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<html><head><title>[xgap] 4.3 A Partial Subgroup Lattice of the Cavicchioli Group</title></head>
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<h1>4.3 A Partial Subgroup Lattice of the Cavicchioli Group</h1><p>
This  section  investigates the  following  finitely presented group <var>C<sub>2</sub></var>,
which was first investigated by Alberto Cavicchioli in <a href="biblio.htm#Cav86"><cite>Cav86</cite></a>:
langlea, b ;;; aba<sup>-2</sup>ba=b, (b<sup>-1</sup>a<sup>3</sup>b<sup>-1</sup>a<sup>-3</sup>)<sup>2</sup>=a<sup>-1</sup>rangle.
In this example we will show a way to prove a finitely presented group
to be infinite, and to find some big nonabelian factor groups of it.
The following <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> commands define <var>C<sub>2</sub></var>.
gap&gt; f := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );  a := f.1;;  b := f.2;;
&lt;free group on the generators [ a, b ]&gt;
gap&gt; c2 := f / [ a*b*a^-2*b*a/b, (b^-1*a^3*b^-1*a^-3)^2*a ];
&lt;fp group on the generators [ a, b ]&gt;
gap&gt; SetName(c2,"c2");
We again assume that you are familiar with the general ideas, mouse actions
and menus, which were discussed in <a href="C004S001.htm">The Subgroup Lattice of the Dihedral Group of Order 8</a> and <a href="C004S002.htm">A Partial Subgroup Lattice of the Symmetric Group on 6 Points</a>.
In order  to build a  partial lattice of a  finitely presented group, you
again use the function  <code>GraphicSubgroupLattice</code>.  But if the first  argument
to <code>GraphicSubgroupLattice</code> is a finitely presented group the available menus
are different  from the example in  the previous section.  After you have
gap&gt; s := GraphicSubgroupLattice(c2);
&lt;graphic subgroup lattice "GraphicSubgroupLattice of c2"&gt;
XGAP will open a window containing a new graphic sheet.  Compared to the
interactive lattice of a permutation group as described in the previous
section, there are the following differences: 
-- There is only one vertex instead of two.  This vertex labeled <var>G</var> is the
whole group <var>C<sub>2</sub></var>.  There is no vertex for the trivial subgroup (yet).
-- If you pull down the <code>Subgroups</code> menu, you will see  that this menu is
now   very different.   It gives  you   access to various algorithms  for
finitely presented  groups  but most of  the  entries  from the last  two
examples  are missing because most of  the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>  functions behind these
entries are not applicable to (infinite) finitely presented groups.
This  example will show  you how to prove that  <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> is infinite.  First
look at the abelian invariants in order to see what the commutator factor
group is.   In  order  to  compute the abelian    invariants pop  up  the
``Information'' menu.   This is done in exactly  the same manner  as in the
previous section.  Place the pointer inside vertex <var>G</var>, press the <strong>right</strong>
mouse button and release   it  immediately.  This ``Information'' menu   is
described  in   detail in  <a href="C005S013.htm">GraphicSubgroupLattice  for FpGroups, Information Menu</a>.
Index              1
IsNormal           true
IsFpGroup          unknown
Abelian Invariants unknown
Coset Table        unknown
IsomorphismFpGroup unknown
Factor Group       unknown 
This tells you what XGAP already knows  about the group associated with
vertex <var>G</var>.   In order to compute the  abelian invariants click onto this
line.  After a while this entry will change to
Abelian Invariants perfect 
telling you  that <var>C<sub>2</sub></var>  is perfect.   So none   of the  <code>Subgroups</code> menu
entries <code>Abelian Prime Quotient</code>,  <code>All Overgroups</code>,  <code>Conjugacy Class</code>,
<code>Cores</code>,  <code>Derived Subgroups</code>,  <code>Intersection</code>, <code>Intersections</code>,
<code>Normalizers</code> or  <code>Prime Quotient</code> will compute any new subgroups.
In order to avoid accidents the menu entries <code>Abelian Prime Quotient</code>,
<code>All Overgroups</code>, <code>Epimorphisms (GQuotients)</code>, <code>Conjugacy Class</code>, 
<code>Low Index  Subgroups</code>, and <code>Prime Quotient</code>  from the <code>Subgroups</code> menu are
only  selectable   if exactly   one vertex   is selected  because  the
functions behind   these entries are in  general  quite time and space
Close the ``Information'' window and select <code>Low Index Subgroups</code> from the
<code>Subgroups</code> menu.  A small dialog box will  pop up asking  for a limit on
the index.  Type in <var>12</var> and press <var>return</var> or click on <code>OK</code>.  In general
it  is hard to say what   kind of index  limit  will still work, for some
groups even <var>5</var> might be too  much while for others  <var>20</var> works fine, see
also <a href="../../../doc/htm/ref/C045S009.htm#SSEC1">LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup</a>.
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> computes <var>10</var> subgroups  of index <var>11</var>  and <var>8</var> subgroups of index
<var>12</var>.  If you now start to check the abelian invariants of the index <var>12</var>
subgroups you will  find out that all  subgroups represented by  vertices
<var>3</var> to <var>10</var>  have  a finite  commutator  factor group except  the subgroup
belonging  to  vertex  <var>4</var>    which has  an infinite    abelian quotient.
Therefore the group <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> itself is infinite.
Now we want to investigate <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> a little further using <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>.  Select
vertices  <var>3</var>, <var>4</var>, and   <var>5</var> and  switch   to  the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>  window.   Use
<code>SelectedGroups</code> to get the subgroups associated with these vertices.
gap&gt; u := SelectedGroups( s );
[ Group([ a, b*a^2*b^-2, b*a*b^2*a^-1*b^-1*a^-1*b^-1, b^4*a^-2*b^-2, 
      b^2*a^3*b^-1*a^-1*b^-2 ]), 
  Group([ a, b^2*a*b^-1*a^-1*b^-1, b^3*a^-1*b^-1, b*a*b*a^3*b^-1 ]), 
  Group([ a, b^2*a*b^-1*a^-1*b^-1, b*a^3*b^-2, b^4*a^-1*b^-3, 
      b*a*b^3*a^-1*b^-1 ]) ]
<code>FactorCosetOperation</code> computes for each of  these subgroups <var>u<sub>i</sub></var>  the
operation of  <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> on its cosets. It returns the result as a homomorphism
of <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> onto a permutation group. The  operation on <var>u<sub>i</sub></var> is therefore a
permutation representation of the factor group <p><var>C<sub>2</sub> / Core(u<sub>i</sub>).<p></var> Using
<code>DisplayCompositionSeries</code> we can identify these factor groups.
gap&gt; p := List( u, x -&gt; FactorCosetOperation( c2, x ) );;
gap&gt; l := List( p, Image );;
gap&gt; for x  in l  do DisplayCompositionSeries(x);  Print("\n");  od;
G (2 gens, size 95040)
 | M(12)
1 (0 gens, size 1)

G (2 gens, size 660)
 | A(1,11) = L(2,11) ~ B(1,11) = O(3,11) ~ C(1,11) = S(2,11) ~ 2A(1,11) = U(2,11)
1 (0 gens, size 1)

G (2 gens, size 239500800)
 | A(12)
1 (0 gens, size 1)
(This display can look a little different according to  the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> version you
So <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> contains the Mathieu group <var>M<sub>12</sub></var>, the alternating group on
<var>12</var>  symbols and <var>PSL(2,11)</var>   as factor groups.   Therefore it would
have   been   possible  to   find   vertex  <var>4</var>   using  
<code>Epimorphisms (GQuotients)</code>  instead of  <code>Low Index Subgroups</code>.   
Close the graphic
sheet by selecting the menu entry <code>close graphic sheet</code> from the <code>Sheet</code>
menu and start with a fresh one.
gap&gt; s := GraphicSubgroupLattice(c2);
&lt;graphic subgroup lattice "GraphicSubgroupLattice of c2"&gt;
Select  <code>Epimorphisms (GQuotients)</code> from  the  <code>Subgroups</code> menu.  This
pops  up   a   menu   similar  to    the  ``Information''   menu    (see
<a href="C005S012.htm">GraphicSubgroupLattice for FpGroups, Subgroups Menu</a>).
User Defined 
Select <var>PSL(d,q)</var>, which pops up a dialog  box asking for a dimension. 
Enter <code>2</code> and click on <var>OK</var>. Then a second dialog box pops up asking
for a field size.  Enter <code>11</code> and click on  <var>OK</var>. After a short time
of  computation the display  in  the <code>Epimorphisms (GQuotients)</code>  menu
changes and shows
PSL(2,11)      1 found
telling you, that <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> has found <var>1</var> epimorphism (up to inner
automorphisms of <var>PSL(2,11)</var>) from <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> onto <var>PSL(2,11)</var>.  Click on
<var>display point stabilizer</var> to create a new vertex representing a subgroup
<var>u</var> such that the factor group of <var>C<sub>2</sub> / Core(u)</var> is isomorphic to
<var>PSL(2,11)</var>. You could have clicked on <var>display</var> to create a new vertex
representing the kernel of the epimorphism.
This is  now the  end of  our  partial investigation of  the (partial)
subgroup lattice of  <var>C<sub>2</sub></var>, you have  seen that <var>C<sub>2</sub></var> is infinite  and
contains <var>M<sub>12</sub></var>, <var>Alt(12)</var>, and <var>PSL(2,11)</var> as factor groups.  Close
the  graphic sheet by selecting <code>close  graphic sheet</code>  from the <code>Sheet</code>
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<address>xgap manual<br>Mai 2003