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This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6) (format=pdflatex 2008.9.30)  24 NOV 2008 16:35
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LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, croatian, ukrainian, russian, bulgarian, czech, slovak, danish, dut
ch, finnish, basque, french, german, ngerman, ibycus, greek, monogreek, ancient
greek, hungarian, italian, latin, mongolian, norsk, icelandic, interlingua, tur
kish, coptic, romanian, welsh, serbian, slovenian, estonian, esperanto, upperso
rbian, indonesian, polish, portuguese, spanish, catalan, galician, swedish, loa
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Chapter 1.
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[]\OT1/ptm/m/n/10.95 Many of the func-tion names have been changed dur-ing the 
con-ver-sion, for ex-am-ple


] [6]
Chapter 2.

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[13] [14]
Chapter 3.
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[18] [19]
Chapter 4.

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$\OT1/ptm/m/n/10.95 , namely \OT1/pcr/m/n/10.95 RegularDerivations \OT1/ptm/m/n
/10.95 and \OT1/pcr/m/n/10.95 AllDerivations\OT1/ptm/m/n/10.95 . (The func-tion

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[23] [24]
Chapter 5.

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] [26] [27]
Chapter 6.

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] [29]
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Chapter 7.

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[34] [35]
Chapter 8.

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] [37]
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Chapter 9.
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[41] (./manual.bbl (./manual.brf)
\openout7 = `manual.brf'.

 [42] [43

]) (./manual.ind [44] [45

] [46]

]) (./manual.aux)

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