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  8 Algebras
  Self-similar  algebras  and algebras with one (below FR algebras) are simply
  algebras  [with  one]  whose elements are linear FR machines. They naturally
  act on the alphabet of their elements, which is a vector space.
  Elements  may  be  added,  subtracted  and multiplied. They can be vector or
  algebra  linear elements; the vector elements are in general preferable, for
  efficiency reasons.
  Finite-dimensional  approximations of self-similar algebras can be computed;
  they are given as matrix algebras.
  8.1 Creators for FR algebras
  The  most  straightforward  creation  method  for  FR algebras is Algebra(),
  applied  with  linear  FR elements as arguments. There are shortcuts to this
  somewhat tedious method:
  8.1-1 FRAlgebra
  > FRAlgebra( ring, {definition, } ) _______________________________operation
  > FRAlgebraWithOne( ring, {definition, } ) ________________________operation
  Returns:  A new self-similar algebra [with one].
  This function constructs a new FR algebra [with one], generated by linear FR
  elements.  It  receives  as  argument  any  number of strings, each of which
  represents a generator of the object to be constructed.
  ring is the acting domain of the vector space on which the algebra will act.
  Each  definition  is  of  the  form  "name=[[...],...,[...]]" or of the form
  "name=[[...],...,[...]]:out",  namely  a  matrix whose entries are algebraic
  expressions  in  the  names,  possibly  using  0,1, optionally followed by a
  scalar.  The  matrix  entries specify the decomposition of the element being
  defined,  and  the  optional scalar specifies the output of that element, by
  default assumed to be one.
  The       option      IsVectorElement,      passed      e.g.      as      in
  FRAlgebra(Rationals,"a=[[a,1],[a,0]]":IsVectorElement),    asks    for   the
  resulting algebra to be generated by vector elements. The generators must of
  course  be  finite-state.  Their  names  ("a",...) are not remembered in the
  constructing algebra (but can be set using SetName (Reference: SetName)).
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
    gap> m := FRAlgebra(Rationals,"a=[[1,a],[a,0]]");
    <self-similar algebra on alphabet Rationals^2 with 1 generator>
    gap> Display(Activity(m.1,2));
    [ [  1,  0,  1,  1 ],
      [  0,  1,  1,  0 ],
      [  1,  1,  0,  0 ],
      [  1,  0,  0,  0 ] ]
  8.1-2 SCAlgebra
  > SCAlgebra( m ) __________________________________________________operation
  > SCAlgebraWithOne( m ) ___________________________________________operation
  > SCAlgebraNC( m ) ________________________________________________operation
  > SCAlgebraWithOneNC( m ) _________________________________________operation
  Returns:  The state-closed algebra [with one] generated by the machine m.
  This function constructs a new FR algebra [vith one] a, generated by all the
  states  of  the  FR  machine  m. There is a bijective correspondence between
  GeneratorsOfFRMachine(m)  and  the  generators of a, which is accessible via
  Correspondence(a)  (See  Correspondence  (7.1-3)); it is a homomorphism from
  the  stateset  of  m  to  a,  or  a  list  indicating  for each state of m a
  corresponding generator index in the generators of a (with 0 for identity).
  In  the non-NC forms, redundant (equal, zero or one) states are removed from
  the generating set of a.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
    gap> a := SCAlgebra(AsLinearMachine(Rationals,I4Machine));
    <self-similar algebra on alphabet Rationals^2 with 3 generators>
    gap> a.1 = AsLinearElement(Rationals,I4Monoid.1);
  8.1-3 BranchingIdeal
  > BranchingIdeal( A ) _____________________________________________operation
  Returns:  An ideal I that contains matrices over itself.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
    gap> !!!
  8.2 Operations for FR algebras
  8.2-1 MatrixQuotient
  > MatrixQuotient( a, l ) __________________________________________operation
  > EpimorphismMatrixQuotient( a, l ) _______________________________operation
  Returns:  The matrix algebra of a's action on level l.
  The first function returns the matrix algebra generated by the activities of
  a  on  level  l  (see  the examples in 6.1-6). The second functon returns an
  algebra homomorphism from a to the matrix algebra.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
    gap> a := ThinnedAlgebraWithOne(GF(2),GrigorchukGroup);
    <self-similar algebra-with-one on alphabet GF(2)^2 with 4 generators>
    gap> List([0..4],i->Dimension(MatrixQuotient(a,i)));
    [ 1, 2, 6, 22, 78 ]
  8.2-2 ThinnedAlgebra
  > ThinnedAlgebra( r, g ) __________________________________________operation
  > ThinnedAlgebraWithOne( r, g ) ___________________________________operation
  Returns:  The thinned algebra [with one] associated with g.
  The    first    function    returns    the   thinned   algebra   of   a   FR
  group/monoid/semigroup  g, over the domain r. This is the linear envelope of
  g in its natural action on sequences.
  The embedding of g in its thinned algebra is returned by Embedding(g,a).
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
    gap> a := ThinnedAlgebraWithOne(GF(2),GrigorchukGroup);
    <self-similar algebra on alphabet GF(2)^2 with 5 generators>
    gap> a.1 = GrigorchukGroup.1^Embedding(GrigorchukGroup,a);
    gap> Dimension(VectorSpace(GF(2),[One(a),a.2,a.3,a.4]));
  8.2-3 Nillity
  > Nillity( x ) ____________________________________________________operation
  Returns:  The smallest n such that x^n=0.
  This command computes the nillity of x, i.e. the smallest n such that x^n=0.
  The command is of course not guaranteed to terminate.