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<html><head><title>ParGAP : a GAP 4 package - References</title></head>
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<h1>Par<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> : a GAP 4 package - References</h1><dl>

<dt><a name="CFTY94"><b>[CFTY94]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman, Larry Finkelstein, Michael Tselman, and Bryant York.
<br> Constructing permutation representations for matrix groups.
<br> <em>J. Symbolic Comput.</em>, 24(3-4):471--488, 1997.
<br> Computational algebra and number theory (London, 1993) [Used TOP-C

<dt><a name="CG98"><b>[CG98]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman and V.&nbsp;Grinberg.
<br> TOP-WEB: Task-oriented metacomputing on the Web.
<br> <em>International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and
  Networks</em>, 1:184--192, 1998.

<dt><a name="CHLM97"><b>[CHLM97]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman, Gerhard Hiss, Klaus Lux, and J&uuml;rgen
<br> The Brauer tree of the principal 19-block of the sporadic simple
  Thompson group.
<br> <em>Experiment. Math.</em>, 6(4):293--300, 1997.

<dt><a name="CLMW96"><b>[CLMW96]</b></a><dd>
G.&nbsp;D. Cooperman, W.&nbsp;Lempken, G.&nbsp;O. Michler, and M.&nbsp;Weller.
<br> A new existence proof of Janko's simple group <i>J</i>\sb 4.
<br> In <em>Computational methods for representations of groups and
  algebras (Essen, 1997)</em>, pages 161--175. Birkh"auser, Basel, 1999.

<dt><a name="CH97"><b>[CH97]</b></a><dd>
G.&nbsp;Cooperman, G.&nbsp;Michler, and H.&nbsp;Vinck, editors.
<br> <em>Practical parallel coset enumeration</em>, volume 226 of <em>
  Lecture notes in control and information sciences</em>. Springer Verlag, 1997.
<br> [Used TOP-C model].

<dt><a name="Coo95"><b>[Coo95]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman.
<br> STAR/MPI: Binding a parallel library to interactive symbolic
  algebra systems.
<br> In <em>Proc. of International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic
  Computation (ISSAC '95)</em>, pages 126--132. ACM Press, 1995.

<dt><a name="Coo96"><b>[Coo96]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman.
<br> TOP-C: A Task-Oriented Parallel C interface.
<br> In <em>5<sup><span class="roman">th</span></sup> International Symposium on High Performance
  Distributed Computing (HPDC-5)</em>, pages 141--150. IEEE Press, 1996.

<dt><a name="Coo97"><b>[Coo97]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman.
<br> GAP/MPI: Facilitating Parallelism.
<br> In L.&nbsp;Finkelstein and W.M. Kantor, editors, <em>Proc. of Second
  DIMACS Workshop on Groups and Computation II</em>, volume&nbsp;28. AMS, Providence,
  RI, 1997.

<dt><a name="Coo98"><b>[Coo98]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman.
<br> Practical task-oriented parallelism for Gaussian elimination in
  distributed memory.
<br> In <em>Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International
  Linear Algebra Society (Chemnitz, 1996)</em>, volume 275/276, pages 107--120,

<dt><a name="CT96"><b>[CT96]</b></a><dd>
Gene Cooperman and M.&nbsp;Tselman.
<br> New sequential and parallel algorithms for generating high dimension
  hecke algebras using the condensation technique.
<br> In <em>Proc. of International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic
  Computation (ISSAC '96)</em>, pages 155--160. ACM Press, 1996.
<br> [Used TOP-C model].

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<address>ParGAP manual<br>November 2001