

distrib > * > 2008.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > ea5411cd1a8a2a5f3d05b7d240904af0 > files > 5


diff -urNp iptables-1.3.2.ipp2p/extensions/.ipp2p-test
---	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ iptables-1.3.2.ipp2p/extensions/.ipp2p-test	2005-07-28 14:55:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+[ -f $KERNEL_DIR/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_ipp2p.h ] && echo ipp2p
diff -urNp iptables-1.3.2.ipp2p/extensions/libipt_ipp2p.c
---	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ iptables-1.3.2.ipp2p/extensions/libipt_ipp2p.c	2005-07-28 14:55:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <iptables.h>
+#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_ipp2p.h>
+static void
+    printf(
+    "IPP2P v%s options:\n"
+    " --ipp2p	Grab all known p2p packets\n"
+    " --ipp2p-data	Identify all known p2p download commands (obsolete)\n\n"
+    " --edk		[TCP&UDP]	All known eDonkey/eMule/Overnet packets\n"
+    " --dc		[TCP] 		All known Direct Connect packets\n"
+    " --kazaa	[TCP&UDP] 	All known KaZaA packets\n"
+    " --gnu		[TCP&UDP]	All known Gnutella packets\n"
+    " --bit		[TCP&UDP]	All known BitTorrent packets\n"
+    " --apple	[TCP] 		All known AppleJuice packets (beta - just a few tests until now)\n"
+    " --winmx	[TCP] 		All known WinMX (beta - need feedback)\n"
+    " --soul		[TCP] 		All known SoulSeek (beta - need feedback!)\n"
+    " --ares		[TCP] 		All known Ares - use with DROP only (beta - need feedback!)\n\n"
+    " --edk-data	[TCP] 		eDonkey/eMule/Overnet download commands (obsolete)\n"
+    " --dc-data	[TCP] 		Direct Connect download command (obsolete)\n"
+    " --kazaa-data	[TCP] 		KaZaA download command (obsolete)\n"
+    " --gnu-data	[TCP] 		Gnutella download command (obsolete)\n"
+    "\nNote that the follwing options will have the same meaning:\n"
+    " '--ipp2p' is equal to '--edk --dc --kazaa --gnu'\n"
+    " '--ipp2p-data' is equal to '--edk-data --dc-data --kazaa-data --gnu-data'\n"
+    "\nIPP2P was intended for TCP only. Due to increasing usage of UDP we needed to change this.\n"
+    "You can now use -p udp to search UDP packets only or without -p switch to search UDP and TCP packets.\n"
+    "\nSee README included with this package for more details or visit\n"
+    "\nExamples:\n"
+    " iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j MARK --set-mark 0x01\n"
+    " iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -m ipp2p --kazaa --bit -j DROP\n"
+    " iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m ipp2p --edk --soul -j DROP\n\n"
+    , IPP2P_VERSION);
+static struct option opts[] = {
+        { "ipp2p", 0, 0, '1' },
+        { "edk", 0, 0, '2' },	
+        { "ipp2p-data", 0, 0, '3' },		
+        { "kazaa-data", 0, 0, '4' },
+        { "edk-data", 0, 0, '5' },	
+        { "dc-data", 0, 0, '6' },
+	{ "dc", 0, 0, '7' },
+	{ "gnu-data", 0, 0, '8' },	
+	{ "gnu", 0, 0, '9' },
+	{ "kazaa", 0, 0, 'a' },
+	{ "bit", 0, 0, 'b' },
+	{ "apple", 0, 0, 'c' },	
+	{ "soul", 0, 0, 'd' },	
+	{ "winmx", 0, 0, 'e' },	
+	{ "ares", 0, 0, 'f' },
+	{ "debug", 0, 0, 'g' },
+        {0}
+static void
+init(struct ipt_entry_match *m, unsigned int *nfcache)
+    struct ipt_p2p_info *info = (struct ipt_p2p_info *)m->data;
+    *nfcache |= NFC_UNKNOWN;
+    /*init the module with default values*/
+    info->cmd = 0;
+    info->debug = 0;
+static int
+parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags,
+	const struct ipt_entry *entry,
+	unsigned int *nfcache,
+	struct ipt_entry_match **match)
+    struct ipt_p2p_info *info = (struct ipt_p2p_info *)(*match)->data;
+    switch (c) {
+	case '1':		/*cmd: ipp2p*/
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags) != 0)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+	    *flags += SHORT_HAND_IPP2P;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;
+	case '2':		/*cmd: edk*/
+	    if ((*flags & IPP2P_EDK) == IPP2P_EDK)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--edk' may only be "
+				"specified once");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_EDK) == IPP2P_DATA_EDK)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--edk' OR `--edk-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+	    *flags += IPP2P_EDK;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;	    
+	    break;
+	case '3':		/*cmd: ipp2p-data*/
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags) != 0)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+	    *flags += SHORT_HAND_DATA;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;	    
+	    break;
+        case '4':		/*cmd: kazaa-data*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA) == IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--kazaa-data' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_KAZAA) == IPP2P_KAZAA)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--kazaa' OR `--kazaa-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;
+	case '5':		/*cmd: edk-data*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_EDK) == IPP2P_DATA_EDK)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--edk-data' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_EDK) == IPP2P_EDK)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--edk' OR `--edk-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_DATA_EDK;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case '6':		/*cmd: dc-data*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_DC) == IPP2P_DATA_DC)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--dc-data' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DC) == IPP2P_DC)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--dc' OR `--dc-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_DATA_DC;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case '7':		/*cmd: dc*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DC) == IPP2P_DC)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--dc' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_DC) == IPP2P_DATA_DC)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--dc' OR `--dc-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_DC;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case '8':		/*cmd: gnu-data*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_GNU) == IPP2P_DATA_GNU)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--gnu-data' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_GNU) == IPP2P_GNU)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--gnu' OR `--gnu-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_DATA_GNU;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case '9':		/*cmd: gnu*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_GNU) == IPP2P_GNU)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--gnu' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_GNU) == IPP2P_DATA_GNU)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--gnu' OR `--gnu-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_GNU;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'a':		/*cmd: kazaa*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_KAZAA) == IPP2P_KAZAA)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--kazaa' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p-data' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+	    if ((*flags & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P)
+		    exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+				"ipp2p: `--ipp2p' may only be "
+				"specified alone!");
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA) == IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: use `--kazaa' OR `--kazaa-data' but not both of them!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_KAZAA;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'b':		/*cmd: bit*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_BIT) == IPP2P_BIT)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--bit' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_BIT;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'c':		/*cmd: apple*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_APPLE) == IPP2P_APPLE)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--apple' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_APPLE;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'd':		/*cmd: soul*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_SOUL) == IPP2P_SOUL)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--soul' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_SOUL;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'e':		/*cmd: winmx*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_WINMX) == IPP2P_WINMX)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--winmx' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_WINMX;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'f':		/*cmd: ares*/
+            if ((*flags & IPP2P_ARES) == IPP2P_ARES)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+                                "ipp2p: `--ares' may only be "
+                                "specified once!");
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+            *flags += IPP2P_ARES;
+	    info->cmd = *flags;
+	    break;																											
+	case 'g':		/*cmd: debug*/
+	    if (invert) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "ipp2p: invert [!] is not allowed!");
+	    info->debug = 1;
+	    break;																											
+	default:
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+	    "\nipp2p-parameter problem: for ipp2p usage type: iptables -m ipp2p --help\n");
+	    return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+static void
+final_check(unsigned int flags)
+    if (!flags)
+            exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
+	    "\nipp2p-parameter problem: for ipp2p usage type: iptables -m ipp2p --help\n");
+static void
+print(const struct ipt_ip *ip,
+        const struct ipt_entry_match *match,
+	int numeric)
+    struct ipt_p2p_info *info = (struct ipt_p2p_info *)match->data;
+    printf("ipp2p v%s", IPP2P_VERSION);
+    if ((info->cmd & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) printf(" --ipp2p");
+    if ((info->cmd & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA) printf(" --ipp2p-data");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_KAZAA) == IPP2P_KAZAA) printf(" --kazaa");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA) == IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA) printf(" --kazaa-data");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_GNU) == IPP2P_DATA_GNU) printf(" --gnu-data");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_GNU) == IPP2P_GNU) printf(" --gnu");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_EDK) == IPP2P_EDK) printf(" --edk");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_EDK) == IPP2P_DATA_EDK) printf(" --edk-data");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_DC) == IPP2P_DATA_DC) printf(" --dc-data");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DC) == IPP2P_DC) printf(" --dc");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_BIT) == IPP2P_BIT) printf(" --bit");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_APPLE) == IPP2P_APPLE) printf(" --apple");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_SOUL) == IPP2P_SOUL) printf(" --soul");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_WINMX) == IPP2P_WINMX) printf(" --winmx");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_ARES) == IPP2P_ARES) printf(" --ares");
+    if (info->debug != 0) printf(" --debug");
+    printf(" ");
+static void
+save(const struct ipt_ip *ip, const struct ipt_entry_match *match)
+    struct ipt_p2p_info *info = (struct ipt_p2p_info *)match->data;
+    if ((info->cmd & SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) == SHORT_HAND_IPP2P) printf("--ipp2p ");
+    if ((info->cmd & SHORT_HAND_DATA) == SHORT_HAND_DATA) printf("--ipp2p-data ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_KAZAA) == IPP2P_KAZAA) printf("--kazaa ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA) == IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA) printf("--kazaa-data ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_GNU) == IPP2P_DATA_GNU) printf("--gnu-data ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_GNU) == IPP2P_GNU) printf("--gnu ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_EDK) == IPP2P_EDK) printf("--edk ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_EDK) == IPP2P_DATA_EDK) printf("--edk-data ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DATA_DC) == IPP2P_DATA_DC) printf("--dc-data ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_DC) == IPP2P_DC) printf("--dc ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_BIT) == IPP2P_BIT) printf("--bit ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_APPLE) == IPP2P_APPLE) printf("--apple ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_SOUL) == IPP2P_SOUL) printf("--soul ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_WINMX) == IPP2P_WINMX) printf("--winmx ");
+    if ((info->cmd & IPP2P_ARES) == IPP2P_ARES) printf("--ares ");
+    if (info->debug != 0) printf("--debug ");
+struct iptables_match ipp2p
+= {
+   .next          = NULL,
+   .name          = "ipp2p",
+   .version       = IPTABLES_VERSION, 
+   .size          = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_p2p_info)),
+   .userspacesize = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_p2p_info)),
+   .help          = &help,
+   .init          = &init,
+   .parse         = &parse,
+   .final_check   = &final_check,
+   .print         = &print,
+   .save          = &save,
+   .extra_opts    = opts
+void _init(void)
+    register_match(&ipp2p);
diff -urNp iptables-1.3.2.ipp2p/extensions/
---	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ iptables-1.3.2.ipp2p/extensions/	2005-07-28 14:55:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+This module matches certain packets in P2P flows. It is not
+designed to match all packets belonging to a P2P connection - 
+use IPP2P together with CONNMARK for this purpose. Also visit
+ for detailed information.
+Use it together with -p tcp or -p udp to search these protocols
+only or without -p switch to search packets of both protocols.
+IPP2P provides the following options:
+.B "--edk "
+Matches as many eDonkey/eMule packets as possible.
+.B "--kazaa "
+Matches as many KaZaA packets as possible.
+.B "--gnu "
+Matches as many Gnutella packets as possible.
+.B "--dc "
+Matches as many Direct Connect packets as possible.
+.B "--bit "
+Matches BitTorrent packets.
+.B "--apple "
+Matches AppleJuice packets.
+.B "--soul "
+Matches some SoulSeek packets. Considered as beta, use careful!
+.B "--winmx "
+Matches some WinMX packets. Considered as beta, use careful!
+.B "--ares "
+Matches Ares and AresLite packets. Use together with -j DROP only.
+.B "--ipp2p "
+Short hand for: --edk --kazaa --gnu --dc
+.B "--debug "
+Prints some information about each hit into kernel logfile. May 
+produce huge logfiles so beware!