

distrib > * > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4e201048c9bffd8d5f03cee339ec2eb1 > files > 14


			Format parameters

The general layout of the printed scores may be changed in four ways:
	1- at compilation time setting the values in abc2ps.h,
	2- at running time in a 'format' file,
	3- at startup time in the command line,
	4- by pseudo-comments inside the tunes.

For more about 3), have a look at options.txt.

A format file contains lines giving the parameters values, format:

	parameter [parameter list]

In a format file, empty lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.

The pseudo-comments used for formatting have the format:

	%%parameter [parameter list]

Format parameters may appear in the command line by:

	--parameter [parameter list]

Some pseudo-comments are treated while being parsed and cannot appear
in a format file nor in the command line. These ones are listed at the
end of this file.

List of the format parameters

  alignbars <int>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Align the bars of the next <int> music lines.
		Such an alignment works only when there is only one
		voice in the music lines (no V: or %%staves allowed).

  aligncomposer <int>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Tell where to display the composer field.
		A negative value means 'on the left', 0 means 'center',
		and a positive value means 'on the right'.

  annotationfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Helvetica 12
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the annotation font to <font> with a size <size>.

  autoclef <bool>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When true, set the clefs and possibly insert clef
		changes when no clef is defined in K: or V:.

  barnumbers <int>
	Same as 'measurenb'.

  barsperstaff <int>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -B<int>
		Try to typeset with <int> bars on each line.

	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Start a PostScript sequence which ends on 'endps'.
		This parameter may be found only in a format or ABC
		file (it cannot appear in the command line).
		Each line between 'beginps' and 'endps' is included in
		the PostScript output file.

  botmargin <unit>
	Default: 1cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the bottom margin to <unit>.

  bstemdown <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When set, the stem of the note on the middle of the
		staff goes downwards. Otherwise, it goes upwards
		or downwards according to the previous note.

  comball <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When 'combinevoices' is set, voice combination does not
		occurs when the pitches are a second, unisson or inverted.
		Setting this flag makes the combination to occur in all

  combinevoices <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		If 1, the notes of same duration belonging to voices of
		the same staff are combined giving chords.

  composerfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Italic 14
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the composer font to <font> with a size <size>.

  composerspace <unit>
	Default: 0.2cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the composer to <unit>.

  contbarnb <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		If 0, the bar number of the second repeat(s) is reset to
		the number of the first repeat.
		If 1, the bars are sequencially numbered.

  continueall <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -c
		Ignore the line breaks in tune if true.

  dateformat <text>
	Default: "\%b \%e, \%Y \%H:\%M"
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define the format of the date and time.
		The possible values of this parameter are described
		in the manual pages of date(1) and strftime(3).
		Note: the '%'s must be escaped as '\%'.

  deco <name> <c_func> <ps_func> <h> <wl> <wr> [<str>]
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define a decoration.
		!! this is an experimental feature which is subject to change
		   in next releases and asks for a good knowledge of the
		   internals of abcm2ps - see for examples !!
		The actual arguments are:
		<name>: name of the decoration. If it is the name of an
			existing decoration, this one is redefined.
		<c_func>: index of a C function (defined in deco.c).
			The possible values are:
			0, 1, 2: decoration near the note, inside the staff.
				0: 'dot' and 'tenuto'
				1: 'slide'
				2: 'arpeggio'
			3, 4, 5: decoration near the note, outside the staff,
					generally printed above the staff.
				3: general
				4: below the staff
				5: long 'trill' (with start and stop)
			6, 7: decoration tied to the staff (dynamic marks),
					generally printed below the staff.
				6: general
				7: long dynamic (with start and stop)
		<ps_func>: postscript function name or '-' if start of a long
		<h>: decoration height.
			It is the minimum height for +arpeggio+.
		<wl> and <wr>: left and right widths.
			These values are actually used for general dynamic
			marks only.
		<str>: text to display (for some postscript functions
			- see code).
		Decorations which names begin with 'head-' prevent the
		note head(s) to be drawn.

  dynalign <bool>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When true, horizontally align the dynamic marks.

  encoding <encoding> | <int>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -L<int>
		Set the global font encoding to <encoding>, or to
		The recognized encodings are:
			iso-8859-1	(latin1)
			iso-8859-2	(latin2)
			iso-8859-3	(latin3)
			iso-8859-4	(latin4)
			iso-8859-9	(latin5)
			iso-8859-10	(latin6)
		When the encoding is 'native', the encoding vectors
		of the fonts are not changed.
		<encoding> may be any string. In this case, the encoding
		vector must be defined by a sequence of 'postscript'
		<int> may take values from '0' to '6'.
		The value '0' is the same as '1', but the PostScript
		encoding vector for Latin1 is not output.

  exprabove <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Draw the expression decorations above the staff.
		If neither 'exprabove' nor 'exprbelow' are true, the
		expression decorations are drawn above the staff if
		there are lyrics on the staff, and below otherwise.
		'exprabove' takes precedence over 'exprbelow'.

  exprbelow <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Draw the expression decorations below the staff.
		If neither 'exprabove' nor 'exprbelow' are true, the
		expression decorations are drawn above the staff if
		there are lyrics on the staff, and below otherwise.
		'exprabove' takes precedence over 'exprbelow'.

  flatbeams <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -f
		Have flat beams in bagpipe tunes.

  font <font> [<encoding>]
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define a font and its encoding.
		This parameter is required when specific fonts are
		defined later in ABC files/tunes, and it must be defined
		before any PostScript output is done, generally in a
		format file.
		When absent, <encoding> defaults to the current
		'encoding' parameter (see above).

  footer <text>
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define the text printed at the bottom of each page.
		There may be one or two lines. When 2 lines, these
		ones must be separated by the 2 characters "\n" (not
		a real 'newline').
		In each lines 3 areas may be defined: left, center and
		These areas are separated by tabulations (real TABs,
		not '\t') and may be empty (if the left area is empty,
		quote the string - see for example).
		The character '$' introduces variable expansion:
			- '$d' is the date and time of the last modification
			   of the current ABC input file,
			- '$D' is the current date and time,
			- '$F' is the current input file name,
			- '$P' is the current page number,
			- '$P0' and '$P1' are also the page number, but only
			   when this one is even ('0') or odd ('1'),
			- '$T' is the current tune title,
			- '$V' is 'abcm2ps-' followed by the program version.
		For example, the command line option '-N3' is the same
			%%header "$P0		$P1"
		(note the 2 TABs).
		A little trick: when a header or footer is defined inside
		a tune, it is printed on the next page. This may be used
		for example to have no header/footer on the 1st page.

  footerfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 12
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the footer font to <font> with a size <size>.
		Note that the footer is not scaled.

  format <filename>
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Read the format file <filename>.
		When found in the command line, this parameter is the
		same as '-F'.

  freegchord <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Prevent the characters '#', 'b' and '=' to be displayed
		as sharp, flat and natural sign in guitar chords.
		When this flag is set, displaying accidental may be forced
		escaping the characters ('\#', '\b' and '\=').

  gchordbox <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Draw a box around the guitar chords.
		This value may be set to 'true' by %%gchordfont.

  gchordfont <font> [<encoding>] <size> [box]
	Default: Helvetica 12
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the guitar chord font to <font> with a size <size>.
		If 'box' is present, draw a box around the guitar chords.

  graceslurs <bool>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -G
		Draw slurs on grace notes.

  header <text>
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the text printed at the top of each page.
		See 'footer' above for the header syntax.

  headerfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 12
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the header font to <font> with a size <size>.
		Note that the header is not scaled.

  historyfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 16
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the history font to <font> with a size <size>.

  hyphencont <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When a lyric under staff ends with a hyphen, put a
		hyphen in the next line.

  indent <unit>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -I<unit>
		Indent the first line of the tune by <unit>.

  infofont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Italic 14
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the infoline font to <font> with a size <size>.

  infoline <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Display the rhythm and origin on a same line, and also
		display the area ('A:').

  infospace <unit>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the infoline to <unit>.

  landscape <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -l
		Set the page orientation to landscape.

  leftmargin <unit>
	Default: 1.8cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -m<unit>
		Set the left margin to <unit>.

  lineskipfac <float>
	Default: 1.1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the factor for spacing between lines of text
		to <float>.

  maxshrink <float>
	Default: 0.65
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -a<float>
		Set how much to compress horizontally when staff breaks
		are chosen automatically.
		<float> must be between 0 and 1.

  maxstaffsep <unit>
	Default: 2000pt
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the maximum vertical interstaff space to <unit>.

  maxsysstaffsep <unit>
	Default: 2000pt
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the maximum vertical system interstaff space to <unit>.

  measurebox <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: trailing 'b' at end of -j or -k - see measurenb.
		Draw a box around the measure numbers.
		This value may be set to 'true' by %%measurefont.

  measurefirst <int>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -b<int>
		Start numbering the measures of the tune from <int>.
		This parameter is obsolete and should be replaced by
		'%%setbarnb' (outside the tune body).

  measurefont <font> [<encoding>] <size> [box]
	Default: Times-Italic 14
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the measure font to <font> with a size <size>.
		If 'box' is present, draw a box around the measure

  measurenb <int>
	Default: -1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -j<int>[b] or -k<int>[b]
		If positive, draw the measure number each <int> bars.
		If <int> = 0, the measure number appears only on the
		left of each staff system.
		On the command line, if a trailing 'b' is present, a box
		is drawn around the measure numbers.

  musiconly <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -M
		Don't output the lyrics if true.

  musicspace <unit>
	Default: 0.2cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the first staff to <unit>.

  notespacingfactor <float>
	Default: 1.414
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the note spacing factor to <float>.
		This value is used to compute the natural space of
		the notes. The base space of the crotchet is always
		40 pts. When the duration of a note type is twice the
		one of an other note type, its space is multiplied by
		this factor.
		The default value makes a note space to be multiplied
		by 2 when its duration is multiplied by 4, i.e. the
		space of the semibreve is 80 pts and the space of the
		semiquaver is 20 pts.
		Setting this value to 1 sets all note spaces to 40 pts.

  oneperpage <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -1
		Output one tune per page.

  pageheight <unit>
	Compilation: PAGEHEIGHT= (A4: 29.7cm - US: 11in)
	Command line: none
		Set the page height to <unit>.

  pagewidth <unit>
	Compilation: PAGEWIDTH= (A4: 21.0cm - US: 8.5in)
	Command line: none
		Set the page width to <unit>.

  parskipfac <float>
	Default: 0.4
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the factor for spacing between text paragraphs
		to <float>.

  partsbox <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Draw a box around the part names.
		This value may be set to 'true' by %%partsfont.

  partsfont <font> [<encoding>] <size> [box]
	Default: Times-Roman 15
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the part font to <font> with a size <size>.
		If 'box' is present, draw a box around the part names.

  partsspace <unit>
	Default: 0.3cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before a new part to <unit>.

  postscript <text>
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define a line to be included in the PostScript output
		This parameter may be used to override any PostScript
		function or to define new functions for use in a 'deco'

  pslevel <int>
	Default: 2
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the PostScript level for output. It may be 1, 2 or 3.

  printparts <bool>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Print the part indications (P:).

  printtempo <bool>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -Q (on) / +Q (off)
		Print the tempo indications (Q:).

  repeatfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 13
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the repeat number/text font to <font> with a size <size>.

  rightmargin <unit>
	Default: 1.8cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the right margin to <unit>.

  scale <float>
	Default: 0.75
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -s<float>
		Set the page scale factor to <float>.
		Note that the header and footer are not scaled.

  setdefl <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When true, output some indications about the note/chord
		and/or decorations for customization purpose. These
		indications are stored in the PostScript variable 'defl'.

  setfont-1 <font> [<encoding>] <size>
  setfont-2 <font> [<encoding>] <size>
  setfont-3 <font> [<encoding>] <size>
  setfont-4 <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the alternate fonts of strings.
		In most strings, the current font may be changed
		by "$n" (n = 0, 1 .. 4 - "$0" resets the font to
		its default value.

  shifthnote <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		In multivoice tunes, when voices go to unisson with
		a minim (half note) and a note smaller than crotchet
		(black note), there is only one note head, the minim
		one. When this flag is set, a note shift is done.

  slurheight <float>
	Default: 1.0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the slur height factor to <float>.

  splittune <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -0
		If false, a tune starts on a new page if it does not
		fit in the current one. If true, there is no page
		checking, and the tune may be splitted.

  squarebreve <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Display the breve notes in square format.

  staffsep <unit>
	Default: 46pt
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -d<unit>
		Set the vertical interstaff space to <unit>.

  staffwidth <unit>
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -w<unit>
		Adjust the right margin so that the staff width is <unit>.

  stemheight <float>
	Default: 20.0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the stem height to <float>.

  straightflags <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Have straight flags on stems in bagpipe tunes.

  stretchlast <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Stretch the last staff of the tune when more expanded
		than the previous line.

  stretchstaff <bool>
	Default: 1
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Stretch underfull staves across page.

  subtitlefont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 16
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the subtitle font to <font> with a size <size>.

  subtitlespace <unit>
	Default: 0.1cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the subtitle to <unit>.

  sysstaffsep <unit>
	Default: 36pt
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space between staves in a system to <unit>.

  tempofont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Bold 15
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the tempo font to <font> with a size <size>.

  textfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 16
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the text font to <font> with a size <size>.

  textoption <int>
	Default: 0 (obeylines)
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the default text option to <int>. This option is
		used for text between '%%begintext' and '%%endtext'.
		<int> may be a keyword. The values are:
			0: obeylines
			1: justify
			2: fill
			3: center
			4: skip

  textspace <unit>
	Default: 0.5cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set to <unit> the vertical space before the history.

  timewarn <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		When set, if a time signature occurs at the beginning
		of a music line, a cautionary time signature is added
		at the end of the previous line.

  titlecaps <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Output the title in uppercase letters.

  titlefont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 20
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the title font to <font> with a size <size>.

  titleformat <text>
	Default: none
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define the format of the tune title.
		This format overrides the standard way to display the
		tune title, i.e. parameters as %%titleleft, %%infoline
		or %%composerspace will be ignored. The format is
		a set of letters, numbers and commas. Unrecognized
		characters are ignored.
		A letter is the ABC header infomation type. It may be
		'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S',
		'T', 'X' or 'Z'.
		A number may follow a letter. It may be:
			'0' for 'center',
			'1' for 'right align' or
			'-1' for 'left align'.
		When absent, the number defaults to '0' (center).
		A comma sets the next fields to appear lower in the page.
		For example:
			%%titleformat T-1 T1 T1, R0 C1 A1
		displays the first title on the left, the second and
		third titles, if any, on the right. The rhythm is centered
		a bit below, with the composer and author/area on the

  titleleft <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Output the title on the left (instead of centered).

  titlespace <unit>
	Default: 0.2cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the title to <unit>.

  topmargin <unit>
	Default: 1cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the top margin to <unit>.

  topspace <unit>
	Default: 0.8cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the top vertical space to <unit>. This space is put
		above the tune and also on top of continuation pages.

  tuplets <int> <int> <int>
	Default: 0 0 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Define how to draw the tuplets.
		The first <int> tells when to draw:
			0: auto (draw when no beam at endings)
			1: never
			2: always
		The second <int> tells what to draw:
			0: a square bracket
			1: a slur
			2: do beam extension on rests (does not work yet)
		The third <int> tells which value to print:
			0: a simple number (value of 'p')
			1: no value
			2: a ratio ('p':'q')

  vocalabove <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vocals above the staff.

  vocalfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Bold 13
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the font of the lyrics under staves to <font>
		with a size <size>.

  vocalspace <unit>
	Default: 23pt
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the lyrics under staves
		to <unit>.

  voicefont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Bold 13
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the font of the voice names to <font> with
		a size <size>.

  withxrefs <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -x
		Print the X: number in the title.

  wordsfont <font> [<encoding>] <size>
	Default: Times-Roman 16
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the font of the lyrics at end of tune to <font>
		with a size <size>.

  wordsspace <unit>
	Default: 0.5cm
	Compilation: none
	Command line: none
		Set the vertical space before the lyrics at end of
		tune to <unit>.

  writehistory <bool>
	Default: 0
	Compilation: none
	Command line: -n
		Output notes, history...

List of the pseudo-comments treated while parsed

  begintext [<option>]
	Start printing a free text. The text appears on the next lines
	(starting with '%%' or not). The text ends on a line containing
	<option> may be:
	    'obeylines':	  keep lines as they are (default)
	    'align' or 'justify': justify the lines
	    'ragged' or 'fill':	  fill the lines
	    'center':		  center the lines
	    'skip':		  don't print the lines (same as comments)

  center <line of text>
	Print one line of centered text.

  EPS <eps_file>
	Include the file <eps_file>.

	See 'begintext'.

  multicol <command>
	Define multicolomn printing.
	<command> may be:
	    'start':	save the current vertical position and the left
			and right margins. Then, these margins may
			be changed to print music or text.
	    'new':	reset the vertical offset at the place of the
			previous '%%multicol start', and restore the left
			and right margins.
	    'end':	restore the left and right margins, and skip down
			to a safe place.
	(see '' for example).

  newpage [<int>]
	Continue printing on a new page and possibly restart page
	numbering from <int>.

  repbra <bool>
	The repeat brackets are normally displayed as found in a voice.
	'%%repbra 0' prevents displaying them for the current voice.

  sep [<h1> <h2> <len>]
	Print a separator of length <len> with space <h1> above and
	space <h2> below (defaults: h1 = h2 = 0.5cm, len = 3.0cm).

  setbarnb <int>
	Set the number of the next measure to <int>.
	When found outside a tune, this command is the same as
	'%%measurefirst'. If it appears at the beginning of the tune
	(after K:), only the 2nd measure will have the new number.

  staff <["+" | "-"] int>
	Put the next symbols of the current voice on the staff <int>
	(1..n - see for example), or on the <+int>th or
	<-int>th staff.

  staffbreak <unit>
	Have a break in the current staff. <unit> gives the width of the
	break (in points, inches or cm). As a side effect, when the width
	is bigger than 0.5 cm, the left side of the staff system is redrawn.
	When used in a multi-voice tune, a staff break must be inserted
	in each voice.

  staves <definition>
	See 'features.txt' for description.

  text <line of text>
	Print one line of text.

  vskip <h>
	Skip vertical space of height <h>.