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<p><a id="X84AD415C872BFB91" name="X84AD415C872BFB91"></a></p>
<div class="ChapSects"><a href="chap6.html#X84AD415C872BFB91">6 <span class="Heading">Linear machines and elements</span></a>
<div class="ContSect"><span class="nocss">&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X812C0F7B7A31FCEF">6.1 <span class="Heading">Methods and operations for <code class="code">LinearFRMachine</code>s and <code class="code">LinearFRElement</code>s</span></a>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7F1EB8CB87229764">6.1-1 VectorMachine</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7F65118683209DC5">6.1-2 AlgebraMachine</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7A19036B828BBA0C">6.1-3 Transition</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X846683198081BA82">6.1-4 Transitions</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X80F694298399E78D">6.1-5 NestedMatrixState</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7FCEE3BF86B02CC6">6.1-6 ActivitySparse</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X8436BEA67F1C3C27">6.1-7 Activities</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7EF5B7417AE6B3F8">6.1-8 IsConvergent</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X8136C21885019A4A">6.1-9 TransposedFRElement</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X796B736286CACF85">6.1-10 LDUDecompositionFRElement</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X783E8F427A23EAD1">6.1-11 GuessVectorElement</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X865EE2E887ECC079">6.1-12 AsLinearMachine</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X82586DFB8458EF05">6.1-13 AsVectorMachine</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7818245A7DABB311">6.1-14 AsAlgebraMachine</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X7BDD40B27F7541B2">6.1-15 AsVectorMachine</a></span>
<span class="ContSS"><br /><span class="nocss">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="chap6.html#X8120605981DDE434">6.1-16 AsAlgebraMachine</a></span>

<h3>6 <span class="Heading">Linear machines and elements</span></h3>

<p><em>Linear</em> machines are a special class of FR machines, in which the stateset Q and the alphabet X are vector spaces over a field Bbbk, and the transition map phi: Qotimes X-&gt; Xotimes Q is a linear map; furthermore, there is a functional pi:Q-&gt;Bbbk called the <em>output</em>.</p>

<p>As before, a choice of initial state qin Q induces a linear map q:T(X)-&gt; T(X), where T(X)=bigoplus X^otimes n is the tensor algebra generated by X. This map is defined as follows: given x=x_1otimesdotsotimes x_nin T(X), rewrite qotimes x as a sum of expressions of the form yotimes r with yin T(X) and rin Q; then q, by definition, maps x to the sum of the pi(r)y.</p>

<p>There are two sorts of linear machines: <em>vector machines</em>, for which the state space is a finite-dimensional vector space over a field; and <em>algebra machines</em>, for which the state space is a free algebra in a finite set of variables.</p>

<p>In a vector machine, the transition and output maps are stored as a matrix and a vector respectively. Minimization algorithms are implemented, as for Mealy machines.</p>

<p>In an algebra machine, the transition and output maps are stored as words in the algebra. These machines are natural extensions of group/monoid/semigroup machines.</p>

<p>Linear elements are given by a linear machine and an initial state. They can be added and multiplied, and act on the tensor algebra of the alphabet, admitting natural representations as matrices.</p>

<p><a id="X812C0F7B7A31FCEF" name="X812C0F7B7A31FCEF"></a></p>

<h4>6.1 <span class="Heading">Methods and operations for <code class="code">LinearFRMachine</code>s and <code class="code">LinearFRElement</code>s</span></h4>

<p><a id="X7F1EB8CB87229764" name="X7F1EB8CB87229764"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-1 VectorMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; VectorMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">domain, transitions, output</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; VectorElement</code>( <var class="Arg">domain, transitions, output, init</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; VectorMachineNC</code>( <var class="Arg">fam, transitions, output</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; VectorElementNC</code>( <var class="Arg">fam, transitions, output, init</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>A new vector machine/element.</p>

<p>This function constructs a new linear machine or element, of vector type.</p>

<p><var class="Arg">transitions</var> is a matrix of matrices; for <code class="code">a,b</code> indices of basis vectors of the alphabet, <code class="code">transitions[a][b]</code> is a square matrix indexed by the stateset, which is the transition to be effected on the stateset upon the output a-&gt; b.</p>

<p><var class="Arg">output</var> and <var class="Arg">init</var> are vectors in the stateset.</p>

<p>In the "NC" version, no tests are performed to check that the arguments contain values within bounds, or even of the right type (beyond the simple checking performed by <strong class="pkg">GAP</strong>'s method selection algorithms). The first argument should be the family of the resulting object. These "NC" methods are mainly used internally by the package.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; M := VectorMachine(Rationals,[[[[1]],[[2]]],[[[3]],[[4]]]],[1]);
&lt;Linear machine on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Display(M);
 Rationals | 1 | 2 |
         1 | 1 | 2 |
         2 | 3 | 4 |
Output: 1
gap&gt; A := VectorElement(Rationals,[[[[1]],[[2]]],[[[3]],[[4]]]],[1],[1]);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Display(Activity(A,2));
[ [   1,   2,   2,   4 ],
  [   3,   4,   6,   8 ],
  [   3,   6,   4,   8 ],
  [   9,  12,  12,  16 ] ]
gap&gt; DecompositionOfFRElement(A);
[ [ &lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1-dimensional stateset&gt;,
      &lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1-dimensional stateset&gt; ],
  [ &lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1-dimensional stateset&gt;,
      &lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1-dimensional stateset&gt; ] ]
gap&gt; last=[[A,2*A],[3*A,4*A]];

<p><a id="X7F65118683209DC5" name="X7F65118683209DC5"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-2 AlgebraMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AlgebraMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">[domain, ]ring, transitions, output</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AlgebraElement</code>( <var class="Arg">[domain, ]ring, transitions, output, init</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AlgebraMachineNC</code>( <var class="Arg">fam, ring, transitions, output</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AlgebraElementNC</code>( <var class="Arg">fam, ring, transitions, output, init</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>A new algebra machine/element.</p>

<p>This function constructs a new linear machine or element, of algebra type.</p>

<p><var class="Arg">ring</var> is a free associative algebra, optionally with one. <var class="Arg">domain</var> is the vector space on which the alphabet is defined. If absent, this argument defaults to the <code class="func">LeftActingDomain</code> (<a href="/usr/local/src/4.0/doc/ref/chap55.html#s1ss11"><b>Reference: LeftActingDomain</b></a>) of <var class="Arg">ring</var>.</p>

<p><var class="Arg">transitions</var> is a list of matrices; for each generator number i of <var class="Arg">ring</var>, the matrix <code class="code">transitions[i]</code>, with entries in <var class="Arg">ring</var>, describes the decomposition of generator i as a matrix.</p>

<p><var class="Arg">output</var> is a vector over <var class="Arg">domain</var>, and <var class="Arg">init</var> is a vector over <var class="Arg">ring</var>.</p>

<p>In the "NC" version, no tests are performed to check that the arguments contain values within bounds, or even of the right type (beyond the simple checking performed by <strong class="pkg">GAP</strong>'s method selection algorithms). The first argument should be the family of the resulting object. These "NC" methods are mainly used internally by the package.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; F := FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne(Rationals,1);;
gap&gt; A := AlgebraMachine(F,[[[F.1,F.1^2+F.1],[One(F),Zero(F)]]],[1]);
&lt;Linear machine on alphabet Rationals^2 with generators [ (1)*x.1 ]&gt;
gap&gt; Display(A);
 Rationals |     1     |     2     |
         1 |       x.1 | x.1+x.1^2 |
         2 |         1 |         0 |
Output: 1
gap&gt; M := AlgebraElement(F,[[[F.1,F.1^2+F.1],[One(F),Zero(F)]]],[1],F.1);
gap&gt; Display(Activity(M,2));
[ [  1,  2,  4,  4 ],
  [  1,  0,  2,  2 ],
  [  1,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  1,  0,  0 ] ]

<p><a id="X7A19036B828BBA0C" name="X7A19036B828BBA0C"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-3 Transition</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; Transition</code>( <var class="Arg">m, s, a, b</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>An element of <var class="Arg">m</var>'s stateset.</p>

<p>This function returns the state reached by <var class="Arg">m</var> when started in state <var class="Arg">s</var> and performing output a-&gt; b.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; M := AsVectorMachine(Rationals,FRMachine(GuptaSidkiGroup.2));
&lt;Linear machine on alphabet Rationals^3 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Transition(M,[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,0,0]);
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
gap&gt; Transition(M,[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0]);
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
gap&gt; Transition(M,[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,1]);
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
gap&gt; A := AsVectorElement(Rationals,GuptaSidkiGroup.2);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^3 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Transition(A,[1,0,0],[1,0,0]);
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]

<p><a id="X846683198081BA82" name="X846683198081BA82"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-4 Transitions</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; Transitions</code>( <var class="Arg">m, s, a</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>An vector of elements of <var class="Arg">m</var>'s stateset.</p>

<p>This function returns the state reached by <var class="Arg">m</var> when started in state <var class="Arg">s</var> and receiving input <var class="Arg">a</var>. The output is a vector, indexed by the alphabet's basis, of output states.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; M := AsVectorMachine(Rationals,FRMachine(GuptaSidkiGroup.2));
&lt;Linear machine on alphabet Rationals^3 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Transitions(M,[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0]);
[ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
gap&gt; A := AsVectorElement(Rationals,GuptaSidkiGroup.2);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^3 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Transitions(A,[1,0,0]);
[ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]

<p><a id="X80F694298399E78D" name="X80F694298399E78D"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-5 NestedMatrixState</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; NestedMatrixState</code>( <var class="Arg">e, i, j</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; NestedMatrixCoefficient</code>( <var class="Arg">e, i, j</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>A coefficent of an iterated decomposition of <var class="Arg">e</var>.</p>

<p>The first form returns the entry at position (i,j) of <var class="Arg">e</var>'s decomposition. Both of <var class="Arg">i,j</var> are lists. The second form returns the output of the state.</p>

<p>In particular, <code class="code">NestedMatrixState(e,[],[])=e</code>, and <code class="code">Activity(e,1)[i][j]=NestedMatrixCoefficient(e,[i],[j])</code>, and <code class="code">DecompositionOfFRElement(e,1)[i][j]=NestedMatrixState(e,[i],[j])</code>.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; A := AsVectorElement(Rationals,GuptaSidkiGroup.2);;
gap&gt; A=NestedMatrixState(A,[3,3],[3,3]);
gap&gt; IsOne(NestedMatrixState(A,[3,3,3,3,1,1],[3,3,3,3,1,2]));
gap&gt; List([1..3],i-&gt;List([1..3],j-&gt;NestedMatrixCoefficient(A,[i],[j])))=Activity(A,1);

<p><a id="X7FCEE3BF86B02CC6" name="X7FCEE3BF86B02CC6"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-6 ActivitySparse</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; ActivitySparse</code>( <var class="Arg">m, i</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>A sparse matrix.</p>

<p><code class="code">Activity(m,i)</code> returns an n^ix n^i matrix describing the action on the i-fold tensor power of the alphabet. This matrix can also be returned as a sparse matrix, and this is performed by this command. A sparse matrix is described as a list of expressions of the form <code class="code">[[i,j],c]</code>, representing the elementary matrix with entry c at position (i,j). The activity matrix is then the sum of these elementary matrices.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; A := AsVectorElement(Rationals,GuptaSidkiGroup.2);;
gap&gt; Display(Activity(A,2));
[ [  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0 ],
  [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1 ] ]
gap&gt; ActivitySparse(A,2);
[ [ [ 1, 2 ], 1 ], [ [ 2, 3 ], 1 ], [ [ 3, 1 ], 1 ], [ [ 4, 6 ], 1 ],
[ [ 5, 4 ], 1 ], [ [ 6, 5 ], 1 ], [ [ 7, 7 ], 1 ], [ [ 8, 8 ], 1 ],
[ [ 9, 9 ], 1 ] ]

<p><a id="X8436BEA67F1C3C27" name="X8436BEA67F1C3C27"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-7 Activities</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; Activities</code>( <var class="Arg">m, i</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>Activities of <var class="Arg">m</var> on the first <var class="Arg">i</var> levels.</p>

<p><code class="code">Activity(m,i)</code> returns an n^ix n^i matrix describing the action on the i-fold tensor power of the alphabet. This command returns <code class="code">List([0..i-1],j-&gt;Activity(m,j))</code>.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; A := AsVectorElement(Rationals,GrigorchukGroup.2);;
gap&gt; Activities(A,3);
[ [ [ 1 ] ],
  [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ],
  [ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ] ]

<p><a id="X7EF5B7417AE6B3F8" name="X7EF5B7417AE6B3F8"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-8 IsConvergent</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; IsConvergent</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( property )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>Whether the linear element <var class="Arg">e</var> is convergent.</p>

<p>A linear element is <em>convergent</em> if its state at position (1,1) is equal to itself.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; n := 3;;
gap&gt; shift := VectorElement(CyclotomicField(n), [[[[1,0],[0,0]],
&lt;Linear element on alphabet CF(3)^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; IsConvergent(shift);
gap&gt; Display(Activity(shift,2));
[ [     1,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [  E(3),     1,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,  E(3),     1,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,  E(3),     1 ] ]
gap&gt; Display(Activity(shift,3));
[ [     1,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [  E(3),     1,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,  E(3),     1,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,  E(3),     1,     0,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,     0,  E(3),     1,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,     0,     0,  E(3),     1,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,  E(3),     1,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,  E(3),     1 ] ]

<p><a id="X8136C21885019A4A" name="X8136C21885019A4A"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-9 TransposedFRElement</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; TransposedFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; IsSymmetricFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( property )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; IsAntisymmetricFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( property )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; IsLowerTriangularFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( property )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; IsUpperTriangularFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( property )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; IsDiagonalFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( property )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>The elementary matrix operation/property.</p>

<p>Since linear FR elements may be interpreted as infinite matrices, it makes sense to transpose them, test whether they're symmetric, antisymmetric, diagonal, or triangular.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; n := 3;;
gap&gt; shift := VectorElement(CyclotomicField(n), [[[[1,0],[0,0]],
&lt;Linear element on alphabet CF(3)^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; Display(Activity(shift,2));
[ [     1,     0,     0,     0 ],
  [  E(3),     1,     0,     0 ],
  [     0,  E(3),     1,     0 ],
  [     0,     0,  E(3),     1 ] ]
gap&gt; Display(Activity(TransposedFRElement(shift),2));
[ [     1,  E(3),     0,     0 ],
  [     0,     1,  E(3),     0 ],
  [     0,     0,     1,  E(3) ],
  [     0,     0,     0,     1 ] ]
gap&gt; IsSymmetricFRElement(shift);
gap&gt; IsSymmetricFRElement(shift+TransposedFRElement(shift));
gap&gt; IsLowerTriangularFRElement(shift);
gap&gt; IsUpperTriangularFRElement(shift);

<p><a id="X796B736286CACF85" name="X796B736286CACF85"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-10 LDUDecompositionFRElement</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; LDUDecompositionFRElement</code>( <var class="Arg">e</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>A factorization e=LDU.</p>

<p>Given a linear element <var class="Arg">e</var>, this command attempts to find a decomposition of the form e=LDU, where L is lower triangular, D is diagonal, and U is upper triangular (see <code class="func">IsLowerTriangularFRElement</code> (<a href="chap6.html#X8136C21885019A4A"><b>6.1-9</b></a>) etc.).</p>

<p>The result is returned thas a list with entries L,D,U. Note that it is not guaranteed to succeed. For more examples, see Section <a href="chap10.html#X7989134C83AF38AE"><b>10.4</b></a>.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; List([0..7],s-&gt;List([0..7],t-&gt;E(4)^ValuationInt(Binomial(s+t,s),2)));;
gap&gt; A := GuessVectorElement(last);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet GaussianRationals^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; LDU := LDUDecompositionFRElement(A);
[ &lt;Linear element on alphabet GaussianRationals^2 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;,
  &lt;Linear element on alphabet GaussianRationals^2 with 3-dimensional stateset&gt;,
  &lt;Linear element on alphabet GaussianRationals^2 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt; ]
gap&gt; IsLowerTriangularFRElement(LDU[1]); IsDiagonalFRElement(LDU[2]);
gap&gt; TransposedFRElement(LDU[1])=LDU[3];
gap&gt; Product(LDU)=A;

<p><a id="X783E8F427A23EAD1" name="X783E8F427A23EAD1"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-11 GuessVectorElement</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; GuessVectorElement</code>( <var class="Arg">m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>A vector element that acts like <var class="Arg">m</var>.</p>

<p>The arguments to this function include a matrix or list of matrices, and an optional ring. The return value is a vector element, over the ring if it was specified, that acts like the sequence of matrices.</p>

<p>If a single matrix is specified, then it is assumed to represent a convergent element (see <code class="func">IsConvergent</code> (<a href="chap6.html#X7EF5B7417AE6B3F8"><b>6.1-8</b></a>)).</p>

<p>This function returns <code class="keyw">fail</code> if it believes that it does not have enough information to make a reasonable guess.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; n := 3;;
gap&gt; shift := VectorElement(CyclotomicField(n), [[[[1,0],[0,0]],
&lt;Linear element on alphabet CF(3)^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; GuessVectorElement(Activity(shift,3)); last=shift;
&lt;Linear element on alphabet CF(3)^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; GuessVectorElement(Inverse(Activity(shift,4)));
gap&gt; GuessVectorElement(Inverse(Activity(shift,5)));
&lt;Linear element on alphabet CF(3)^2 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; IsOne(last*shift);

<p><a id="X865EE2E887ECC079" name="X865EE2E887ECC079"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-12 AsLinearMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsLinearMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">r, m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsLinearElement</code>( <var class="Arg">r, m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>The linear machine/element associated with <var class="Arg">m</var>.</p>

<p>This command accepts a domain and an ordinary machine/element, and constructs the corresponding linear machine/element, defined by extending linearly the action on [1..d] to an action on r^d.</p>

<p>If <var class="Arg">m</var> is a Mealy machine/element, the result is a vector machine/element. If <var class="Arg">m</var> is a group/monoid/semigroup machine/element, the result is an algebra machine/element. To obtain explicitly a vector or algebra machine/element, see <code class="func">AsVectorMachine</code> (<a href="chap6.html#X82586DFB8458EF05"><b>6.1-13</b></a>) and <code class="func">AsAlgebraMachine</code> (<a href="chap6.html#X7818245A7DABB311"><b>6.1-14</b></a>).</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; Display(I4Machine);
   |  1     2
 a | c,2   c,1
 b | a,1   b,1
 c | c,1   c,2
gap&gt; A := AsLinearMachine(Rationals,I4Machine);
&lt;Linear machine on alphabet Rationals^2 with 3-dimensional stateset&gt;
[ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]
gap&gt; Display(A);
 Rationals |   1   |   2   |
         1 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 |
           | 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 |
           | 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 |
         2 | 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 |
           | 0 1 0 | 0 0 0 |
           | 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 |
Output: 1 1 1
gap&gt; B := AsLinearMachine(Rationals,AsMonoidFRMachine(I4Machine));
&lt;Linear machine on alphabet Rationals^2 with generators [ (1)*m1, (1)*m2 ]&gt;
gap&gt; Correspondence(B);
MappingByFunction( &lt;free monoid on the generators [ m1, m2 ]&gt;,
&lt;algebra-with-one over Rationals, with 2 generators&gt;, function( w ) ... end )
gap&gt; Display(B);
 Rationals | 1  | 2  |
         1 |  0 |  1 |
           | m1 |  0 |
         2 |  1 |  0 |
           | m2 |  0 |
Output: 1 1
gap&gt; AsLinearElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.1)*AsLinearElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.2);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 4-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; last=AsLinearElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.1*I4Monoid.2);

<p><a id="X82586DFB8458EF05" name="X82586DFB8458EF05"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-13 AsVectorMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsVectorMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">r, m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsVectorElement</code>( <var class="Arg">r, m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>The vector machine/element associated with <var class="Arg">m</var>.</p>

<p>This command accepts a domain and an ordinary machine/element, and constructs the corresponding linear machine/element, defined by extending linearly the action on [1..d] to an action on r^d. For this command to succeed, the machine/element <var class="Arg">m</var> must be finite state. For examples see <code class="func">AsLinearMachine</code> (<a href="chap6.html#X865EE2E887ECC079"><b>6.1-12</b></a>).</p>

<p><a id="X7818245A7DABB311" name="X7818245A7DABB311"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-14 AsAlgebraMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsAlgebraMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">r, m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsAlgebraElement</code>( <var class="Arg">r, m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>The algebra machine/element associated with <var class="Arg">m</var>.</p>

<p>This command accepts a domain and an ordinary machine/element, and constructs the corresponding linear machine/element, defined by extending linearly the action on [1..d] to an action on r^d. For examples see <code class="func">AsLinearMachine</code> (<a href="chap6.html#X865EE2E887ECC079"><b>6.1-12</b></a>).</p>

<p><a id="X7BDD40B27F7541B2" name="X7BDD40B27F7541B2"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-15 AsVectorMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsVectorMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsVectorElement</code>( <var class="Arg">m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>The machine/element <var class="Arg">m</var> in vector form.</p>

<p>This command accepts a linear machine, and converts it to vector form. This command is not guaranteed to terminate.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; A := AsLinearElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.1);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; B := AsAlgebraElement(A);
gap&gt; C := AsVectorElement(B);
gap&gt; A=B; B=C;

<p><a id="X8120605981DDE434" name="X8120605981DDE434"></a></p>

<h5>6.1-16 AsAlgebraMachine</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsAlgebraMachine</code>( <var class="Arg">m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; AsAlgebraElement</code>( <var class="Arg">m</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( operation )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><b>Returns: </b>The machine/element <var class="Arg">m</var> in algebra form.</p>

<p>This command accepts a linear machine, and converts it to algebra form.</p>

<table class="example">
gap&gt; A := AsLinearElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.1);
&lt;Linear element on alphabet Rationals^2 with 2-dimensional stateset&gt;
gap&gt; AsAlgebraElement(A)=AsAlgebraElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.1);
gap&gt; A=AsAlgebraElement(A);

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