

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 3051


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!-- $Id: drawings.xml,v 0.998  Exp $ -->
      Drawings of semigroups
There are some pictures that may give a lot of information about a semigroup.
This is the case of the egg-box picture of the D-classes,
the right Cayley graph of a finite monoid and the Schutzenberger graphs
of a finite inverse monoid.

        Drawing the D-class of an element of a semigroup
        <Func Arg="arg" Name="DrawDClassOfElement" />
          This function takes as arguments a semigroup followed by a transformation which is the element whose D-class will be drawn. Optionally we can then specify n lists of elements and the elements of each list will be drawn in different colours. Finally, we may specify a string name the file that will be used to write the drawing of the class (in PostScript format) and if the last argument is the integer <C>1</C> then the elements will appear as transformations, otherwise they will appear as words. The idempotents will be marked with a * before them.
This last optional argument may also be the integer <C>2</C> and in this case
the elements will appear as integers, where <C>i</C> represents the element <C>Elements(S)[i]</C>.
gap&#62; DrawDClassOfElement(poi3, Transformation([1,4,3,4]));
gap&#62; DrawDClassOfElement(poi3, Transformation([1,4,3,4]),1);
gap&#62; DrawDClassOfElement(poi3, Transformation([1,4,3,4]),
 [Transformation( [ 2, 3, 4, 4 ] )],1);
gap&#62; DrawDClassOfElement(poi3, Transformation([1,4,3,4]),
 [Transformation( [ 2, 3, 4, 4 ] ), Transformation( [ 2, 4, 3, 4 ] )],
 [Transformation( [ 2, 4, 3, 4 ] )],1);
gap&#62; DrawDClassOfElement(poi3, Transformation([1,4,3,4]), 
 [Transformation( [ 2, 4, 3, 4 ] )],"Dclass",1);

<Alt Only="HTML">
This is the image produced by the first command in the previous example:
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/dclass1.png&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;

This is the image produced by the fourth command in the previous example:
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/dclass2.png&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;

This is the image produced by the last command in the previous example:
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/dclass3.png&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;

        Drawing the D-classes of a semigroup
        <Func Arg="arg" Name="DrawDClasses" />
          This function is similar to the previous one, except that this one draws all the D-classes of the semigroup given as the first argument. It then takes optionally n lists of elements and the elements of each list will be drawn in different colours. It also accepts a string specifying the name of the file in which the drawing will be written and the last, optional, argument, the integer <C>1</C>, to specify whether the elements will appear as words or as transformations as in the previous function. The idempotents will be marked with a * before them.
This last optional argument may also be the integer <C>2</C> and in this case
the elements will appear as integers, where <C>i</C> represents the element <C>Elements(S)[i]</C>.
gap&#62; DrawDClasses(poi3,"DClasses");
gap&#62; DrawDClasses(poi3, [Transformation( [ 2, 3, 4, 4 ] ),
  Transformation( [ 2, 4, 3, 4 ] )],
  [Transformation( [ 2, 4, 3, 4 ] )],1);

<Alt Only="HTML">
This is the image produced by the first command in the previous example:
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/dclasses1.png&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;

This is the image produced by the second command in the previous example:
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/dclasses2.png&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;


     <Heading>Cayley graphs</Heading>
        <Func Arg="S" Name="DrawRightCayleyGraph" />
        <Description>Draws the right Cayley graph of a finite monoid or semigroup <Arg>S</Arg>.

        <Func Arg="S" Name="DrawCayleyGraph" />
        <Description>This function is a synonym of 
<Ref Func="DrawRightCayleyGraph" />.

For example, the command <C>DrawCayleyGraph(b21);</C> would produce the following image
(where state <C>i</C> represents the element <C>Elements(S)[i]</C>, the neutral element is
colored in "light blue" and all other idempotents are colored in "light coral"):
<Alt Only="HTML">
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/cgb21.png&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;


       <Heading>Schutzenberger graphs</Heading>

        <Func Arg="S" Name="DrawSchutzenbergerGraphs" />
        <Description>Draws the Schutzenberger graphs of the inverse
semigroup <Arg>S</Arg>.</Description>
For example, <Code>DrawSchutzenbergerGraphs(poi3);</Code> would produce
the following:
<P />

    <Alt Only="HTML">
      &#60;br&#62;&#60;center&#62;&#60;img src=&#34;images/schutzenberger.gif&#34;&#62;&#60;/center&#62;&#60;br&#62;


    <Section Label="Drawings_output_formats">
       <Heading>Drawings output formats</Heading>

       By default, when a drawing is requested, it is outputted in PostScript format.
       Since <C>graphviz</C> allows other output formats (see <URL></URL>), it is possible to also request a drawing in a format other than PostScript.
        <Var Name="DrawingsListOfExtraFormats" />
	This is a global variable which holds the valid output formats for a drawing. It currently has the value: <C>["dia", "fig", "gd", "gd2", "gif", "hpgl", "jpg", "mif", "mp", "pcl", "pic", "plain", "plain-ext", "png", "ps", "ps2", "svg", "svgz", "vrml", "vtx", "wbmp", "none"]</C> (see <URL></URL> for their description).

        <Var Name="DrawingsExtraFormat" />
	This is a global variable which holds the alternative output format for a drawing.
	By default its value is <C>"none"</C> which indicates that just PostScript will be used
	as the output format.
	If its value becomes one of those in <Ref Var="DrawingsListOfExtraFormats" />, then
	besides the PostScript file, it will also be created a file in the alternative format.
	To change this variable's value, please use <Ref Func="SetDrawingsExtraFormat" />.

        <Func Arg="f" Name="SetDrawingsExtraFormat" />
	This function is used to set the value of <Ref Var="DrawingsExtraFormat" /> to the
format <A>f</A> which is one of <Ref Var="DrawingsListOfExtraFormats" />.
gap> DrawingsExtraFormat;
gap> SetDrawingsExtraFormat("jpg");
gap> DrawingsExtraFormat;

gap> DrawRightCayleyGraph(poi3);
Displaying file: /tmp/tmp.tpJqvI/
The extra output format file: /tmp/tmp.tpJqvI/
has also been created.


      <Section Label="Drawings_extra_graph_attributes">
            <Heading>Drawings extra graph attributes</Heading>
	    The functions described in this subsection are intended to give the user a finer control
	    over the final drawing.
	    They allow to define the graph attributes described in <URL></URL>.
	    (Note that only graph attributes are allowed to be defined, not edge nor node attributes are supported yet.)

	  <Var Name="DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes" />
	  This is a global variable which holds a list of strings, each of which defines a <E>dot</E> graph attribute.
	  This variable is <E>not</E> intended to be modified by the user directly, but can be used to check
	  which extra attributes are currently defined.
	  To set the attributes, please use <Ref Func="SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes" />.
	  If <C>DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes</C> holds the value <C>"none"</C> then the default <E>dot</E> settings will be used.
	  Use <Ref Func="ClearDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes" /> to set it to <C>"none"</C>.

	  <Func Arg="L" Name="SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes" />
	  This is the function to define the drawing's graph attributes (see <URL></URL>
	  for a list and explanation of them).
	  the argument <A>L</A> is a list of strings, each of which defines a <E>dot</E> graph attribute.
	  For example, if we wanted to define the graph size to be 7x9 (in inches), we would call
	  <P />
	  If we also wanted to define the graph to be displayed in landscape mode we would call
	  <C>SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(["size=7,9", "rotate=90"]);</C>.
	  If, in addition we wanted to define the background color to be, for example, pink, we would call
	  <C>SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(["size=7,9", "rotate=90", "bgcolor=pink"]);</C>.
	  <P />
	  After defining the attributes, any command that creates a drawing will use the last defined attributes.
	  To set them back to the defaults, please use <Ref Func="ClearDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes" />.
gap> DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes;

gap> SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(["size=7,9"]);

gap> DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes;
[ "size=7,9" ]

gap> SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(["size=7,9", "rotate=90"]);

gap> DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes;
[ "size=7,9", "rotate=90" ]

gap> SetDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes(["size=7,9", "rotate=90", "bgcolor=pink"]);

gap> DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes;
[ "size=7,9", "rotate=90", "bgcolor=pink" ]

gap> ClearDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes();

gap> DrawingsExtraGraphAttributes;

	  <Func Arg="" Name="ClearDrawingsExtraGraphAttributes" />
	  This function sets the graph drawing attributes back to <E>dot</E>'s defaults.

