

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 2757


This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.8 from qaos.texi.

* QaoS: (qaos).		Reference Manual for the QaoS GAP package

   This file documents the GAP Interface to QaoS databases

   Copyright (C) 2005 Sebastian Freundt and QaoS developers

File:,  Node: Top,  Next: Concept,  Up: (dir)


This manual documents the GAP Interface to QaoS databases.  These are
databases of algebraic objects at the KANT Group Berlin.

This manual should be considered as introduction for users.  For more
information about QaoS, we refer to the manual of QaoS.

* Menu:

* Concept::
* Installation::
* User Functions::
* Index::

File:,  Node: Concept,  Next: Installation,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

1 Concept

QaoS serves as gateway within GAP to the QaoS databases of Algebraic
Objects in Berlin.  The database frontend is able to output internal
data in a GAP-conform format.  This GAP package both triggers the
database and retrieves the data.  Beyond that, it is also able to
retransform received information into GAP objects which then could be
used in the `normal way'.

QaoS itself is a backend/frontend combination of an SQL database which
is designed to grant public anonymous access via HTTP for reading
operations, and restricted access via HTTP and TCP/IP for writing

The package functionality is partly driven by external utilities.  At
the moment we support cURL only.  cURL is used for network
communication, HTTP GET and POST requests and reading results from the
network socket, while the GAP part is used for content dependent

Data for Transitive Groups has been taken from the current GAP
distribution.  We like to thank Alexander Hulpke for his permission to
offer transitive group data in our databases.

   * Alexander Hulpke, Constructing Transitive Permutation Groups; J.
     Symb. Comp. 39 (2005), 1-30.

File:,  Node: Installation,  Next: User Functions,  Prev: Concept,  Up: Top

2 Installation

Installation of the package is fairly easy.  Fetch the latest qaos
package at


or via FTP at


2.1 Installation of the GAP package

If you have permission to add files to the installation of GAP 4 on
your system you may install the qaos package into the `pkg/'
subdirectory of the GAP installation tree.

     shell> cd /path/to/GAP4/installation/tree/
     shell> cd pkg/
     shell> tar xjf /path/to/qaos.tar.bz2

This yields another subdirectory called `qaos/' with all the necessary

If you do not have the permission to install the package globally just
install it to some private area, for example your home directory.

     shell> cd ~
     shell> mkdir mygap
     shell> mkdir mygap/pkg
     shell> cd mygap/pkg/
     shell> tar xjf /path/to/qaos.tar.bz2

Now whenever you start GAP, be sure to pass the `mygap/' directory to
the package search path of GAP.

     shell> gap -l ";$HOME/mygap"

2.2 Installation of cURL

Go to `' and fetch the latest release of cURL for
your system.  Install it.  Refer to cURL installation instructions if

If you have downloaded precompiled binary packages for your system and
none of them seem to work, you may also try installing cURL via sources.
Just fetch the source archive, unpack it somewhere and say

     shell> ./configure && make && make install

Finally, you can test for a successful curl installation by

     shell> curl

If this command spits out lots of HTML into your terminal everything is
installed properly.  If not, adjust your $PATH variable such that

     shell> which curl

finds a valid path to the curl binary.

File:,  Node: User Functions,  Next: Index,  Prev: Installation,  Up: Top

3 User Functions

QaoS provides some user functions to obtain information from the
databases.  Currently, we support queries for transitive groups and
algebraic number fields.  The corresponding commands are

3.1 Retrieve objects matching a query

 -- Function: QaosTransitiveGroup query [optarg]
     Return transitive groups matching QUERY.  The amount of results is
     limited by the global variable QAOSDEFAULTLIMIT.

     Optional argument OPTARG is a record with some of the following
        * ACTION (string)
             * determine an action to perform on QUERY

             * default value: "query"

             * possible values: "query", "count"

        * COLGROUPS (list of strings)
             * determine which result groups should be returned;
               results of QaoS are   usually grouped by a so-called
               `column group'.  In the web interface these   column
               groups are choosable by checking the corresponding name
               under the text   field for the query.

             * default value: ["size","props","perm-struct"]

             * possible values:   combinations of "size", "props",
               "perm-struct", "fp-struct"

        * LIMIT (integer/string)
             * determine how many results are retrieved (maximally)

             * default value: QAOSDEFAULTLIMIT

             * possible values: any positive integer or "all"

        * OFFSET (integer/string)
             * determine an offset on the set of results, this may be
               used to   sequentially retrieve blocks of results.

             * default value: 0

             * possible values: any non-negative integer

 -- Function: QaosNumberField query [optarg]
     Return number fields matching QUERY.  The amount of results is
     limited by the global variable QAOSDEFAULTLIMIT.

     Optional argument OPTARG is a record with some of the following
        * ACTION (string)
             * determine an action to perform on QUERY

             * default value: "query"

             * possible values: "query", "count"

        * COLGROUPS (list of strings)
             * determine which result groups should be returned;
               results of QaoS are   usually grouped by a so-called
               `column group'.  In the web interface these   column
               groups are choosable by checking the corresponding name
               under the text   field for the query.

             * default value: ["size","struct","clsgroup","galgroup"]

             * possible values:   combinations of "size", "struct",
               "clsgroup", "galgroup", "galprops"

        * LIMIT (integer/string)
             * determine how many results are retrieved (maximally)

             * default value: QAOSDEFAULTLIMIT

             * possible values: any positive integer or "all"

        * OFFSET (integer/string)
             * determine an offset on the set of results, this may be
               used to   sequentially retrieve blocks of results.

             * default value: 0

             * possible values: any non-negative integer

 -- Variable: QaosDefaultLimit Integer/String
     Determine the (maximal) amount of results returned in a query.
     Usually, this can be overridden with the LIMIT-component in

     The default value is 25.

     The value can be any positive integer or the string "all", in
     which case no limit is set and all results are returned.

     _CAUTION_: Setting this variable to "all" may result in exhaustive
     use of memory, network bandwidth, and time.  Therefore, always
     consider to perform the count action on a query before loading all
     of the results.  The database of number fields contains more than
     1.35 million number field objects.  Downloading them all means
     retrieving a string of approx. 1.8 GB length!!!

The following examples show their usage:

Query for transitive groups of degree 4.
     gap> QaosTransitiveGroup("d4");
     #I Retrieved 5 Transitive Groups.
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-32
     #I 2005-08-29 07:54:18 UTC
     <collection from database: 5 transitive groups; "d4">

Count transitive groups of degree 8.
     gap> QaosTransitiveGroup("d8",rec(Action:="count"));
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-33
     #I 2005-08-29 10:04:49 UTC
     50 transitive group satisfy "d8"

Retrieve the first 25 transitive groups of degree 8.
     gap> q1:=QaosTransitiveGroup("d8");
     #I Retrieved 25 Transitive Groups.
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-33
     #I 2005-08-29 10:08:50 UTC
     <collection from database: 25 transitive groups; "d8">

Now retrieve the next 25 results.
     gap> q2:=QaosTransitiveGroup("d8",rec(Offset:=25));
     #I Retrieved 25 Transitive Groups.
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-33
     #I 2005-08-29 10:09:41 UTC
     <collection from database: 25 transitive groups; "d8">

Retrieve number fields of degree 4.
     gap> QaosNumberField("d4");
     #I Retrieved 25 Algebraic Number Fields.
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-32
     #I 2005-08-29 07:55:11 UTC
     <collection from database: 25 number fields; "d4">

When either of these functions is called with no arguments a short
general help is displayed:
     gap> QaosTransitiveGroup();
     QaosTransitiveGroup(<query> [, <optarg>]) -> <result>

     Searches the Algebraic Objects Database in Berlin.
     The query string equals the keyword search method in the web surface.
     for more information about the syntax and keywords.

     Note: You must have `curl' (see installed and properly
     configured in order to use QaoS from within GAP.


In this manual we also refer to the help screen of the web interface to
obtain more detailed information about the query string.

3.2 Examine the contents of a database collection

In order to actually see the information there is a function called
QAOSRESULT which displays a list of retrieved objects.

 -- Function: QaosResult database-collection
     Return the list of retrieved objects in DATABASE-COLLECTION.

     This function actually reveals the result of a query.

 -- Function: QaosResult database-count
     Return the (non-negative) integer of a count query (see
     ACTION-component in optarg record).

Let us examine the groups behind a query for degree 8 abelian
transitive groups.
     gap> Q:=QaosTransitiveGroup("d8 abelian");
     #I Retrieved 3 Transitive Groups.
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-32
     #I 2005-08-29 08:01:30 UTC
     <collection from database: 3 transitive groups; "d8 abelian">
     gap> QaosResult(Q);
     [ <transitive group from database: C(8) = 8; id 39>,
       <transitive group from database: 4[x]2; id 40>,
       <transitive group from database: E(8) = 2[x]2[x]2; id 41> ]

To use the retrieved group objects in GAP you may use the ASGROUP
operation on a result.

 -- Function: AsGroup database-group-object
     Return the GAP group object representing DATABASE-GROUP-OBJECT.

     If DATABASE-GROUP-OBJECT cannot be turned into a group, return

From the above example, let us GAP-ify the third group object.
     gap> AsGroup(QaosResult(Q)[3]);
     Group([ (1,8)(2,3)(4,5)(6,7), (1,3)(2,8)(4,6)(5,7), (1,5)(2,6)(3,7)(4,8) ])

For number field objects the corresponding operation is ASFIELD.

 -- Function: AsField database-field-object
     Return the GAP field object representing DATABASE-FIELD-OBJECT.

     If DATABASE-FIELD-OBJECT cannot be turned into a field, return

Consider following example for number fields (number fields of degree 5
with absolute discrimnant between 100000 and 120000 and non-trivial
class group):
     gap> R:=QaosNumberField("d5 |disc| >=100000 |disc| <=120000 cn>1");
     #I Retrieved 18 Algebraic Number Fields.
     #I (C) 2004-2005 QaoS developers <>,
     #I The Kant Project <>
     #I qaos--dev--1.0--patch-32
     #I 2005-08-29 08:32:35 UTC
     <collection from database: 18 number fields; "d5 |disc| >=100000 |disc| <=120000 cn>1">
     gap> QaosResult(R);
     [ <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4-2*x_1^2+7*x_1+1; id 843712>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4+2*x_1^3-4*x_1^2+2*x_1-1; id 843791>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^4-2*x_1^3+2*x_1^2+x_1+4; id 843841>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4+4*x_1^3+4*x_1-1; id 843892>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4+x_1^3+4*x_1^2+3*x_1-1; id 843894>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4-3*x_1^3-2*x_1^2+6*x_1-4; id 843897>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^3+2*x_1^2+4*x_1+1; id 843930>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^4+6*x_1^3+4*x_1^2+4*x_1-1; id 843955>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4-4*x_1^2+2*x_1+1; id 844004>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+4*x_1^2+1; id 844011>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^4+3*x_1^3+2*x_1^2-3*x_1+1; id 844036>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4+3*x_1^3+2*x_1^2+8*x_1-1; id 844043>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4+5*x_1^3+5*x_1^2+2*x_1+1; id 844062>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^4-3*x_1^3+6*x_1^2-3*x_1+1; id 844066>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4-x_1^3-4*x_1^2+5*x_1-1; id 844082>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^4-x_1^3-3*x_1^2+4*x_1+1; id 844107>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+x_1^4+2*x_1^3+3*x_1^2-2*x_1+1; id 844110>,
       <number field from database: x_1^5+2*x_1^4-6*x_1^3+5*x_1^2-2*x_1+1; id 844145> ]
     gap> AsField(QaosResult(R)[4]);
     <field in characteristic 0>

File:,  Node: Index,  Prev: User Functions,  Up: Top

4 Index