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  6 Special Classes of Semigroup
  In this chapter functions for creating certain semigroups are given.
  6.1 Some Classes of Semigroup
  6.1-1 SingularSemigroup
  > SingularSemigroup( n ) ___________________________________________function
  creates  the semigroup of singular transformations of degree n. That is, the
  semigroup  of all transformations of the n-element set  {1,2,...,n} that are
  This  semigroup  is  known  to  be  regular, idempotent generated (satisfies
  IsSemiBand (5.2-10)), and has size n^n-n!.
  The  generators  used  here  are  the  idempotents of rank n-1, so there are
  n(n-1) generators in total.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=SingularSemigroup(6);
      <semigroup with 30 generators>
      gap> Size(S);
      gap> IsRegularSemigroup(S);
      gap> IsSemiBand(S);
  6.1-2 OrderPreservingSemigroup
  > OrderPreservingSemigroup( n ) ___________________________________operation
  returns  the semigroup of order preserving transformations of the n- element
  set  {1,2,...,n}.  That  is, the mappings f such that i is at most j implies
  f(i) is at most f(j) for all i,j in {1,2,...,n}.
  This  semigroup  is  known  to  be  regular, idempotent generated (satisfies
  IsSemiBand  (5.2-10)), and has size Binomial(2*n-1, n-1). The generators and
  relations  used here are those specified by Aizenstat as given in [AR00] and
  [GH92].   That  is,  OrderPreservingSemigroup(n)  has  the  2n-2  idempotent
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
    u_2:=Transformation([2,2,3,..,n]), u_3:=Transformation([1,3,3,..,n]), ...
    v_n-2:=Transformation([1,2,2,...,n]), v_n-3:=Transformation
    ([1,2,3,3,...,n]), ...
  and   the   presentation  obtained  using  IsomorphismFpMonoid  (7.7-4)  has
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      v_n−i u_i = u_i v_n−i+1 (i=2,..., n−1)
      u_n−i v_i = v_i u_n−i+1 (i=2,...,n−1),
      v_n−i u_i = u_i (i=1,...,n−1),
      u_n−i v_i = v_i (i=1,...,n−1),
      u_i v_j = v_j u_i (i,j=1,...,n−1; not j=n-i, n-i+1),
      u_1 u_2 u_1 = u_1 u_2,
      v_1 v_2 v_1 = v_1 v_2. 
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=OrderPreservingSemigroup(5);
      <monoid with 8 generators>
      gap> IsSemiBand(S);
      gap> IsRegularSemigroup(S);
      gap> Size(S)=Binomial(2*5-1, 5-1);
  6.1-3 KiselmanSemigroup
  > KiselmanSemigroup( n ) __________________________________________operation
  returns  the  Kiselman  semigroup  with n generators. That is, the semigroup
  defined in [KM05] with the presentation
       <a_1, a_2, ... , a_n | a_i^2=a_i (i=1,...n)
       a_ia_ja_i=a_ja_ia_j=a_ja_i (1<=i< j<=n)>.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=KiselmanSemigroup(3);
      <fp monoid on the generators [ m1, m2, m3 ]>
      gap> Elements(S);
      [ <identity ...>, m1, m2, m3, m1*m2, m1*m3, m2*m1, m2*m3, m3*m1, m3*m2, 
        m1*m2*m3, m1*m3*m2, m2*m1*m3, m2*m3*m1, m3*m1*m2, m3*m2*m1, m2*m1*m3*m2, 
        m2*m3*m1*m2 ]
      gap> Idempotents(S);
      [ 1, m1, m2*m1, m3*m2*m1, m3*m1, m2, m3*m2, m3 ]
      gap> SetInfoLevel(InfoAutos, 0);
      gap> AutomorphismGroup(Range(IsomorphismTransformationSemigroup(S)));
      <group of size 1 with 1 generators>
  6.2 Zero Groups and Zero Semigroups
  6.2-1 ZeroSemigroup
  > ZeroSemigroup( n ) ______________________________________________operation
  returns the zero semigroup S of order n. That is, the unique semigroup up to
  isomorphism  of  order  n such that there exists an element 0 in S such that
  xy=0 for all x,y in S.
  A  zero  semigroup is generated by its nonzero elements, has trivial Green's
  relations, and is not regular.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=ZeroSemigroup(10);
      <zero semigroup with 10 elements>
      gap> Size(S);
      gap> GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S);
      [ z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8, z9 ]
      gap> Idempotents(S);
      [ 0 ]
      gap> IsZeroSemigroup(S);
      gap> GreensRClasses(S);
      [ {0}, {z1}, {z2}, {z3}, {z4}, {z5}, {z6}, {z7}, {z8}, {z9} ]
  6.2-2 ZeroSemigroupElt
  > ZeroSemigroupElt( n ) ___________________________________________operation
  returns  the  zero semigroup element zn where n is a positive integer and z0
  is the multiplicative zero.
  The zero semigroup element zn belongs to every zero semigroup with degree at
  least n.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> ZeroSemigroupElt(0);
      gap> ZeroSemigroupElt(4);
  6.2-3 ZeroGroup
  > ZeroGroup( G ) __________________________________________________operation
  returns  the  monoid obtained by adjoining a zero element to G. That is, the
  monoid  S obtained by adjoining a zero element 0 to G with g0=0g=0 for all g
  in S.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=ZeroGroup(CyclicGroup(10));
      <zero group with 3 generators>
      gap> IsRegularSemigroup(S);
      gap> Elements(S);
      [ 0, <identity> of ..., f1, f2, f1*f2, f2^2, f1*f2^2, f2^3, f1*f2^3, f2^4, 
        f1*f2^4 ]
      gap> GreensRClasses(S);
      [ {<adjoined zero>}, {ZeroGroup(<identity> of ...)} ]
  6.2-4 ZeroGroupElt
  > ZeroGroupElt( g ) _______________________________________________operation
  returns  the  zero  group  element corresponding to the group element g. The
  function  ZeroGroupElt  is  only  used  to  create  an object in the correct
  category during the creation of a zero group using ZeroGroup (6.2-3).
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> ZeroGroupElt(Random(DihedralGroup(10)));;
      gap> IsZeroGroupElt(last);
  6.2-5 UnderlyingGroupOfZG
  > UnderlyingGroupOfZG( ZG ) _______________________________________attribute
  returns the group from which the zero group ZG was constructed.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> G:=DihedralGroup(10);;
      gap> S:=ZeroGroup(G);;
      gap> UnderlyingGroupOfZG(S)=G;
  6.2-6 UnderlyingGroupEltOfZGElt
  > UnderlyingGroupEltOfZGElt( g ) __________________________________attribute
  returns  the  group  element  from  which  the  zero  group  element  g  was
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> G:=DihedralGroup(10);;
      gap> S:=ZeroGroup(G);;
      gap> Elements(S);
      [ 0, <identity> of ..., f1, f2, f1*f2, f2^2, f1*f2^2, f2^3, f1*f2^3, f2^4, 
        f1*f2^4 ]
      gap> x:=last[5];
      gap> UnderlyingGroupEltOfZGElt(x);
  6.3 Random Semigroups
  6.3-1 RandomMonoid
  > RandomMonoid( m, n ) _____________________________________________function
  returns a random transformation monoid of degree n with m generators.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=RandomMonoid(5,5);
      <semigroup with 5 generators>
  6.3-2 RandomSemigroup
  > RandomSemigroup( m, n ) __________________________________________function
  returns a random transformation semigroup of degree n with m generators.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=RandomSemigroup(5,5);
      <semigroup with 5 generators>
  6.3-3 RandomReesMatrixSemigroup
  > RandomReesMatrixSemigroup( i, j, deg ) ___________________________function
  returns a random Rees matrix semigroup with an i by j sandwich matrix over a
  permutation group with maximum degree deg.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=RandomReesMatrixSemigroup(4,5,5);
      Rees Matrix Semigroup over Group([ (1,5,3,4), (1,3,4,2,5) ])
      [ [ (), (), (), (), () ], 
      [ (), (1,3,5)(2,4), (1,3,5)(2,4), (1,5,3), (1,5,3) ], 
      [ (), (1,3,5), (1,5,3)(2,4), (), (1,5,3) ], 
      [ (), (), (1,3,5)(2,4), (2,4), (2,4) ] ]
  6.3-4 RandomReesZeroMatrixSemigroup
  > RandomReesZeroMatrixSemigroup( i, j, deg ) _______________________function
  returns a random Rees 0-matrix semigroup with an i by j sandwich matrix over
  a permutation group with maximum degree deg.
  ---------------------------  Example  ----------------------------
      gap> S:=RandomReesZeroMatrixSemigroup(2,3,2);
      Rees Zero Matrix Semigroup over <zero group with 2 generators>
      gap> SandwichMatrixOfReesZeroMatrixSemigroup(S);
      [ [ 0, (), 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0 ] ]