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                    Irreducible numerical semigroups
                An irreducible numerical semigroup is a semigroup that cannot be expressed as the 
                intersection of numerical semigroups properly containing it. 
                It is not difficult to prove that a semigroup is irreducible if and only if it is 
                maximal (with respect to set inclusion) in the set of all numerical semigroup having
                its same Frobenius number (see <Cite Key="RB03"></Cite>). Hence, according to 
                <Cite Key="FGH87"></Cite> (respectively <Cite Key="BDF97"></Cite>), 
                symmetric (respectively pseudo-symmetric) numerical semigroups are those irreducible 
                numerical semigroups with odd (respectively even) Frobenius number.
                In <Cite Key="RGGJ03"></Cite> it is shown that a numerical semigroup is irreducible if and 
                only if it has only one special gap. We use this characterization.
                In this section we show how to construct the set of all numerical semigroups with a 
                given Frobenius number. First we construct an irreducible numerical semigroup with 
                the given Frobenius number (as explained in <Cite Key="RGS04"></Cite>), and then 
                we construct the rest from it. That is why we have separated both functions.
                Every numerical semigroup can be expressed as an intersection of irreducible 
                numerical semigroups. If <M>S</M> can be expressed as <M>S=S_1\cap \cdots\cap S_n</M>,
                with <M>S_i</M> irreducible numerical semigroups, and no factor can be removed, then
                we say that this decomposition is minimal. Minimal decompositions can be computed by 
                using Algorithm 26 in <Cite Key="RGGJ03"></Cite>.
                    <Func Arg="s" Name="IsIrreducibleNumericalSemigroup"></Func>
                        <A>s</A> is a numerical semigroup. The output is true if <A>s</A> is irreducible, 
                        false otherwise.
gap> IsIrreducibleNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(4,6,9));
gap> IsIrreducibleNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(4,6,7,9));
                    <Func Arg="s" Name="IsSymmetricNumericalSemigroup"></Func>
                        <A>s</A> is a numerical semigroup. The output is true if <A>s</A> is symmetric, 
                        false otherwise.
gap> IsSymmetricNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(10,23));      
gap> IsSymmetricNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(10,11,23));
                    <Func Arg="s" Name="IsPseudoSymmetricNumericalSemigroup"></Func>
                        <A>s</A> is a numerical semigroup. The output is true if <A>s</A> is pseudo-symmetric, 
                        false otherwise.
gap> IsPseudoSymmetricNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(6,7,8,9,11));
gap> IsPseudoSymmetricNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(4,6,9));
                    <Func Arg="f" Name="AnIrreducibleNumericalSemigroupWithFrobeniusNumber"></Func>
                        <A>f</A> is an integer greater than or equal to -1. The output is an irreducible 
                        numerical semigroup with frobenius number <A> f</A>. From the way the procedure is
                        implemented, the resulting semigroup has at most four generators (see <Cite Key="RGS04"></Cite>).           
gap> FrobeniusNumber(AnIrreducibleNumericalSemigroupWithFrobeniusNumber(28));
                    <Func Arg="f" Name="IrreducibleNumericalSemigroupsWithFrobeniusNumber"></Func>
                        <A>f</A> is an integer greater than or equal to -1. The output is the set of all
                        irreducible numerical semigroups with frobenius number <A>f</A>.         
gap> Length(IrreducibleNumericalSemigroupsWithFrobeniusNumber(39));
                    <Func Arg="s" Name="DecomposeIntoIrreducibles"></Func>
                        <A>s</A> is a numerical semigroup. The output is a set of irreducible 
                        numerical semigroups containing it. These elements appear in a minimal
                        decomposition of <A>s</A> as intersection into irreducibles. 
gap> DecomposeIntoIrreducibles(NumericalSemigroup(5,6,8));
[ <Numerical semigroup>, <Numerical semigroup> ]