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<html><head><title>CTblLib : a GAP 4 package - References</title></head>
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<h1><font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">CTblLib</font> : a <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 4 package - References</h1><dl>

<dt><a name="BN95"><b>[BN95]</b></a><dd>
Thomas Breuer and Simon&nbsp;P. Norton.
<br> <em>Improvements to the Atlas</em>, pages 297--327.
<br> Volume&nbsp;11 of <em>London Math. Soc. Monographs/</em> <a href="#JLPW95"><cite>JLPW95</cite></a>,

<dt><a name="Auto"><b>[Auto]</b></a><dd>
Thomas Breuer.
<br> Using table automorphisms for constructing character tables in
  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>.

<dt><a name="AtlasRep"><b>[AtlasRep]</b></a><dd>
Thomas Breuer.
<br> <em>Manual for the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 4 Package AtlasRep, Version 1.2</em>.
<br> Lehrstuhl D f&uuml;r Mathematik, Rheinisch
  Westf&auml;lische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Germany,

<dt><a name="CTblLib"><b>[CTblLib]</b></a><dd>
Thomas Breuer.
<br> <em>Manual for the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> Character Table Library, Version 1.1</em>.
<br> Lehrstuhl D f&uuml;r Mathematik, Rheinisch
  Westf&auml;lische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Germany,

<dt><a name="CCN85"><b>[CCN85]</b></a><dd>
J[ohn]&nbsp;H. Conway, R[obert]&nbsp;T. Curtis, S[imon]&nbsp;P. Norton, R[ichard]&nbsp;A. Parker,
  and R[obert]&nbsp;A. Wilson.
<br> <em>Atlas of finite groups</em>.
<br> Oxford University Press, 1985.

<dt><a name="GAP4"><b>[GAP4]</b></a><dd>
The GAP&nbsp;Group.
<br> <em>GAP -- Groups, Algorithms, and Programming, Version 4.4</em>,
<br> <a href=""></a>.

<dt><a name="Han88"><b>[Han88]</b></a><dd>
W[ilhelm] Hanrath.
<br> <em>Irreduzible Darstellungen von Raumgruppen</em>.
<br> Dissertation, Rheinisch Westf&auml;lische Technische
  Hochschule, Aachen, Germany, 1988.

<dt><a name="HJLP92"><b>[HJLP92]</b></a><dd>
Gerhard Hiss, Christoph Jansen, Klaus Lux, and Richard&nbsp;[A.] Parker.
<br> Computational modular character theory.
<br> <a href=""></a>.

<dt><a name="HP89"><b>[HP89]</b></a><dd>
Derek&nbsp;F. Holt and W[ilhelm] Plesken.
<br> <em>Perfect Groups</em>.
<br> Oxford Math. Monographs. Oxford University Press, 1989.

<dt><a name="JLPW95"><b>[JLPW95]</b></a><dd>
Christoph Jansen, Klaus Lux, Richard&nbsp;[A.] Parker, and Robert&nbsp;[A.] Wilson.
<br> <em>An Atlas of Brauer Characters</em>, volume&nbsp;11 of <em>London
  Math. Soc. Monographs</em>.
<br> Oxford University Press, 1995.

<dt><a name="LP91"><b>[LP91]</b></a><dd>
Klaus Lux and Herbert Pahlings.
<br> Computational aspects of representation theory of finite groups.
<br> In G.&nbsp;O. Michler and C.&nbsp;R. Ringel, editors, <em>Representation
  theory of finite groups and finite-dimensional algebras</em>, volume&nbsp;95 of <em>
  Progress in Mathematics</em>, pages 37--64. Birkh&auml;user, Basel, 1991.

<dt><a name="Noe02"><b>[Noe02]</b></a><dd>
Felix Noeske.
<br> Zur Darstellungstheorie der Schurschen Erweiterungen symmetrischer
<br> Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl D f&uuml;r Mathematik,
  Rheinisch Westf&auml;lische Technische Hochschule, 2002.

<dt><a name="NPP84"><b>[NPP84]</b></a><dd>
J[oachim] Neub&uuml;ser, H[erbert] Pahlings, and W[ilhelm] Plesken.
<br> CAS; design and use of a system for the handling of characters of
  finite groups.
<br> In Michael&nbsp;D. Atkinson, editor, <em>Computational Group Theory,
  Proceedings LMS Symposium on Computational Group Theory, Durham 1982</em>, pages
  195--247. Academic Press, 1984.

<dt><a name="Ost86"><b>[Ost86]</b></a><dd>
Th[omas] Ostermann.
<br> Charaktertafeln von Sylownormalisatoren sporadischer einfacher
<br> Vorlesungen aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik&nbsp;14,
  Universit&auml;t Essen, Essen, Germany, 1986.

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<address>CTblLib manual<br>March 2004