

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 2990


  4. Installation and auxiliary functions
  4.1 Requirements
  The  ResClasses  package needs at least GAP 4.4.7 and GAPDoc 0.99999 [LN07].
  It can be used under UNIX, under Windows and on the MacIntosh. ResClasses is
  completely  written in the GAP language and does neither contain nor require
  external binaries.
  4.2 Installation
  Like  any  other  GAP  package,  ResClasses  must  be  installed  in the pkg
  subdirectory of the GAP distribution. This is accomplished by extracting the
  distribution  file  in this directory. By default, the package ResClasses is
  autoloaded.  If  you have switched autoloading of packages off, you can load
  ResClasses via LoadPackage( "resclasses" );.
  4.3 The testing routine
  4.3-1 ResClassesTest
  > ResClassesTest(  ) _______________________________________________function
  Returns:  Nothing.
  Performs  tests  of  the ResClasses package. Errors, i.e. differences to the
  correct  results  of the test computations, are reported. The processed test
  files are in the directory pkg/resclasses/tst.
  4.4 Building the manual
  4.4-1 ResClassesBuildManual
  > ResClassesBuildManual(  ) ________________________________________function
  Returns:  Nothing.
  This  function  is  a  development  tool  which  builds  the  manual  of the
  ResClasses package in the file formats LaTeX, PDF, HTML and ASCII text. This
  is accomplished using the GAPDoc package by Frank Lübeck and Max Neunhöffer.
  Building  the manual is possible only on UNIX systems and requires PDFLaTeX.
  As  all  files  generated  by this function are included in the distribution
  file anyway, users will not need it.
  4.5 SendEmail and EmailLogFile
  4.5-1 SendEmail
  > SendEmail( sendto, copyto, subject, text ) _______________________function
  Returns:  Zero  if  everything  worked  correctly, and a system error number
  Sends  an  e-mail with subject subject and body text to the addresses in the
  list  sendto,  and  copies  it  to  those  in the list copyto. The first two
  arguments must be lists of strings, and the latter two must be strings.
  As  most system-related functions, SendEmail works only under UNIX. Further,
  the computer must of course be connected to the internet.
  4.5-2 EmailLogFile
  > EmailLogFile( addresses ) ________________________________________function
  Returns:  Zero  if  everything  worked  correctly, and a system error number
  Sends the current log file by e-mail to addresses, if GAP is in logging mode
  and  one  is  working  under  UNIX, and does nothing otherwise. The argument
  addresses  must  be  either  a  list  of e-mail addresses or a single e-mail
  address. Long log files are abbreviated, i.e. if the log file is larger than
  64KB,  then  any  output  is  truncated at 1KB, and if the log file is still
  longer than 64KB afterwards, it is truncated at 64KB.