

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 24


%A  gapmacro.tex                GAP manual                   Frank Celler
%A                                                           Heiko Theissen
%A                                                           Alexander Hulpke
%%  @(#)$Id: gapmacro.tex,v 2005/08/26 08:59:57 gap Exp $
%%  The official definition of the manual style is to be found in the file
%%  `ext:document.tex'.
%%  The following macros are defined in this file.
%%  `text'   set text in typewriter style (use `\<' instead of `<')
%%  <text>   set text in italics (use $\<$ instead of $<$ for less than)
%%  *text*   set text in emphasized style (i.e. slanted)
%%  $a.b$    same as $a \cdot b$ (use $\.$ instead of $.$ for full stop)
%%  "ref"    refer to a label (like "function!for category")
%%  \pif     sets a single '
%%  \cite{.} make a citation
%%  \index{.} \indextt{.} make index entry (\indextt in typewriter style)
%%  \beginitems         produce itemized texts with 3pc hanging indentation
%%    item & text
%%    item & text ...
%%  \enditems
%%  \begintt            verbatim text in typewriter style
%%    verbatim material
%%  \endtt
%%  \beginexample     verbatim text in typewriter style
%%    verbatim material
%%  \endexample
%%  \Input{file}  includes file `file.tex'
%%  \Chapter{title} followed by a blank line
%%  \Section{title} followed by a blank line
%%      make  chapter  or section   title. Automatically  generates  table of
%%      contents. \null after \Section{...} inhibits indexing.
%%  \>function( arguments )!{ index subentry }
%%  \>`a binop b'{binary operation}!{ index subentry }
%%      make a  heading for a subsection   explaining a function  or a binary
%%      operation. This automatically generates   a label and an  index entry
%%      (with optional subentry).
%%  \){\fmark ...}
%%      the same without label and index entry
%%  \URL{url}
%%  \Mailto{}
%%  \BeginningOfBook
%%  \FrontMatter, \Chapters, \Appendices, \EndMatter     parts of the book
%%  \Bibliography, \Index, \TableOfContents  make these chapters (w/o head)
%%  \EndOfBook

\input amssym.tex

% Page dimensions and double column output.
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% do we run pdftex? 
\expandafter\ifx\csname pdfdest\endcsname\relax
\immediate\write16{Running TeX}
% no: define dummy bookmarking functions
\immediate\write16{Running PDFTeX}
% yes: define macros to do pdf stuff and set some parameters
\global\def\bookmarkdestin#1{\pdfdest name {#1} xyz}
  \pdfoutline goto name {#1} count -\indentno {#2}}
  \pdfoutline goto name {#1} count 0 {#2}}
% special treatment for the index to get proper indention
  \pdfoutline goto name {#1} count -27 {#2}}
/Subject (GAP Manual)
/Author (The GAP Group)
/URI (
/PageMode /UseOutlines}
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%  Generic double column output.
%    Modified from a routine written by Donald Knuth (The TeXBook, App. E)
%  The user may modify the following to his tastes:
%      \pagewidth     vertical length of page.
%      \pageheight    horizontal width of page.
%      \colwidth      column width
%      \separator     macro to generate column separator. Default is nothing.
%                     \rulesep sets it to \vrule. \norulesep doesn't.
%      \makepage      default is what is contained in plain.
\catcode`@=11 % from plain.tex
% Create and initialize new dimensions.
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% This routine is used by \output ; this is different from
%   the one found in App. E.
  \hsize=\pagewidth \vsize=\pageheight \plainoutput}}
\maxdeadcycles=100 % \output is called quite often

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% Additional fonts.
\font\titlefont=cmssdc10 at 40pt
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\font\sevenit=cmti10 at 7pt \scriptfont\itfam=\sevenit
\font\fiveit=cmti10 at 5pt  \scriptscriptfont\itfam=\fiveit

% If you don't have `msb' fonts, replace the next 4 lines by `\let\Bbb=\bf'.
\newfam\msbfam \def\Bbb{\fam\msbfam}
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\font\sevenmsb=msbm7        \scriptfont\msbfam=\sevenmsb
\font\fivemsb=msbm5         \scriptscriptfont\msbfam=\fivemsb

% the dark triangle

% Math mode should use text italic.
{\count0=\itfam \advance\count0 by-1 \multiply\count0 by"100
 \loop \count2=\mathcode\count1 \advance\count2 by\count0
      {\advance\count1 by'040
       \count2=\mathcode\count1 \advance\count2 by\count0
 \ifnum\count1<`Z \advance\count1 by1\repeat}

% macros for verbatim scanning (almost copied from `The TeXbook')
\def\undocatcodespecials{\catcode`\\=\other     \catcode`\{=\other
  \catcode`\}=\other     \catcode`\<=\other     \catcode`\$=\other
  \catcode`\%=\other     \catcode`\~=\other     \catcode`\^=\other
  \catcode`\_=\other     \catcode`\*=\other     \catcode`\`=\other
  \catcode`\!=\other     \catcode`\"=\other     \catcode`\&=\other
  \catcode`\#=\other     \catcode`\|=\other}
\def\ttindent{5mm} % indentation amount of verbatim examples
\def\kernttindent{\hskip\ttindent\relax} % for use in %\begintt
{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
\catcode`#=\active \catcode`&=6 \gdef#{\char35}%
%\catcode`#=\active \catcode`&=6 \gdef#&1^^M{\hbox{\char35 &1}^^M}%
 \gdef\ttverbatim{\begingroup\undocatcodespecials \catcode`\#=\active%
   \parindent 0pt \def\_^^M{\allowbreak}\def\${$}\def\`{`}%
   \def\par{\ifvmode\allowbreak\vskip 1pc plus 1pt\else\endgraf\penalty100\relax\fi}%
   \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}}
  \begingroup\advance\leftskip by \ttindent
  \ttverbatim \parskip=0pt \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
  |obeylines % end of line is active
  |gdef||{|char124} %
  |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|medskip{#2}|endgroup %
  \begingroup\advance\leftskip by \ttindent
  \ttverbatim \parskip=0pt \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \examplefinish}
{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
  |obeylines % end of line is active
  |gdef||{|char124} %
  |gdef|examplefinish#1^^M#2\endexample{#1|medskip{#2}|endgroup %

% Input/output streams. Chapter and section counters.
\newwrite\labelout \newwrite\indexout \newwrite\secindout
\newwrite\tocout   \newwrite\citeout  \newwrite\ans
\newread \labelin  \newread \indexin  \newread \tocin  \newread \citein
\countdef\chapno=1 \newcount\secno    \newcount\subsecno \newcount\exno
\newcount\chapnum  %GG \chapnum is a numerical \chapno for the .six file
%\def\folio{\ifnum\pageno<0 \romannumeral-\pageno \else
%  \chapterno\ifx\thechapter\emptychapter\else--\fi \number\pageno\fi}
%  {\ifnum\pageno<0 \romannumeral-\pageno \else
%   \thechapter\ifx\thechapter\emptychapter\else--\fi \number\pageno\fi}}%
%  \ifvmode\nobreak\fi}

\def\folio{\ifnum\pageno<0 \romannumeral-\pageno \else
%  {\ifnum\pageno<0\romannumeral-\pageno\else%
%   \number\pageno\fi}}%
%  \ifvmode\nobreak\else\unskip\fi}
\catcode`<=\active \catcode`_=\active \catcode`!=\active \catcode`*=\active 


  \def\noexpand{}% this kills noexpands from some index entries
  \def_{\protect_}\def*{\protect*}\def`{\protect `}\def<{\protect <}\def!{\protect!}%
  %{\scrollmode\errorcontextlines 1\show\tmp\errorstopmode}%

% Additional active characters and their default meanings.
\mathcode`.="2201 \mathchardef\.="702E
\def\undoquotes{\catcode`'=12 \catcode``=12 \def\"##1{{\accent127 ##1}}}
\def\excl{!} \chardef\lqq=`\\ \let\underscore=\_
\catcode`!=\active \let!=\excl
\catcode`^=\active \def^{\ifmmode\sp\else{\char`\^}\fi}
\catcode`_=\active \def\activeusc{\ifmmode\sb\else\_\fi}
                   \let_=\activeusc                     \let\_=\underscore
\catcode`*=\active \def*{\ifmmode\let\next=\*\else\let\next=\bold\fi\next}
                   \def\bold#1*{{\bf #1\/}}             \chardef\*=`*
\catcode`<=\active \def<#1>{{\chardef*=`*\let_=\_\it#1\/}}
\catcode`"=\active \def"{\begingroup\undoquotes\doref}  \chardef\"=`"

{\catcode`|=0 \catcode`\\=12 |gdef|bs{\}}
% Labels (which are automatically generated by ``\Section'' and ``\>'').

% Macros which write labels, citations and index entries on auxiliary files.
% 1. Some code was moved around so that all the labels and indexing stuff
%    would be together.
% 2. Modified \makelabel, \printref and \label to be more like the LaTeX
%    commands \newlabel, \ref and \label, respectively. The commands:
%    \@xp, \@firstoftwo, \@secondoftwo, \namedef, \@ifundefined 
%    \protectedwrite are adapted pieces of LaTeX code (\@xp is actually
%    AmSLaTeX's abbreviation of \expandafter).
% 3. The upshot of 2. is that now underscore is allowed in labels and
%    index-entries and that the \makelabel commands written to the
%    manual.lab files have arguments that are no longer put in lowercase.
%    The labels formed inside TeX from the \makelabel commands maps
%    underscores to | (needed to be a non-active character) and then
%    converts to lowercase.
% 4. Since GapDoc uses < and > in some of its labels a temporary re-defintion
%    of <#1> was necessary, inside \@xplowr.
% - GG 2001/06/11, 2001/09/02
\def\namedef#1{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname}
  \@xp\ifx\csname \xpandlowr\endcsname\relax%
    {\let_\activeusc}%\protectedwrite{16}{Label `#1' multiply defined.}}%
  \let_\activeusc%\protectedwrite{16}{Defined label `#1'.}%
  \@xp\ifx\csname r@\xpandlowr\endcsname\relax\lqq\xpandlowr''%
  \protectedwrite{16}{Label `#1' undefined.}\global\labundeftrue%
  \else\csname r@\xpandlowr\endcsname\fi\endgroup\let_\activeusc}

% Macros which write labels, citations and index entries on auxiliary files.
  \ifnum\secno=0 \edef\@currentlabel{\thechapter}\else
  \ifnum\subsecno=0 \edef\@currentlabel{\thechapter.\the\secno}\else
  \@xp\ifx\csname r@\book:\xpandlowr\endcsname\@currentlabel\else%
  %\immediate\write16{Label `\book:#1' has changed.}

 \gdef\sigel#1{[\expandafter\ifx\csname c@#1\endcsname\relax
  \immediate\write16{Reference `#1' undefined.}\global\labundeftrue
  #1\else \csname c@#1\endcsname\fi]}
 \gdef\bibitem[#1]#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname c@#2\endcsname{#1}%
 \gdef\setcitlab#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname c@#1\endcsname{#2}}

\def\cite#1{\write\citeout{\bs citation{#1}}\sigel{#1}}
\def\dosecindex#1#2#3{\ifchapter{\let\ =\space%
   \protectedwrite\secindout{#1 \the\chapno.\the\secno. #2#3}}\fi}
\def\index#1{\bothindex I{#1}{}{}}
\def\atindex#1#2{\doindex{\scrubafterexcl#1!\end}{#2}{}\dosecindex I{#1}{}}
   {@`\scrubafterexcl#1!\end'\scrubbeforeexcl#1!\end}{}\dosecindex I{#1}{}}
\def\indexit#1{{\it #1}}

% Macros for generating the table of contents.
\newif\iffirstsec \firstsectrue
\def\dotsfill{\leaders\hbox to12pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill}


   %\iffirstsec\firstsecfalse\else\line{}\fi% empty line
   \line{\bf\kern\manindent\vbox{\advance\hsize by-\manindent
   \advance\hsize by-1.5em
   \rightskip 0pt plus1fil \emergencystretch 3em
   \noindent\llap{\hbox to\manindent{\hss #1\kern\smallmanindent}}\strut
   #2~\hfill \strut\rlap{\hbox to1.5em{\hss #3}}}\hfil}}

   \line{\kern\manindent\vbox{\advance\hsize by-\manindent
   \advance\hsize by-1.5em
   \rightskip 0pt plus1fil \emergencystretch 3em
   \noindent\llap{\hbox to\manindent{\hss #1\kern\smallmanindent}}\strut
   #2~\dotsfill \strut\rlap{\hbox to1.5em{\hss #3}}}\hfil}}

% GG ... the idea of \ors is to put the right no. of \or s in the \appno
%        macro so that for an appendix:
%         1. \the\chapno gives the number needed in the .six file, and
%         2. \appno\chapno gives the right letter A, B, ... for the .lab file
\def\setors{{\xdef\ors{} \count0=\chapno
   \loop\ifnum\count0>0 \addor \advance\count0 by -1\repeat}}
\def\appno#1{\expandafter\ifcase\expandafter#1\ors\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or 
   F\or G\or H\or I\or J\or K\or L\or M\or N\or O\or P\or Q\or R\or S\or T\or 
   U\or V\or W\or X\or Y\or Z\else\immediate\write16{Counter too large} \fi}

% Macros for chapter and section headings.
\def\tocstrut{{\setbox0=\hbox{1}\vrule width 0pt height\ht0}}
\outer\def\Input#1{\def\filename{#1.tex}\input #1}
% GG 
\def\appendixchapter{\appno\chapno} % \appno behaves like LaTeX's \Alph
\newif\ifchapter           % set to true when \thechapter = \normalchapter
                           % ... or ...  when \thechapter = \appendixchapter

\gdef\setchapterlen#1.#2.{\expandafter\gdef\csname ch@#1\endcsname{#2}}
\expandafter\ifx\csname ch@#1\endcsname\relax%
\else\csname ch@#1\endcsname\fi
\else 0\fi}%

\def\Chapter#1 \par{\vfill\supereject \headlinefalse
%  \ifodd\pageno\else\null\vfill\eject\headlinefalse\fi
  \advance\chapno by1 \secno=0\subsecno=0\exno=0%\ifnum\pageno>0 \pageno=1 \fi
  \def\chapname{#1} \label{#1}
  \immediate\write16{Chapter `#1' .}%
    \immediate\write\secindout{C \filename\space\the\chapno. \chapname}\fi
  \setbox0=\hbox{\inchhigh\kern-.075em \chapterno}
  \setbox1=\vbox{\titlefont \advance\hsize by-\wd0 \advance\hsize by-1em
%    \hyphenpenalty=10000 \linepenalty=10000
    \leftskip 0pt plus\hsize \parfillskip 0pt \baselineskip 44pt\relax #1}
  \line{\box0\hfil\box1}\nobreak \mark{}\vskip 40pt}

% start hack added by TB
\def\PreliminaryChapter#1 \par{\vfill\supereject \headlinefalse
%  \ifodd\pageno\else\null\vfill\eject\headlinefalse\fi
  \advance\chapno by1 \secno=0\subsecno=0\exno=0%\ifnum\pageno>0 \pageno=1 \fi
  \def\chapname{#1 (preliminary)} \label{#1}
  \write\tocout{\noexpand\chapcontents{\thechapter}{#1 (preliminary)}{\the\pageno}}
    \immediate\write\secindout{C \filename\space\the\chapno. \chapname}\fi
  \setbox0=\hbox{\inchhigh\kern-.075em \chapterno}
  \setbox1=\vbox{\titlefont \advance\hsize by-\wd0 \advance\hsize by-1em
%    \hyphenpenalty=10000 \linepenalty=10000
    \leftskip 0pt plus\hsize \parfillskip 0pt \baselineskip 44pt\relax #1 (preliminary)}
  \line{\box0\hfil\box1}\nobreak \mark{}\vskip 40pt}
% end hack added by TB

\outer\def\Section#1#2\par{\bigbreak \advance\secno by1
  \dosecindex S{#1}{}
  \ifx#2\nolabel\else{\let\ =\space\label{#1}}\fi
  \ifx#2\null\else \edef\tempb{{#1@#1}}
  \noindent{\baselineskip 18pt\let!=\space \mark{Section \the\secno. #1}%
  \secfont \tempa \enspace #1}\par\nobreak\medskip}

\def\letter#1{\medskip{\secfont #1}\endgraf\nobreak%

% Macros for generating paragraph headings (e.g., function descriptions).
\def\moveup#1{\leavevmode \raise.16ex\hbox{\rm #1}}
  {\endgroup \ifx\par\fpar \global\def\susemarker{\fmark}\else%
  \global\advance\subsecno by1%
    \ifvmode \vskip -\lastskip \fi \medskip%
    \begingroup\let\par=\fpar \parskip 0pt \fi%
  {\endgroup \ifx\par\fpar \else%
    \ifvmode \vskip -\lastskip \fi \medskip%
    \begingroup\let\par=\fpar \parskip 0pt \fi%
  \label{#1}\bothindex F{#1}{@`#1'}{}}%
  \else\def\next{\delparen#1(#2\end}\fi \next}}
                             \def\next{\scanparen#1#2(\end}\fi \next}
\long\def\oporvalue`#1'#2{\ifx#2V\def\next{\operation`#1'{#1}@{`#1'} V}\else
                                 \def\next{\operation`#1'{#2}}\fi \next}
    \else\endheaderline \label{#2}%
    \bothindex F{#2}{}{}\let\next=#3\fi\fi\next}
    \endheaderline\label{#1}\bothindex F{#1}{@`#1'}{}%
  \bothindex F{#1}{@`#1'}{!#2}}
  \bothindex F{#1}{}{!#2}}
  \dosecindex F{#1}{}}

\def\endheaderline{\hskip 0pt plus 1filll}

% Macro for item lists.
    \def&{\par \nobreak \hangindent\manindent \hangafter 0
      {\parskip 0pt\noindent}\ignorespaces}
    \parindent 0pt
\def\enditems{\par \endgroup \smallskip \noindent \ignorespaces}

% Macro for item lists.
\def\endlist{\par \endgroup \smallskip \noindent \ignorespaces}

% Macros for exercises.
\outer\def\exercise{\advance\exno by1\begingroup
  \medskip\noindent{\bf Exercise \chapterno.\the\exno.}\quad}
\def\answerto#1{{\noindent\bf #1}}
\gdef\setupcopy{\undocatcodespecials \obeylines \obeyspaces}
\obeylines \gdef\copyans#1
  \ifx\next\empty\let\next=\endgroup %

% Macros for the active backquote character (`).
{\catcode`.=\active \gdef.{\char'056 \penalty0}}
\def\writetyper{\catcode`.=\active \chardef\{ =`{ \chardef\}=`}
                      \chardef*=`* \chardef"=`"   \chardef~=`~}
\def\typewriter#1'{\leavevmode{\writetyper \chardef`=96 \tt #1}}
                    \else\let\next=\typewriter \fi \next}

% The \Package command for argument <pkg> defines a macro \<pkg> that
% sets the text <pkg> in sans-serif i.e. a share package author should
% put a \Package{<pkg>} in their manual.tex file and then use {\<pkg>}
% when they refer to package <pkg>.

\def\Package#1{\namedef{#1}{{\sf #1}}}

% For one-off references to a share package there is the following:

\def\package#1{{\sf #1}}

% The day


% The month in words

\def\Month{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or
  June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}

% The year


% The date

\def\Today{{\Day} {\Month} {\Year}}
% Miscellaneous macros.
\def\N{{\Bbb N}} \def\Z{{\Bbb Z}} \def\Q{{\Bbb Q}} \def\R{{\Bbb R}}
\def\C{{\Bbb C}} \def\F{{\Bbb F}} \def\calR{{\cal R}}

%T do we want these

% Page numbers and running heads.
\def\makeheadline{\vbox to0pt{\vskip-22.5pt\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to8.5pt
\headline={\ifheadline\ifodd\pageno \righthead\hfil{\rm\folio}\else
                                    {\rm\folio}\hfil\lefthead \fi
  \else\global\headlinetrue \hfil\fi}

% Macro for inputting an auxiliary file.
  \ifeof#1\immediate\write16{No file #2\jobname.#3.}\else
  \immediate\closein#1 \input#2\jobname.#3 \fi}

% Macros for the parts of the manual.
  \def\lefthead{\it\chapname} \let\righthead=\lefthead

  % Open the auxiliary files for output.
  \immediate\openout\tocout   =\jobname.toc
  \immediate\openout\labelout =\jobname.lab
  \immediate\openout\indexout =\jobname.idx
  \immediate\openout\citeout  =\jobname.aux
%  \immediate\openout\ans=answers
  \immediate\write\citeout{\bs bibstyle{alpha}}

%  \pageno=1
  \chapno=0 \let\thechapter=\normalchapter \chaptertrue
  \def\lefthead{{\it Chapter \the\chapno. \chapname}}
  \def\righthead{\ifx\botmark\empty\lefthead\else{\it \botmark}\fi}}

% GG
% Rather than reset \chapno in \Appendices, for the .six file (which GAP's 
% help uses), we number appendices as if they were chapters (via \the\chapno) 
% i.e. if the last chapter was numbered 7 then for the .six file the first 
% appendix would be numbered 8.
% The \setors macro puts (\number\chapno - 1) \or s in the \ors macro so that 
% \appno\chapno (= \appendixchapter) numbers the appendices sequentially from A
% for the .lab file (which TeX uses).
  \setors \let\thechapter=\appendixchapter \chaptertrue
  \def\lefthead{{\it Appendix \thechapter. \chapname}}
  \def\righthead{\ifx\botmark\empty\lefthead\else{\it \botmark}\fi}}

  \def\thechapter{} \chapterfalse
  \def\lefthead{{\it \chapname}}

%F  \BeginningOfBook  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  start the book
%F  \UseReferences{<book-path>}	. . . use references from book in <book-path>
\let\UseGapDocReferences\UseReferences %needed so that the HTML converter
                                       %can tell the difference
%F  \EndOfBook	. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  end the book
  \immediate\write16{## Citations for BibTeX written on \jobname.aux.}
  \immediate\write16{## Index entries for makeindex written on \jobname.idx.}
  \immediate\write16{## Section index entries written on \jobname.six.}
  \immediate\write16{## Label definitions written on \jobname.lab.}
  \immediate\write16{## Table of contents written on \jobname.toc.}
  %\iflabmultdef\immediate\write16{## There were multiply-defined labels.}\fi
  \iflabundef\immediate\write16{## There were undefined labels or
  \iflabchanged\immediate\write16{## Labels have changed, run again. (Or
  they were multiply defined.)}\fi
%F  \TableOfContents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . produce a table of contents
% name of the chapter containing the table of contents

% explanation at the beginning of the table of contents

% macros for generating the table of contents
\def\dotsfill{\leaders\hbox to12pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill}

% produce the chapter "Contents"

\vskip 20pt

% a one column version of \TableOfContents for short manuals

\vskip 20pt

%F  \TitlePage{<text>}	. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . generate a title page

%F  \Colophon{<text>}	. . . . . . . . . . . . . . generate a colophon page


%F  \Answers  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  produce the answers to the exercises
% header for the answers
\def\AnswersHeader{Answers to the Exercises}
% produce the chapter "Answers"

  \parskip 1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex
  \input answers

%F  \Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . .  produce the chapter "Bibliography"
% header for the bibliography

% produce the chapter bibliography

  \pretolerance=5000 %badness allowed for hypenation
  \tolerance=5000    %badness allowed before overfull boxes appear 
  \parskip 1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex
  \def\begin##1##2{} \def\end##1{}
  \let\newblock=\relax \let\em=\sl

%F  \Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   produce the chapter "Index"
% header for the index

% explanation at the beginning of the index
This index covers only this manual.
A page number in {\it italics} refers to a whole section which is devoted to
the indexed subject.  Keywords are sorted with case and spaces ignored,
e.g., ```PermutationCharacter''' comes before ``permutation group''.%

% kerning in full index after letter

% produce the chapter index
% get the proper bookmarking function

  \pretolerance=5000 %badness allowed for hypenation
  \tolerance=5000    %badness allowed before overfull boxes appear 
  \parindent 0pt \parskip 0pt \rightskip 0pt plus2em \emergencystretch 2em
  \def\par{\endgraf\leftskip 0pt}
  \def\sub{\advance\leftskip by\smallmanindent}
  \def\subsub{\advance\leftskip by2\smallmanindent}

% pseudo chapters used for authors, preface, copyright &c.
\vfill\eject% to ensure the pseudo-chapter no. doesn't get into headline
\advance\chapno by1\secno=0\subsecno=0
\immediate\write\secindout{C #1.tex \thechapter. #2}
\label{#2}\label{#3}} % we do this for the benefit of the HTML manuals

% some often-used LaTeX functions

% as the etalchar gets written out in manual.lab, better make it nonfancy
% (otherwise something breaks).

% nasty trick to cope with the `newcommand' created by bibtex

% URL stuff
\def\Mailto#1{\penalty-1000\hskip 0pt plus10cm\hbox{`#1'}}

% ragged bottom will avoid large blank spaces