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<p><a id="s0ss0" name="s0ss0"></a></p>


<p><a id="biBC98" name="biBC98"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">C98</span>]   <b>Carter, R. W. </b> <i>Representations of simple Lie algebras: modern variations on
              a classical theme</i> in ,
 <i>Algebraic groups and their representations (Cambridge, 1997)</i>,
 Kluwer Acad. Publ.,
 p. 151--173</p>

<p><a id="biBC06" name="biBC06"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">C06</span>]   <b>Committee, E. </b> <i>A note on the paper: ``A survey of the work of George
              Lusztig'' by R. W. Carter [Nagoya Math. J. \bf
              182 (2006), 1--45; \refcno 2235338]</i>,
 Nagoya Math. J.,
 p. i--ii</p>

<p><a id="biBG01" name="biBG01"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">G01</span>]   <b>Graaf, W. A. d. </b> <i>Computing with quantized enveloping algebras: 
                  PBW-type bases, highest-weight modules, $R$-matrices</i>,
 J. Symbolic Comput.,
 <em>32</em> (5),
 p. 475--490</p>

<p><a id="biBG02" name="biBG02"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">G02</span>]   <b>Graaf, W. A. d. </b> <i>Constructing canonical bases of quantized enveloping algebras</i>,
 Experimental Mathematics,
 <em>11</em> (2),
 p. 161--170</p>

<p><a id="biBH90" name="biBH90"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">H90</span>]   <b>Humphreys, J. E. </b> <i>Reflection groups and Coxeter groups</i>,
 Cambridge University Press,

<p><a id="biBJ96" name="biBJ96"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">J96</span>]   <b>Jantzen, J. C. </b> <i>Lectures on Quantum Groups</i>,
 American Mathematical Society,
 Graduate Studies in Mathematics,

<p><a id="biBK96" name="biBK96"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">K96</span>]   <b>Kashiwara, M. </b> <i>Similarity of crystal bases</i> in ,
 <i>Lie algebras and their representations (Seoul, 1995)</i>,
 Amer. Math. Soc.,
 Providence, RI,
 p. 177--186</p>

<p><a id="biBL94" name="biBL94"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L94</span>]   <b>Littelmann, P. </b> <i>A Littlewood-Richardson rule for symmetrizable
              Kac-Moody algebras</i>,
 Invent. Math.,
 <em>116</em> (1-3),
 p. 329--346</p>

<p><a id="biBL95" name="biBL95"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L95</span>]   <b>Littelmann, P. </b> <i>Paths and root operators in representation theory</i>,
 Ann. of Math. (2),
 <em>142</em> (3),
 p. 499--525</p>

<p><a id="biBL98" name="biBL98"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L98</span>]   <b>Littelmann, P. </b> <i>Cones, crystals, and patterns</i>,
 Transform. Groups,
 <em>3</em> (2),
 p. 145--179</p>

<p><a id="biBLN01" name="biBLN01"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">LN01</span>]   <b>L&uuml;beck, F. and Neunh&ouml;ffer, M. </b> <i>GAPDoc, a GAP documentation meta-package</i>,

<p><a id="biBL90" name="biBL90"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L90</span>]   <b>Lusztig, G. </b> <i>Quantum groups at roots of $1$</i>,
 Geom. Dedicata,
 <em>35</em> (1-3),
 p. 89--113</p>

<p><a id="biBL0a" name="biBL0a"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L0a</span>]   <b>Lusztig, G. </b> <i>Canonical bases arising from quantized enveloping algebras</i>,
 J. Amer. Math. Soc.,
 <em>3</em> (2),
 p. 447--498</p>

<p><a id="biBL92" name="biBL92"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L92</span>]   <b>Lusztig, G. </b> <i>Introduction to quantized enveloping algebras</i> in ,
 <i>New developments in Lie theory and their applications
              (C&oacute;rdoba, 1989)</i>,
 Birkh&auml;user Boston,
 Boston, MA,
 p. 49--65</p>

<p><a id="biBL93" name="biBL93"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L93</span>]   <b>Lusztig, G. </b> <i>Introduction to quantum groups</i>,
 Birkh&auml;user Boston Inc.,
 Boston, MA,

<p><a id="biBL96" name="biBL96"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">L96</span>]   <b>Lusztig, G. </b> <i>Braid group action and canonical bases</i>,
 Adv. Math.,
 <em>122</em> (2),
 p. 237--261</p>

<p><a id="biBR91" name="biBR91"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">R91</span>]   <b>Rosso, M. </b> <i>Repr&eacute;sentations des groupes quantiques</i>,
 Ast&eacute;risque (201-203),
 p. Exp.\ No.\ 744, 443--483 (1992)<br />
(S&eacute;minaire Bourbaki, Vol.\ 1990/91)<br />

<p><a id="biBS01" name="biBS01"></a></p>
[<span style="color: #8e0000;">S01</span>]   <b>Stembridge, J. R. </b> <i>Computational aspects of root systems, Coxeter groups, and
              Weyl characters</i> in ,
 <i>Interaction of combinatorics and representation theory</i>,
 Math. Soc. Japan,
 MSJ Mem.,
 p. 1--38</p>

<p> </p>

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