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@article{ BR,
  author =           {Broche, O. and del R{\a'\i}o, {\a'A}.},
  title =            {Wedderburn decomposition of finite group algebras},
  journal =          {Finite Fields Appl.},
  volume =           {13},
  number =           {1},
  year =             {2007},
  pages =            {71{\textendash}79},
  fjournal =         {Finite Fields and their Applications},
  issn =             {1071-5797},
  mrclass =          {16S34},
  mrnumber =         {MR2284667 (2007m:16027)},
  mrreviewer =       {E. Jespers},
  printedkey =       {BR07}
@article{ OR,
  author =           {Olivieri, A. and del R{\a'\i}o, {\a'A}.},
  title =            {An   algorithm   to   compute  the  primitive  central
                      idempotents  and  the  {W}edderburn decomposition of a
                      rational group algebra},
  journal =          {J. Symbolic Comput.},
  volume =           {35},
  number =           {6},
  year =             {2003},
  pages =            {673{\textendash}687},
  fjournal =         {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
  issn =             {0747-7171},
  mrclass =          {16S34 (68W30)},
  mrnumber =         {MR1981041 (2004k:16073)},
  mrreviewer =       {E. Jespers},
  printedkey =       {OR03}
@article{ ORS,
  author =           {Olivieri,   A.   and   del   R{\a'\i}o,   {\a'A}.  and
                      Sim{\a'o}n, J. J.},
  title =            {On  monomial  characters  and  central  idempotents of
                      rational group algebras},
  journal =          {Comm. Algebra},
  volume =           {32},
  number =           {4},
  year =             {2004},
  pages =            {1531{\textendash}1550},
  coden =            {COALDM},
  fjournal =         {Communications in Algebra},
  issn =             {0092-7872},
  mrclass =          {16S34 (16U99 20C05)},
  mrnumber =         {MR2100373 (2005i:16054)},
  mrreviewer =       {E. Jespers},
  printedkey =       {ORS04}
@article{ O,
  author =           {Olteanu, G.},
  title =            {Computing  the  {W}edderburn  decomposition  of  group
                      algebras by the {B}rauer-{W}itt theorem},
  journal =          {Math. Comp.},
  volume =           {76},
  number =           {258},
  year =             {2007},
  pages =            {1073{\textendash}1087 (electronic)},
  coden =            {MCMPAF},
  fjournal =         {Mathematics of Computation},
  issn =             {0025-5718},
  mrclass =          {16S34 (20C15)},
  mrnumber =         {MR2291851},
  mrreviewer =       {E. Jespers},
  printedkey =       {Olt07}
@book{ P,
  author =           {Passman, D. S.},
  title =            {Infinite crossed products},
  publisher =        {Academic Press Inc.},
  series =           {Pure and Applied Mathematics},
  volume =           {135},
  address =          {Boston, MA},
  year =             {1989},
  pages =            {xii+468},
  isbn =             {0-12-546390-1},
  mrclass =          {16-02 (16A03 16A27 20C07)},
  mrnumber =         {MR979094 (90g:16002)},
  mrreviewer =       {Martin Lorenz},
  printedkey =       {Pas89}
@book{ R,
  author =           {Reiner, I.},
  title =            {Maximal orders},
  publisher =        {The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press},
  series =           {London Mathematical Society Monographs. New Series},
  volume =           {28},
  address =          {Oxford},
  year =             {2003},
  pages =            {xiv+395},
  note =             {Corrected   reprint  of  the  1975  original,  With  a
                      foreword by M. J. Taylor},
  isbn =             {0-19-852673-3},
  mrclass =          {16H05 (11R54 16K20)},
  mrnumber =         {MR1972204 (2004c:16026)},
  printedkey =       {Rei03}
@article{ S,
  author =           {Shoda, K.},
  title =            {{\"U}ber    die   monomialen   {D}arstellungen   einer
                      endlichen {G}ruppe},
  journal =          {Proc. Phys.-Math. Soc. Japan},
  volume =           {III},
  number =           {15},
  year =             {1933},
  pages =            {249{\textendash}257},
  printedkey =       {Sho33}
@book{ Y,
  author =           {Yamada, T.},
  title =            {The {S}chur subgroup of the {B}rauer group},
  publisher =        {Springer-Verlag},
  address =          {Berlin},
  year =             {1974},
  pages =            {v+159},
  note =             {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 397},
  mrclass =          {20C05 (12A60)},
  mrnumber =         {MR0347957 (50 \#456)},
  mrreviewer =       {P. Fong},
  printedkey =       {Yam74}