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% This file was created automatically from fields.msk.
%A  fields.msk                   GAP documentation              Thomas Breuer
%A  @(#)$Id: fields.msk,v 2006/09/16 19:02:49 jjm Exp $
%Y  (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St.  Andrews, Scotland
%Y  Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group
\Chapter{Fields and Division Rings}

\index{division rings}

A *division ring* is a ring (see Chapter~"Rings") in which every non-zero
element has an inverse.
The most important class of division rings are the commutative ones,
which are called *fields*.

{\GAP} supports finite fields (see Chapter~"Finite Fields") and
abelian number fields (see Chapter~"Abelian Number Fields"),
in particular the field of rationals (see Chapter~"Rational Numbers").

This chapter describes the general {\GAP} functions for fields and
division rings.

If a field <F> is a subfield of a commutative ring <C>,
<C> can be considered as a vector space over the (left) acting domain
<F> (see Chapter~"Vector Spaces").
In this situation, we call <F> the *field of definition* of <C>.

Each field in {\GAP} is represented as a vector space over a subfield
(see~"IsField"), thus each field is in fact a field extension in a
natural way, which is used by functions such as `Norm' and `Trace'
(see~"Galois Action").

\Section{Generating Fields}

\>IsDivisionRing( <D> ) C

A *division ring* in {\GAP} is a nontrivial associative algebra <D>
with a multiplicative inverse for each nonzero element.
In {\GAP} every division ring is a vector space over a division ring
(possibly over itself).
Note that being a division ring is thus not a property that a ring can
get, because a ring is usually not represented as a vector space.

The field of coefficients is stored as `LeftActingDomain( <D> )'.

\>IsField( <D> ) P

A *field* is a commutative division ring
(see~"IsDivisionRing" and~"IsCommutative").

gap> IsField( GaloisField(16) );           # the field with 16 elements
gap> IsField( Rationals );                 # the field of rationals
gap> q:= QuaternionAlgebra( Rationals );;  # a noncommutative division ring
gap> IsField( q );  IsDivisionRing( q );
gap> mat:= [ [ 1 ] ];;  a:= Algebra( Rationals, [ mat ] );;
gap> IsDivisionRing( a );   # an algebra not constructed as a division ring

\>Field( <z>, ... ) F
\>Field( <list> ) F
\>Field( <F>, <list> ) F

`Field' returns the smallest field $K$ that contains all the elements
$<z>, \ldots$,
or the smallest field $K$ that contains all elements in the list <list>.
If no subfield <F> is given, $K$ is constructed as a field over itself,
i.e. the left acting domain of $K$ is $K$.
In the third form, `Field' constructs the field generated by the
field <F> and the elements in the list <list>,
as a vector space over <F>.

\>DefaultField( <z>, ... ) F
\>DefaultField( <list> ) F

`DefaultField' returns a field $K$ that contains all the elements
$<z>, \ldots$,
or a field $K$ that contains all elements in the list <list>.

This field need not be the smallest field in which the elements lie,
cf.~`Field' (see~"Field").
For example, for elements from cyclotomic fields `DefaultField' returns
the smallest cyclotomic field in which the elements lie,
but the elements may lie in a smaller number field
which is not a cyclotomic field.

gap> Field( Z(4) );  Field( [ Z(4), Z(8) ] );  # finite fields
gap> Field( E(9) );  Field( CF(4), [ E(9) ] ); # abelian number fields
AsField( GaussianRationals, CF(36) )
gap> f1:= Field( EB(5) );  f2:= DefaultField( EB(5) );
NF(5,[ 1, 4 ])
gap> f1 = f2;  IsSubset( f2, f1 );

\>DefaultFieldByGenerators( [ <z>, ... ] ) O

returns the default field containing the elements <z>,$\ldots$.
This field may be bigger than the smallest field containing these

\>GeneratorsOfDivisionRing( <D> ) A

generators with respect to addition, multiplication, and taking inverses
(the identity cannot be omitted ...)

\>GeneratorsOfField( <F> ) A

generators with respect to addition, multiplication, and taking
inverses. This attribute is the same as `GeneratorsOfDivisionRing'

\>DivisionRingByGenerators( [ <z>, ... ] ) O
\>DivisionRingByGenerators( <F>, [ <z>, ... ] ) O

The first version returns a division ring as vector space over
`FieldOverItselfByGenerators( <gens> )'.

\>AsDivisionRing( <C> ) O
\>AsDivisionRing( <F>, <C> ) O
\>AsField( <C> ) O
\>AsField( <F>, <C> ) O

If the collection <C> can be regarded as a division ring then
`AsDivisionRing( <C> )' is the division ring that consists of the
elements of <C>, viewed as a vector space over its prime field;
otherwise `fail' is returned.

In the second form, if <F> is a division ring contained in <C> then
the returned division ring is viewed as a vector space over <F>.

`AsField' is just a synonym for `AsDivisionRing'.

\Section{Subfields of Fields}

\>Subfield( <F>, <gens> ) F
\>SubfieldNC( <F>, <gens> ) F

Constructs the subfield of <F> generated by <gens>.

\>FieldOverItselfByGenerators( [ <z>, ... ] ) O

This  operation is  needed for  the  call of `Field' or
without  explicitly given subfield, in  order to construct  a left acting
domain for such a field.

\>PrimitiveElement( <D> ) A

is an element of <D> that generates <D> as a division ring together with
the left acting domain.

\>PrimeField( <D> ) A

The *prime field* of a division ring <D> is the smallest field which is
contained in <D>.
For example, the prime field of any field in characteristic zero
is isomorphic to the field of rational numbers.

\>IsPrimeField( <D> ) P

A division ring is a prime field if it is equal to its prime field

\>DegreeOverPrimeField( <F> ) A

is the degree of the field <F> over its prime field (see~"PrimeField").

\>DefiningPolynomial( <F> ) A

is the defining polynomial of the field <F> as a field extension
over the left acting domain of <F>.
A root of the defining polynomial can be computed with
`RootOfDefiningPolynomial' (see~"RootOfDefiningPolynomial").

\>RootOfDefiningPolynomial( <F> ) A

is a root in the field <F> of its defining polynomial as a field
extension over the left acting domain of <F>.
The defining polynomial can be computed with
`DefiningPolynomial' (see~"DefiningPolynomial").

\>FieldExtension( <F>, <poly> ) O

is the field obtained on adjoining a root of the irreducible polynomial
<poly> to the field <F>.

\>Subfields( <F> ) A

is the set of all subfields of the field <F>.

\Section{Galois Action}

Let $L > K$ be a field extension of finite degree.
Then to each element $\alpha \in L$, we can associate a $K$-linear
mapping $\varphi_{\alpha}$ on $L$, and for a fixed $K$-basis of $L$,
we can associate to $\alpha$ the matrix $M_{\alpha}$ (over $K$)
of this mapping.

The *norm* of $\alpha$ is defined as the determinant of $M_{\alpha}$,
the *trace* of $\alpha$ is defined as the trace of $M_{\alpha}$,
the *minimal polynomial* $\mu_{\alpha}$ and the
*trace polynomial* $\chi_{\alpha}$ of $\alpha$
are defined as the minimal polynomial (see~"MinimalPolynomial!over a field")
and the characteristic polynomial (see~"CharacteristicPolynomial" and
"TracePolynomial") of $M_{\alpha}$.
(Note that $\mu_{\alpha}$ depends only on $K$ whereas $\chi_{\alpha}$
depends on both $L$ and $K$.)

Thus norm and trace of $\alpha$ are elements of $K$,
and $\mu_{\alpha}$ and $\chi_{\alpha}$ are polynomials over $K$,
$\chi_{\alpha}$ being a power of $\mu_{\alpha}$,
and the degree of $\chi_{\alpha}$ equals the degree of the field
extension $L > K$.

The *conjugates* of $\alpha$ in $L$ are those roots of $\chi_{\alpha}$
(with multiplicity) that lie in $L$;
note that if only $L$ is given, there is in general no way to access
the roots outside $L$.

Analogously, the *Galois group* of the extension $L > K$ is defined as
the group of all those field automorphisms of $L$ that fix $K$

If $L > K$ is a Galois extension then the conjugates of $\alpha$ are
all roots of $\chi_{\alpha}$ (with multiplicity),
the set of conjugates equals the roots of $\mu_{\alpha}$,
the norm of $\alpha$ equals the product and the trace of $\alpha$
equals the sum of the conjugates of $\alpha$,
and the Galois group in the sense of the above definition equals
the usual Galois group,

Note that `MinimalPolynomial( <F>, <z> )' is a polynomial *over* <F>,
whereas `Norm( <F>, <z> )' is the norm of the element <z> *in* <F>
w.r.t.~the field extension $<F> > `LeftActingDomain( <F> )'$.


\>GaloisGroup( <F> )!{of field} A

The *Galois group* of a field <F> is the group of all field automorphisms
of <F> that fix the subfield $K = `LeftActingDomain( <F> )'$ pointwise.

Note that the field extension $<F> > K$ need *not* be a Galois extension.

gap> g:= GaloisGroup( AsField( GF(2^2), GF(2^12) ) );;
gap> Size( g );  IsCyclic( g );
gap> h:= GaloisGroup( CF(60) );;
gap> Size( h );  IsAbelian( h );

\>MinimalPolynomial( <F>, <z>[, <ind>] )!{over a field} O

returns the minimal polynomial of <z> over the field <F>.
This is a generator of the ideal in $<F>[x]$ of all polynomials
which vanish on <z>.
(This definition is consistent with the general definition of
`MinimalPolynomial' for rings, see~"MinimalPolynomial".)

gap> MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, E(8) );
gap> MinimalPolynomial( CF(4), E(8) );
gap> MinimalPolynomial( CF(8), E(8) );

\>TracePolynomial( <L>, <K>, <z>[, <inum>] ) O

returns the polynomial that is the product of $(X - c)$ where $c$ runs
over the conjugates of <z> in the field extension <L> over <K>.
The polynomial is returned as a univariate polynomial over <K> in the
indeterminate number <inum> (defaulting to 1).

This polynomial is sometimes also called the *characteristic polynomial*
of <z> w.r.t.~the field extension $<L> > <K>$.
Therefore methods are installed for `CharacteristicPolynomial'
that call `TracePolynomial' in the case of field extensions.

\index{characteristic polynomial!for field elements}

gap> TracePolynomial( CF(8), Rationals, E(8) );
gap> TracePolynomial( CF(16), Rationals, E(8) );

\>Norm( <z> ) A
\>Norm( <L>, <z> ) O
\>Norm( <L>, <K>, <z> ) O

`Norm' returns the norm of the field element <z>.
If two fields <L> and <K> are given then the norm is computed
w.r.t.~the field extension $<L> > <K>$,
if only one field <L> is given then `LeftActingDomain( <L> )' is taken as
default for the subfield <K>,
and if no field is given then `DefaultField( <z> )' is taken as default
for <L>.

\>Trace( <z> )!{for field elements} A
\>Trace( <mat> )!{for field elements} A
\>Trace( <L>, <z> )!{for field elements} O
\>Trace( <L>, <K>, <z> )!{for field elements} O

`Trace' returns the trace of the field element <z>.
If two fields <L> and <K> are given then the trace is computed
w.r.t.~the field extension $<L> > <K>$,
if only one field <L> is given then `LeftActingDomain( <L> )' is taken as
default for the subfield <K>,
and if no field is given then `DefaultField( <z> )' is taken as default
for <L>.

The *trace of a matrix* is the sum of its diagonal entries.
Note that this is *not* compatible with the definition of `Trace' for
field elements,
so the one-argument version is not suitable when matrices shall be
regarded as field elements.

\>Conjugates( <z> ) A
\>Conjugates( <L>, <z> ) O
\>Conjugates( <L>, <K>, <z> ) O

`Conjugates' returns the list of *conjugates* of the field element <z>.
If two fields <L> and <K> are given then the conjugates are computed
w.r.t.~the field extension $<L> > <K>$,
if only one field <L> is given then `LeftActingDomain( <L> )' is taken as
default for the subfield <K>,
and if no field is given then `DefaultField( <z> )' is taken as default
for <L>.

The result list will contain duplicates if <z> lies in a proper subfield
of <L>, respectively of the default field of <z>.
The result list need not be sorted.

gap> Norm( E(8) );  Norm( CF(8), E(8) );
gap> Norm( CF(8), CF(4), E(8) );
gap> Norm( AsField( CF(4), CF(8) ), E(8) );
gap> Trace( E(8) );  Trace( CF(8), CF(8), E(8) );
gap> Conjugates( CF(8), E(8) );
[ E(8), E(8)^3, -E(8), -E(8)^3 ]
gap> Conjugates( CF(8), CF(4), E(8) );
[ E(8), -E(8) ]
gap> Conjugates( CF(16), E(8) );
[ E(8), E(8)^3, -E(8), -E(8)^3, E(8), E(8)^3, -E(8), -E(8)^3 ]

The default methods for field elements are as follows.
`MinimalPolynomial' solves a system of linear equations,
`TracePolynomial' computes the appropriate power of the minimal
`Norm' and `Trace' values are obtained as coefficients of the
characteristic polynomial,
and `Conjugates' uses the factorization of the characteristic polynomial.

For elements in finite fields and cyclotomic fields, one wants to do the
computations in a different way since the field extensions in question
are Galois extensions, and the Galois groups are well-known in these
More general,
if a field is in the category `IsFieldControlledByGaloisGroup' then
the default methods are the following.
`Conjugates' returns the sorted list of images (with multiplicity) of the
element under the Galois group,
`Norm' computes the product of the conjugates,
`Trace' computes the sum of the conjugates,
`TracePolynomial' and `MinimalPolynomial' compute the product of
linear factors $x - c$ with $c$ ranging over the conjugates and the set
of conjugates, respectively.

\>NormalBase( <F> ) A
\>NormalBase( <F>, <elm> ) O

Let <F> be a field that is a Galois extension of its subfield
`LeftActingDomain( <F> )'.
Then `NormalBase' returns a list of elements in <F> that form a normal
basis of <F>, that is, a vector space basis that is closed under the
action of the Galois group (see~"GaloisGroup!of field") of <F>.

If a second argument <elm> is given,
it is used as a hint for the algorithm to find a normal basis with the
algorithm described in~\cite{Art68}.

gap> NormalBase( CF(5) );
[ -E(5), -E(5)^2, -E(5)^3, -E(5)^4 ]
gap> NormalBase( CF(4) );
[ 1/2-1/2*E(4), 1/2+1/2*E(4) ]
gap> NormalBase( GF(3^6) );
[ Z(3^6)^2, Z(3^6)^6, Z(3^6)^18, Z(3^6)^54, Z(3^6)^162, Z(3^6)^486 ]
gap> NormalBase( GF( GF(8), 2 ) );
[ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^8 ]

%\Section{Field Homomorphisms}
