

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 3150


         author = "Clay, James R.",
         title = "Nearrings. Geneses and Applications",
         publisher = "Oxford University Press", 
         address = "Oxford, New York, Tokyo",
         year = "1992"

         author = "Cotti Ferrero, Celestina and Ferrero, Giovanni",
         title = "Nearrings. Some Developments Linked to Semigroups and Groups",
         publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", 
         address = "Dordrecht, Boston, London",
         year = "2002"

         author = "Pilz, G{\accent127 u}nter",
         title = "Near-Rings. The Theory and its Applications",
         edition = "Revised",
         series = "North-Holland Mathematics Studies",
         volume = "23",
         publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Company",
         address = "Amsterdam, New York, Oxford",
         year = "1983"

  author = 	 {Aichinger, E. and Ecker, J. and N{\accent127 o}bauer, C.},
  title = 	 {The use of computers in near-ring theory},
  year = 	 2000,
  booktitle =	 {Nearrings And Nearfields (Stellenbosch, 1997)},
  publisher =	 {Kluwer Academic Publishing, Dordrecht, the Netherlands},
  pages =        {35--41}

  author =	 {Aichinger, E.},
  title =	 {{F}. {B}inder, {J}. {E}cker, {P}. {M}ayr, and {C}. {N}{\accent127 o}bauer. {A}lgorithms for Near Rings of Non-linear Transformations},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the ISSAC 2000},
  pages =        {23--29},
  address =      {St.~Andrews, Scotland},
  year =         2000

@incollection {ecker98:OTNOPFONGOC2,
   AUTHOR = {Ecker, J{\"u}rgen},
    TITLE = {On the number of polynomial functions on nilpotent groups of
             class 2},
BOOKTITLE = {Contributions to general algebra, 10 (Klagenfurt, 1997)},
    PAGES = {133--137},
  ADDRESS = {Klagenfurt},
     YEAR = {1998},
  MRCLASS = {20D15 (20D60)},
 MRNUMBER = {99h:20036},
   MRREVR = {Wim Malfait},

   AUTHOR = {Huppert, B.},
    TITLE = {Endliche {G}ruppen. {I}},
     NOTE = {Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 134},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin},
     YEAR = {1967},
    PAGES = {xii+793},
  MRCLASS = {20.25},
 MRNUMBER = {37 #302},
   MRREVR = {J. H. Walter},

   AUTHOR = {Lausch, Hans and N{\"o}bauer, Wilfried},
    TITLE = {Algebra of polynomials},
     NOTE = {North-Holland Mathematical Library, Vol. 5},
PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Co.},
  ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
     YEAR = {1973},
    PAGES = {xi+322},
  MRCLASS = {08A25 (10M05 13F20)},
 MRNUMBER = {50 #2037},
   MRREVR = {A. Yaqub},

@book {meldrum85:NATLWG,
   AUTHOR = {Meldrum, J. D. P.},
    TITLE = {Near-rings and their links with groups},
PUBLISHER = {Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program)},
  ADDRESS = {Boston, Mass.},
     YEAR = {1985},
    PAGES = {x+275},
     ISBN = {0-273-08701-0},
  MRCLASS = {16A76 (20E99 20M25)},
 MRNUMBER = {88a:16068},
   MRREVR = {Howard E. Bell},

   AUTHOR = {Thomas, A. D. and Wood, G. V.},
    TITLE = {Group tables},
PUBLISHER = {Shiva Publishing Ltd.},
  ADDRESS = {Nantwich},
     YEAR = {1980},
    PAGES = {174 pp. (not consecutively paged) (errata)},
     ISBN = {0-906812-04-6; 0-906812-02-X},
  MRCLASS = {20-01 (20-04)},
 MRNUMBER = {81d:20002},

AUTHOR = "Mayr, P.",
TITLE = "Fixed-point-free Representations over Fields of Prime Characteristic",
INSTITUTION = "Johannes Kepler University Linz", 
TYPE = "Reports of the Mathematical Institutes",
NUMBER = "554",
YEAR = "2000"}

         author = "Wolf, Joseph Albert",
         title = "Spaces of Constant Curvature",
         publisher = "McGraw-Hill",
	 address = "New York",
         year = "1967"

         author = "W{\accent127 a}hling, Heinz",
         title = "Theorie der Fastk{\accent127 o}rper",
         publisher = "Thales Verlag",
         address = "Essen",
         year = "1987"

@article {Binder:Algorithms,
    AUTHOR = {Binder, F. and Mayr, P.},
     TITLE = {Algorithms for finite near-rings and their ${N}$-groups},
      NOTE = {Computer algebra and mechanized reasoning (St. Andrews, 2000)},
   JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
    VOLUME = {32},
      YEAR = {2001},
    NUMBER = {1-2},
     PAGES = {23--38},
      ISSN = {0747-7171},
   MRCLASS = {},
  MRNUMBER = {1 840 383},

   AUTHOR = {Scott, S. D.},
    TITLE = {The arithmetic of polynomial maps over a group and the
             structure of certain permutational polynomial groups. {I}},
  JOURNAL = {Monatsh. Math.},
   VOLUME = {73},
     YEAR = {1969},
    PAGES = {250--267},
  MRCLASS = {20.92},
 MRNUMBER = {39 #5735},
   MRREVR = {Ti Yen},

@incollection {MR99i:16078,
    AUTHOR = {Boykett, Timothy H. H. and N{\"o}bauer, Christof},
     TITLE = {A class of groups which cannot be the additive groups of
              near-rings with identity},
 BOOKTITLE = {Contributions to general algebra, 10 (Klagenfurt, 1997)},
     PAGES = {89--99},
 PUBLISHER = {Heyn},
   ADDRESS = {Klagenfurt},
      YEAR = {1998},
   MRCLASS = {16Y30 (20F99)},
  MRNUMBER = {99i:16078},
MRREVIEWER = {Howard E. Bell},

  author = 	 {N{\accent127 o}bauer, Christof},
  title = 	 {The number of isomorphism classes of d.g. near-rings on the generalized quaternion groups},
  booktitle = 	 {Nearrings and Nearfields (Stellenbosch 1997)},
  pages =	 {133-137},
  year =	 2000,
  address =	 {Dordrecht, the Netherlands},
  publisher =	 {Kluwer Acad. Publ.}

  author = 	 {N{\accent127 o}bauer, Christof},
  title = 	 {On implementing semigroups and nearrings in GAP},
  school = 	 {Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz},
  year = 	 1995