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<html><head><title>loops : a GAP 4 package - References</title></head>
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<h1><font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">loops</font> : a <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 4 package - References</h1><dl>

<dt><a name="Ar"><b>[Ar]</b></a><dd>
<br> <em>On automorphic-inverse properties in loops</em>. 
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (1959), 588--591.

<dt><a name="Br"><b>[Br]</b></a><dd>
<br> A Survey of Binary Systems, third printing, corrected. <em>Ergebnisse der
Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete</em>, <em>Neue Folge</em> 20,
Springer-Verlag, 1971.

<dt><a name="ChPfSm"><b>[ChPfSm]</b></a><dd>
O.&nbsp;Chein, H.&nbsp;O.&nbsp;Pflugfelder, J.&nbsp;D.&nbsp;H.&nbsp;Smith (editors).
<br> Quasigroups and Loops: Theory and Applications, <em>Sigma Series in Pure
Mathematics</em> 8, Heldermann Verlag Berlin, 1990.

<dt><a name="CoRo"><b>[CoRo]</b></a><dd>
Charles J.&nbsp;Colbourn and Alexander Rosa.
<br> Triple systems, <em>Oxford Mathematical Monographs</em>, The Clarendon Press,
Oxford University Press, New York, 1999.

<dt><a name="CsDr"><b>[CsDr]</b></a><dd>
Piroska Cs&ouml;rg&ouml; and Ale\vs Dr&aacute;pal.
<br> <em>Left conjugacy closed loops of nilpotency class two</em>, 
Results Math. 47 (2005), no. 3--4, 242--265.

<dt><a name="DrVo"><b>[DrVo]</b></a><dd>
Ale\vs Dr&aacute;pal and Petr Vojt\vechovsk&yacute;.
<br> <em>Moufang loops that share associator and three quarters of their 
multiplication tables</em>, 
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 36 (2006), no. 2, 425--455.

<dt><a name="Fe"><b>[Fe]</b></a><dd>
Ferenc Fenyves.
<br> <em>Extra loops II, On loops with identities of Bol-Moufang type</em>,
Publ. Math. Debrecen 16(1969), 187--192.

<dt><a name="Go"><b>[Go]</b></a><dd>
Edgar G. Goodaire, Sean May and Maitreyi Raman. 
<br> The Moufang loops of order less than 64, Commack, NY: Nova Science
Publishers, 1999.

<dt><a name="KiKuPh"><b>[KiKuPh]</b></a><dd>
Michael K. Kinyon, Kenneth Kunen, and J. D. Phillips,
<br> <em>Every diassociative A-loop is Moufang</em>,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 619--624.

<dt><a name="Ku"><b>[Ku]</b></a><dd>
Kenneth Kunen.
<br> <em>The structure of conjugacy closed loops</em>,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), 2889--2911. 

<dt><a name="Li"><b>[Li]</b></a><dd>
<br> <em>The classification of finite simple Moufang loops</em>,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 102 (1987), 33--47.

<dt><a name="Mo"><b>[Mo]</b></a><dd>
G.&nbsp;Eric Moorhouse.
<br> <em>Bol loops of small order</em>,

<dt><a name="Na"><b>[Na]</b></a><dd>
<br> <em>A class of simple proper Bol loops</em>, preprint.

<dt><a name="NaVo2003"><b>[NaVo2003]</b></a><dd>
G&aacute;bor&nbsp;P.&nbsp;Nagy and Petr Vojt\vechovsk&yacute;. 
<br> <em>Octonions, simple Moufang loops and triality</em>, Quasigroups and Related
Systems 10 (2003), 65--94. 

<dt><a name="NaVo2007"><b>[NaVo2007]</b></a><dd>
G&aacute;bor&nbsp;P.&nbsp;Nagy and Petr Vojt\vechovsk&yacute;. 
<br> <em>The Moufang loops of order 64 and 81</em>, to appear in Journal of Symbolic Computation.

<dt><a name="Pf"><b>[Pf]</b></a><dd>
<br> Quasigroups and Loops: Introduction, <em>Sigma Series in Pure Mathematics</em>
7, Heldermann Verlag Berlin, 1990.

<dt><a name="PhVo"><b>[PhVo]</b></a><dd>
J.&nbsp;D.&nbsp;Phillips and Petr Vojt\vechovsk&yacute;. 
<br> <em>Varieties of loops of Bol-Moufang type</em>, 
Algebra Universalis 54 (2005), no. 3, 259--271.

<dt><a name="Vo"><b>[Vo]</b></a><dd>
Petr Vojt\vechovsk&yacute;. 
<br> <em>Toward the classification of Moufang loops of order 64</em>, 
European Journal of Combinatorics 27, issue 3  (April 2006), 444-460.

<dt><a name="Wi"><b>[Wi]</b></a><dd>
<br> <em>Quasidirect products of quasigroups</em>, Comm. Algebra 3 (1975),

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<address>loops manual<br>March 2008