch DN03: forcedeth phy oui id fix, merged upstream
- disable patch DN04: e1000 update, needs to be updated
- drop patch DN05: r8169 link down fix, merged upstream
- drop patched DN50-DN52: wireless (dscape) git
- drop patches DS11, DS12: Amd SB700/800 smbus support, mreged upstream
- drop patch DV01: fbsplash support
- drop patches DV21, DV22: nvidiafb fixes, merged upstream
- update/add patches FR01-FR22: ReiserFS4 from 2.6.23-rc4-mm1
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.1.2 for 2.6.23-rc3
- rediff patch FS02: unionfs AppArmor buildfix
- drop patches FS04, FS05: ext3/4 orphan list debug support and
  corruption fix, merged upstream
- disable patch KP01: suspend2 support, as upstream needs to catch up
- update patches MB10: ndiswrapper 1.48-rc2
- redo patch MB11: ndiswrapper Kconfig & Makefile fix
- add patch MB23: squasfs buildfix for 2.6.23
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi v0.8.2
- update patch MC30: drbd 8.0.6
- disable  patch NB01: bluetooth sco support, need to be rewritten
- add patch NI02: ipset 2.6.23 buildfix
- rediff patches SA03, SA21: AppArmor
- update defconfigs

* Tue Sep 04 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 79526
- add patch DA81: alsa hda-intel codec detection fix (Danny)
- enable USB_SUSPEND only on laptop kernels, as it causes to much
  regressions for normal users, but is a tradeoff for laptop users (#33089)
- add patches FS04, FS05: ext3/4 orphan list debug support and corruption
  fix (#32527) (main kernel, Luiz)
- make SUSPEND2 builtin on -laptop kernels as it cant resume without it

* Sat Sep 01 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 77731
- update to
  * fixes:
- drop patch AA01: merged upstream
- update patch AS01: linux-phc 0.3.0
- update patch CF01: CFS v 20.5
- redo patch FS02: unionfs AppArmor vfs uildfix (initial patch for
  2.1 by John Johansen <>
- readd patch NI05: netfilter IFWLOG support
- add patch NI06: IFWLOG buildfix for 2.6.22
- readd patch NI10: netfilter PSD support
- add patch NI11: PSD buildfix for 2.6.22
- update patches SA01-SA46: AppArmor 2.1 prerelease
  (SuSe 10_3 branch, commit 942)
- enable DEBUG_FS (#32886)
- enable USB_EHCI_TT_NEWSCHED (#32894)
- fix #29744, #29074 in a cleaner way by disabling the sourcing of
- update defconfigs

* Sun Aug 26 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 71638
- add patch AA01:
- update patch CF01: CFS v 20.4
- add patch DC01: add Via P4M900 agpgart support
- drop patches DN33-DN43: old netfilter ipset, ifwlog, psd support
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi v0.7
- redo patch MB41: fix acer_acpi Kconfig and Makefile
- add patch NI01: netfilter ipset support (from OpenWrt) (#32399)
- make CPU_IDLE_GOV_MENU builtin on -laptop kernels (Request by Danny)
- update defconfigs

* Fri Aug 24 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 70757
- update to
  * fixes CVE-2007-3848
  * other fixes:
- update patch CF01: CFS scheduler v 20.2
- drop patch CF02: CFS updates, merged upstream
- drop patch CK07: merged in CFS
- drop patch DB33: sb700 ahci support, merged upstream
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.1.2
- update defconfigs

* Thu Aug 16 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 64635
- add another network update from main kernel:
- add patch DI26: fix marvell ide to build with 2.6.22+
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.1
- redo patch FS02: fix unionfs to build with AppArmor
- update to
  * fixes: CVE-2007-3105 and other bugs
  * full log:
- add audio fixes from main kernel:
- add network updates from main kernel:
- add ide/ahci updates from main kernel:
- add smbus updates from main kernel:
- update defconfigs

* Fri Aug 10 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 61435
- update to
  * fixes: CVE-2007-3851 and other bugs
  * full log:
- rediff patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- drop patch DA15: Intel Santa Rosa support, merged upstream
- update patch DI10: wacom bamboo to add missing define
- update patch MB11: add missing KSRC parameter to ndiswrapper Makefile
- rediff patch SA03: AppArmor vfs-notify_change

* Sun Jul 15 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 52285
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.22-hrt6
- add patch CF02: CFS scheduler updates (from -rt tree)
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.0
- refiff patch FS02: unionfs AppArmor buildfix
- use readlink instead of ls and awk in scripts, as ls broken in
  current coreutils (#31906), this also makes the scripts nicer

* Fri Jul 13 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 51734
- update to
  * NETFILTER: {ip, nf}_conntrack_sctp: fix remotely triggerable
    NULL ptr dereference (CVE-2007-2876)
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.22-hrt2
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v19 Scheduler for
- add patch DN50: mac80211 (dscape) wireless drivers
  * ADMtek ADM8211
  * Broadcom BCM43xx
  * Iwlwifi
  * Prism64 PCI, USB
  * Ralink rt2400, rt2500, rt2500 usb, rt61, rt73
  * Realtek 8187 USB
  * ZyDAS ZD1211/ZD1211B USB
- add patch DN51: update mac80211 iwlwifi to 0.1.1
- add patch DN52: add missing parts to get dscape drivers to build
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi v0.6
- drop patch MC20: 3rdparty iwlwifi driver (replaced by DN50, DN51)
- update defconfigs

* Tue Jul 10 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 50790
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.22-hrt1
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v19 Scheduler for 2.6.22
- add patch DF01: dmi based module autoloading
- add patch DI01: IDE updates from upcoming 2.6.23-rc1
- add patch DI10: Add Wacom Bamboo Tablet support (#31831)
- add patch DV21: add proper support for geforce 7600
- add patch DV22: modify nvidiafb to use a faster scroll method
- update defconfigs

* Mon Jul 09 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 50496
- update to 2.6.22 final
- drop patch AA01: merged upstream

* Sun Jul 08 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc7.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 49856
- replace patch CK01 with patches CK01-CK07: Enhanced Swap Prefetch
  from 2.6.22-rc6-mm1
- update patch AA01: 2.6.22-rc7-git6
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.22-rc7-hrt1
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v19 Scheduler for 2.6.22-rc7
- add patch CK01: Swap Prefetch
- make kernel-source provide kernel-devel again until we figure out
  what to do with dkms & co
- update defconfigs

* Tue Jul 03 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc7.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 47493
- update to 2.6.22-rc7
- add patch AA01: 2.6.22-rc7-git1
- rediff patch SA03: AppArmor vfs-notify change

* Sun Jul 01 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc6.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 46231
- rediff patch FR01: to actually male it work
- drop patches FR07, FR12: -mm specific code
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  to 2.6.22-rc6-hrt1
- add patches MC31, MC31: drbd 8.0.4
- make kernels provide drbd-api 86 (AdamW request)
- update patches SA01-SA44: AppArmor 2.0.2 build 755
- kernel-source does not provide kernel-devel anymore
- add patches DA10,DA11: add NCQ support to sata_nv for MCP51/55/61
- add patch DA15: add ich8m ata support
- update patches DN15,DN16: Nozomi 3G driver
- add patches FR01-FR12: Reiser4 filesystem
- add patch KP01: Suspend2 support
- update patches SA01-SA45: AppArmor 2.0.2 build 755
- update defconfigs

* Mon Jun 25 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc6.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 44079
- update to 2.6.22-rc6
- rediff patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v18 Scheduler for 2.6.22-rc6

* Sun Jun 24 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc5.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 43693
- kernel-*-devel rpms does not provide kernel-source anymore
- jump the gun on smp-enabled kernels (to help main kernel transition),
  so every kernel is now smp enabled, and we rely on smp-alternatives
  to get it right on single processor/core systems
- drop "-smp" from kernel names, so now the only kernel flavours are:
  desktop586, desktop, laptop, server
- add obsoletes & provides to *-latest rpms to cope with the naming changes
- simplify specfile to match naming changes
- fix kernel descriptions & summarys to match the nanming changes
- re-add build & source symlinking logic to kernel-source rpm so
  it works with dkms
- update README.urpmi regarding theese changes
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v18 Scheduler
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.0 v. linux-2.6.22-rc5-u1
- redo patch FS02: fix unionfs build with AppArmor
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.47
- update patch MB11: ndiswrapper Makefile fix
- update patch MC20: iwlwifi 0.0.32 and enable it
- drop patch MC21: iwlwifi include fix, merged upstream
- update defconfigs

* Sun Jun 17 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc5.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 40588
- disable CONFIG_SND_PCSP, still broken
- update to 2.6.22-rc5
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- add patches DS01,DS02: Alsa pcspeaker support on ix86 (pkarlsen, #31058)
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.0 2.6.22-rc4-u1
- add patch FS02: fix unionfs build to work with AppArmor patchset
- update defconfigs

* Fri Jun 15 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc4.4mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 40167
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v17 Scheduler
- drop patch CF02: cfs-v17-rc4, merged upstream

* Wed Jun 13 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc4.3mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 39021
- macroized spec file is back (Thanks again Anssi)
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- drop patch CF02: SCHED_IDLEPRIO fix, fixed upstream
- add new patch CF02: CFS-v17-rc4

* Sun Jun 10 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc4.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 37851
- SIGH... Revert macroizing spec file for now as the new rpm does
  not work with it, so it needs to be reworked :-(
- /sbin/modinfo-25 is now renamed to /sbin/modinfo
- macroizing spec file, shortens it by ~1300 lines (BIG thanks goes
  to Anssi for providing the patch)
- fix macroizing to work with -smp flavour descriptions and summarys
- enable building of laptop(-smp) flavours for ix86 & x86_64 to start
  streamlining the defconfigs & optimizations
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- update patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v16 Scheduler
- drop patch CF02: CFS smpboot mismerge fix, not needed anymore
- add new patch CF02: fix SCED_IDLEPRIO to actually be usable
- update defconfigs
- add patch CF02: fix CFS smpboot mismerge on i386
- update to 2.6.22-rc4
- rediff patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- rediff patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v15 Scheduler

* Mon Jun 04 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc3.2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 35202
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- disable patches CK01-CK30: Con Kolivas 2.6.22-rc3-ck1 patchset
- add patch CF01: Ingo Molnar's CFS-v15 Scheduler (Request by Thierry)
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi 0.5 (requested by Z?\195?\169)
- redo patch MB61: really fix ipw3945 Kconfig for 2.6.22-rc2+
- add patch MB72: fix rt2400 Kconfig for 2.6.22-rc2+
- add patch MB83: fix rt2500 Kconfig for 2.6.22-rc2+
- add patch MB91: fix rt2570 Kconfig for 2.6.22-rc2+
- add patch MC03: fix rt61 Kconfig for 2.6.22-rc2+
- add patch rt73: fix rt73 Kconfig for 2.6.22-rc2+
- enable CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE (requested by Austin)
- change from X86_BIGSMP to X86_GENERICARCH for ix86 smp configs
- update defconfigs

* Wed May 30 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc3.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 32903
- add patch MB22: add missng include linux/sched.h to fix squashfs build
- update to 2.6.22-rc3
- update patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
- update patches CK01-CK30: 2.6.22-rc3-ck1 patchset
- update patch MB60: ipw3945 1.2.1
- add patch MB61: fix ipw3945 Kconfig to work with 2.6.22+ series kernels
- drop patch CP01: cpu hotplug Kconfig depencies fix, shouldnt be needed anymore
- provide versioned kernel-devel and kernel-source (MDV #31006)

* Tue May 22 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.22-0.rc2.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 29884
- update to 2.6.22-rc2
- add patch AX10: High Resolution Timer Support & Tickless System
  Support to x86_64 & Sparc64 (request by Thierry Vignaud)
- update patches CK01-CK30: Con Kolivas -ck patchset 2.6.22-rc2-ck1
- drop patch DA10: ati ixp700 support, merged upstream
- drop patches DI10, DI11: eth1394 autoload blocking, merged upstream
- add patch DN42: fix ipt_psd build
- add patch DN43: fix ipt_IFWLOG build
- drop patch DN50: dscape wireless stack, merged upstream
- rediff patch DV01: fbsplash support
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.0: 2.6.22-rc2-u2
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.45-rc1
- add patch MB11: fix ndiswrapper srctree location
- add patch MB21: fix squashfs inode build
- update patches MC20, MC21: iwlwifi 0.0.18
- rediff patch NB01: bluetooth-alsa support
- update patches SA01-SA45: AppArmor 2.0.2-662
- drop patch SA50: missing security.h parameter, merged upstream
- remove blackfin arch files
- disable CONFIG_IRQBALANCE on i386-smp, in favour of the better
  working userspace irqbalance daemon from contribs (Requested by Austin)
- disable a few options:
  * IP_NF_SET: needs more fixes to work with 2.6.22-rc2+ kernels
  * UNION_FS: needs to be adapted for AppArmor
  * IWLWIFI: need to be adapted for 2.6.22-rc2+ kernels
- update defconfigs

* Fri May 18 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 28292
- /sbin/depmod-25 is now renamed to /sbin/depmod
- add patch CK24: Swap Prefetch bugfixes and optimizations,
  brings the code to 2.6.21-ck2 level (Con Kolivas)
- redo patch DA10: change it to full ATI IXP700 support:
- add patch SA50: fix include/linux/security.h missing parameter,
  needed on sparc builds (peroyvind, #30700)
- enable CONFIG_TIMER_STATS (request by Michael Braun)
- update kernel-tmb-source description to point out:
  * only needed when building own kernels
  * othervise install a matching -devel- rpm

  + Per Øyvind Karlsen <>
    - gzip kernel (and thereby rename it consistently to vmlinuz) on sparc too :)

* Sun May 06 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 23721
- update to
  * IPV6: Fix for RT0 header ipv6 change
  * IPV4: Fix OOPS'er added to netlink fib
- add patch AI03: picopower irq router fix, found when merged into -mm series (Andrew Morton)
- drop patch CK00: standalone SD scheduler v. 0.46
- update patches CK01-CK23: Cons CK patchset 2.6.21-ck1,
  now built around with the new SD scheduler v. 0.48 as base
- add patch CK30: add Kconfig option to switch between -ck (desktop),
  and -cks (server) oriented optimizations of the CK patchset
- add patch DA10: adds support for ATI IXP700 SATA & AHCI
- update defconfigs
- update README.urpmi regarding kernel-tmb-source

* Fri Apr 27 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.21-2mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 18744
- revert read-only -devel rpms until I find a better solution...

* Fri Apr 27 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.21-1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 18443
- update to 2.6.21 final
- drop patch AA00: 2.6.21-rc7-git6, merged upstream
- make devel trees read-only (like in kernel-multimedia series),
  to try and work around broken dkms & co
- add /arch/s390/crypto/Kconfig to -devel and -source trees, fixes
  MDV bugs #29744, #29074 (reported against kernel-linus, but affects
  all post 2.6.20-rcX series kernels, will be removed if/when fixed upstream

* Wed Apr 25 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.21-0.rc7.1mdv2008.0
+ Revision: 18182
- fix patches tarball -rc versioning
- update to 2.6.21-rc7
- add patch AA00: 2.6.21-rc7-git6
- rediff patch AS01: linux-phc support
- drop patch AX02: nmi watchdog timeout fix, merged upstream
- update patch CE02: acpi-dsdt-initrd v0.8.4
- update patch CK00: to SD sceduler v0.46 for 2.6.21 series
- update patches CK01-CK24: Con Kolivas 2.6.21-rc7-ck2 patchset
- rediff patch CR01: badram support
- drop patch DA01: acpi update, merged upstream
- drop patch DB01: bluetooth update, merged upstream
- drop patches DC01-DC05: agpgart 1.0.2, merged upstream
- drop patch DC10: drm update, merged upstream
- drop patch DM10: mmc update, merged upstream
- drop patch DM20: tifm update, merged upstream
- drop patch DN03: bcm43xx speed fix, fixed differently upstream
- add patch DN41: fixes netfilter IFWLOG, PSD, SET builds
- update patch DN50: mac80211 v.7.0.6 (dscape stack)
- drop patch DS01: alsa update, merged upstream
- drop patch DU01: usb-rndis-lite, merged upstream
- rediff patch DV01: fbsplash support
- update patch FS01: unionfs 2.0 to 2.6.21-rc7-u1
- drop patches FS11-FS13: supermount support
- update patch MB30: acerhk 0.5.35
- update patch MB40: acer_acpi 0.4
- update patch MC20: iwlwifi 0.0.13
- add patch MC21: fix iwlwifi includes
- drop patches SA01-SA06: Apparmor v288
- add patches SA01-SA41: Apparmor v564
- update defconfigs

* Thu Apr 19 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 14931
- update patch CK00: SD scheduler v 0.42
- Merge queued releases (those done while SVN was down):
    - add patch DU01: update usb-rndis-lite to support wm5 (#30130, #30128)
    - update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.42
    - add patch NB10: add sco-flowcontrol support to bluetooth, needed for
      bluetooth-alsa (Requested by Guillaume Bedot)
    - update defconfigs
    - update to
    - drop patch AA00: merged upstream
    - add patch AI02: add support for picopower Irq router (Requested by Austin)
    - update patch CK00: SD scheduler 0.40
    - add patch AA00:
    - drop patch AA01-AA06, DA20: merged upstream
    - enable CONFIG_AUDIT and CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL, used by pam
    - add patches from Stefan Richter ( ieee1394 maintainer)(#20126)
      - DI10_382b-ieee1394-eth1394-dont-autoload-by-hotplug-when-ohci1394-starts.patch
      - DI11_392b-ieee1394-nodemgr-less-noise-in-dmesg.patch
      - add drivers/md/dm.h to -devel packages, needed for truecrypt build (Danny)
      - update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.41
      - update defconfigs
    - update to
      - fixes CVE-2007-1357, and other bugfixes:
    - drop patches AA00,AA02,AA03: merged upstream

* Fri Apr 06 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 150785
- add patches AA00-AA06: + fixes
- add patch AX02: increase NMI watchdog timeout for Quad Core Opterons
- update patch CK00: Staircase-Deadline scheduler to 0.39
- add patch DA20: fix SB600 sata h/w internal error
- fix unistall scripts (#30048)

* Thu Mar 29 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 149645
- update patch CK00: Staicase-Deadline scheduler 0.37

* Thu Mar 29 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 149327
- update patch CK00: Staicase-Deadline scheduler 0.36

* Sat Mar 24 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 148705
- update to
- update patch CK00: RSDL scheduler 0.33
- rediff patch CK22

* Sun Mar 18 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 146250
- update patch CK00: RSDL scheduler to 0.31

* Tue Mar 13 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 143165
- update to
- drop patches AA01-AA20: merged upstream

* Mon Mar 12 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 141473
- update patch CK00: RSDL scheduler to 0.30

* Sun Mar 11 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 141353
- update patch CK00: rsdl scheduler to 0.29
- add patch DN16: nozomi debug and oops at unload fix (from main)
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.38

* Sun Mar 11 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 141208
- update to
  fixes: CVE-2007-1000, CVE-2007-0005, other fixes:
- drop patches AA01-AA06: merged upstream
- add new patches AA01-AA20:
- update patch CK00: update RSDL scheduler to 0.28
- drop patch DC03: merged upstream
- update patch DC10: drm to 2.6.21-rc3
- drop patch DM01: merged upstream
- add patch DM10: update mmc support to 2.6.21-rc3 level
- add patch DM20: update tifm_7xx1 to v 0.7 (AdamW request)
- rediff patch DS01: alsa-1.0.14rc3
- rewrite spec once more ;-)
    - use cat & eof instead of echo to create scripts and files on the fly,
      makes the spec more readable (suggested by Danny)
    - merge the rest of scripts
- re-add sparc64 support, and actually make it work this time
- add patch AX01: fix data corruption on-nVidia chipsets and ide/sata

* Wed Mar 07 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 134168
- rename kernel-headers-* packages to more appropriate kernel-devel-*
- have *-devel-latest obsolete *-headers-latest
- drop requires between kernel-*-devel and kernel-*
- install devel files in /usr/src/'uname -r'
- install full source in /usr/src/<version>-tmb-<release>
- create post/postun/preun scripts at build time (removes code duplication)
- update README.urpmi
- configure server kernels to use CFQ i/o sceduler by default too
- update patch CK00: Con Kolivas rotating staircase deadline scheduler
  to v. 0.26 and re-enable it, as it's now stable
- disable patches CK01-CK11, CK21, CK30: old Staircase v17 scheduler
- add patch DB01: bluetooth v. 1.2 (#29169)
- add patch DC10: update drm to 2.6.21-rc2-git4
- rollback patch DN50: dscape stack to v1.0.0 for now as the newer ones
  breaks the stable drivers.
- disable patch DN51: wireless.git update for now as it needs the newer
  dscape stack
- rollback patch MC20: iwlwifi to 0.0.8 as the newer code depends on
  newer dscape stack

* Mon Feb 26 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 126155
- add patch AS01: Linux Processor Hardware Control v.0.2.9 (Josh Schneider)
- update patch DN50: dscape wireless stack to 3.0.2
- add patch DN51: wireless.git 20070225: drivers using the dscape stack:
  adm8211, bcm43xx, prism54, rt2400, rt2500, rt61, rt73, zd1211
- update patch DS01: alsa 1.0.14rc3 (tvignaud request)
- drop patch FQ01: cpufreq-speedstep-dothan-3 (merged in patch AS01)
- enable CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE (tvignaud request)
- update patch MC20: iwlwifi to 0.0.9
- update defconfigs
- post script fixes

* Fri Feb 23 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 124969
- add patch DN03: fix Broadcom 4311, 4312 detection (#28878)
- really fix build and source symlinks for desktop586 series (#28843)

* Wed Feb 21 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 123806
- fix header paths in desktop-i586(-smp) rpms (#28843)
- fix missing arch/i386/kernel/sigframe.h in header rpms (#28843)
- update patch MC20: iwlwifi to v 0.0.8
- update to
  - Fix a free-wrong-pointer bug in nfs/acl server (CVE-2007-0772)

* Mon Feb 19 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.20-4mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 122853
- disable patch CK00: ck new scheduler, still buggy
- re-enable patches CK01-C11,CK21: old Staircase scheduler, now fixed
- add patch CK30 : add ck_server_tuned config option and server optimization
- add patch MB31: acerhk include fix
- add patch AA01: fix-missing-critical-phys_to_virt-in-lib_swiotlb
- add patch AA02: ieee1394-video1394-DMA-fix
- add patch AA03: ieee1394-fix-host-device-registering-when-nodemgr-disabled
- add patch AA04: fix-oops-in-xfrm_audit_log
- add patch AA05: md-raid5-fix-crash
- add patch AA06: md-raid5-fix-export-blk_recount_segments
- update patch CK00: Con Kolivas rotating staircase deadline scheduler 0.17
- update patches CK01-CK23: Con Colivas 2.6.20-ck1 patchset
- add patch DM01: fix cx25840 firmware loading (Stefan van der Eijk)
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper to 1.37
- redo patch MB52: qc-usb include fix
- add patch MB82: rt2500 include fix
- update patch MB20: squashfs 3.2-r2
- drop patch MB21: squashfs build fix, merged upstream
- fix the whole autoconf mess
    dont rely on /etc/init.d/kheader and /boot/kernel.h anymore
    drop all of the old autoconf hacks
    drop kernel-tmb-source-stripped(-latest) rpms
    introduce kernel-tmb-$flavour-headers(-latest) rpms to build 3rdparty
    drivers against (survives test: make mrproper oldconfig prepare scripts)
    kernel-tmb-source rpm does not include any autoconf stuff anymore
    add info regarding this to README.urpmi
- fix RC versioning

* Mon Feb 12 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.20-3mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 118851
- update patch CK00: rotating staircase deadline scheduler 0.14
- add patches DC01-DC05: agpgart 1.0.2 (request by Colin Guthrie)
- add patch DN50: dscape ieee802.11 wireless network stack
- update patch MB50: qc-usb to 0.6.5
- drop patch MB52: qc-usb include fix (merged upstream)
- add patch MC20: Intel opensource 3945 wireless driver 0.0.5
    - info and firmware at
- update defconfigs

* Tue Feb 06 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.20-2mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 116581
- update patches CK01-CK23: Con Kolivas patchset 2.6.20-rc6-ck1
- disable patches CK01-CK11, CK21: old staircase scheduler
- add patch CK00: Con Kolivas new rotating staircase deadline cpu scheduler 0.11
- update pach FS01: unionfs to v 2.0
- drop patches FS02, FS03: unionfs buildfixes (not needed anymore)
- rediff patch FS11,FS13: supermount

* Mon Feb 05 2007 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.20-1mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 116206
- update to 2.6.20 final
- drop patch AA01: merged upstream
- update patch AA01: to 2.6.20-rc7-git4
- add patch AA01: 2.6.20-rc7-git1
- add patch DA01: acpi 20070126
- update patch DN15: nozomi driver from GregKH / 2.6.20-rc6-mm3
- update defconfigs
- update to 2.6.20-rc7
- drop patch CP02: P4 clockmon N60 errata fix (not needed anymore)
- rediff patch DS01: alsa 1.0.14rc2
- merge patches from main kernel:
  - add patch MB70-MB71: RaLink RT2400 series wireless chipset support
  - add patch MB80-MB81: RaLink RT2500 series wireless chipset support
  - add patch MB90: RaLink RT2570 series USB Wireless chipset support
  - add patches MC00-MC02: RaLink RT2561 & RT2661 PCI Wireless chipset support
  - add patches MC10-MC12: RaLink RT2571 & RT2671 series USB Wireless chipset
- update defconfigs

* Sat Jan 27 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 114244
- add patch MB60: ipw3945 v 1.2.0
- fix missing / in post scripts (reported by Dick Gevers)
- update defconfigs

* Thu Jan 25 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 113428
- update to 2.6.20-rc6
- drop patch AA01: profile_hits export (merged upstream)
- rediff patch DS01: alsa 1.0.14rc2
- update defconfigs

* Wed Jan 24 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 113058
- update to 2.6.20-rc5
- add patch AA01: fix export of profile_hits, needed for KVM on UP
- update patches CK01-CK26 to CK01-CK22: Con Kolivas 2.6.20-rc5-ck1
- rediff patch CE02: acpi dsdt initrd support
- rediff patch CR01: BadRAM support
- rediff patch DA02: fix acpi double proc video entry
- rediff patch DM02: dmraid45 support
- add patch DM03: fix dmraid4-5 build for 2.6.20
- drop patch DN10: ipw2200 v1.2.0 (merged upstream)
- add patch DN37: netfilter IFWLOG buildfix for 2.6.20
- add patch DS01: alsa 1.0.14rc2
- drop patch DS03: asus w6a quirk (merged upstream)
- rediff DV01: fbsplash support for 2.6.20
- update patch FS01: unionfs support to 1.5pre-cvs200701171418
- add patch FS02: unionfs build fix for 2.6.20
- drop patch FS10: inode oops fix (not needed anymore)
- rediff patch FS11: supermount 2.0.4 support
- rediff patch FS13: supermount 2.0.5 update
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper to 1.35-rc1
- add patch MB21: squashfs build fix for 2.6.20
- update patches SA01-SA04: AppArmor v288
- add patch SA06: apparmor buildfix for 2.6.20
- update defconfigs
- disable dmraid4-5 support for now as it's broken...

* Sun Jan 21 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 111328
- update patch CR01: BadRAM to level (David Walser)
- drop patch DB16: gzloop, not used anymore (Oliver Blin)
- fix "static" symlinks in /boot when it's on sepatate partition
- remove "static" symlinks if last kernel-tmb is uninstalled
- update README.urpmi regarding modular ide and other partitions

* Sat Jan 13 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 108350
- update patch FS01: unionfs to 1.5pre-cvs200701042308, and enable it
- update patch MB20: squashfs to v3.2

* Thu Jan 11 2007 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 107285
- (CVE: 2006-6106, 2006-6053, 2006-5823, 2006-6054, 2006-4814, file corruption fix, ...)
- add info to README.urpmi regarding modular ide and PATA CD/DVD

* Sun Dec 31 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 103002
- really add the supermount 2.0.5 patch
- add patch FS20: really fix file content corruption (#27693, #27859)
- update supermount to 2.0.5 and re-enable it (Andrey Borzenkov) (#27665)

* Thu Dec 21 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 100935
- drop patch FS20: content corruption fix, does not fix the problem
- add support for static boot entries using symlinks in /boot

* Sun Dec 17 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 98353
- really disable supermount
- add patch FS20: try to fix file content corruption (from LKML) (#27693)
- enable ecryptfs
- update supermount buildfix, but disable it for now as it still oopses
- add patch MB21: fix squashfs build and re-enable it

* Tue Dec 12 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 95955
- add patch FS13: fix supermount build on 2.6.19
- update to

* Sun Dec 10 2006 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.19-4mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 94439
- bump release to get it past the buildsystem
- redo mismerged patch DM02: dm-raid45 support
- fix include/linux/config.h install point
- prepare for 2.6.19-3mdv
- add patch AA03: add missing bottom_half.h from
- add patch AA02: DM_CRYPT needs CRYPTO_CBC
- update patches CK01-CK26: Con Colivas 2.6.19-ck2
- add patch AA01:
- drop patch 100: merged in upcoming
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper to 1.31
- prepare for 2.6.19-2mdv release
- readd include/linux/config.h until the autoconf stuff is reworked

* Wed Dec 06 2006 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.19-1mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 91874
- update to 2.6.19

* Sun Dec 03 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 90210
- add patches tarball gpg sign lost in last svn commit
- update to

* Tue Nov 21 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 85912
- fix and re-enable ipw2200 v. 1.2.0

* Mon Nov 20 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 85466
- update to, add support for gzloop

* Wed Nov 15 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 84574
- add patches SA01-SA04: Novell AppArmor v154

* Mon Nov 13 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
+ Revision: 83908
- fix build
- Import kernel-tmb

* Mon Nov 06 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
    - usbfs: private mutex for open, release, and remove
    - md: check bio address after mapping through partitions
    - IPV6: fix lockup via /proc/net/ip6_flowlabel [CVE-2006-5619]
    - tcp: cubic scaling error
    - JMB 368 PATA detection
    - fill_tgid: fix task_struct leak and possible oops
    - Use min of two prio settings in calculating distress for reclaim
    - vmscan: Fix temp_priority race
    - NFS: nfs_lookup - don't hash dentry when optimising away the lookup
    - Reintroduce NODES_SPAN_OTHER_NODES for powerpc
    - PCI: Remove quirk_via_abnormal_poweroff
    - SPARC64: Fix PCI memory space root resource on Hummingbird
    - ISDN: fix drivers, by handling errors thrown by ->readstat()
    - ISDN: check for userspace copy faults
    - rtc-max6902: month conversion fix
    - posix-cpu-timers: prevent signal delivery starvation
    - fix Intel RNG detection
    - Watchdog: sc1200wdt - fix missing pnp_unregister_driver()
    - ALSA: snd_rtctimer: handle RTC interrupts with a tasklet
    - uml: remove warnings added by previous -stable patch
    - uml: make Uml compile on FC6 kernel headers
    - x86-64: Fix C3 timer test
    - SCTP: Always linearise packet on input
    - NET: Fix skb_segment() handling of fully linear SKBs
    - fix missing ifdefs in syscall classes hookup for generic targets
    - SCSI: aic7xxx: pause sequencer before touching SBLKCTL
    - sky2: 88E803X transmit lockup (2.6.18)
    - Fix potential interrupts during alternative patching
    - fuse: fix hang on SMP
    - IB/mthca: Use mmiowb after doorbell ring
    - IPoIB: Rejoin all multicast groups after a port event
    - SCSI: aic7xxx: avoid checking SBLKCTL register for certain cards
    - knfsd: Fix race that can disable NFS server
    - md: Fix calculation of ->degraded for multipath and raid10
    - md: Fix bug where spares don't always get rebuilt properly when they become live
    - ALSA: Fix re-use of va_list
    - DVB: fix dvb_pll_attach for mt352/zl10353 in cx88-dvb, and nxt200x
    - bcm43xx: fix watchdog timeouts
    - SPARC64: Fix memory corruption in pci_4u_free_consistent()
    - SPARC64: Fix central/FHC bus handling on Ex000 systems
    - JFS: pageno needs to be long
    - Bluetooth: Check if DLC is still attached to the TTY
    - SERIAL: Fix oops when removing suspended serial port
    - SERIAL: Fix resume handling bug
    - Fix uninitialised spinlock in via-pmu-backlight code
    - SCSI: DAC960: PCI id table fixup
    - uml: fix processor selection to exclude unsupported processors and features
    - sky2: GMAC pause frame
    - sky2: accept multicast pause frames
    - ALSA: Repair snd-usb-usx2y for usb 2.6.18
    - ALSA: Fix bug in snd-usb-usx2y's usX2Y_pcms_lock_check()
    - ALSA: Dereference after free in snd_hwdep_release()
    - sound/pci/au88x0/au88x0.c: ioremap balanced with iounmap
    - ALSA: powermac - Fix Oops when conflicting with aoa driver
    - ALSA: emu10k1: Fix outl() in snd_emu10k1_resume_regs()
    - sky2: turn off PHY IRQ on shutdown
    - sky2: pause parameter adjustment
    - sky2: MSI test race and message
    - mm: fix a race condition under SMC + COW
    - __div64_32 for 31 bit
    - splice: fix pipe_to_file() ->prepare_write() error path
    - Fix sfuzz hanging on 2.6.18
- replace patch CK01 with CK01-CK24: Con Colivas patchset with the 
  broken-out versions to make it easier to disable some parts
- disable patch CK18: mm-prio_dependant_scan-1 as it conflicts with the
  chnges in the stable .2
- rediff patches CK14, CK15, CK23
- update patch FS01: unionfs to 1.4

* Tue Oct 24 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
    - add utsrelease.h to the dontdiff file
    - V4L: copy-paste bug in videodev.c
    - block layer: elv_iosched_show should get elv_list_lock
    - NETFILTER: NAT: fix NOTRACK checksum handling
    - bcm43xx: fix regressions in 2.6.18
    - x86-64: Calgary IOMMU: Fix off by one when calculating register space location
    - ide-generic: jmicron fix
    - scx200_hrt: fix precedence bug manifesting as 27x clock in 1 MHz mode
    - invalidate_inode_pages2(): ignore page refcounts
    - rtc driver rtc-pcf8563 century bit inversed
    - fbdev: correct buffer size limit in fbmem_read_proc()
    - mm: bug in set_page_dirty_buffers
    - TCP: Fix and simplify microsecond rtt sampling
    - MD: Fix problem where hot-added drives are not resynced
    - IPV6: Disable SG for GSO unless we have checksum
    - PKT_SCHED: cls_basic: Use unsigned int when generating handle
    - sata_mv: fix oops
    - SPARC64: Fix sparc64 ramdisk handling
    - IPV6: bh_lock_sock_nested on tcp_v6_rcv
    - CPUFREQ: Fix some more CPU hotplug locking
    - SPARC64: Fix serious bug in sched_clock() on sparc64
    - Fix VIDIOC_ENUMSTD bug
    - load_module: no BUG if module_subsys uninitialized
    - i386: fix flat mode numa on a real numa system
    - cpu to node relationship fixup: map cpu to node
    - cpu to node relationship fixup: acpi_map_cpu2node
    - backlight: fix oops in __mutex_lock_slowpath during head /sys/class/graphics/fb0/*
    - do not free non slab allocated per_cpu_pageset
    - rtc: lockdep fix/workaround
    - i386 bootioremap / kexec fix
    - powerpc: Fix ohare IDE irq workaround on old powermac
    - sysfs: remove duplicated dput in sysfs_update_file
    - powerpc: fix building gdb against asm/ptrace.h
    - Remove offsetof() from user-visible <linux/stddef.h>
    - Clean up exported headers on CRIS
    - Fix v850 exported headers
    - Don't advertise (or allow) headers_{install,check} where inappropriate
    - Remove UML header export
    - Remove ARM26 header export
    - Fix H8300 exported headers
    - Fix m68knommu exported headers
    - Fix exported headers for SPARC, SPARC64
    - Fix 'make headers_check' on m32r
    - Fix 'make headers_check' on sh64
    - Fix 'make headers_check' on sh
    - Fix ARM 'make headers_check'
    - One line per header in Kbuild files to reduce conflicts
    - sky2 network driver device ids
    - sky2: tx pause bug fix
    - netdrvr: lp486e: fix typo
    - mv643xx_eth: fix obvious typo, which caused build breakage
    - zone_reclaim: dynamic slab reclaim
    - Fix longstanding load balancing bug in the scheduler
    - jbd: fix commit of ordered data buffers
    - ALSA: Fix initiailization of user-space controls
    - USB: Allow compile in g_ether, fix typo
    - IB/mthca: Fix lid used for sending traps
    - S390: user readable uninitialised kernel memory (CVE-2006-5174)
    - zd1211rw: ZD1211B ASIC/FWT, not jointly decoder
    - V4L: pvrusb2: Limit hor res for 24xxx devices
    - V4L: pvrusb2: Suppress compiler warning
    - V4L: pvrusb2: improve 24XXX config option descriptio
    - V4L: pvrusb2: Solve mutex deadlock
    - DVB: cx24123: fix PLL divisor setup
    - V4L: Fix msp343xG handling regression
    - UML: Fix UML build failure
    - uml: use DEFCONFIG_LIST to avoid reading host's config
    - uml: allow using again x86/x86_64 crypto code
    - NET_SCHED: Fix fallout from dev->qdisc RCU change
- enable and update patch DM02: dm-raid45 support to
- rediff patch CK01

* Thu Oct 19 2006 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.18-1mdv2007.0
- update to 2.6.18
    - see
- update patch CK01: to 2.6.18-ck1
- drop patch CK02: ck1 fix, merged upstream
- rediff patch CR01: badram support
- drop patches DA01,DA02: acpi patches, merged upstream
- drop patch DA03: asus_acpi update, merged upstream
- rediff patch DA04: acpi double proc fix
- drop patch DI03: nforce ide/sata update, merged upstream
- drop patch DI10: ata_piix probe fix, merged upstream
- rediff patch DM01: broken dmstripe fix
- disable patch DM02: dm-raid45 until upstream supports 2.6.18
- rediff patch DN02: add 47xx to b44
- drop patch DN03:  ipt_register_table correct return, merged upstream
- drop patch DN05: e1000 update, merged upstream
- rediff patch DN06: e100 update
- drop patch DN07: forcedeth, merged upstream
- drop patch DN08: sundance update, merged upstream
- update patch DN10: ipw2200 to v. 1.2.0
- drop patch DN11: ipw2200 1.1.3 wpa fix, merged upstream
- drop patch DN35: sip conntrack support, merged upstream
- drop patches DN50-DN55: old r8169 update
- drop patch DP01: via pci_quirk, should be fixed upstream
- drop patch DS01,DS04: update to alsa-1.0.12, merged upstream
- drop patch DU02: ftdi_sio testo support, merged upstream
- update patch DV01: fbsplash for 2.6.18
- drop patch DV10: v4l dvb update, merged upstream
- drop patch DV13: quickcam compilation fix, merged upstream
- update defconfigs
- use autoconf hacks from kernel-linus for now

* Mon Oct 16 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
    - Input: logips2pp - fix button mapping for MX300
    - ahci: do not fail softreset if PHY reports no device
    - MMC: Always use a sector size of 512 bytes
    - Add PIIX4 APCI quirk for the 440MX chipset too
    - xirc2ps_cs: Cannot reset card in atomic context
    - PKT_SCHED: cls_basic: Use unsigned int when generating handle
    - Fix sparc64 ramdisk handling
    - Fix serious bug in sched_clock() on sparc64
    - DVB: cx24123: fix PLL divisor setup
    - V4L: Fix msp343xG handling regression
    - sysfs: remove duplicated dput in sysfs_update_file
    - ext3 sequential read regression fix
    - Backport: Old IDE, fix SATA detection for cabling
    - NFS: More page cache revalidation fixups
    - LOCKD: Fix a deadlock in nlm_traverse_files()
    - SUNRPC: avoid choosing an IPMI port for RPC traffic
    - NFS: Fix a potential deadlock in nfs_release_page
    - dvb-core: Proper handling ULE SNDU length of 0 (CVE-2006-4623)
- add support for sparc builds
    - sync config from kernel-2.6-linus
    - build desktop(-smp) and server(-smp)
    - kernel is sparc64 (pkarlsen)
- update patch DV10: v4l dvb to level
- drop patch DV13: merged in DV10

* Fri Sep 15 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- and hopefully the last rebuild needed after the mirror cleaning...
- stop gpg signing the rpms built on cluster, incase that is what
  is confusing the uploads...
- gpg sign the patches tarball

* Thu Sep 14 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- youri.devel screwed up the mirrors even more as it didn't build x86_64
  contrary to what was said, so as a last resort, try youri.queue from
  seggie as a last resort...

* Thu Sep 14 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- a simple rebuild to see if youri.devel can get the tmb kernels
  on the mirrors...

* Mon Sep 11 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update Source4: README.kernel-tmb-sources
- updates from *mm* kernel:
    - update patch DA04: new revision of acpi double proc entry
- update to
    - lib: add idr_replace
    - pci_ids.h: add some VIA IDE identifiers
- update to
    - sky2: version 1.6.1
    - sky2: fix fiber support
    - sky2: MSI test timing
    - sky2: use dev_alloc_skb for receive buffers
    - sky2: clear status IRQ after empty
    - sky2: accept flow control
    - dm: Fix deadlock under high i/o load in raid1 setup
    - dm: mirror sector offset fix
    - dm: fix block device initialisation
    - dm: add module ref counting
    - dm: fix mapped device ref counting
    - dm: add DMF_FREEING
    - dm: change minor_lock to spinlock
    - dm: move idr_pre_get
    - dm: fix idr minor allocation
    - dm snapshot: unify chunk_size
    - Remove redundant up() in stop_machine()
    - Missing PCI id update for VIA IDE
    - PKTGEN: Fix oops when used with balance-tlb bonding
    - PKTGEN: Make sure skb->{nh,h} are initialized in fill_packet_ipv6() too
    - Silent data corruption caused by XPC
    - uhci-hcd: fix list access bug
    - binfmt_elf: fix checks for bad address
    - bug in futex unqueue_me
    - fcntl(F_SETSIG) fix
    - IPV6: Fix kernel OOPs when setting sticky socket options
    - SCTP: Fix sctp_primitive_ABORT() call in sctp_close()
    - SPARC64: Fix X server hangs due to large pages
    - TG3: Disable TSO by default on some chips due to hardware errata
    - Have ext2 reject file handles with bad inode numbers early
    - Allow per-route window scale limiting
    - bridge-netfilter: don't overwrite memory outside of sk
    - fix compilation error on IA64
    - INET: Use pskb_trim_unique when trimming paged unique skbs
    - spectrum_cs: Fix firmware uploading errors
    - TEXTSEARCH: Fix Boyer Moore initialization bug
- drpo patch DN60: merged upstream

* Thu Sep 07 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- mostly a rebuild to try and get the kernels on the mirrors...
- dont build laptop kernels by default
- update patch DN33: netfilter_IFWLOG from *main*

* Sat Sep 02 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update patch DA04: updated acpi-double-proc-entries (from *mm*)
- update patch DN04: updated b44/b47 fix (from *main* kernel)
- update patch MB20: squashfs to 3.1-r2
- add patch AI01: Toshiba Equium A60 needs pci-assign-busses (MDV #18989)
- re-enable X86_GENERIC optimizations again as the mdv cluster is fixed

* Fri Aug 25 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
    * 1394: fix for recently added firewire patch that breaks things on ppc
    * MD: Fix a potential NULL dereference in md/raid1
    * swsusp: Fix swap_type_of
    * dm: BUG/OOPS fix
    * [IPV4]: severe locking bug in fib_semantics.c 
    * IA64: local DoS with corrupted ELFs
    * ip_tables: fix table locking in ipt_do_table
    * PCI: fix ICH6 quirks
    * SERIAL: icom: select FW_LOADER
    * sys_getppid oopses on debug kernel
    * [NETFILTER]: ulog: fix panic on SMP kernels
    * tpm: interrupt clear fix
    * ipx: header length validation needed
    * disable debugging version of write_lock()
    * Fix BeFS slab corruption
    * [RTNETLINK]: Fix IFLA_ADDRESS handling
    * [NET]: add_timer -> mod_timer() in dst_run_gc()
    * [IPV4]: Limit rt cache size properly
    * sky2: phy power problem on 88e805x
    * Have ext3 reject file handles with bad inode numbers early
- update to
    * elv_unregister: fix possible crash on module unload
    * Fix possible UDF deadlock and memory corruption (CVE-2006-4145)
    * Fix sctp privilege elevation (CVE-2006-3745)
- drop patch DP02: merged upstream
- add code to binary rpms post scripts so we dont have to depend on
  libdrakx getting the source and build symlinks correct when binarys
  gets installed after source (MDV #24578)
- add patch AX01: fix x86_64 linking on 32bit cross-compiling
- add patch DA04: fix badness in acpi video proc_remove_entry (Danny, #22249)
- add patch DP03: add ICH7/8 ACPI/GPIO io resource quirks
- add patch DS04: update alsa to 1.0.12 final (from *mm*)

* Sun Aug 20 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
    * powerpc: Clear HID0 attention enable on PPC970 at boot time
- re-enable patch DN55: sync r8169 with upstream 20060626, and revert
  one change that broke r8169 (Danny).
- fix patch DA01: acpi video oops on unload due to erraneous 
  semicolon (Danny)
- add patch DN60: Use pskb_trim_unique when trimming paged unique skbs
    - fixes BUG+OOPS in skbuff (from LKML)
- add patch DP01: Via pci-quirk irq behaviour change
    - reverts to a sceme that is similar to the one in 2.6.16, but 
      more restrictive (from LKML)
- add patch DP02: revert wrong pci quirks for ICH6
- add patch DM02: add support for device-mapper raid4/5 targets
- disable patch DU01: revert back to probing for new usb scheme first,
  and add a note to readme.urpmi regarding this...
- update defconfigs

* Sun Aug 13 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- really make the ps2mouse modular again :/
- add post install script magic from *mm* to cope with modular ps2mouse
  and pcspkr
- another sync from main kernel:
    - add patches DV25, DV26: Intel 965 AGP, DRM Support
    - Add patches FS11, FS12: Supermount 2.0.4 Support
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.23
    * Bug fixes to recent changes in 64-bit driver support.
    * ZyDas ZD1211 driver uses interrupt-out URBs, so set them up properly.
    * Bug fixes to Atheros USB driver support.
    * Added support for Broadcom 802.11n (draft) driver
    * Added support for 64-bit Marvell driver
    * Optimizations for 64-bit drivers
    * If network interface name changes (through udev, ifrename etc),
      ndiswrapper notices it and changes entry in procfs
- update defconfigs

* Sat Aug 12 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- spec cleanup
- update defconfigs
- change ps2mouse support back to modular again, since it othewise needs
  more modules to be builtin too :/
- selected updates from main kernel:
    - update patch DS01: alsa 1.0.12.rc2a

* Tue Aug 08 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
    - UHCI: Fix handling of short last packet
    - Fix budget-av compile failure
    - invalidate_bdev() speedup
    - cond_resched() fix
    - e1000: add forgotten PCI ID for supported device
    - ext3 -nobh option causes oops
    - PCI: fix issues with extended conf space when MMCONFIG disabled because of e820
    - Sparc64 quad-float emulation fix
    - Update frag_list in pskb_trim
    - scx200_acb: Fix the block transactions
    - Don't allow chmod() on the /proc/<pid>/ files
    - i2c: Fix 'ignore' module parameter handling in i2c-core
    - S390: fix futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic
    - Fix race related problem when adding items to and svcrpc auth cache
    - ext3: avoid triggering ext3_error on bad NFS file handle
    - H.323 helper: fix possible NULL-ptr dereference
    - tty serialize flush_to_ldisc
    - ieee1394: sbp2: enable auto spin-up for Maxtor disks
    - VLAN state handling fix
    - sky2: NAPI bug
    - Add stable branch to maintainers file
    - ALSA: Don't reject O_RDWR at opening PCM OSS
    - scx200_acb: Fix the state machine
- add selected patches from upcoming main kernel:
    - DN34_ipset_svn20060804.patch
    - DN35_conntrack_sip_svn20060804.patch
    - DN40_netfilter_psd.patch
- rediff patch DN05
- update DV10: v4l/media/dvb to 2.6.18-rc3-git7 level
- drop patch DV12: merged in DV10
- make ps2mouse support builtin again
- update defconfigs
- update README.urpmi

* Thu Aug 03 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- rename patch DN11... to DN15...
- drop patch DN04, as it broke via-rhine for some (#24073)
- disable patch DN55 for now, as it broke r8169 for some...
- add patch DC01: add another via id to drm_pciids (#24021)
- add patch DF01: add generic_acl support (#24045)
- add patch DF02: add acl support to tmpfs (#24045)
- add patch DN11: ipw2200 wpa fix (#24051)
- add patch DS03: add Asus W6A support to snd-hda-intel (#19962)
- add patch DV13: fix so quickcam_messenger actually gets built (LKML)
- update defconfigs

* Sat Jul 29 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix kernel-tmb-source-stripped README
- fix some errors and typos in the Changelog
- fix versioning when building RC and kernels without stable patches
- selected patches from *mm*: (replacing my old patches:DN40-44 that I 
  actually forgot to apply :/ )
    - DN50_r8169-mac-address-change-support.patch
    - DN51_r8169-RX-fifo-overflow-recovery.patch
    - DN52_r8169-hardware-flow-control.patch
    - DN53_r8169-remove-rtl8169_init_board.patch
    - DN54_r8169-sync-with-vendor-s-driver.patch
- add patch DN55: sync r8169 code with 2.6.18-rc2 and upstream code
- add patch DN07: update forcedeth to 0.56
    - adds flow control (stop frame)
    - adds more ethtool support
    - adds support for MCP61 and MCP65
- add patch DN08: update sundance to 1.1
- add patch DI03: support for nVidia MCP61 and MCP65
- add patch DN11: nozomi 2.1-0.060703 for Option 3G/HSDPA support
- add patch DV12: revert VBI_OFFSET change in bttv-vbi that proke PAL
- add patches MB50-MB52: qc-usb-0.6.4 support (from *mm*)

* Wed Jul 26 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to final
- drop patches AB01-AB45: merged upstream, or fixed differently
- disable patch FS06: (update symlinks to 10) for now as it may bring 
  stack issues, need to be checked (Thierry)

* Tue Jul 25 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- drop patch FS11: (fixes bad nfs file handle triggering ext3_error)
  - it creates more problem than it fixes :-(
- sync from main kernel:
  - add patch DN05: update e1000 to v.7.1.9
  - add patch DN06: update e100 to v.3.5.14
  - add patch FS06: update supported symlinks to 10 and consecutive symlinks
    to 80

* Mon Jul 24 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- disable X86_GENERIC optimization as the Mandriva build cluster is currently
  broken regarding -mtune=generic
- as seems to have been delayed:
  add patches AB01-AB45: updates to
  * [patch 01/45] XFS: corruption fix
  * [patch 02/45] IB/mthca: restore missing PCI registers after reset
  * [patch 03/45] x86_64: Fix modular pc speaker
  * [patch 04/45] BLOCK: Fix bounce limit address check
  * [patch 05/45] memory hotplug: solve config broken: undefined reference to `online_page
  * [patch 06/45] v4l/dvb: Fix budget-av frontend detection
  * [patch 07/45] v4l/dvb: Fix CI on old KNC1 DVBC cards
  * [patch 08/45] v4l/dvb: Fix CI interface on PRO KNC1 cards
  * [patch 09/45] pnp: suppress request_irq() warning
  * [patch 10/45] Reduce ACPI verbosity on null handle condition
  * [patch 11/45] via-velocity: the link is not correctly detected when the device starts
  * [patch 12/45] 2 oopses in ethtool
  * [patch 13/45] v4l/dvb: Kconfig: fix description and dependencies for saa7115 module
  * [patch 14/45] PKT_SCHED: Fix illegal memory dereferences when dumping actions
  * [patch 15/45] PKT_SCHED: Return ENOENT if action module is unavailable
  * [patch 16/45] PKT_SCHED: Fix error handling while dumping actions
  * [patch 17/45] v4l/dvb: Backport fix to artec USB DVB devices
  * [patch 18/45] v4l/dvb: Backport the DISEQC regression fix to 2.6.17.x
  * [patch 19/45] v4l/dvb: Backport the budget driver DISEQC instability fix
  * [patch 20/45] v4l/dvb: stradis: dont export MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE
  * [patch 21/45] dvb-bt8xx: fix frontend detection for DViCO FusionHDTV DVB-T Lite rev 1.2
  * [patch 22/45] Make powernow-k7 work on SMP kernels
  * [patch 23/45] Fix powernow-k8 SMP kernel on UP hardware bug
  * [patch 24/45] cdrom: fix bad cgc.buflen assignment
  * [patch 25/45] splice: fix problems with sys_tee()
  * [patch 26/45] USB serial ftdi_sio: Prevent userspace DoS (CVE-2006-2936)
  * [patch 27/45] tpm: interrupt clear fix
  * [patch 28/45] pdflush: handle resume wakeups
  * [patch 29/45] ieee80211: TKIP requires CRC32
  * [patch 30/45] Fix IPv4/DECnet routing rule dumping
  * [patch 31/45] Add missing UFO initialisations
  * [patch 32/45] ALSA: Suppress irq handler mismatch messages in ALSA ISA drivers
  * [patch 33/45] ALSA: RME HDSP - fixed proc interface (missing {})
  * [patch 34/45] ALSA: hda-intel - Fix race in remove
  * [patch 35/45] ALSA: Fix workaround for AD1988A rev2 codec
  * [patch 36/45] ALSA: Fix undefined (missing) references in ISA MIRO sound driver
  * [patch 37/45] ALSA: fix the SND_FM801_TEA575X dependencies
  * [patch 38/45] ALSA: Fix mute switch on VAIO laptops with STAC7661
  * [patch 39/45] ALSA: Fix model for HP dc7600
  * [patch 40/45] ALSA: Fix missing array terminators in AD1988 codec support
  * [patch 41/45] ALSA: Fix a deadlock in snd-rtctimer
  * [patch 42/45] ALSA: au88x0 - Fix 64bit address of MPU401 MMIO port
  * [patch 43/45] struct file leakage
  * [patch 44/45] serial 8250: sysrq deadlock fix
  * [patch 45/45] fix fdset leakage
- update to
  * Relax /proc fix a bit
- drop patch AA01: merged upstream
- add patch CK02: fixes idleprio and suspend to disk bug
- rediff patch: DA01
- add patch DA03: update asus_acpi to 0.30
- add patch DN04: update via-rhine to 1.4.0
- add patch DN10: update ipw2200 to 1.1.3
- add patch DN40: rtl8169: adds support for changing mac address
- add patch DN41: rtl8169: adds RX fifo overflow recovery
- add patch DN42: rtl8169: use mii registers to check/set/use hardware flow control
- add patch DN43: rtl8169: replaces rtl8169_init_board with rtl_init_phy
- add patch DN44: rtl8169: adds support for pci-e 81xx hardware (#23705)
- rediff patch: DS01
- add patch DU02: add support for testo hardware to ftdi_sio (#23666)
- add patch DV10: update linuxtv support to 2.6.18-rc2-git1 level
  * bugfixes, optimizations
  * support additional hardware with current drivers:
    - pcHDTV HD5500 HDTV
    - Kworld MCE 200 Deluxe
    - PixelView PlayTV P7000
    - NPG Tech Real TV FM Top 10
    - WinFast DTV2000 H
    - Geniatech DVB-S
    - LifeView FlyVIDEO3000 (NTSC)
    - Samsung TCPG 6121P30A
    - ...
  * support new hardware:
    - AverMedia 6 Eyes support
    - Blackbird MPEG encoder support
    - Texas Instruments TLV320AIC23B audio codec
    - Hauppauge WinTV-PVR USB2 support
    - USB Logitech Quickcam Messenger
    - GENPIX 8PSK->USB module support
    - ...
- add patch DV11: remove unused VIDIOC_S_CTRL_OLD check from matroxfb_base ioctl
- add patch FS11: fixes bad nfs file handle triggering ext3_error
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper to 1.21
  * Calls to Miniport functions with serialized drivers (such as RT2500) 
    are serialized, so they should work with SMP.
  * Enable interrupts in IRQ handler; otherwise, some drivers (e.g., 
    Marvell 8335) don't work.
  * Kernel crash with changing mac address (with 'ifconfig hw ether ...') 
  * Fixes to 64-bit drivers; TI 1450 (used in AVM Fritz) is supported 
    with 64-bit.
  * Fix to SMP kernel crash when USB device is unplugged.
  * Fix to a bug (in 1.20) that locked up when used with RT2500 with SMP.
  * RT2500 is supported with 64-bit.

* Sun Jul 16 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
  * Fix nasty /proc vulnerability (CVE-2006-3626)
- Add Patch AA01: Relax /proc fix a bit as it broke hal for some 
  users (Linus Torvalds)

* Fri Jul 14 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
  * fix prctl privilege escalation and suid_dumpable (CVE-2006-2451)
- add patch DA02: fix DA02_fix_AE_AML_MUTEX_NOT_ACQUIRED (#23534)
- add patch DI10: fixes ata_piix PCS-related issues and ICH8 support
- enable VIDEO_V4L1 support again even if it's marked DEPRECEATED
- update defconfigs
- reenable patch DS02: fix snd-hda-intel error handling

* Wed Jul 05 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
  * NETFILTER: SCTP conntrack: fix crash triggered by packet without 
    chunks [CVE-2006-2934]
- update to
  * Input: return correct size when reading modalias attribute
  * idr: fix race in idr code
  * Link error when futexes are disabled on 64bit architectures
  * kbuild: bugfix with initramfs
  * ide-io: increase timeout value to allow for slave wakeup
  * libata: minor patch for ATA_DFLAG_PIO
  * ohci1394: Fix broken suspend/resume in ohci1394
  * IPV6 ADDRCONF: Fix default source address selection without 
  * IPV6: Fix source address selection
  * UML: fix uptime
  * bcm43xx: init fix for possible Machine Check
  * x86: compile fix for asm-i386/alternatives.h
  * NTFS: Critical bug fix (affects MIPS and possibly others)
  * SPARC32: Fix iommu_flush_iotlb end address
  * ETHTOOL: Fix UFO typo
  * SCTP: Fix persistent slowdown in sctp when a gap ack consumes rx buffer
  * SCTP: Send only 1 window update SACK per message
  * SCTP: Reset rtt_in_progress for the chunk when processing its sack
  * SCTP: Reject sctp packets with broadcast addresses
  * SCTP: Limit association max_retrans setting in setsockopt
  * PFKEYV2: Fix inconsistent typing in struct sadb_x_kmprivate
  * IPV6: Sum real space for RTAs
  * USB: Whiteheat: fix firmware spurious errors
- fix kernel-tmb-doc building
- drop patch DN20: merged upstream
- update patch FS01: unionfs to v. 1.3
- drop patch FS02: merged upstream
- make kernel-source(-stripped) provide: kernel-source-fbsplash so 
  it works with fbsplash-utils (Danny)

* Sun Jun 25 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
  * CVE-2006-3085
- redo patch CE02: acpi-dsdt-initrd to match updated ACPI in DA01
- drop patch CE11: acpi-ec-nospinlock, as its merged in DA01
- add patch DA01: update ACPI support to 20060608 
- add patch DS01: update ALSA to 1.0.12rc1
- disable patch DS02: snd-hda-intel error-handling as it should be fixed
  in the updated alsa
- update patch MB10: ndiswrapper to 1.18
  * Support for RNDIS was broken in 1.16; they work now
  * Suspend/resume improved
  * Netpoll support added
  * Support for RNDIS driver with Vista drivers for 64-bit
  * Fix Kernel crash with RT2500 under heavy load
- drop Obsoletes on virtual rpms

* Wed Jun 21 2006 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.17-2mdv2007.0
- Fix EXTRAVERSION when no stable patch applied ( now where did I put
  my brown paper bag ??? )

* Mon Jun 19 2006 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.17-1mdv2007.0
- update to 2.6.17
- update CK01 to 2.6.17-ck1
- drop patches merged upstream: CA73, CP03, CP10, DC01, DC11, DN10, 
  DN37, DN38, DN39, DS01, DV02, FS20
- rediff patches: CR01, DI08, DM01, DN02
- add patch DN20: fix bcm43xx init-vs-irq workaround
- disable BLK_DEV_UB as it conflicts with usb-storage (#23159)
- add info to README.urpmi regerding modular PS2 (#23141)

* Sun Jun 18 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- add patch CP10: fix nVidia HPET timer override
- add patch DC01: add drm from 2.6.17-rc6-git7 to match xorg 7.1
- add patch DC11: fixes pptp large data transfer random hangs
- add patch DN10: update to forcedeth 0.54
- add patch FS20: add autofs5 support from 2.6.17-rc6-git7 (#22399)

* Mon Jun 12 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- rework rhconfig.h for autoconf, and fix a typo
- enable in defconfig as module: BT_CMTP (Michael Braun)
- enable in defconfig: KEXEC (Raphael Gertz)
- disable in defconfig FB_TILEBLITTING as it conflicts fbsplash 
- add patch CP03: update powernow-k8 to 1.60.1
- add patch DU01: enable usbcore old_scheme_first to fix error:
  "device not accepting address"
- add patch CR01: add support for BadRAM (poor mans "IBM ChipKill")(from *mm*)
- add patch DV01: fbsplash 0.9.2-r5 (from *mm*)
- add patch DV02: fix fbsplash build (from *mm*)

* Sun Jun 11 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- Update patch CK01 to 2.6.16-ck12
- Update patch FS01 to unionfs-1.2
- Drop old patch FS02 as it didnt fix the unionfs smp bug
- Add new patch FS02 to fix unionfs Makefile versioning
- Spec fixes: dont strip scripts dir in source-stripped rpm, and some typos
- Update README.urpmi with info regarding need to recreate initrd and rerun
  lilo for first time istallers...
- enable HIGHPTE for HIGHMEM4G & HIGHMEM64G in create_configs
- enable following defconfig options:
    8139TOO_8129, VIA_RHINE_MMIO, E1000_NAPI, R8169_NAPI, IXGB_NAPI, 
- disable following defconfig options:

* Tue Jun 06 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix another error in rhconfig.h (Doh :/ )
- update to
- drop patch DI03 (merged upstream)
- rediff patch DN39
- re-enable LVM & cfor laptop kernels

* Sun Jun 04 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix rhconfig.h autoconf breakage 
- update patch MB30: acerhk to version 0.5.33
- add patch MB40: acer_acpi - the acerhk clone for x86_64

* Sun Jun 04 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- a simple rebuild on n2 to see if n5 produces broken kernel rpms

* Fri Jun 02 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- enable X86_BIGSMP for ix86 smp kernels to support cpu hotplugging
- enable USB_EHCI_SPLIT_ISO for all kernels
- add patch CP02: disable only 12.5 duty cycle in p4-clockmod on errata N60,
  not everything below 2 GHz
- add patch DI03: help resume from libata
- add patch DN03: fix ipt_register_table() wrongly return 0 instead of
  error code when xt_register_table() fails
- fix automatic upgrades because of name change:
  * make desktop(-smp)-latest obsolete desktop686(-smp)-latest <=
  * make desktop586(-smp)-latest obsolete desktop(-smp)-latest <=

* Thu Jun 01 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
  * Netfilter: CVE-2006-1343
- more spec cleanups...
- fix defconfig-maximum on ix86
- add more patches from *mm* series:
  - add patch DB32: SiS 965 IDE support
  - add patch DI02: prevent disk spindown on reboot
- add patch CP01: HOTPLUG_CPU must depend on !X86_PC (#22594)
- add patch DS02: fix Alsa intel hda error handling (Danny)

* Wed May 31 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- do some renaming of the desktop flavours to be consistent with mm series
  * old i586,1GB desktop(-smp) is now desktop586(-smp)
  * old i686,4GB desktop686(-smp) is now desktop(-smp)
- require bootloader-utils >= 1.12-1mdv2007.0 wich is fixed for the
  above name change...
- update support files for new names, so autoconf still works.
- sync laptop configs with the mm series
- create_configs cleanup and fixing for new naming
- update defconfigs, some syncs from multimedia series:
  * disable following config options:
  * enable following config options:
  * enable/change following config options as/to modules:

* Sun May 28 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- use 'distsuffix' macro for rpmtag so it's correct on both 2006.0 and 
  Cooker / 2007.0
- add *tmb* to 'uname -r' to differentiate against upcoming *mm*, 
  as we now use same naming scheme...
- add support for flavours laptop and laptop-smp, and their virtual rpms, 
  but dont build them by default
- selected patches from main kernel:
  - add patch CA03: boot in 80x25 videomode if users selects unsupported mode
  - add patch DB25: fix megaraid_mbox sysfs name
  - add patch DI08: enable ATAPI support in libata
- selected pateches from multimedia kernel:
  - add patch CA73: fixes crash in powernow-k8

* Fri May 26 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix README.urpmi text
- fix x86_64 server-smp summary
- change rpmtag s/mdk/mdv/ (also used in 'uname -r')
- kernel-tmb now goes 'mkrel' for rpm names, but not for 'uname -r'
- update requires on bootloader-utils to 1.10-mkrel 2
- update requires on mkinitrd to 4.2.17-mkrel 20
- switch from Requires to Requires(pre) for compiled kernels
  to make sure all support files are in place at install time
- disable generation of useless debug rpms

* Wed May 24 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- hang on to you hats ;-), CONFIG_PARTITION_ADVANCED is enabled 
  please report any problems you may have...

* Mon May 22 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- update CK01 to 2.6.16-ck11
- drop ZZ01 as it's included in
- for server sets, set HZ_100, enable CPUSET
- add README.urpmi regarding modular ide
- change CONFIG_SND to module
- selected patches from main kernel
  - add patch DN01: add module alias to bonding
  - add patch DN02: adds bcm47xx support to b44
  - adds patches DN37,DN38,DN39: support for wireless softmac, 
    prism54usb, bcm43xx, adm8211, tiacx
  - add patch DS01: Alsa 1.0.11
  - add patch FQ01: cpufreq speedstep support for dothan
  - add patch FS10: fixes oops in destroy_inode
  - add patches MB01,MB02: 3rdparty framework
  - add patch MB10: ndiswrapper 1.16
  - add patch MB20: squashfs 3.0
  - add patch MB30: acerhk 0.5.18

* Sun May 21 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix mkinitrd requires s/-/>=/ 
- change requires on mkintrd and bootloader-utils to match 'mkrel'
  for packages rebuilt for 2006.0
- fix typo in kernel-tmb.patchlist

* Fri May 19 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- first build with new toolchain (gcc-4.1.1, glibc 2.4.0)
- add patch ZZ01: CVE-2006-0039 Netfilter race, oops, info leak
  * (from upcoming -stable
- fix create_configs for server-smp to serversmp change
- update FS01: to unionfs snapshot 20060503-0408
- add FS02: unionfs smp oops fix (Junjiro Okajima (unionfs developer))
- update requires on bootloader-utils to 1.10-1mdk
  * adds support for kernel-tmb sets in kheader, needed for autoconf
- update requires on mkinitrd to 4.2.17-19mdk
  * makes ide-controller statement in modprobe.conf optional when
    installing a kernel with ide support built-in

* Wed May 17 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix PrepareKernel and create_configs breakage due to versioning change
- change CONFIG_EDD from module to builtin
- add patch DM01: adds boot parameter broken_dmstripe to allow unaligned 
  dm-stripe partitions to get activated...

* Sun May 14 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- change kprovides and requires for source-stripped
- drop unneeded kernel-tmb-latest virtual rpm
- fix missing parts of rhconfig.h (source15) to get autoconf working again
- update CE02_acpi-dsdt-initrd to v0.8.1-2.6.16 (Eric Piel)
- change RTC from module to built-in
- change IP_NF_CONNTRACK from built-in to module
- use tarball patches.description as kernel-tmb.patchlist to not duplicate work
- add patch FS01: Unionfs snapshot 20060423-1600

* Fri May 12 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- fix pre, post, postun scripts to match change in versioning
- fix autoconf , rhconfig and version.h generation to match the 
  versioning change ...
- keep a list of patches in kernel-tmb.patchlist outside patches 
  tarball so it shows up in Mandriva CVS ...

* Fri May 12 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- update CK01 to 2.6.16-ck10
- fix CE02_acpi-dsdt-initrd to acually get it selectable (Udo Rader)
- readd needed arch/i386/kernel/sigframe.h to -stripped source (rapsys)
- strip a few more files from -stripped source
- rename /boot/(vnlinuz,initrd)-* to match naming of other kernels
  to ease installer/bootloader-utils support (Request by Pixel)

* Tue May 09 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- fix scripts build (needed for external modules)
- create a really slip-streamed kernel-tmb-source-stripped 
  (~14MB vs main ~65MB)

* Thu May 04 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- quick update to

* Wed May 03 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- update patch CK01 to 2.6.16-ck9
- NOTE: This nice system with kernel metapackages to allow for
  automated updating of kernels and kernel-source without breaking
  current installs is pretty much what Oliver Thauvin already suggested
  in 2004-12-07 !! For more info see Bugzilla #21345 comment 26.
  So many thanks to Oliver for this!!

* Tue May 02 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- add patches.description in patches tarball to keep track of patches
- patch CE02: add support for custom DSDT in initrd
- patch CE11: acpi_ec_no_spinlock (Udo Rader)
- patch CK01: Con Kolivas patchset 2.6.16-ck8
  * smpnice, staircase scheduler, swap prefetch, readahead, ...
- patch DN33: netfilter IFWLOG support (Gertz Raphael)
- update defconfigs for the above patches
- disable swap prefetch for server(-smp) kernels
- set HZ_1000 on desktop sets, HZ_100 on server sets
- fix description for ix86 desktop kernels to mention the fact
  that only 870-900MB RAM is detected (even if marked 1GB)...
- enable SERIAL_NONSTANDARD support (Gertz Raphael)
- add provides kernel to cope with basesystem requires
- make ide fully modular (so you need: alias ide-controller 'modulename' 
  in /etc/modprobe.conf or fixed initrd to detect modular ide
- add metapackages for every kernel flavour to allow for auto-updating
  kernels/souce with urpmi --auto-select without removing the previous one:
  * kernel-tmb-desktop-latest, kernel-tmb-desktop-smp-latest
  * kernel-tmb-desktop686-latest, kernel-tmb-desktop686-smp-latest
  * kernel-tmb-server-latest, kernel-tmb-server-smp-latest
  * kernel-tmb-source-latest, kernel-tmb-latest (shows all flavours)
- fix version.h generation
- specfile cleanups & fixes

* Wed Apr 26 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- set CONFIG_PHYSICAL_START=0x400000 (Thierry)
- make md modular (Luca)

* Wed Apr 26 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- readd versioned package names

* Wed Apr 26 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- fix configs for missing initrd (doh...)
- set server(-smp) kernels to use HZ_1000 (Luiz)

* Fri Apr 21 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to

* Thu Apr 20 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to

* Wed Apr 19 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to

* Wed Apr 19 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- more spec cleanups
- create_config script cleaning

* Tue Apr 18 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- optimize configs
- fix descriptions

* Mon Apr 17 2006 Thomas Backlund <>
- update to
- fix spec and support files for stable extraversion release

* Mon Apr 17 2006 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.16-1mdk
- Alive Again !!! ... ;-)
- Scrap the old versioning as I don't track main kernel anymore...
- Start fresh from unpatched kernel
- Switch to versioning.
- build desktop up & smp kernels:
  * i586, 1GB. CFQ Scheduler, Voluntary Preempt
  * x86_64, CFQ Scheduler, Voluntary Preempt
- build i686 optimized desktop686 up & smp kernels:
  * i686, 4GB, CFQ Scheduler, Voluntary Preempt
- build server up & smp kernels: 
  * i686, 64GB, Deadline Scheduler, No Preempt
  * x86_64, Deadline Scheduler, No Preempt
- build as modular as possible
- use  MDV Releasespecific rpmname
- redo spec and support files to match all changes

* Wed Sep 01 2004 Svetoslav Slavtchev <> 2.6.7-2.tmb.6mdk
- yet another tiny resync with -mm3
- add ecc driver (from -mm3)
- add drbd-0.7.1 (from -mm3)
- add cluster support and gfs (from -mm3)
- fix kernel-BOOT compile
	thinkpad depends on CONFIG_PM
	GFS depends on CONFIG_IPV6

* Tue Aug 10 2004 Svetoslav Slavtchev <> 2.6.7-2.tmb.5mdk
- build win4lin kernels too
- disable dxr3 on alpha 
  alpha should build happily again :-)

* Tue Aug 10 2004 Svetoslav Slavtchev <> 2.6.7-2.tmb.4mdk
- re-add alsa addons
- 3rdparty resync with -sds
- security fixes

* Fri Jul 16 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.7-2.tmb.3mdk
- fix BOOT compiling
- update squashfs to 2.0 Final (MC80)
  * Initrds are now supported for kernels 2.6.x.
  * amd64 bug fixes.
  * Check-data and gid bug fixes.

* Thu Jul 15 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.7-2.tmb.2mdk
- bootsplash is back (CD01, CD04) (from sds15)
- rediff (CK01) because of bootsplash
- update Win4Lin patch to 2.6.7 (P100)
- update mki-adapter26 to 1.3.6 (P101)
- drop libata vs. pata piix fix (DI11), let the user choose
  between libata and pata piix support
- drop the outdated hfsplus from 3rdparty (MD30, MD31, MD32)
- BadRAM support is back (ZS04)
- uss725 works again (DU02, DU07, DU08) (from sds15)
- Cloop 2.0.1 is back (ZS18, ZS19) (from sds15)

* Thu Jul 08 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.7-2.tmb.1mdk
- full restart from main to get back in sync with main
  (meaning it may have less hw support and features than my 2.6.5 
   series now in the beginning until I have synced up with sds15...)
- first tmb kernel to be uploaded to amd64 contribs
- build kernels with preempt
- changelog will from now on always reference the patches with
  their prefix to make it easier to keep track of changes
- restructure patches tarball for easier maintenance:
  * all alsa specific patches now using DS prefix
  * 3rdparty driver tarballs now have patches affecting them directly 
    after the tarball. Tarballs now starts from prefix MB10 and will
    have room for 9 patches reserved, meaning next tarball will get
    MB20 and so on...
- alsa 1.0.5 (DS01) (from sds15)
- update alsa to 1.0.5a (DS02) (from sds15)
- move (old DA54) alsa hp quirk fix to (DS03)
- fix dell laptop alsa hang (DS04) (from sds15)
- move (old MC01) acx100 to (MB10) and update to 0.2.0pre7-fixes6 (from sds15)
  * move (old MD01) compil fix to (MB11)
- move (MC02) eagle-usb to (MB20) and update to 1.9.7cvs (from sds15)
  * drop claiminterface fix (old MD02)
  * move (old MD02) mdelay fix to (MB21)
- move (old MC03) hostap to (MB30) and update to 0.2.2cvs20040609 (from sds15)
  * add build integration fix (MB31) (from sds15)
- move (old MC04) lirc to (MB40)
  * move (old MD04) buildfixes to (MB41)
  * move (old MD05) devfs fixes to (MB42)
  * move (old MD06) parport enumarate fix to (MB43)
  * move (old MD07) atiusb fix to (MB44)
  * add floting point fix (MB45) (from sds15)
- move (old MC05) lufs to (MB50)
  * add support for extra opts (MB51)
- move (old MC07) qc-usb to (MB60) and update to 0.6.0
- move (old MC08) dfg1394 to (MB70) and update to 1.1cvs20040314 (from sds15)
  * drop irq interval fix (old MD08)
  * add dfg1394 firewire init fix (MB71) (from sds15)
- move (old MC09) prism25 to (MB80) and update to 0.2.1-pre20 (from sds15)
- move (old MC10) ov511 to (MB90)
- move (old MC11) dxr3 to (MC00) and update to 0.14_200403013 (from sds15)
  * drop i2c fix (old MD11)
- move (old MC12) iscsi to (MC10)
  * move (old MD12) iscsi shost fix to (MC11)
- move (old MC13) bcm57xx to (MC20) and update to 7.1.22
  * drop buildfixes (old MD13)
  * add ULL fix (MC21)
- move (old MC15) at76c503 to (MC30) and update to 0.12beta14 (from sds15)
- move (old MC16) vc_ar5k to (MC40)
- move (old MC17) ndiswrapper to (MC50) and update to 0.7 (from sds15)
- move (old MC18) mod_marvel to (MC60) and update to marvel_mgatv cvs20040408 (from sds15)
- move (old MC19) acecad to (MC70)
  * move (old MD19) cur_altsetting fix to (MC71)
- move (old MC20) squashfs to (MC80) and update to 2.0
- move (old MC21) bcm44xx to (MC90)
- drop old lpfc driver (old MC23)
- add new lpfcdriver ver 20040409 (MD00) (from sds15)
- move (old MC24) ivtv to (MD10) and update to 0.1.10-pre2-ck97h (from sds15)
  * drop i2c fix (old MD24)
  * fix includes (MD11) (from sds15)
  * use kernel min/max for msp3400 (MD12) (from sds15)
- move (old MC25) rivatv to (MD20) and update to cvs20040626 (from sds15)
  * drop old tweaks (old MD25)
  * add new tweaks (MD21) (from sds15)
- move (old MC26) hfsplus to (MD30)
  * move (old MD26) quiet build fix to (MD31)
  * move (old MD27) drop gendisk fix to (MD32)
- move (old MC27) viahss to (MD40)
- move (old MC28) w9968cf to (MD50)
  * move (old MD28) i2c fix to (MD51)
  * remove misplaced semicolon (MD52) (from sds15)
- move (old MC29) poldhu to (MD60)
  * move (old MD29) no CardServices fix to (MD61)
- move (old MC30) fuse to (MD70)
  * move (old MD30) modversions fix to (MD71)
- move (old MC32) svgalib_helper to (MD80)
  * move (old MD32) buildfixes to (MD81)
- move (old MC33) ogfs to (MD90)
- move (old MC34) iteraid to (ME00) and update to 1.45
- move (old MC35) iteraid includes fix to (ME01)
- move (old MC36) shft to (ME11)
- fix BugZilla #10057
  * re-enable CONFIG_BLK_DEV_PIIX
  * disable pata piix driver support only for controllers
    covered by the libata piix driver (DI11)
- add ipw2100-0.46_3 (DN50) (from sds15)
  * add docs, Kconfig and Makefile change (DN51) (from sds15)
  * add support for Fujitsu-Siemens Amilio 7400 (DN52) (from sds15)
    * add KConfig (DN53) (from sds15)
  * compile with HOSTAP CVS (DN54) (from sds15)
- kernel command line needs to support more args (CA07)
- fix zh_cn coding error in nls codepage 939 (FN10) (BugZilla #360)
- fix pwc driver (DV13) (from sds15)

* Thu Jun 03 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.5-1.tmb.6mdk
- update iteraid to 1.45 (MC41, MC42)
  * 64bit fixes, works on amd64
- fix zh_cn coding error in nls codepage 939 (FN10) (BugZilla #360)

* Sat May 01 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.5-1.tmb.5mdk
- iteraid 1.44
- fix kernel-source include strip for ppc64
- disable CONFIG_FB_ATY_XL_INIT in ppc
- add workaround for ppp_mppe from 2.4 series
- misc fixes and addons from 2.6.5-sls9 (Svetljo)
  * support for VIA CLE266 framebuffer
  * support for VIA6410 IDE and VIA6421 SATA
  * acpi 20040426, processor-load, link-tolerant
  * cpufreq 20040419, userspace warning
  * nForce2 ioapic fix
  * nForce2 idle lockups fix

* Sat Apr 17 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.5-1.tmb.4mdk
- fix BOOT compiling

* Fri Apr 16 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.5-1.tmb.3mdk
- fix posix-timers to have proper per-process scope
- update Netraverse Win4Lin patch to 2.6.5
- CAN-2004-0075-vicam (Svetljo)
- CAN-2004-0177-ext3 (Svetljo)
- CAN-2004-0109 isofs fix (Svetljo)
- fix for synaptics (Svetljo)

* Wed Apr 14 2004 Danny Tholen <> 2.6.5-1.tmb.2mdk
- remove broken old hfs patches
- patch orinoco drivers to fix Tx timeouts
- patch for oops with tumbler/snapper cards
- disable preempt on smp for ppc (broken)

* Wed Apr 07 2004 Thomas Backlund <> 2.6.5-1.tmb.1mdk
- 2.6.5
- alsa 1.0.4 final (Svetljo)
- alsa addons + fixes (Svetljo)
- echoaudio 0.8.10pre1 (Svetljo)
- acpi4asus 0.28 (Svetljo)
- scsi updates (Svetljo)
- Amd K8PowerNow ACPI (Svetljo)
- ipw2100 v0.39 (Svetljo)
- orinoco cvs 20040328 + monitor mode support (Svetljo)
- tv / dvb card support updates (Svetljo)
- cifs 1.0.5cvs (Svetljo)
- ReiserFS updates/fixes (Svetljo)
- packet writing, dvd-/+rw support (Svetljo)
- TI cardbus IRQ routing fixes (Svetljo)
- ipmi updates (Svetljo)