

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 1241


% Bibliography for DESIGN

%S  Publishers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  abbreviations for publishers
%%  The following strings are abbreviations for publishers, which are used in
%%  *books*, *inbook*, and *proceedings*.
@string{ AcaPress   = "Academic Press"                                       }
@string{ ACM        = "ACM Press"                                            }
@string{ AddWes     = "Addison-Wesley"                                       }
@string{ AMS        = "American Mathematical Society"                        }
@string{ Birkhaeus  = "Birkh{\accent127 a}user, Basel"                       }
@string{ BIWissV    = "BI-Wis\-sen\-schafts\-ver\-lag, Mannheim"             }
@string{ CUP        = "Cambridge University Press"                           }
@string{ Dover      = "Dover Publications, New York"                         }
@string{ Gruyter    = "Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York"                  }
@string{ HDeutsch   = "Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt/Main"                 }
@string{ Macmillan  = "The Macmillan Company, New York"                      }
@string{ OxUnPress  = "Oxford University Press"                              }
@string{ Pergamon   = "Pergamon Press, Oxford"                               }
@string{ Springer   = "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York"	     }
@string{ Wiley      = "John Wiley, New York"                                 }
@string{ Reidel     = "Reidel, Dordrecht, Boston"                            }

author	= "R.~A. Bailey and P.~J. Cameron and P.~Dobcs\'anyi
                and J.~P. Morgan and L.~H. Soicher",
title	= "Designs on the web",
journal	= "Discrete Math.",
volume  = "306",
year    = "2006",
pages   = "3014--3027", 
note	= "\URL{}",

author       = {P.~J. Cameron and P. Dobcs\'anyi and J.~P. Morgan and L.~H. Soicher}, 
title        = "The external representation of block designs, Version 2.0",
year         = "2004",
note         = "\URL{}",

author       = {F. L\"ubeck and M. Neunh\"offer}, 
title        = "The GAPDoc package for GAP, Version 0.99999",
year         = "2006",
note         = "\URL{}",

author       = "B.~D. McKay",
title        = "{nauty} user's guide (version 1.5),
               Technical report TR-CS-90-02",
year         = "1990",
organization = "Australian National University",
address      = "Computer Science Department",
note         =  "nauty homepage: 

author	= "P.~J. Cameron and L.~H. Soicher",
title	= "Block intersection polynomials",
journal	= "to appear in Bull. London Math. Soc.",
note	= "Preprint available at:

author	= "J.~P. McSorley and L.~H. Soicher",
title	= "Constructing $t$-designs from $t$-wise balanced designs",
journal	= "to appear in European J. Combinatorics",
note	= "Preprint available at:

author	= "L.~H. Soicher",
title	= "Computational group theory problems arising from
computational design theory",
journal	= "to appear in Oberwolfach Reports",
year	= "2006",
note	= "Preprint available at:

author       = "L.~H. Soicher",
title        = "The GRAPE package for GAP, Version 4.3",
year         = "2006",
note         =  "\URL{}",

	<br/>doi: <a href="">10.1016/j.ejc.2005.02.003</a>