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<Chapter Label="ch:curses">
<Heading>Interface to the <C>ncurses</C> Library</Heading>

In this chapter we describe the &GAP; interface to the <Package>GNU</Package>
<C>curses</C>/<C>ncurses</C>  <C>C</C>-library. This library contains
routines to manipulate the contents of terminal windows. It allows one  to
write programs which should work on a wide variety of terminal
emulations with different sets of capabilities.
This technical chapter is intended for readers who want to program new 
using the <C>ncurses</C> functionality. If you
are only interested in the function <Ref Func="NCurses.BrowseGeneric" /> from
this package or some of its applications you can skip this chapter.
Detailed documentation of the <C>ncurses</C> library is probably
available in your operating system (try <C>man ncurses</C>) and from the 
web (see for example <Cite Key="NCursesWeb"/>).
Here, we
only give short reminders about the functions provided in the &GAP; interface
and explain how to use the &GAP; functions.

<Section Label="sec:cursesC"><Heading>The <C>ncurses</C> Library</Heading>

In this section we list the functions from the GNU
<C>ncurses</C> library and its <C>panel</C> extension which are made
available in &GAP; via the <Package>Browse</Package> package. See the
following section  <Ref Sect="sec:cursesGAP" /> for explanations how to use
these functions from within &GAP;.
The basic objects to manipulate are called <Emph>windows</Emph>, they 
correspond to rectangular regions of the terminal screen. Windows can
overlap but <C>ncurses</C> cannot handle this for the display. Therefore
windows can be wrapped in <Emph>panels</Emph>, they provide a display
depth for windows and it is possible to move panels to the top and
bottom of the display or to hide  a panel. 
We will not import all the functions of the <C>ncurses</C> library to
&GAP;. For example, there are many pairs of functions with the same name
except for a leading <C>w</C> (like <C>move</C> and <C>wmove</C> for
moving the cursor in a window). Here, we only import the versions 
with <C>w</C>, which get a window as first argument. The functions
without <C>w</C> are for the <C>ncurses</C> standard 
screen window <C>stdscr</C> 
which is available as window <C>0</C> in &GAP;. Similarly, there are
functions with the same name except for an extra <C>n</C> (like
<C>waddstr</C> and <C>waddnstr</C> for placing a string into a window).
Here, we only import the safer functions with <C>n</C> which get the
number of characters to write as argument. (More convenient functions
are then implemented on the &GAP; level.)

<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesTermset">
<Heading>Setting the terminal</Heading>

We first list flags for setting the basic behavior of a terminal. With 
<C>savetty</C>/<C>resetty</C> a setting can be stored and recovered.

<List >
<Mark><Index Key="savetty"><C>savetty</C></Index><C>savetty()</C></Mark>
<Item>This stores the current setting of the terminal in a buffer.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="resetty"><C>resetty</C></Index><C>resetty()</C></Mark>
<Item>This resets the terminal to what was stored in the last call to 
<Mark><Index Key="cbreak"><C>cbreak</C></Index>
<Index Key="nocbreak"><C>nocbreak</C></Index><C>cbreak()/nocbreak()</C></Mark>
<Item>In <C>cbreak</C> mode each input character from a terminal is
directly forwarded to the application (but see <C>keypad</C>). With 
<C>nocbreak</C> this only happens after a newline or return is typed.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="keypad"><C>keypad</C></Index><C>keypad(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>If set to <K>true</K> some special input like arrow or function
keys can be read as single characters from the input (such keys actually
generate certain sequences of characters), see also <Ref
Subsect="ssec:ncursesInput" />. (The <Arg>win</Arg> argument
is irrelevant.)</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="echo"><C>echo</C></Index>
<Index Key="noecho"><C>noecho</C></Index><C>echo()</C>/<C>noecho()</C></Mark>
<Item>This determines if input characters are automatically echoed by
the terminal at the current cursor position.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="curs_set"><C>curs_set</C></Index><C>curs_set(vis)</C></Mark>
<Item>This determines the visibility of the cursor. The argument 
<Arg>vis</Arg>=0 makes the cursor invisible. With <Arg>vis</Arg>=1
it becomes visible; some terminals allow also higher levels of
<Mark><Index Key="wtimeout"><C>wtimeout</C></Index><C>wtimeout(win, delay)</C></Mark>
<Item>Here <Arg>delay</Arg> determines a timeout in milliseconds for reading
characters from the input of a window. Negative values mean infinity,
that is a blocking read.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="nonl"><C>nonl</C></Index>
<Index Key="nl"><C>nl</C></Index><C>nl()</C>/<C>nonl()</C></Mark>
<Item>With <C>nl</C> a return on input is translated to a newline
character and a newline on output is interpreted as return and linefeed.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="intrflush"><C>intrflush</C></Index><C>intrflush(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>This flag determines if after an interrupt pending output to the
terminal is flushed. (The <Arg>win</Arg> argument is irrelevant.)</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="idlok"><C>idlok</C></Index><C>idlok(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>With <K>true</K> the library tries to use a hardware line
insertion functionality (in particular for scrolling).</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="scrollok"><C>scrollok</C></Index><C>scrollok(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>If set to <K>true</K> moving the cursor down from the last line of
a window causes scrolling of the whole window, otherwise nothing
<Mark><Index Key="leaveok"><C>leaveok</C></Index><C>leaveok(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>If set to <K>true</K> a refresh of the window leaves the cursor at
its current location, otherwise this is not guaranteed.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="clearok"><C>clearok</C></Index><C>clearok(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>If set to <K>true</K> the next refresh of the window will clear the 
screen completely and redraw everything.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="immedok"><C>immedok</C></Index><C>immedok(win, bool)</C></Mark>
<Item>If set to <K>true</K>  all changes of the window will
automatically also call a <C>wrefresh</C>.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="noraw"><C>noraw</C></Index>
<Index Key="raw"><C>raw</C></Index><C>raw()</C>/<C>noraw()</C></Mark>
<Item>Similar to <C>cbreak</C>, usually not needed (see the <C>ncurses</C>
documentation for details).</Item>


<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesWin">
<Heading>Manipulating windows</Heading>

In <C>ncurses</C> an arbitrary number of windows which correspond to
rectangular regions (maybe overlapping) of the screen can be handled.
You should always delete windows which are no longer needed. To get a
proper display of overlapping windows (which may occur by recursively
called functions using this library) we suggest that you always wrap
windows in panels, see <Ref Subsect="ssec:ncursesPan" />.
For functions which involve coordinates recall that the upper left
corner of the screen or internally of any window has the coordinates (0,0). 
<Mark><Index Key="newwin"><C>newwin</C></Index><C>newwin(nlines, ncols, y, x)</C></Mark>
<Item>This creates a new window whose upper left corner has the coordinates
(<Arg>y</Arg>,<Arg>x</Arg>) on the screen and has <Arg>nlines</Arg> lines
and <Arg>ncols</Arg> columns, if this is possible. The arguments 
<Arg>nlines</Arg> and <Arg>ncols</Arg> can be zero, then their maximal
possible values are assumed.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="delwin"><C>delwin</C></Index><C>delwin(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Deletes a window.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="mvwin"><C>mvwin</C></Index><C>mvwin(win, y, x)</C></Mark>
<Item>Moves the upper left corner of the window to the given coordinates,
if the window still fits on the screen. With panels don't use this function,
but use <C>move_panel</C> mentioned below.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wrefresh"><C>wrefresh</C></Index><C>wrefresh(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Writing to a window only changes some internal buffers, this
function copies the window content to the actual display screen.
You don't need this function if you wrap your windows in panels, use
<C>update_panels</C> and <C>doupdate</C> instead.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="doupdate"><C>doupdate</C></Index><C>doupdate()</C></Mark>
<Item>Use this function to update the content of your display screen to
the current content of all windows. If your terminal is not yet in
visual mode this function changes to visual mode.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="endwin"><C>endwin</C></Index><C>endwin()</C></Mark>
<Item>Use this function to leave the visual mode of your terminal.
(Remark: If you use this function while not in visual mode the cursor
will be moved to the line where the visual mode was started last time.
To avoid this use <C>isendwin</C> first.)</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="isendwin"><C>isendwin</C></Index><C>isendwin()</C></Mark>
<Item>Returns <K>true</K> if called while not in visual mode and <K>false</K> 
<Mark><Index Key="getbegyx"><C>getbegyx</C></Index><C>getbegyx(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Get the coordinates of the upper left corner of a window on the
<Mark><Index Key="getmaxyx"><C>getmaxyx</C></Index><C>getmaxyx(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Get the number of lines and columns of a window.</Item>

<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesPan">
<Heading>Manipulating panels</Heading>

Wrap windows in panels to get a proper handling of overlapping windows on
the display. Don't forget to delete a panel before deleting the
corresponding window.

<Mark><Index Key="new_panel"><C>new_panel</C></Index><C>new_panel(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Create a panel for a window.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="del_panel"><C>del_panel</C></Index><C>del_panel(pan)</C></Mark>
<Item>Delete a panel.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="update_panels"><C>update_panels</C></Index><C>update_panels()</C></Mark>
<Item>Use this function to copy changes of windows and panels to a
screen buffer. Then call <C>doupdate()</C> to update the display screen.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="move_panel"><C>move_panel</C></Index><C>move_panel(pan, y, x)</C></Mark>
<Item>Move top left corner of a panel wrapped window to coordinates 
(<Arg>y</Arg>,<Arg>x</Arg>) if possible.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="show_panel"><C>show_panel</C></Index>
<Index Key="hide_panel"><C>hide_panel</C></Index><C>hide_panel(pan)</C>/<C>show_panel(pan)</C></Mark>
<Item>Hide or show, respectively, the content of a panel on the display
<Mark><Index Key="bottom_panel"><C>bottom_panel</C></Index>
<Index Key="top_panel("><C>top_panel</C></Index><C>top_panel(pan)</C>/<C>bottom_panel(pan)</C></Mark>
<Item>Move a panel to the top or bottom of all panels, respectively.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="panel_above"><C>panel_above</C></Index>
<Index Key="panel_below"><C>panel_below</C></Index><C>panel_below(pan)</C>/<C>panel_above(pan)</C></Mark>
<Item>Return the panel directly below or above the given one,
respectively. With argument <C>0</C> the top or bottom panel are
returned, respectively. If argument is the bottom or top panel,
respectively, then <K>false</K> is returned.</Item>


<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesInput">
<Heading>Getting keyboard input</Heading>

If you want to read input from the user first adjust the terminal settings of 
<C>cbreak</C>, <C>keypad</C>, <C>echo</C>, <C>wtimeout</C> and 
<C>curs_set</C> to your needs, see <Ref
Subsect="ssec:ncursesTermset" />.
The basic functions are as follows.

<Mark><Index Key="wgetch"><C>wgetch</C></Index><C>wgetch(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Reads one character from user input (returned as integer). If 
<C>wtimeout</C> was set with a positive <Arg>delay</Arg> then the 
function returns <K>false</K> if there was no input for <Arg>delay</Arg>
milliseconds. Note that in <C>nocbreak</C> mode typed characters 
reach the application only after typing a return. If the <C>keypad</C> flag
is set to <K>true</K> some special keys can be read like single
characters; the keys are explained below. (Note that there is only
one input queue for all windows.)</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="ungetch"><C>ungetch</C></Index><C>ungetch(char)</C></Mark>
<Item>Puts back the character <Arg>char</Arg> on the input queue.</Item>

<Index Key="NCurses.keys"><C>NCurses.keys</C></Index>
Some terminals allow one to read special keys like one character, we import
some of the symbolic names of such keys into &GAP;. You can
check for such characters by comparing with the components of the
record <C>NCurses.keys</C>, these are 

<List >
<Item>the arrow keys</Item>
<Item>the page up and page down keys</Item>
<Item>the home and end keys</Item>
<Item>the backspace and delete keys</Item>
<Item>the insert key</Item>
<Item>the enter key</Item>
<Item>the function keys</Item>
<Item>a pseudo key to detect mouse events</Item>
<Item>the keys around the arrow keys on a num pad</Item>
It can happen that on a specific keyboard there is no key for some of
these. Also, not all terminals can interpret all of these keys. 
You can check this with the function

<List >
<Mark><Index Key="has_key"><C>has_key</C></Index><C>has_key(key)</C></Mark>
<Item>Checks if the special key <Arg>key</Arg> is recognized by the


<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesWrite">
<Heading>Writing to windows</Heading>

The display of text in <C>ncurses</C> windows has two aspects. The first is to
get actual characters on the screen. The second is to specify attributes
which influence the display, for example normal or bold fonts or colors.
This subsection is for the first aspect. Possible attributes are
explained below in <Ref Subsect="ssec:ncursesAttrs" />.

<List >
<Mark><Index Key="wmove"><C>wmove</C></Index><C>wmove(win, y, x)</C></Mark>
<Item>Moves the cursor to position (<Arg>y</Arg>,<Arg>x</Arg>), recall
that the coordinates are zero based, (0,0) being the top left corner.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="waddnstr"><C>waddnstr</C></Index><C>waddnstr(win, str, len)</C></Mark>
<Item>Writes the string <Arg>str</Arg> to the window starting from the
current cursor position. Writes at most <Arg>len</Arg> characters. At
end of line the cursor moves to the beginning of next line. The behavior 
at the end of the window depends on the setting of <C>scrollok</C>, see
<Ref Subsect="ssec:ncursesTermset" />.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="waddch"><C>waddch</C></Index><C>waddch(win, char)</C></Mark>
<Item>Writes a character to the window at the current cursor position and
moves the cursor on. The character <Arg>char</Arg> is given as integer
and can include attribute information.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wborder"><C>wborder</C></Index><C>wborder(win, charlist)</C></Mark>
<Item>Draws a border around the window. If <Arg>charlist</Arg> is a
plain list of eight &GAP; characters these are taken for left/right/top/bottom
sides and top-left/top-right/bottom-left/bottom-right corners. Otherwise 
default characters are used. (See <Ref Func="NCurses.WBorder" /> for a
more user friendly interface.) </Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wvline"><C>wvline</C></Index><C>wvline(win, char, len)</C></Mark>
<Item>Writes a vertical line of length <Arg>len</Arg> (or as long as
fitting into the window) starting from the
current cursor position to the bottom, using the character <Arg>char</Arg>.
If <Arg>char</Arg>=<C>0</C> the default character is used.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="whline"><C>whline</C></Index><C>whline(win, char, len)</C></Mark>
<Item>Same as <C>wvline</C> but for horizontal lines starting from the
cursor position to the right.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="werase"><C>werase</C></Index><C>werase(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Deletes all characters in the window.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wclear"><C>wclear</C></Index><C>wclear(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Like <C>werase</C>, but also calls <C>clearok</C>.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wclrtobot"><C>wclrtobot</C></Index><C>wclrtobot(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Deletes all characters from cursor position to the right and
<Mark><Index Key="wclrtoeol"><C>wclrtoeol</C></Index><C>wclrtoeol(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Deletes all characters from cursor position to end of line.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="winch"><C>winch</C></Index><C>winch(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Returns the character at current cursor position, as integer and
including color and attribute information.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="getyx"><C>getyx</C></Index><C>getyx(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>Returns the current cursor position.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="waddstr"><C>waddstr</C></Index><C>waddstr(win, str)</C></Mark>
<Item>Delegates to <C>waddnstr(win, str, Length(str))</C>.</Item>

<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesLines">
<Heading>Line drawing characters</Heading>

<Index Key="NCurses.lineDraw" ><C>NCurses.lineDraw</C></Index>
For drawing lines and grids in a terminal window you should use some
"virtual" characters which are available as components of the record
<C>NCurses.lineDraw</C>. On some terminals these are nicely displayed 
as proper lines (on others they are simulated by ASCII characters).
These are:

<Mark><C>BLOCK</C></Mark><Item>solid block</Item>
<Mark><C>BOARD</C></Mark><Item>board of squares</Item>
<Mark><C>BTEE/LTEE/RTEE/TTEE</C></Mark><Item>bottom/left/right/top tee</Item>
<Mark><C>CKBOARD</C></Mark><Item>checker board</Item>
<Mark><C>DEGREE</C></Mark><Item>degree symbol</Item>
<Mark><C>GEQUAL</C></Mark><Item>greater than or equal</Item>
<Mark><C>HLINE/VLINE</C></Mark><Item>horizontal/vertical line</Item>
<Mark><C>LANTERN</C></Mark><Item>lantern symbol</Item>
<Mark><C>LEQUAL</C></Mark><Item>less than or equal</Item>
<Item>lower left/lower right/upper left/upper right corner</Item>
<Mark><C>NEQUAL</C></Mark><Item>not equal</Item>
<Mark><C>PI</C></Mark><Item>letter pi</Item>
<Mark><C>PLUS</C></Mark><Item>crossing lines like a plus</Item>
<Mark><C>S1/S3/S7/S9</C></Mark><Item>scan line 1/3/7/9</Item>
<Mark><C>STERLING</C></Mark><Item>pound sterling</Item>


<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesAttrs">
<Heading>Text attributes and colors</Heading>

In addition to the actual characters to be written to the screen the way
they are displayed can be changed by additional <Emph>attributes</Emph>.
<Index>attributes of text</Index>
(There should be no danger to mix up this notion of attributes with the one
introduced in&nbsp;<Ref Sect="Attributes" BookName="ref"/>.)

<Index Key="NCurses.attrs" ><C>NCurses.attrs</C></Index>
The available attributes are stored in the record <C>NCurses.attrs</C>, 
they are
<List >
<Item>normal display with no extra attributes.</Item>
<Item>displays text in the best highlighting mode of the terminal.</Item>
<Item>underlines the text.</Item>
<Item>display in reverse video by exchanging the foreground and
background color.</Item>
<Item>displays the text blinking.</Item>
<Item>displays the text half bright.</Item>
<Item>displays the text in a bold font.</Item>

Note that not all of these work with all types of terminals, or some may
cause the same display.

Furthermore, if <C>NCurses.attrs.has_colors</C> is <K>true</K>
there is a list <C>NCurses.attrs.ColorPairs</C> of attributes to set the
foreground and background color. These should be accessed indirectly
with <Ref Func="NCurses.ColorAttr" />. Attributes can be combined by
adding their values (internally, they are represented by integers). They
can also be added to the integer representing a character for use with 
The library functions for setting attributes are:

<List >
<Mark><Index Key="wattrset"><C>wattrset</C></Index><C>wattrset(win, attr)</C></Mark>
<Item>This sets the default (combined) attributes for a window which is added
to all characters written to it;
using <C>NCurses.attrs.NORMAL</C> as attribute is a reset.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wattroff"><C>wattroff</C></Index>
<Index Key="wattron"><C>wattron</C></Index><C>wattron(win, attr)</C>/<C>wattroff(win, attr)</C></Mark>
<Item>This sets or unsets one or some default attributes of the window
without changing the others.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wattr_get"><C>wattr_get</C></Index><C>wattr_get(win)</C></Mark>
<Item>This returns the current default attribute and default color pair of a
<Mark><Index Key="wbkgdset"><C>wbkgdset</C></Index><C>wbkgdset(win, attr)</C></Mark>
<Item>This is similar to <C>wattrset</C> but you can also add a
character to <Arg>attr</Arg> which is used as default instead of blanks.</Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wbkgd"><C>wbkgd</C></Index><C>wbkgd(win, attr)</C></Mark>
<Item>This function changes the attributes for all characters in the
window to <Arg>attr</Arg>, also used for further characters written to
that window.</Item>


<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesMouse">
<Heading>Low level <C>ncurses</C> mouse support</Heading>
Many <C>xterm</C> based terminals support mouse events. The recognition
of mouse events by the <C>ncurses</C> input queue can be switched on and off. 
If switched on and a mouse event occurs, then <C>NCurses.wgetch</C> 
gets <C>NCurses.keys.MOUSE</C> if the <C>keypad</C> flag is <K>true</K>
(see <Ref Subsect="ssec:ncursesInput"/>).
If this is read one must call <C>NCurses.getmouse</C> which reads
further characters from the input queue and interprets them as details
on the mouse event. In most cases the function <Ref
Func="NCurses.GetMouseEvent"/> can be used in applications (it calls
<C>NCurses.getmouse</C>). The following low level functions are available as 
components of the record <C>NCurses</C>.<P/>

The names of mouse events which may be possible are stored in the list
<C>NCurses.mouseEvents</C>, which starts
and contains the same for buttons number 2 to 5 and a few other events.
<!-- For convenience there is also a record <C>NCurses.rMouseEvents</C>
with these mouse event names as components which are bound to the
position of the event in <C>NCurses.mouseEvents</C>. -->

<Mark><Index Key="mousemask"><C>mousemask</C></Index>
<Item>The argument <A>intlist</A> is a list of integers specifying mouse
events. An entry <C>i</C> refers to the event described in 
It returns a record with components <C>.new</C> (for the current
setting) and <C>.old</C> (for the previous setting) which
are again lists of integers with the same meaning. Note that <C>.new</C> may
be different from <A>intlist</A>, it is always the empty list if the
terminal does not support mouse events. In applications use <Ref
Func="NCurses.UseMouse"/> instead of this low level function.</Item> 
<Mark><Index Key="getmouse"><C>getmouse</C></Index>
<Item>This function must be called after a key <C>NCurses.keys.MOUSE</C>
was read. It returns a list with  three entries <C>[y, x, intlist]</C>
where <C>y</C> and <C>x</C> are the coordinates of the character cell
where the mouse event occured and <C>intlist</C> describes the event,
it should have length one and refers to a position in
<C>NCurses.mouseEvents</C>. </Item>
<Mark><Index Key="wenclose"><C>wenclose</C></Index>
<C>wenclose(win, y, x)</C></Mark>
<Item>This functions returns <K>true</K> if the screen position 
<A>y</A>, <A>x</A> is within window <A>win</A> and <K>false</K>
<Mark><Index Key="mouseinterval"><C>mouseinterval</C></Index>
<Item>Sets the time to recognize a press and release of a mouse button
as a click to <A>t</A> milliseconds. (Note that this may have no effect 
because a window manager may catch this.)</Item>

<Subsection Label="ssec:ncursesMisc">
<Heading>Miscellaneous function</Heading>
<Index Key="mnap" ><C>mnap</C></Index>
We also provide the <C>ncurses</C> function <C>mnap(msec)</C> which
is a sleep for <Arg>msec</Arg> milliseconds. 


<Section Label="sec:cursesGAP"><Heading>The <C>ncurses</C> &GAP;

The functions of the <C>ncurses</C> library are used within &GAP; very
similarly to their <C>C</C> equivalents. The functions are available as
components of a record <C>NCurses</C> with the name of the <C>C</C>
function (e.g., <C>NCurses.newwin</C>).
In &GAP; the <C>ncurses</C> windows are accessed via integers (as
returned by <C>NCurses.newwin</C>). The
standard screen <C>stdscr</C> from the <C>ncurses</C> library is available
as window number <C>0</C>. But this should not be used; to allow
recursive applications of <C>ncurses</C> always create a new window,
wrap it in a panel and delete both when they are no longer needed. 
Each window can be wrapped in one panel which is accessed by the same
integer. (Window <C>0</C> cannot be used with a panel.)
Coordinates in windows are the same zero based integers as in the
corresponding <C>C</C> functions. The interface of functions which 
<Emph>return</Emph> coordinates is slightly different from the <C>C</C>
version; they just return lists of integers and you just give the window
as argument, e.g., <C>NCurses.getmaxyx(win)</C> returns a list
<C>[nrows, ncols]</C> of two integers.
Characters to be written to a window can be given either as &GAP;
characters like <C>'a'</C> or as integers like <C>INT_CHAR('a') =
97</C>. If you use the integer version you can also add attributes
including color settings to it for use with <C>NCurses.waddch</C>.
When writing an application decide about an appropriate terminal setting
for your visual mode windows, see <Ref Subsect="ssec:ncursesTermset"/>
and the utility function <Ref Func="NCurses.SetTerm"/> below.
Use <C>NCurses.savetty()</C> and <C>NCurses.resetty()</C> to save and
restore the previous setting.
We also provide some higher level functionality for displaying marked up
see <Ref Func="NCurses.PutLine"/> and <Ref Func="NCurses.IsAttributeLine"/>.
We now describe some utility functions for putting text on a terminal

<#Include Label="NCurses.ColorAttr">

<#Include Label="NCurses.SetTerm">

<#Include Label="IsAttributeLine_man">

<#Include Label="ConcatenationAttributeLines_man">

<#Include Label="RepeatedAttributeLine_man">

<#Include Label="NCurses.PutLine">

<#Include Label="NCurses.WidthAttributeLine">

<#Include Label="NCurses.Grid">

<#Include Label="NCurses.WBorder">

<#Include Label="NCurses.Mouse">

<#Include Label="NCurses.SaveRestoreWin">

