

distrib > * > 2008.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 66dd8410cea698ad8af2319531055d1b > files > 13


<IfDefine HAVE_DBD>
    <IfModule !mod_dbd.c>
	LoadModule dbd_module		modules/

<IfModule mod_dbd.c>

    # DBDriver - SQL Driver
    #DBDriver pgsql | mysql | sqlite3
    #DBDriver pgsql

    # DBDParams - SQL Driver Params
    # PostgreSQL - The connection string is passed straight through to PQconnectdb 
    # MySQL - host, port, user, pass, dbname, sock 
    # SQLite3 - The connection string is passed straight through to sqlite3_open 

    # DBDPersist - Use persistent connection/pool
    #DBDPersist 0|1

    # DBDPrepareSQL - Prepared SQL statement, label
    #DBDPrepareSQL "SQL statement" label

    # DBDMin - Minimum number of connections
    #DBDMin number

    # DBDKeep - Maximum number of sustained connections
    # Set the maximum number of connections per process to be sustained, other
    # than for handling peak demand (threaded platforms only).
    #DBDKeep number

    # DBDMax - Maximum number of connections
    # Set the hard maximum number of connections per process (threaded platforms
    # only).
    #DBDMax number

    # DBDExptime - Keepalive time for idle connections
    # Set the time to keep idle connections alive where the number of connections
    # specified in DBDKeep has been exceeded (threaded platforms only).
    #DBDExptime time-in-seconds

    # #Database Management
    # #Use the PostgreSQL driver
    # DBDriver pgsql
    # #Connection string: database name and login credentials
    # DBDParams "dbname=htpasswd user=apache password=xxxxxx"
    # #Parameters for Connection Pool Management
    # DBDMin  1
    # DBDKeep 2
    # DBDMax  10
    # DBDExptime 60
    # #Authentication Section
    # <Directory /usr/www/myhost/private>
    #     #configuration for authn_dbd
    #     AuthType Basic
    #     AuthName "My Server"
    #     AuthBasicProvider dbd
    #     #authz configuration
    #     Require valid-user
    #     #SQL query to verify a user
    #     #(note: DBD drivers recognise both stdio-like %s and native syntax)
    #     AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select password from authn where username = %s"
    # </Directory>
