

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 1800


\letter A
  Acknowledgements, \indexit{3}
  `AddedElementsCode', 44
  `AlternantCode', 31
  `AmalgamatedDirectSumCode', 68
  `AreMOLS', 59
  Arithmetic Operations for Codewords, \indexit{7}
  `AsSSortedList', 18
  `AugmentedCode', 43
    \sub without a list of codewords, 43
  `AutomorphismGroup', 16
\letter B
  `BCHCode', 37
  `BestKnownLinearCode', 33
    \sub of a record, 34
  `BinaryGolayCode', 34
  `BlockwiseDirectSumCode', 68
  Boolean Functions for Codes, \indexit{14}
  Bose distance, 37
  Bounds, Sphere packing bound, 51
    \sub Upper Bound, 53
  bounds, Elias, 52
    \sub Griesmer, 53
    \sub Hamming, 51
    \sub Johnson, 52
    \sub Plotkin, 52
    \sub Singleton, 51
  Bounds on codes, \indexit{51}
  `BoundsCoveringRadius', 63
  `BoundsMinimumDistance', 54
\letter C
  check polynomial, 35
  `CheckMat', 20
  `CheckMatCode', 31
  `CheckPol', 20
  `CheckPolCode', 36
  code, 11
    \sub cosets, 7
    \sub cyclic, 11
    \sub element test, 13
    \sub evaluation, 13
    \sub linear, 11
    \sub subcode, 14
    \sub unrestricted, 11
  `CodeDensity', 73
  `CodeDistanceEnumerator', 72
  `CodeIsomorphism', 16
  `CodeMacWilliamsTransform', 72
  `CodeNorm', 70
  codes, adition, 13
    \sub coset, 13
    \sub equality, 12
    \sub inequality, 12
    \sub product, 13
  `CodeWeightEnumerator', 71
  `Codeword', 5, 6
  codeword, 5
  `CodewordNr', 18
  codewords, addition, 7
    \sub equality, 7
    \sub inequality, 7
    \sub subtraction, 7
  Comparisons of Codes, \indexit{12}
  Comparisons of Codewords, \indexit{7}
  `ConferenceCode', from a matrix, 28
    \sub from an integer, 28
  `ConstantWeightSubcode', 47
    \sub for all minimum weight codewords, 47
  Construction of Codewords, \indexit{5}
  `ConstructionBCode', 46
  `ConversionFieldCode', 46
  `CoordinateNorm', 70
  `CordaroWagnerCode', 33
  `CosetCode', 47
  `CoveringRadius', 62
  cyclic code, 11
  `CyclicCodes', 39
  `CyclotomicCosets', 60
\letter D
  `DavydovCode', 69
  `Decode', 24
  Decoding Functions, \indexit{24}
  `DecreaseMinimumDistanceLowerBound', 71
  `Dimension', 18
  `DirectProductCode', 49
  `DirectSumCode', 48
  `Display', 19
  `DistanceCodeword', 9
  `DistancesDistribution', 23
  Distributions, \indexit{22}
  Domain Functions for Codes, \indexit{17}
  `DualCode', 46
\letter E
  `ElementsCode', 27
  `EnlargedGabidulinCode', 69
  `EnlargedTombakCode', 70
  Equivalence and Isomorphism of Codes, \indexit{16}
  `EvenWeightSubcode', 42
  `ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius', 64
  `ExpurgatedCode', 43
  `ExtendedBinaryGolayCode', 34
  `ExtendedCode', 41
  `ExtendedDirectSumCode', 67
  `ExtendedTernaryGolayCode', 35
  external distance, 66
\letter F
  `FireCode', 38
  Functions that Change the Display Form of a Codeword, \indexit{8}
  Functions that Convert Codewords to Vectors or Polynomials, \indexit{8}
  Functions that Generate a New Code from a Given Code, \indexit{41}
  Functions that Generate a New Code from Two Given Codes, \indexit{48}
\letter G
  Gabidulin codes, \indexit{69}
  `GabidulinCode', 69
  `GeneralizedCodeNorm', 71
  `GeneralizedSrivastavaCode', 32
  `GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius', 64
  `GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius', 64
  Generating (Check) Matrices and Polynomials, \indexit{19}
  Generating Cyclic Codes, \indexit{35}
  Generating Linear Codes, \indexit{30}
  Generating Unrestricted Codes, \indexit{27}
  `GeneratorMat', 19
  `GeneratorMatCode', 30
  `GeneratorPol', 20
  `GeneratorPolCode', 35
  Golay Codes, \indexit{34}
  `GoppaCode', with integer parameter, 32
    \sub with list of field elements parameter, 32
  `GrayMat', 55
  `GreedyCode', 29
  guava, 3
\letter H
  `HadamardCode', 27, 28
  `HadamardMat', 56
  `HammingCode', 31
  `HorizontalConversionFieldMat', 58
\letter I
  `IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound', 64
  `InnerDistribution', 23
  Installing GUAVA, \indexit{3}
  `IntersectionCode', 49
  `IsAffineCode', 72
  `IsAlmostAffineCode', 73
  `IsCode', 14
  `IsCodeword', 6
  `IsCoordinateAcceptable', 70
  `IsCyclicCode', 14
  `IsEquivalent', 16
  `IsFinite', 17
  `IsGriesmerCode', 73
  `IsInStandardForm', 57
  `IsLatinSquare', 59
  `IsLinearCode', 14
  `IsMDSCode', 15
  `IsNormalCode', 71
  `IsPerfectCode', 15
  `IsSelfComplementaryCode', 72
  `IsSelfDualCode', 15
  `IsSelfOrthogonalCode', 16
\letter K
  `Krawtchouk', 60
  `KrawtchoukMat', 55
\letter L
  `LeftActingDomain', 17
  `LengthenedCode', 45
  `LexiCode', 30
    \sub using a basis, 30
  linear code, 11
  Loading GUAVA, \indexit{4}
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess', 65
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1', 66
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2', 66
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusInduction', 66
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering', 65
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1', 65
  `LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2', 65
  `LowerBoundMinimumDistance', 53
    \sub of codes over a field, 53
\letter M
  maximum distance separable, 51
  `MinimumDistance', 21, 22
  `MinimumDistanceLeon', 22
  Miscellaneous functions, \indexit{59}
  `MOLS', 56
  `MOLSCode', 28
  mutually orthogonal Latin squares, 56
\letter N
  New code constructions, \indexit{67}
  New miscellaneous functions, \indexit{71}
  `NordstromRobinsonCode', 29
  `NrCyclicCodes', 39
  `NullCode', 38
  `NullWord', 9
\letter O
  Operations for Codes, \indexit{13}
  Other Codeword Functions, \indexit{9}
  `OuterDistribution', 23
\letter P
  Parameters of Codes, \indexit{21}
  Parity check, 41
  `PermutationDecode', 25
  `PermutationGroup', 17
  `PermutedCode', 42
  `PermutedCols', 58
  `PiecewiseConstantCode', 69
  `PolyCodeword', 8
  `PrimitiveUnityRoot', 60
  `Print', 18
  Printing and Displaying Codes, \indexit{18}
  `PuncturedCode', 41
    \sub with list of punctures, 41
  `PutStandardForm', 57
\letter Q
  `QRCode', 37
\letter R
  `RandomCode', 29
  `RandomLinearCode', 33
  `ReciprocalPolynomial', 60
  `Redundancy', 21
  `ReedMullerCode', 31
  `ReedSolomonCode', 37
  `RemovedElementsCode', 44
  `RepetitionCode', 38
  `ResidueCode', 45
  `RootsCode', 36
    \sub with field, 36
  `RootsOfCode', 21
\letter S
  `SetCoveringRadius', 63
  `ShortenedCode', 44
    \sub with list of columns, 45
  `Size', 17
  Some functions for the covering radius, \indexit{62}
  Some functions related to the norm of a code, \indexit{70}
  Special matrices in GUAVA, \indexit{55}
  `SphereContent', 59
  `SrivastavaCode', 32
  `StandardArray', 25
  `StandardFormCode', 48
  `String', 19
  `Support', 9
  `SylvesterMat', 55
  `Syndrome', 24
  `SyndromeTable', 25
\letter T
  `TernaryGolayCode', 35
  `TombakCode', 69
  Toric codes, \indexit{39}
  `ToricCode', 39
  `ToricPoints', 39
  `TreatAsPoly', 8
  `TreatAsVector', 8
\letter U
  `UnionCode', 49
  unrestricted code, 11
  `UpperBound', 53
  `UpperBoundCoveringRadiusCyclicCode', 67
  `UpperBoundCoveringRadiusDelsarte', 66
  `UpperBoundCoveringRadiusGriesmerLike', 67
  `UpperBoundCoveringRadiusRedundancy', 66
  `UpperBoundCoveringRadiusStrength', 67
  `UpperBoundElias', 52
  `UpperBoundGriesmer', 53
  `UpperBoundHamming', 51
  `UpperBoundJohnson', 52
  `UpperBoundMinimumDistance', 54
    \sub of codes over a field, 54
  `UpperBoundPlotkin', 52
  `UpperBoundSingleton', 51
  `UUVCode', 48
\letter V
  `VectorCodeword', 8
  `VerticalConversionFieldMat', 58
\letter W
  `WeightCodeword', 10
  `WeightDistribution', 22
  `WeightHistogram', 61
  `WholeSpaceCode', 38
  `WordLength', 21