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%W  basic.tex              GAP documentation            Joachim Neub"user
%H  $Id: basic.tex,v 1.8 2002/07/16 14:17:37 gap Exp $
%Y  Copyright (C) 1999, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany

\Chapter{The Basic Operations}

\index{Mendelsohn Condition}

For the meaning of terms used and the mathematical background we again
refer to \cite{Neu82}.
In particular, we will quote as ``Mendelsohn Condition'' the condition
formulated in Lemma~1 and Theorem~2 of that paper for eventual
termination of a CE.
In Sections "Making a Definition" and
"Handling a Coincidence" of this chapter, respectively, we describe
briefly what the two basic operations ``Making a Definition'' and
``Handling a Coincidence'' do in {\ITC}. In Section "Some Definition
Strategies" we introduce some ``Definition Strategies'' from which a
definition sequence can be put together if one does not want to define
it step by step. Sections "Sorting definitions" and "The Short-cut
Method" describe methods by which one can modify existing definition
sequences. The latter one may be of particular interest because it
tries to ``prune'' a posteriori a definition sequence that has led to
closure of all tables only after a number of coincidences had to be

In the subsequent chapters we will then refer to these operations and

\Section{Making a Definition}


{\ITC} provides the possibility to define new coset numbers by
clicking into certain places in various tables.

In each of these cases a new coset number will be defined to represent
a coset that is the product (from the right) of an already defined
coset with coset number $i$ by an element $x$ which is a generator or
its inverse. If $c$ is the highest coset number defined so far, this
new coset number will be $c+1$. It should be clear from understanding
the idea of CE that this new coset number may in fact (by a different
word in the generators) represent a coset for which a (lower) number
has already been defined, and that this fact may only become apparent
much later in the CE process.

The new coset number $c+1$ is inserted into all relevant places in the
coset table and all other tables. Also all consequences of this
definition are entered into all tables, which in particular will get a
new row $c+1$. This newly defined coset number will occur in red
colour in all places and so will the entries made as consequence of
this definition. Entries that were previously coloured red get
recoloured black.

Note however that as a consequence of this definition we may have
obtained one or several coincidences. If this happens and if the
coincidence handling is switched on (see `coincidence handling on',
"coincidence handling on", in the menu of the top button `Settings')
several coset numbers may get eliminated, and as the newly defined one
may be among them, in fact it may not appear at all on the screen.

\Section{Some Definition Strategies}


Already the first implementations of CE used different ``strategies''
for defining coset numbers, many interesting comparisons of their
merits can be found in papers of George Havas and also in Sims' book
\cite{Sims94}. Not all but some are availavble in {\ITC}, but those
that are come in two forms.


  Either {\ITC} can be asked to try to close the table following a
  chosen strategy. All commands to do this can be chosen from the menu
  pulled down using the top button `Close' (see~"close table by Felsch"

\item{--} Or one can prescribe that {\ITC} follows such a strategy
  only for a number of steps. This can in principle be done using
  bottom buttons. However since there are several choices of filling
  gaps of length 1, one has to specify this choice before specifying
  the number of such ``fill gaps'' steps. This choice can be made using
  the possibilities offered in the menu pulled down by the top button
  `Settings' (see~"gaps strategy 1").


In the sequel we will describe the available strategies independently
of their being used in one or the other way.

The *Felsch Strategy* (named after Hartmut Felsch, who first
implemented it completely, see~\cite{Fel61}, although according to
John Leech, see~\cite{Lee84}, the strategy was already used before in
a partial implementation by Bandler, see~\cite{Ban56}) proceeds to
define new coset numbers by row-wise from left to right filling the
empty places of the Coset Table. It should be noted that of course
quite different definition sequences can be obtained by just permuting
the columns of the Coset Table. Using {\ITC} this can either be
achieved by renumbering the generators in the input of the group, or
by filling lines in a different order ``by hand''. The Felsch strategy
automatically fulfills the ``Mendelsohn Condition'' and hence is bound
to stop eventually if the index of <h> in <g> is finite.

The *HLT Strategy* is named after B. Haselgrove, J. Leech, and H. F.
Trotter, see~\cite{Lee84}. Its idea is to go for finding consequences
soon by making definitions such that rows in Subgroup and Relation
Tables get filled. Originally (when computers were still very slow)
after a definition made in this way no search for consequences was
started in order to save time, but only the consequences obtained ``on
purpose'' by filling a row were noted. In {\ITC} this is not the case,
after each definition a complete search for all consequences is made,
so that what we call HLT is not quite the original method. Note that
by a pure HLT strategy the Mendelsohn Condition is not guaranteed.
The CE may run into infinite loops although the index of <h> in <g> is
finite. In programs such as ACE therefore in order to guarantee the
Mendelsohn Condition the default HLT is modified by closing a row of
the Coset Table after all corresponding rows of Relation Tables have
been closed.
Note that this is not done in {\ITC} because we
want to provide the user with the possibility to experiment with
clearly understood alternatives, not with a safe program to enumerate
millions of cosets.

*Filling gaps of length 1* in relation (or subgroup) tables has in
particular been propagated by George Havas. The idea is that this is
the ``cheapest'' way to obtain consequences. As will be seen in the
examples, in particular that of the Fibonacci Group $F(2,7)$, the
result heavily depends on the choice of one of the sometimes many gaps
of length 1 to be filled. (Note in particular that these can occur
not only in the Relation Tables that are shown by {\ITC}, but also in
relation tables belonging to cyclicly permuted relators.) To explain
the different strategies available in {\ITC} for filling gaps of
length 1 we have to introduce the notions of the equivalence class
and of the weight of a gap of length 1.

Let a gap of length 1 in a Relation Table or Subgroup Table between
coset numbers $i$ and $j$ be filled by defining a new coset number $k$
in this place. Then, still excluding the newly introduced $k$th row,
this fills two places in the Coset Table which we call a ``pair'' of
``dots'' (These places will indeed be marked by dots in the {\ITC} Coset
Table). On the set of all dots in the Coset Table we define the
finest equivalence relation in which ``paired'' dots are equivalent. So
each gap of length 1 in a Subgroup or Relation Table determines a
unique equivalence class of dots, and the length of this class is
defined to be the ``weight'' of the gap of length 1. For each class we
define its ``representative'' to be the first of its dots with respect
to the usual row-wise from left to right ordering of positions in the
Coset Table. (Instead of speaking of equivalnce classes of dots, we
will sometimes also speak of equivalence classes of gaps of length 1.)

For choosing the next gap of length 1 we can now define several


`strategy 1 (first gap)' &
  Here the gap belonging to the first dot in the row-wise from left to
  right scan of the Coset Table (irrespective of its weight) is filled.

`strategy 2 (first rep of maximal weight)' &
  Here among the equivalence classes of gaps of maximal weight the one
  is chosen for which the representative dot occurs first in the
  row-wise from left to right scan of the Coset Table.

`strategy 3 (last rep of maximal weight)' &
  Here among the equivalence classes of gaps of maximal weight the one
  is chosen for which the representative dot occurs last in the
  row-wise from left to right scan of the Coset Table.


\Section{Handling a Coincidence}

Whenever a row in a Subgroup or Relation Table closes because of a new
definition made we will get a consequence, saying that the product of
a coset with number $i$ by $x$, a generator or its inverse, equals a
coset with number $j$. This fact may not yet be ``known'' in the Coset
Table, in which case it is entered into the Coset Table, or it may
already be known in exactly this form in the Coset Table, in which
case no action is needed. However the Coset Table may also contain
already the information that the product of the coset with number $i$
by $x$ equals a coset with number $k$ different from $j$. In this
case we learn that $j$ and $k$ really denote the same coset.

When such a ``coincidence'' is detected, and if $k$ is bigger than $j$,
say, all consequences of the fact that then the $j$th and the $k$th
row of the Coset Table must describe the same facts are saved in the
$j$ th row and other rows of the Coset Table, before the $k$th row is
declared ``dead''. (See \cite{Neu82} for a simplified description of
that process and a justification why it preserves all essential
features of a coset table.)

This is done automatically in {\ITC} if the coincidence handling is
switched on, it can be done ``by hand'' if it is switched off
(see~"coincidence handling off").

Note that as a consequence of handling a particular coincidence new
ones may be detected. All these are worked off automatically or must
be worked off ``by hand'', respectively, before new definitions can be

\Section{Sorting Definitions}


The purpose of this method is to modify definition sequences in order
to be able to compare different such sequences. This will be done by
constructing from a given definition sequence a ``canonical'' one by
reordering and renumbering coset numbers. The method proceeds as

In a first *step* all cosets obtained from the coset with number $1$
by multiplication with generators or their inverses will be arranged
in the order in which they occur in a row-wise scan of the Coset Table
from left to right. Then the first of these is taken and an analogous
step is performed with its images under all the generators and their
inverses. The coset numbers obtained in this way are appended to the
sequence obtained in the first step. After that the same is done again
and again in obvious analogy to this second step until all coset
numbers in the Coset Table have been rearranged by this procedure.

Then the coset numbers are changed according to this new ordering.

The definition sequence thus obtained is now processed by CE (with
prescribed definition sequence). In this CE some of the coset numbers
may get eliminated by coincidences, so that the resulting definition
sequence may be shorter (but can never get longer) than the original
one. Moreover because of such a coincidence the intended ordering may
again be disturbed. If that is the case, the whole *procedure* -- as
described up to this point -- is repeated. However since the second
definition sequence will be lexicographically earlier than the first
one we must arrive at a stable sequence after a finite number of
repetitions of such procedures.

This ``Sorting Definitions'' is applied to the definition sequence after
all tables have been closed. Note that if the original definition
sequence will have been obtained by a pure Felsch strategy, it will
not be changed by this Sorting Definition method.

We remark that this method can be used independently of the Short-cut
method (to be described next) before or after it. Combining the two
methods may in fact improve but also deteriorate results.

\Section{The Short-cut Method}

It is easy to construct examples of presentations of finite groups
such that any coset enumeration process will have to define some
``redundant'' coset numbers, that is, will have to handle some
``coincidences'' before finding the order of that group. An easy example
is the trivial group presented on one generator $x$ by the relators
$x^5$ and $x^7$. In such cases it is a natural challenge to find
definition sequences that reach the result with few coincidences
showing up. No method is known that will construct a definition
sequence with a number of coincidences guaranteed to be minimal. The
package ACE by George Havas and Colin Ramsey (see~\cite{Ram99})
contains various strategies that have proven to be very efficient in
constructing from scratch definition sequences involving few

Here we describe a different approach, namely to try a posteriori to
construct a definition sequence with few coincidences by ``pruning'' an
already existing definition sequence that had led to coincidences. We
call this the ``Short-cut method''.

Let a definition sequence be given that at the end after defining a
last coset number $n$ leads to closure of the tables. We trace back
the sequence of those definitions from $n$ to coset number $1$ that
were actually used to reach coset number $n$. Say $k$ coset numbers
occur in that sequence which we number $i_1~=~1,...,i_k~=~n$. We mark
these $k$ coset numbers as being ``indispensable'' and move their
sequence to the beginning of a new definition sequence. In general not
all coset numbers defined in the CE will occur in the sequence of
indispensables, so we complement the sequence of indispensables by the
remaining coset numbers in the order in which they occurred in the
original definition sequence. If we now start a CE with that new
definition sequence, it must definitely close after having worked
through this whole series, however it may in fact lead to closure
after only a subset of these definitions.

With the definition sequence obtained from this second CE (that at the
beginning will still retain indispensables) we now repeat the same
procedure starting again from the last coset defined before closure,
if this was not yet marked indispensable. The subsequence thus
obtained is again marked indispensable and moved to the beginning of
the previously existing definition sequence. Behind these, we put
again all remaining coset numbers of the previously obtained sequence
and then start a CE again. (Note that those marked ``indispensable'' in
the first ``loop'' now come behind those marked ``indispensable'' in the
second ``loop'' and that some of the ``indispensables'' of the first
``loop'' may now in fact vanish in this second CE).

Obviously this process can be iterated as long as not all coset
numbers in one of the sequences obtained on the way are marked
indispensable. Once this is the case, the Short-cut method stops.

{\ITC} also allows one to prescribe the number of ``loops'' to be

As can be seen from the examples, the Short-cut method works
with surprising success. In the case of some presentations that for
a long time have been used as challenges for finding the shortest
definition sequence leading to closure, the Short-cut method even
improved on results that had been found ``by hand'' with quite some
effort by experts on CE (see Section~"The Fibonacci Group F(2,7)").

However it should be emphasized again that no claim is made that the
method will find the minimal number of cosets needed to reach closure.
In fact the examples given show that the result of the Short-cut
method depends on the definition sequence that it starts from.

Although yielding its result only a posteriori, we hope that beyond
answering challenges, finding a short definition sequence may become
of use in algorithms such as the modified TC if this is implemented to
follow a prescribed definition sequence.
