

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 2732


 <Chapter Label="chap:environment"><Heading>Installation and Preface</Heading> 
 To install the package, just unpack it in your packages directory
 (usually <C>~/gap/pkg</C> for local installation). 

 To use <Package>polymaking</Package>, you need a working installation of the program
 polymake <URL></URL>. The
 package has been tested on linux and Mac OS X (10.4 and 10.5). 
 But it should be as platform independent as &GAP; and polymake.
 The interaction with polymake is restricted to writing files and
 carrying out simple operations looking like 

<C>polymake file KEYWORD1 KEYWORD2 KEYWORD3</C>

 on the command line. Scripts are not supported.
 From vertsion 0.7.2 on, there is limited client-support. All clients that are
 called like 
 <C>client outfile infile1 infile2 ... -option1 -option2</C>
 can now be called from &GAP; via <Ref Meth="PolymakeClient"/>.

<Section Label="chap:polymakeinstall">
<Heading>A few words about the installation of polymake</Heading>

<Package>polymaking</Package> will try to guess the location of polymake. If
this fails, a warning is issued at load time (<K>InfoWarning</K> level 1). Note
that the guessing procedure is suppressed when <Ref Var="POLYMAKE_COMMAND" />
is set manually (see <Ref Label="SetVarPermanently"/>).
Note that polymake calls other external functions ("clients") to do some work
for it. These functions must be either in the path from which GAP was called or
in a path listed in the <K>PATH</K> environment variable.
You can set it using the shell command 
<Code><![CDATA[setenv PATH ${PATH}:<your polymakepath>]]></Code>
The general rule is: If <Package>polymaking</Package> finds polymake by itself,
there is nothing to worry about. 
   <Section Label="chap:varsetters">
   <Heading>Setting variables for external programs</Heading>

      As <Package>polymaking</Package> uses the program polymake, it needs to
      where this program lives. The communication with polymake is done
      by writing files for polymake and reading its output (as returned to
      standard output "the prompt"). Note that the interface does not read any
      polymake file.

       <Meth Name="SetPolymakeDataDirectory" Arg="dir" />
	 Sets the directory in which all polymake files are created to
	 <A>dir</A>. The standard place for these files is a temporary
	 directory generated when the package is loaded. This
	 manipulates <Ref Var="POLYMAKE_DATA_DIR"/>.  

       <Meth Name="SetPolymakeCommand" Arg="command"/>
        Sets the name for the polymake program to <A>command</A>. This
        manipulates <Ref Var="POLYMAKE_COMMAND"/>.

        <Meth Name="SetPolymakeClientPaths" Arg="dirs"/>
         Defines directories which contain polymake
         client programs. <C>SetPolymakeClientPaths(dirs)</C> sets
         <Ref Var="POLYMAKE_CLIENT_PATHS"/>  to <A>dirs</A> which has to be a
         list of directory objects.

      <Subsection Label="SetVarPermanently"><Heading>Setting variables permanently</Heading>
       To permanently set the values of <Ref Var="POLYMAKE_COMMAND" />, <Ref
       <Ref Var="POLYMAKE_DATA_DIR"/>, add the lines


       to your <F>.gaprc</F> file (see <Ref Label="The .gaprc file"
       BookName="ref"></Ref>). Note that these have to be
       <Emph>before</Emph> the <C>LoadPackage("polymaking");</C> line.
       Or you can change the values of the above variables by editing
