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% This file was created automatically from monoid.msk.
%A  monoid.msk                 GAP documentation                Thomas Breuer
%A  @(#)$Id: monoid.msk,v 1.4 2002/04/15 10:02:31 sal Exp $
%Y  (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St.  Andrews, Scotland
%Y  Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group

This chapter describes functions for monoids.
Currently there are only few of them.
More general functions for magmas and semigroups can be found in
Chapters~"Magmas" and "Semigroups".

\>IsMonoid( <D> ) P

A *monoid* is a magma-with-one (see~"Magmas") with associative

\>Monoid( <gen1>, <gen2> ... ) F
\>Monoid( <gens> ) F
\>Monoid( <gens>, <id> ) F

In the first form, `Monoid' returns the monoid generated by the
arguments <gen1>, <gen2> ...,
that is, the closure of these elements under multiplication and taking
the 0-th power.
In the second form, `Monoid' returns the monoid generated by the
elements in the homogeneous list <gens>;
a square matrix as only argument is treated as one generator,
not as a list of generators.
In the third form, `Monoid' returns the monoid generated by the
elements in the homogeneous list <gens>, with identity <id>.

It is *not* checked whether the underlying multiplication is associative,
use `MagmaWithOne' (see~"MagmaWithOne") and `IsAssociative'
if you want to check whether a magma-with-one is in fact a monoid.

\>Submonoid( <M>, <gens> ) F
\>SubmonoidNC( <M>, <gens> ) F

are just synonyms of `SubmagmaWithOne' and `SubmagmaWithOneNC',
respectively (see~"SubmagmaWithOne").

\>MonoidByGenerators( <gens> ) O
\>MonoidByGenerators( <gens>, <one> ) O

is the underlying operation of `Monoid' (see~"Monoid").

\>AsMonoid( <C> ) A

If <C> is a collection whose elements form a monoid
(see~"IsMonoid") then `AsMonoid' returns this monoid.
Otherwise `fail' is returned.

\>AsSubmonoid( <D>, <C> ) O

Let <D> be a domain and <C> a collection.
If <C> is a subset of <D> that forms a monoid then `AsSubmonoid'
returns this monoid, with parent <D>.
Otherwise `fail' is returned.

\>GeneratorsOfMonoid( <M> ) A

Monoid generators of a monoid <M> are the same as
magma-with-one generators (see~"GeneratorsOfMagmaWithOne").

\>TrivialSubmonoid( <M> ) A

is just a synonym for `TrivialSubmagmaWithOne'

\>FreeMonoid( [<wfilt>, ]<rank> ) F
\>FreeMonoid( [<wfilt>, ]<rank>, <name> ) F
\>FreeMonoid( [<wfilt>, ]<name1>, <name2>, ... ) F
\>FreeMonoid( [<wfilt>, ]<names> ) F
\>FreeMonoid( [<wfilt>, ]infinity, <name>, <init> ) F

Called in the first form, `FreeMonoid' returns a free monoid on
<rank> generators.
Called in the second form, `FreeMonoid' returns a free monoid on
<rank> generators, printed as `<name>1', `<name>2' etc.,
that is, each name is the concatenation of the string <name> and an
integer from `1' to <range>.
Called in the third form, `FreeMonoid' returns a free monoid on
as many generators as arguments, printed as <name1>, <name2> etc.
Called in the fourth form, `FreeMonoid' returns a free monoid on
as many generators as the length of the list <names>, the $i$-th
generator being printed as `<names>[$i$]'.
Called in the fifth form, `FreeMonoid' returns a free monoid on
infinitely many generators, where the first generators are printed
by the names in the list <init>, and the other generators by <name>
and an appended number.

If the extra argument <wfilt> is given, it must be either
`IsSyllableWordsFamily' or `IsLetterWordsFamily' or
`IsWLetterWordsFamily' or `IsBLetterWordsFamily'. The filter then
specifies the representation used for the elements of the free group
(see~"Representations for Associative Words"). If no such filter is
given, a letter representation is used.

\>MonoidByMultiplicationTable( <A> ) F

returns the monoid whose multiplication is defined by the square
matrix <A> (see~"MagmaByMultiplicationTable") if such a monoid exists.
Otherwise `fail' is returned.
