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<html><head><title>[design] 8 XML I/O of block designs</title></head>
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<h1>8 XML I/O of block designs</h1><p>
<li> <A HREF="CHAP008.htm#SECT001">Writing lists of block designs and their properties in XML-format</a>
<li> <A HREF="CHAP008.htm#SECT002">Reading lists of block designs in XML-format</a>
This chapter describes functions to write and read lists of binary block
designs in the <a href=""></a> external representation
XML-format (see <a href="biblio.htm#Extrep"><cite>Extrep</cite></a>).
<h2><a name="SECT001">8.1 Writing lists of block designs and their properties in XML-format</a></h2>
<a name = "SSEC001.1"></a>
<li><code>BlockDesignsToXMLFile( </code><var>filename</var><code>, </code><var>designs</var><code> )</code>
<li><code>BlockDesignsToXMLFile( </code><var>filename</var><code>, </code><var>designs</var><code>, </code><var>include</var><code> )</code>
<li><code>BlockDesignsToXMLFile( </code><var>filename</var><code>, </code><var>designs</var><code>, </code><var>include</var><code>, </code><var>list_id</var><code> )</code>
This function writes a list of (assumed distinct) binary block designs
(given in DESIGN package format) to a file in external representation
XML-format (version&nbsp;2.0).
The parameter <var>filename</var> is a string giving the name of the file, and
<var>designs</var> is a record whose component <code>list</code> contains the list of block
designs (<var>designs</var> can also be a list, in which case it is replaced by
The record <var>designs</var> should have the following components:
<code>list</code>: the list of distinct binary block designs in DESIGN package
<code>pairwiseNonisomorphic</code> (optional): should be <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> or the
string <code>"unknown"</code>, specifying the pairwise-nonisomorphism status of the
designs in <code></code><var>designs</var><code>.list</code>;
<code>infoXML</code> (optional): should contain a string in XML format for the
<code></code><var>info</var><code></code> element of the <code></code><var>list_of_designs</var><code></code> which is written.
The combinatorial and group-theoretical properties output for each
design depend on <var>include</var> (default: empty&nbsp;list), which should
be a list containing zero or more of the strings <code>"indicators"</code>,
<code>"resolvable"</code>, <code>"combinatorial_properties"</code>, <code>"automorphism_group"</code>, and
<code>"resolutions"</code>.  A shorthand for the list containing all these strings
is <code>"all"</code>.  The strings <code>"indicators"</code>, <code>"combinatorial_properties"</code>,
<code>"automorphism_group"</code>, and <code>"resolutions"</code> are used to specify that
those subtrees of the external representation of each design are to
be expanded and written out. In the case of <code>"resolutions"</code> being in
<var>include</var>, <strong>all</strong> resolutions up to isomorphism will be determined and
written out. The string <code>"resolvable"</code> is used to specify that the
<code>resolvable</code> indicator must be set (usually this is not forced), if
the <code>indicators</code> subtree is written out, and also that if a design is
resolvable but <code>"resolutions"</code> is not in <var>include</var>, then one and only
one resolution should be written out in the <code>resolutions</code> subtree.
If <var>list_id</var> is given then the id's of the output designs will be
<code></code><var>list_id</var><code>-0</code>, <code></code><var>list_id</var><code>-1</code>, <code></code><var>list_id</var><code>-2</code>, ...
gap&gt; D:=[ BlockDesign(3, [[1,2],[1,3]]),                        
&gt;         BlockDesign(3, [[1,2],[1,2],[2,3]]) ];;
gap&gt; designs:=rec(list:=D, pairwiseNonisomorphic:=true);;
gap&gt; BlockDesignsToXMLFile("example.xml",designs,[],"example"); 
<h2><a name="SECT002">8.2 Reading lists of block designs in XML-format</a></h2>
<a name = "SSEC002.1"></a>
<li><code>BlockDesignsFromXMLFile( </code><var>filename</var><code> )</code>
This function reads a file with name <var>filename</var>, containing a list of
distinct binary block designs in external representation XML-format,
and returns a record  <var>designs</var> in DESIGN package format containing
the essential information in this file.
The record <var>designs</var> contains the following components:
<code>list</code>: a list of block designs in DESIGN package format of
the list of block designs in the file (certain elements such as
<code></code><var>statistical_properties</var><code></code> are stored verbatim as strings; certain other
elements are not stored since it is usually easier and more reliable to
recompute them -- this can be done when the block designs are written
out in XML format);
<code>pairwiseNonisomorphic</code> is set according to the attribute
<code>pairwise_nonisomorphic</code> of the XML element <code></code><var>list_of_designs</var><code></code>.
The component <code>pairwiseNonisomorphic</code> is <code>false</code> if this attribute
is <code>false</code>, <code>true</code> if this attribute is <code>true</code>, and <code>"unknown"</code> otherwise;
<code>infoXML</code> is bound iff the <code></code><var>info</var><code></code> element occurs as a child of the
XML <code></code><var>list_of_designs</var><code></code> element, and if bound, contains this <code></code><var>info</var><code></code>
element in a string.
gap&gt; BlockDesignsFromXMLFile("example.xml");
  list := [ rec( isBlockDesign := true, v := 3, id := "example-0", blocks := 
            [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ] ], isBinary := true ), 
      rec( isBlockDesign := true, v := 3, id := "example-1", 
          blocks := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ] ], isBinary := true ) ], 
  pairwiseNonisomorphic := true )
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<address>design manual<br>November 2006