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%W  tables.tex             GAP documentation            Joachim Neub"user
%H  $Id: tables.tex,v 1.10 2001/03/23 14:58:17 gap Exp $
%Y  Copyright (C) 1999, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany

\Chapter{The Tables}

Usually table entries in all tables are black. Red indicates that
these entries were the result of the last step that has been performed
by {\ITC}. Coset numbers can also be coloured green using the `mark
cosets' bottom button (see~"mark cosets") or the `show defs' bottom
button (see~"show defs"). In case of conflict green has preference to

As a general rule we state that clicking some place in one of the
*tables* with the *left* mouse button will result in an action in the
process of CE, e.~g. in making a definition.

There are only very few cases where clicking with the *right* mouse
button in a table will have an effect:


  with clicking a coset number or a dot in the Coset Table (see Section
  "The Coset Table"),

  with clicking on an entry of the Table of Definitions (see Section
  "The Table of Definitions"),

  with clicking on an entry of the List of Length 1 Gaps (see Section
  "The List of Length 1 Gaps" and "show gaps"), and

  with clicking on an entry of the List of Pending Coincidences (see
  Section "The List of Pending Coincidences").


In each of these cases clicking with the right mouse button will
result in {\ITC} displaying further information in a new display

\Section{The Coset Table}

The main table in any coset enumeration is the coset table. Its rows
are numbered by natural numbers, the ``coset numbers'', which are
defined in the process of the coset enumeration. Remember that coset
numbers denote cosets defined by representatives given by words in
the generators, but until a coset
enumeration is finished, different coset numbers may represent the
same coset (by different words).

Note that {\ITC} displays on the screen only rows for ``still alive''
coset numbers, that is coset numbers that have not been eliminated by

So the first column of the {\ITC} Coset Table displays the list of
presently ``still alive'' coset numbers. The further columns of the
{\ITC} Coset Table are indexed by the generators of the finitely
presented group <g> and their inverses.

Entries in an {\ITC} Coset Table can either be empty, or a coset
number, or a dot. An entry $j$ in row $i$ and column $k$ means that
the coset with number $i$ multiplied by the generator or inverse
generator heading column $k$ yields the coset with number $j$. An
empty entry indicates that nothing is yet known about the respective
product. A dot as entry indicates that making a definition in this
place will close at least one row in a subgroup or a relation table,
i.e. it belongs to a ``gap of length 1'' (see Section "Some
Definition Strategies").

Let <h> be the subgroup of the group <g> whose cosets are to be
enumerated. At the beginning of an enumeration {\ITC} fills
automatically those entries of the Coset Table (as well as of Subgroup
and Relation Tables) that are consequences of coset number $1$ always
being given to the subgroup <h>.

Clicking with the *left* mouse button an empty place or a place
with a dot in the Coset Table will make a definition in this place.
That is: Let $c$ be the last coset number defined, then a click in the
place in row $i$ and column headed by generator or inverse generator
$x$ will define a coset number $c+1$ that represents the product of
the coset with number $i$ by $x$. See Section "Making a Definition"
for details of the changes (marked in red) in the tables caused by
making such a definition.

At the same time new dots may occur in the coset table, representing
places newly found to allow filling gaps of length~1 in one of the
Relation Tables or Subgroup Tables. These new dots will also be
coloured red.

Clicking with the *right* mouse button a dot will open a window
which will show a list of all those definitions that are equivalent to
the one belonging to this place in the sense that they will close the
same length~1 gaps in Relation and Subgroup Tables. (Compare also
"Some Definition Strategies" and "show gaps").

Clicking with the *left* mouse button the coset number at the
beginning of a row of the Coset Table will result in closing this row
by new definitions. (This way you can e.~g. easily fulfill the
Mendelsohn Condition for this row requesting that images of that coset
under multiplication by all generators and their inverses must
eventually get defined).

Clicking with the *right* mouse button the coset number at the
beginning of a row of the Coset Table or any already defined coset
number in the Coset Table will open a window in which a coset
representative of the respective coset will be displayed as a word in
the generators of $g$ and their inverses. Clicking the same coset
number once more (in the same or in another position of the Coset
Table) will close the coset representative window again. (In Section
"The Table of Definitions" we will see that the same coset
representative window can be switched on or off also by clicking the
respective row in the Table of Definitions.)

Note that only up to 30 rows of the Coset Table are displayed
simultaneously on the screen but that the Coset Table can be scrolled
using the bottom buttons `scroll to' (see~"scroll to") and `scroll by'
(see~"scroll by").


Directly below the Coset Table a row is left open in which warnings
will flash up in red if the user is trying to start an action that is
impossible or does not make sense in the present situation, so that
e.~g. certain buttons are disabled. These are:


`There are no subgroup generators' &
  if the user clicks the bottom button `show subgrp', but there are no
  subgroup generators specified, i.~e. one is performing a CE of the
  cosets of the trivial group.

`There are no gaps of length 1' &
  if the user tries to show or to fill gaps of length 1 using the
  bottom buttons `show gaps' or `fill gaps', respectively, but no such
  gaps of length 1 exist in any of the Subgroup or Relation Tables.

`There are no more gaps of length 1' &
  if the user had requested to perform a prescribed number of steps
  filling gaps of length 1, but the supply of such gaps ran out before
  this number of steps had been performed.

`There are no pending coincidences' &
  if the user tries to see the list of coincidences while no such are

`There are pending coincidences' &
  if the user tries to make any definition while coincidences are still
  pending, which may be the case only if the automatic coincidence
  handling is switched off. (Note that the user is informed anyhow of
  the fact that coincidences are pending in the ``Information Line'').

`The tables are closed' &
  if the user tries to make any definition after the tables are closed

`The tables are not closed' &
  if the user tries to invoke the Short-cut method before the tables
  are closed.

`Insufficient table size' &
  if the coset enumeration comes to a halt without closing the tables
  because the size for the Coset Table was too small. In this case
  this size has to be extended using the menu entry `extend table
  size' in the menu popped up via the top button `Settings'
  (see~"extend table size").

`Illegal argument' &
  if an illegal answer has been typed into a query window, e.~g. if the
  number of steps requested in the query window opened by clicking the
  bottom button `Felsch' is given as a negative integer.

`Illegal coset number' &

`This command has no effect' &


The warning message will vanish as soon as the user performs the next
allowed action.

\Section{The Information Line}

Underneath the Coset Table you see a line which will all the time
display three numbers that characterize the present state of the coset


`Defined:'~$i$ &
  means that so far $i$ coset numbers have been defined altogether
  (some of which may already have been eliminated again by the
  coincidence routine).

`Deleted:'~$j$ &
  means that so far $j$ of these coset numbers have been eliminated
  again through the handling of coincidences (see also
  Section~"Handling a Coincidence" and "show coincs").

`Alive:'~$k$ &
  means that $k$ coset numbers have survived the elimination process
  of the coincidence handling (if coincidences did occur at all). So
  obviously $k = i - j$. Note that during a run of {\ITC} there is no
  change (renumbering) of coset numbers after a coincidence has been
  handled, i.~e. the sequence of coset numbers will always be an
  ordered sequence of natural numbers starting with $1$, but if
  coincidences have been handled, it will have ``holes'', i.~e. no longer
  be consecutive. While in fact in the internal data structure for the
  coset table these ``dead'' cosets still exist, in the Coset Table (and
  Relation Tables) occurring on the screen these lines will be
  suppressed, so that at any given moment the actual number of lines
  in the Coset Table and the Relation Tables that can be seen on the
  screen will be $k$, (not $i$). This has some impact on the scrolling
  of the Coset Table (compare ~"scroll to" and "scroll by").


Behind these three numbers the Information Line will at certain
instances also display warnings:


\item{--} When the CE has come to an end, that is, when all tables
  have been closed with no coincidences pending, the text `Tables
  Closed' is shown in red.

\item{--} If the handling of coincidences has been switched off using
  `coincidence handling off' (see ~"coincidence handling off") in the
  menu of the top button `Settings' the text `Coincidence Handling OFF'
  is shown in red until a coincidence is really encountered (if any
  occur at all). Then the process will come to a halt and the text
  shown will change for the warning `Pending Coincidences', again shown
  in red. Note that this in particular means that the tables will not
  have closed and the CE has not been finished yet. If the CE process is
  resumed after the pending coincidences have been worked off, also the
  text `Coincidence Handling OFF' will reappear as long as coincidence
  handling remains switched off and not all tables have closed.

\item{--} If the definition sequence has been changed using the
  Short-cut method (see~"short-cut" as well as Section "The Short-Cut
  Method") this will be indicated by the text `Short-Cut' shown in red,
  followed by the number of ``loops'' that the Short-cut method has
  performed (see Section~"The Short-cut method"). Analogously `Tables
  sorted' is shown after `sort defs' (see~"sort defs") has been applied.


\Section{The List of Relators}

The List of Relators is shown in a display window that pops up
after clicking the (white) bottom button `show rels' (see~"show

Clicking one of the relators opens a window for the respective
Relation Table (see~"The Relation Tables").

\Section{The Relation Tables}

For a relator that is the product of $n$ generators or inverse
generators the Relation Table is a table with $n+1$ columns. The
vertical lines between the columns of the table are headed by the
factors of the relator. Each row has in its first and last place the
same coset number. Further entries can either be empty or be occupied
by a coset number.

Assume that at a certain time coset numbers 1 to $c$ have already been
defined and consider an empty entry in a Relation Table that is either
the first empty one or the last empty one in its row. Then clicking
such an empty space defines coset number $c+1$ in this place.

To be more explicit:

Let $i$ be the coset number standing before an empty place and $x$ be
the generator or inverse generator heading the vertical line in front
of the empty place then by clicking this empty place $c+1$ is defined
to be the coset number for the coset that is obtained as the product
of the coset with coset number $i$ by $x$.

Analogously let $i$ be the coset number standing behind an empty place
and $x$ be the generator or inverse generator heading the vertical
line behind the empty place then by clicking this empty place $c+1$ is
defined as the coset number of the coset obtained as the product of
the coset with coset number $i$ by $x^{-1}$.

See Section~"Making a Definition" for more details on the resulting
changes of the tables.

Clicking the *first* or the *last* entry of a row (that are always
filled by the same coset number as soon as this row exists) will
result in *filling this whole row* in an analogous manner starting
from the left. The last coset number defined in this process
(i.e. the rightmost one) and the consequences of its definition get
marked in red.

For the possibility to fill *all* $i$th rows in all Relation Tables
you can use the green bottom button `fill rows' (see~"fill rows").

Clicking on some other place already filled by a coset number will
have no effect. Also clicking on an empty place that is neither the
first nor the last empty one in its row will have no effect.

Unlike most of the other display windows, but in line with the Coset
Table Window, the windows of the Relation Tables do not vanish when the
contents of the Relation Tables changes
but the tables change in their windows.
Note that (as with the Coset Table) only up to 30 rows of the
Relation Tables are displayed simultaneously on the screen
but that the Relation Tables can be scrolled parallel to the Coset Table
using the bottom buttons `scroll to' (see~"scroll to") and `scroll by'
(see~"scroll by").

\Section{The List of Subgroup Generators}

The list of generators of the subgroup <h> is shown in a window that
springs up after clicking the (white) bottom button `show subgrp'
(see~"show subgrp").

Clicking one of the subgroup generators opens a window for the
respective Subgroup Table (see~"The Subgroup Tables").

\Section{The Subgroup Tables}

Except that they have only one row that begins and ends with the coset
number $1$, Subgroup Tables are exactly like Relation Tables. All
that has been said about making definitions in Relation Tables holds
for Subgroup Tables as well.
Also unlike most of the other display windows, but in line with the Coset
Table Window, the windows of the Subgroup Tables do not vanish when the
contents of the Subgroup Tables changes
but the tables change in their windows.

\Section{The Table of Definitions}

\index{definition!the list of}

Whenever the {\ITC} performs a coset enumeration it saves the occurring
sequence of definitions of coset numbers in a *List of Definitions*.
This list is not affected by coincidence handling, however it is
changed if you make new definitions or retrace to a previous state of
the definition sequence using the `back to' bottom button (see~"back
to") or call the Short-cut algorithm (see~"short-cut") or the ``Sorting
Definitions'' (see~"sort defs"). To some extent the List of Definitions
reflects the history of the enumeration. It will probably be mainly of
interest for use in further computations and can for that purpose be
written to a file (see~`write definitions to file', "write definitions
to file", and `read definitions from file', "read definitions from
file", of the top menu popped down by clicking the top button `File').

The current state of the enumeration is reflected by a second list
which we will call the *Table of Definitions*. It contains only the
definitions of those coset numbers which are ``still alive'', i.~e. which
have not vanished by coincidences. and all coset numbers involved in
these definitions which are not alive any more are replaced by their
alive representatives. So the Table of Definitions also changes
whenever a coincidence is handled.

Upon clicking with the *left* mouse button the (white) bottom button
`show defs' ("show defs") a window appears which displays the Table
of Definitions or, to be more precise, an extract of that table
consisting of the up to 30 lines corresponding to the cosets
currently shown in the Coset Table Window. Like the Relation Tables
(see Section "The Relation Tables") this window does not vanish when
the contents of the Table of Definitions changes but the table changes
in the window, and whenwever the Coset Table is scrolled using the
bottom buttons `scroll to' (see~"scroll to") and `scroll by'
(see~"scroll by") it will be scrolled in parallel.

Clicking with the *left* or with the *right* mouse button a definition
*in the Table of Definitions* will open a window in which a coset
representative of the coset defined here will be displayed as a word
in the generators of $g$ and their inverses. The coset representative
displayed is the one that is obtained by retracing in the List (not
the Table) of Definitions from this coset number to the coset number
$1$. A second click on the same definition will close the coset
representative window again. Note that the coset representative
windows can also be opened or closed by clicking a coset number in
the Coset Table with the right mouse button (see Section "The Coset

\Section{The List of Length 1 Gaps}

For some background definitions for ``gaps of length 1'' see Section
"Some Definition Strategies".

On clicking the (white) bottom button `show gaps' (see~"show gaps"),
either, if no gaps of length 1 exist, only a warning `There are no
gaps of length 1' appears in red below the Coset Table, or a window
springs up that lists representatives of the equivalence classes of
gaps of length 1 in Subgroup and Relation Tables.

A row in this list has the form $i$: $w$ [ $l$, $x$ ] or $i$: $w$ [
$l$, $x^{-1}$ ] respectively. Here $i$ is just the number of the list
entry in a consecutive numbering and $w$ is the weight of the
respective equivalence class of gaps of length 1. The remaining
information describes the representative of that equivalence class (it
indicates that defining a new coset as the product of the coset with
number $l$ and generator $x$, or $x^{-1}$, respectively, will close
gaps of length 1 of weight $w$ in Subgroup and Relation Tables).

The idea of giving this information is that the ``weight'' $w$ may
be a guide for the choice of definitions that have a strong influence
on the progress of a CE.

By clicking on such a row with the *left* mouse button this definition
will be made and together with its consequences inserted into all
relevant places in the tables. See Section "Making a Definition" for
more details.

Clicking on one of the entries in this list with the *right* mouse
button will open a further window in which all equivalent definitions
are listed in the form [ $l$, $x$ ] or [ $l$, $x^{-1}$ ],

Clicking on any of these, again with the *left* mouse button, will
result in making this definition. See again Section "Making a
Definition" for details.

\Section{The List of Pending Coincidences}

Clicking the (white) bottom button `show coincs' ("show coincs") with
the *left* mouse button you either get the warning `There are no
pending coincidences' shown in red below the Coset Table, or a window
springs up in which the list of all pending coincidences is shown.
These appear in the form $i = j$ meaning that the coset numbers $i$
and $j$ really denote the same coset. If $i$ is the larger integer
then clicking such a line in the List of Pending Coincidences will
eliminate $i$, that is replace it by $j$ in all occurrences in all
tables and then suppress the $i$th lines in all tables. See also
Section "Handling a Coincidence".

As a consequence, more coincidences may be found, so that the List of
Pending Coincidences may have become longer.

In case coincidence handling is switched off (see `coincidence
handling off', "coincidence handling off" in the menu of the top
button `Settings'), the CE process will stop automatically as soon as
a coincidence is encountered and then the window for the List of
Pending Coincidences will spring up automatically.

Since a coincidence really means that {\ITC} has found two
representatives, say $r$ and $s$, of the same coset, given as words
in the generators of the group, the quotient
$r*s^{-1}$ will be an element of the subgroup $h$. Clicking this
coincidence with the *right* mouse button will open a window in which
the subgroup element $r*s^{-1}$ will be displayed as word in the
generators of $g$ and their inverses.

As in particular George Havas has pointed out in several papers (see
for instance \cite{HR99b}) it can be helpful in some ``hard'' coset
enumerations to add subgroup words obtained in this way from
coincidences to the subgroup generators in the {\GAP} input of the
given subgroup $h$ and to restart {\ITC}.
