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<p><a id="X86C437C47F3988E8" name="X86C437C47F3988E8"></a></p>
<div class="ChapSects"><a href="chap1.html#X86C437C47F3988E8">1. <span class="Heading">Installation and Loading</span></a>

<h3>1. <span class="Heading">Installation and Loading</span></h3>

<p>Like other <strong class="pkg">GAP</strong> packages, you download and unpack this package into <strong class="pkg">GAP</strong>'s <code class="keyw">pkg</code> directory. For example, if you were using some Unix derivative and <strong class="pkg">GAP</strong> were installed in the directory <code class="keyw">/usr/local/gap4r4</code>, then you would do the following.</p>

<table class="example">

$ cd /usr/local/gap4r4/pkg
$ su
% wget
% tar xvzvf crime-1.3.tar.gz 


<p>In this situation, users would load the package with the <code class="keyw">LoadPackage</code> command.</p>

<table class="example">

$ gap
gap&gt; LoadPackage("crime");


<p>Users not having root access, using someone else's computer, or having bad relationships with their network administrators, could install the package into their home directories or into some other writable directory such as <code class="keyw">/tmp</code>, and load the package as follows.</p>

<table class="example">

$ mkdir /tmp/pkg
$ cd /tmp/pkg
$ wget
$ tar xvzvf crime-1.3.tar.gz 
$ gap -l ';/tmp'
gap&gt; LoadPackage("crime");

<p>Finally, it would be a good idea to run the test file to confirm that all the functions work.</p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt; ReadPackage("crime","tst/test.g");

<p>You can count yourself lucky if <strong class="pkg">GAP</strong> doesn't complain about anything. There is also a longer running test file for those having ample free time described in Appendix <a href="chapB.html#X7BC2C62E7A8CC2B9"><b>B.</b></a>.</p>

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