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%W  manual.bib             LAGUNA documentation              Victor Bovdi
%W                                                    Alexander Konovalov
%W                                                     Richard Rossmanith
%W                                                         Csaba Scheider
%H  $Id: manual.bib,v 1.6 2007/02/05 16:52:01 alexk Exp $
%%  manual.bib - BibTeX database file of LAGUNA references

@incollection {Bov97,
    AUTHOR = {Bovdi, A.},
     TITLE = {Generators of the units of the modular group algebra of a
              finite {$p$}-group},
 BOOKTITLE = {Methods in ring theory (Levico Terme, 1997)},
    SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math.},
    VOLUME = {198},
     PAGES = {49--62},
 PUBLISHER = {Dekker},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
      YEAR = {1998},
   MRCLASS = {16U60 (16S34)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1767969 (2001f:16061)},
MRREVIEWER = {Alexander Zimmermann},

    AUTHOR = {Bovdi, A.},
     TITLE = {The group of units of a group algebra of characteristic {$p$}},
   JOURNAL = {Publ. Math. Debrecen},
  FJOURNAL = {Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen},
    VOLUME = {52},
      YEAR = {1998},
    NUMBER = {1-2},
     PAGES = {193--244},
      ISSN = {0033-3883},
     CODEN = {PUMAAR},
   MRCLASS = {16U60 (16S34)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1603359 (99b:16051)},
MRREVIEWER = {Sudarshan K. Sehgal},

@article {CS,
    AUTHOR = {Catino, F. and Spinelli, E.},
     TITLE = {Lie nilpotent group algebras and upper {L}ie codimension
   JOURNAL = {Comm. Algebra},
  FJOURNAL = {Communications in Algebra},
    VOLUME = {34},
      YEAR = {2006},
    NUMBER = {10},
     PAGES = {3859--3873},
      ISSN = {0092-7872},
     CODEN = {COALDM},
   MRCLASS = {16S34 (17Bxx)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR2262389},

@article {Du,
    AUTHOR = {Du, X. K.},
     TITLE = {The centers of a radical ring},
   JOURNAL = {Canad. Math. Bull.},
  FJOURNAL = {Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Bulletin Canadien de
    VOLUME = {35},
      YEAR = {1992},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {174-179},
      ISSN = {0008-4395},
     CODEN = {CMBUA3},
   MRCLASS = {16N20 (17B60)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1165165 (93d:16023)},
MRREVIEWER = {Stefan Veldsman},

@incollection {LR86,
    AUTHOR = {Levin, F. and Rosenberger, G.},
     TITLE = {Lie metabelian group rings},
 BOOKTITLE = {Group and semigroup rings (Johannesburg, 1985)},
    SERIES = {North-Holland Math. Stud.},
    VOLUME = {126},
     PAGES = {153--161},
 PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
      YEAR = {1986},
   MRCLASS = {20C07 (16A27)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR860058 (87m:20024)},
MRREVIEWER = {B. Hartley},
@article {PPS73,
    AUTHOR = {Passi, I. B. S. and Passman, D. S. and Sehgal, S. K.},
     TITLE = {Lie solvable group rings},
   JOURNAL = {Canad. J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Canadian Journal of Mathematics. Journal Canadien de
    VOLUME = {25},
      YEAR = {1973},
     PAGES = {748--757},
      ISSN = {0008-414X},
   MRCLASS = {20C05},
  MRNUMBER = {MR0325746 (48 \#4092)},
MRREVIEWER = {A. Dress},

    AUTHOR = {Rossmanith, R.},
     TITLE = {Centre-by-metabelian group algebras},
    SCHOOL = {Friedrich-Schiller-Universit{\accent127a}t Jena},
      YEAR = {1997},

@article {Ros00,
    AUTHOR = {Rossmanith, R.},
     TITLE = {Lie centre-by-metabelian group algebras in even
              characteristic. {I}, {II}},
   JOURNAL = {Israel J. Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Israel Journal of Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {115},
      YEAR = {2000},
     PAGES = {51--75, 77--99},
      ISSN = {0021-2172},
     CODEN = {ISJMAP},
   MRCLASS = {16S34 (17B30)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1749673 (2000m:16038)},
MRREVIEWER = {Donald S. Passman},

@article {Ross,
    AUTHOR = {Rossmanith, R.},
     TITLE = {Lie centre-by-metabelian group algebras over commutative
   JOURNAL = {J. Algebra},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebra},
    VOLUME = {251},
      YEAR = {2002},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {503--508},
      ISSN = {0021-8693},
     CODEN = {JALGA4},
   MRCLASS = {16S34 (20C05 20C07)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1917380 (2003h:16042)},
MRREVIEWER = {Michael Dokuchaev},

@book {Sims,
    AUTHOR = {Sims, C. C.},
     TITLE = {Computation with finitely presented groups},
    SERIES = {Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications},
    VOLUME = {48},
 PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
      YEAR = {1994},
     PAGES = {xiii+604},
      ISBN = {0-521-43213-8},
   MRCLASS = {20F05 (20-02 68Q40 68Q42)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1267733 (95f:20053)},
MRREVIEWER = {Friedrich Otto},

@book {HB,
    AUTHOR = {Huppert, B. and Blackburn, N.},
     TITLE = {Finite groups. {II}},
    SERIES = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental
              Principles of Mathematical Sciences]},
    VOLUME = {242},
      NOTE = {,
              AMD, 44},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {Berlin},
      YEAR = {1982},
     PAGES = {xiii+531},
      ISBN = {3-540-10632-4},
   MRCLASS = {20-02 (20Dxx)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR650245 (84i:20001a)},

@article {Shalev91,
    AUTHOR = {Shalev, A.},
     TITLE = {Lie dimension subgroups, {L}ie nilpotency indices, and the
              exponent of the group of normalized units},
   JOURNAL = {J. London Math. Soc. (2)},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series},
    VOLUME = {43},
      YEAR = {1991},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {23--36},
      ISSN = {0024-6107},
     CODEN = {JLMSAK},
   MRCLASS = {20C05 (16S34 16U60)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1099083 (92b:20009)},
MRREVIEWER = {Burkhard K{\"u}lshammer},

@article {Wursthorn,
    AUTHOR = {Wursthorn, M.},
     TITLE = {Isomorphisms of modular group algebras: an algorithm and its
              application to groups of order {$2\sp 6$}},
   JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
    VOLUME = {15},
      YEAR = {1993},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {211--227},
      ISSN = {0747-7171},
   MRCLASS = {20C05 (20C40 68Q40)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1218760 (94h:20008)},
MRREVIEWER = {Wolfgang Lempken},
