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Ronald Brown and Johannes Huebschumann.
\newblock Identities among relations.
\newblock In R.~Brown and T.L. Thickstun, editors, {\em Low-Dimensional
  Topology}, volume~46 of {\em London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series}, pages
  153--202. Cambridge University Press, 1982.

R.~Brown and A.~Razak~Salleh.
\newblock On the computation of identities among relations and of free crossed
  resolutions of groups.
\newblock {\em London Math. Soc. J. Comput. Math.}, 2:28--61, 1999.

Anne Heyworth.
\newblock {\em Applications of Rewriting Systems and {G}roebner Bases to Com
  puting {K}an Extensions and Identities Among Relations}.
\newblock Ph.{D}.~thesis, University of Wales, Bangor, 1999.

Anne Heyworth and Christopher~D. Wensley.
\newblock Logged rewriting and identities among relators.
\newblock In C.~M. Campbell, E.~F. Robertson, and G.~C. Smith, editors, {\em
  Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford}, volume 304 of {\em London Math. Soc.
  Lecture Note Series}, pages 256--276. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
