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<!-- $Id: refdtd.xml,v 1.27 2008/05/23 16:03:00 gap Exp $ -->
<Chapter Label="DTD">
<Heading>The Document Type Definition</Heading>

In this chapter  we first explain what a <Q>document  type definition</Q> is
and then describe  <F>gapdoc.dtd</F> in detail. That file  together with the
current chapter define how  a &GAPDoc; document has to look  like. It can be
found in the main directory of the  &GAPDoc; package and it is reproduced in
Appendix&nbsp;<Ref Appendix="GAPDocdtd" />.<P/>

We do  not give many examples  in this chapter  which is more intended  as a
formal  reference for  all &GAPDoc;  elements. Instead  we provide  an extra
document with book name <C>GAPDocExample</C> (also accessible from the &GAP;
online  help). This  uses  all  the constructs  introduced  in this  chapter
and  you can  easily  compare the  source  code  and how  it  looks like  in
the  different output  formats. Furthermore  recall that  many basic  things
about  XML markup  were already  explained  by example  in the  introductory
chapter&nbsp;<Ref Chap="ch:intro" />.

<Section><Heading>What is a DTD?</Heading>

A  document type  definition (DTD)  is a  formal declaration  of how  an XML
document has  to be structured. It  is itself structured such  that programs
that handle documents can read it and treat the documents accordingly. There
are for example  parsers and validity checkers that use  the DTD to validate
an XML document, see&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="XMLvalid"/>. <P/>

The  main thing  a  DTD does  is  to  specify which  elements  may occur  in
documents  of a  certain document  type, how  they can  be nested,  and what
attributes they can or must have. So, for each element there is a rule. <P/>

Note that a DTD can <E>not</E>  ensure that a document which is <Q>valid</Q>
also makes sense to the converters!  It only says something about the formal
structure of the document. <P/>

For  the remaining  part of  this chapter  we have  divided the  elements of
&GAPDoc; documents into several subsets, each  of which will be discussed in
one of the next sections. <P/>

See the following three subsections to learn by example, how a DTD works. We
do not want to be too formal  here, but just enable the reader to understand
the  declarations  in <F>gapdoc.dtd</F>.  For  precise  descriptions of  the
syntax of DTD's see again the official standard in: <P/>



<Section><Heading>Overall Document Structure</Heading>

A &GAPDoc; document contains on its  top level exactly one element with name
<C>Book</C>. This element is declared in the DTD as follows:

<Index Key="Book"><C>Book</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[
<!ELEMENT Book (TitlePage,

After the  keyword <C>ELEMENT</C> and the  name <C>Book</C> there is  a list
in  parentheses.  This is  a  comma  separated  list  of names  of  elements
which  can occur  (in  the given  order)  in the  content  of a  <C>Book</C>
element.  Each  name  in  such  a  list  can  be  followed  by  one  of  the
characters <Q><C>?</C></Q>, <Q><C>*</C></Q> or <Q><C>+</C></Q>, meaning that
the corresponding element  can occur zero or one time,  an arbitrary  number
of times,  or at least once,  respectively. Without such an  extra character
the corresponding  element must occur exactly  once. Instead of one  name in
this  list  there  can  also  be  a list  of  elements  names  separated  by
<Q><C>|</C></Q> characters, this  denotes any element with one  of the names
(i.e., <Q><C>|</C></Q> means <Q>or</Q>).<P/>

So, the <C>Book</C>  element must contain first  a <C>TitlePage</C> element,
then an optional <C>TableOfContents</C> element, then a <C>Body</C> element,
then  zero  or more  elements  of  type  <C>Appendix</C>, then  an  optional
<C>Bibliography</C>  element,  and  finally  an  optional  element  of  type

Note that <Emph>only</Emph> these elements are allowed in the content of the
<C>Book</C> element.  No other elements  or text  is allowed in  between. An
exception of this is that there may be whitespace between the end tag of one
and the  start tag of  the next  element - this  should be ignored  when the
document is processed to some output format. An element like this is called
an element with <Q>element content</Q>.<P/>

The  second  declaration starts  with  the  keyword <C>ATTLIST</C>  and  the
element  name  <C>Book</C>. After  that  there  is  a triple  of  whitespace
separated parameters  (in general an  arbitrary number of such  triples, one
for each allowed attribute name). The  first (<C>Name</C>) is the name of an
attribute for  a <C>Book</C>  element. The  second (<C>CDATA</C>)  is always
the  same  for  all  of  our  declarations,  it  means  that  the  value  of
the  attribute  consists  of  <Q>character  data</Q>.  The  third  parameter
<C>#REQUIRED</C> means that  this attribute must be  specified with any
<C>Book</C> element.  Later we will  also see optional attributes  which are
declared as <C>#IMPLIED</C>. </Subsection>

<Index Key="TitlePage"><C>TitlePage</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[
<!ELEMENT TitlePage (Title, Subtitle?, Version?, TitleComment?, 
                     Author+, Date?, Address?, Abstract?, Copyright?, 
                     Acknowledgements? , Colophon? )>]]>

Within this element  information for the title page is  collected. Note that
more than  one author  can be  specified. The elements  must appear  in this
order because there  is no sensible way  to specify in a  DTD something like
<Q>the following elements may occur in  any order but each exactly once</Q>.

Before going on with the other elements inside the <C>Book</C> element we
explain the elements for the title page. 

<Subsection Label="Title"><Heading><C>&lt;Title></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Title"><C>Title</C></Index>

<Label Name="Text"/>
<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Title (%Text;)*>]]>

Here   is  the   last  construct   you  need   to  understand   for  reading
<F>gapdoc.dtd</F>.   The   expression  <Q><C>%Text;</C></Q>   is   a
so-called <Q>parameter entity</Q>.  It is something like a  macro within the
DTD. It is defined as follows:

<Label Name="InnerText"/>
<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ENTITY % Text "%InnerText; | List | Enum | Table">]]>
This means, that every occurrence of <Q><C>%Text;</C></Q> in the DTD 
is replaced by the expression 
<Label Name="Innertext"/>
<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[%InnerText; | List | Enum | Table]]>
which is then expanded further because of the following definition:
<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ENTITY % InnerText "#PCDATA |
                      Alt |
                      Emph | E |
                      Par | P | Br |
                      Keyword | K | Arg | A | Quoted | Q | Code | C | 
                      File | F | Button | B | Package |
                      M | Math | Display | 
                      Example | Listing | Log | Verb |
                      URL | Email | Homepage | Address | Cite | Label | 
                      Ref | Index" >]]> 

These are the only two parameter entities we are using. They expand to lists
of  element names  which are  explained in  the sequel  <Emph>and</Emph> the
keyword  <C>#PCDATA</C>  (concatenated  with  the  <Q>or</Q>  character
<Q><C>|</C></Q>). <P/>

So, the element (<C>Title</C>) is  of so-called <Q>mixed content</Q>: It can
contain <E>parsed character  data</E> which does not  contain further markup
(<C>#PCDATA</C>) or  any of the  other above mentioned  elements. Mixed
content must always have the  asterisk qualifier (like in <C>Title</C>) such
that any sequence of elements (of the  above list) and character data can be
contained in a <C>Title</C> element. <P/>

The <C>%Text;</C> parameter entity is used in all places 
in the DTD, where <Q>normal text</Q> should be allowed, including lists,
enumerations, and tables, but <E>no</E> sectioning elements. <P/>

The <C>%InnerText;</C> parameter entity is used in all places
in the DTD, where <Q>inner text</Q> should be allowed. This means, that no 
structures like lists, enumerations, and tables are allowed. This is used
for example in headings. <P/>


<Index Key="Subtitle"><C>Subtitle</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Subtitle (%Text;)*>]]>

Contains the subtitle of the document.

<Subsection Label="Version"><Heading><C>&lt;Version></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Version"><C>Version</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Version (#PCDATA|Alt)*>]]>

Note that the version can only  contain character data and no further markup
elements (except for <C>Alt</C>, which  is necessary to resolve the entities
described in <Ref Subsect="GDent"/>). The converters will <E>not</E> put the
word <Q>Version</Q> in front of the text in this element.


<Index Key="TitleComment"><C>TitleComment</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT TitleComment (%Text;)*>]]>

Sometimes a title  and subtitle are not sufficient to  give a rough idea
about the content  of a package. In this case  use this optional element
to  specify an  additional text  for the  front page  of the  book. This
text  should be  short, use  the <C>Abstract</C>  element (see&nbsp;<Ref
Subsect="elAbstract"/>) for longer explanations.


<Index Key="Author"><C>Author</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Author (%Text;)*>    <!-- There may be more than one Author! -->]]>

As noted  in the comment there  may be more  than one element of  this type.
This  element   should  contain  the  name of  an  author  and  probably  an
<C>Email</C>-address  and/or WWW-<C>Homepage</C>  element  for this  author,
see&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="elEmail" /> and&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="elHomepage" />.
You can also specify an individual postal address here, instead of using
the <C>Address</C> element described below, see&nbsp;<Ref
Subsect="elAddress" />.


<Index Key="Date"><C>Date</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">

Only character data is allowed in this element which gives a date for the
document. No automatic formatting is done. 

<Subsection Label="elAddress"><Heading><C>&lt;Address></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Date"><C>Address</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Address (#PCDATA|Alt|Br)*>]]>

This optional  element can be  used to specify  a postal address  of the
author  or the  authors. If  there  are several  authors with  different
addresses then put the  <C>Address</C> elements inside the <C>Author</C>
elements. <P/>

Use the <C>Br</C> element (see&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="Br"/>) to mark the line 
breaks in the usual formatting of the address on a letter.<P/>

Note that often it is not necessary to use this element because a postal
address is easy to find via a link to a personal web page.


<Subsection Label="elAbstract"><Heading><C>&lt;Abstract></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Abstract"><C>Abstract</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Abstract (%Text;)*>]]>

This element contains an abstract of the whole book.

<Index Key="Copyright"><C>Copyright</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Copyright (%Text;)*>]]>

This   element    is   used   for    the   copyright   notice.    Note   the
<C>&amp;copyright;</C>    entity    as    described   in    section    <Ref


<Index Key="Acknowledgements"><C>Acknowledgements</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Acknowledgements (%Text;)*>]]>

This element contains the acknowledgements.

<Index Key="Colophon"><C>Colophon</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Colophon (%Text;)*>]]>

The <Q>colophon</Q> page is used to say something about the history of a

<Index Key="TableOfContents"><C>TableOfContents</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[
<!ELEMENT TableOfContents EMPTY>]]>

This element may occur in the <C>Book</C> element after the <C>TitlePage</C>
element. If  it is present,  a table of  contents is generated  and inserted
into  the  document. Note  that  because  this  element  is declared  to  be
<C>EMPTY</C> one can use the abbreviation

<Listing Type="Example">

to denote this empty element.


<Subsection Label="Bibliography"><Heading><C>&lt;Bibliography></C>
<Index Key="Bibliography"><C>Bibliography</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Bibliography EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST Bibliography Databases CDATA #REQUIRED
                       Style CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This  element  may   occur  in  the  <C>Book</C>  element   after  the  last
<C>Appendix</C>  element.  If  it  is present,  a  bibliography  section  is
generated  and inserted  into the  document. The  attribute <C>Databases</C>
must be  specified, the names of several data files can be specified,
separated by commas.<P/>

Two kinds of files can be specified in <C>Databases</C>: The first are
&BibTeX; files as defined in&nbsp;<Cite Key="La85" Where="Appendix B"/>.
Such files must have a name with extension <F>.bib</F>, and in
<C>Databases</C> the name must be given <E>without</E> this extension.
The second are files in BibXMLext format as defined in Section&nbsp;<Ref 
Sect="BibXMLformat"/>. These files must have an extension <F>.xml</F>
and in <C>Databases</C> the <E>full</E> name  must be specified.<P/>

We suggest to use the BibXMLext format because it allows to produce
potentially nicer bibliography entries in text and HTML documents.<P/>

A bibliography style  may be  specified with  the <C>Style</C>  attribute. The
optional <C>Style</C>  attribute (for &LaTeX;  output of the  document) must
also  be  specified  without  the  <F>.bst</F>  extension  (the  default  is
<C>alpha</C>). See also  section <Ref Subsect="Cite"/> for  a description of
the <C>Cite</C>  element which  is used  to include  bibliography references
into the text. <P/>


<Subsection Label="TheIndex"><Heading><C>&lt;TheIndex></C></Heading>
<Index Key="TheIndex"><C>TheIndex</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[<!ELEMENT TheIndex EMPTY>]]></Listing>

This   element   may   occur   in  the   <C>Book</C>   element   after   the
<C>Bibliography</C> element.  If it  is present, an  index is  generated and
inserted into the document. There  are elements in &GAPDoc; which implicitly
generate  index entries  (e.g.,  <C>Func</C> (<Ref  Subsect="Func" />))  and
there  is an  element <C>Index</C> (<Ref Subsect="Index"  />) for explicitly
adding index entries.



<Section><Heading>Sectioning Elements</Heading>

A  &GAPDoc;  book  is  divided into  <E>chapters</E>,  <E>sections</E>,  and
<E>subsections</E>.  The idea  is  of  course, that  a  chapter consists  of
sections, which  in turn  consist of  subsections. However  for the  sake of
flexibility, the  rules are  not too restrictive.  Firstly, text  is allowed
everywhere  in the  body of  the document  (and not  only within  sections).
Secondly, the  chapter level may be  omitted. The exact rules  are described
below. <P/>

<E>Appendices</E>   are   a  flavor   of   chapters,  occurring  after   all
regular   chapters.  There   is  a   special  type   of  subsection   called
<Q><C>ManSection</C></Q>. This is a subsection devoted to the description of
a function, operation or variable. It is  analogous to a manpage in the UNIX
environment. Usually each function, operation, method, and so on should have
its own <C>ManSection</C>. <P/>

Cross referencing is  done on the level  of <C>Subsection</C>s, respectively
<C>ManSection</C>s. The topics  in &GAP;'s online help are  also pointing to
subsections. So, they should not be too long.<P/>

We start our description of the sectioning elements <Q>top-down</Q>:

<Index Key="Body"><C>Body</C></Index>

The <C>Body</C> element  marks the main part of the  document. It must occur
after the <C>TableOfContents</C> element. There  is a big difference between
<E>inside</E> and  <E>outside</E> of this  element: Whereas regular  text is
allowed nearly  everywhere in the  <C>Body</C> element and  its subelements,
this  is  not  true  for  the <E>outside</E>.  This  has  also  implications
on  the handling  of  whitespace. <E>Outside</E>  superfluous whitespace  is
usually  ignored  when it  occurs  between  elements. <E>Inside</E>  of  the
<C>Body</C>  element whitespace  matters because  character data  is allowed
nearly everywhere. Here is the definition in the DTD:

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Body  ( %Text;| Chapter | Section )*>]]>

The fact  that <C>Chapter</C> and  <C>Section</C> elements are  allowed here
leads  to  the  possibility  to  omit the  chapter  level  entirely  in  the
document. For  a description of <C>%Text;</C>  see <Ref Label="Text"

(Remark:   The  purpose   of  this   element  is   to  make   sure  that   a
<Emph>valid</Emph> &GAPDoc; document has  a correct overall structure, which
is only possible when the top element <C>Book</C> has element content.)


<Subsection Label="Chapter"><Heading><C>&lt;Chapter></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Chapter"><C>Chapter</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Chapter (%Text;| Heading | Section)*>
<!ATTLIST Chapter Label CDATA #IMPLIED>    <!-- For reference purposes -->]]>

A <C>Chapter</C> element can have a <C>Label</C> attribute, such that this
chapter can be referenced later on with a <C>Ref</C> element (see section
<Ref Subsect="Ref"/>). Note that you have to specify a label to reference
the chapter as there is no automatic labelling!<P/>

<C>Chapter</C>   elements   can  contain   text   (for   a  description   of
<C>%Text;</C> see  <Ref Label="Text"  Text="here"/>), <C>Section</C>
elements, and  <C>Heading</C> elements.<P/>

The  following <Emph>additional</Emph>  rule  cannot be  stated  in the  DTD
because we want  a <C>Chapter</C> element to have mixed  content. There must
be  <Emph>exactly one</Emph>  <C>Heading</C> element  in the  <C>Chapter</C>
element, containing the heading of the chapter. Here is its definition:


<Subsection Label="Heading"><Heading><C>&lt;Heading></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Heading"><C>Heading</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Heading (%InnerText;)*>]]>

This  element  is  used  for  headings  in  <C>Chapter</C>,  <C>Section</C>,
<C>Subsection</C>,  and  <C>Appendix</C>  elements.   It  may  only  contain
<C>%InnerText;</C>   (for  a   description   see  <Ref   Text="here"

Each of  the mentioned sectioning  elements must contain exactly  one direct
<C>Heading</C>  element  (i.e.,  one  which  is  not  contained  in  another
sectioning element).


<Index Key="Appendix"><C>Appendix</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Appendix (%Text;| Heading | Section)*>
<!ATTLIST Appendix Label CDATA #IMPLIED>   <!-- For reference purposes -->]]>

The <C>Appendix</C>  element behaves  exactly like a  <C>Chapter</C> element
(see <Ref Subsect="Chapter"/>)  except for the position  within the document
and the numbering. While chapters are counted with numbers (1., 2., 3., ...)
the appendices are counted with capital letters (A., B., ...). <P/>

Again there is an optional <C>Label</C> attribute used for references. 

<Index Key="Section"><C>Section</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Section (%Text;| Heading | Subsection | ManSection)*>
<!ATTLIST Section Label CDATA #IMPLIED>    <!-- For reference purposes -->]]>

A <C>Section</C> element  can have a <C>Label</C> attribute,  such that this
section can  be referenced later on  with a <C>Ref</C> element  (see section
<Ref Subsect="Ref"/>).  Note that you have  to specify a label  to reference
the section as there is no automatic labelling!<P/>

<C>Section</C>   elements   can  contain   text   (for   a  description   of
<C>%Text;</C> see  <Ref Label="Text"  Text="here"/>), <C>Heading</C>
elements, and subsections. <P/>

There must be exactly one  direct <C>Heading</C> element in a <C>Section</C>
element, containing the heading of the section. <P/>

Note  that  a  subsection  is   either  a  <C>Subsection</C>  element  or  a
<C>ManSection</C> element.


<Index Key="Subsection"><C>Subsection</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Subsection (%Text;| Heading)*>
<!ATTLIST Subsection Label CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- For reference purposes -->]]>

The <C>Subsection</C> element  can have a <C>Label</C>  attribute, such that
this subsection  can be referenced later  on with a <C>Ref</C>  element (see
section <Ref  Subsect="Ref"/>). Note  that you  have to  specify a  label to
reference the subsection as there is no automatic labelling!<P/>

<C>Subsection</C>   elements   can   contain   text   (for   a   description
of   <C>%Text;</C>  see   <Ref   Label="Text"  Text="here"/>),   and
<C>Heading</C> elements.<P/>

There  must be  exactly one  <C>Heading</C> element  in a  <C>Subsection</C>
element, containing the heading of the subsection. <P/>

Another type of subsection is a <C>ManSection</C>, explained now:


<Section Label="sec:mansect">
<Heading>ManSection&ndash;a special kind of subsection</Heading>

<C>ManSection</C>s are intended to describe a function, operation, method,
variable, or some other technical instance. It is analogous to a manpage
in the UNIX environment. 

<Index Key="ManSection"><C>ManSection</C></Index>
<Index Key="Description"><C>Description</C></Index>
<Index Key="Returns"><C>Returns</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT ManSection ( Heading?, 
                      ((Func, Returns?) | (Oper, Returns?) | 
                       (Meth, Returns?) | (Filt, Returns?) | 
                       (Prop, Returns?) | (Attr, Returns?) |
                       Var | Fam | InfoClass)+, Description )>
<!ATTLIST ManSection Label CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- For reference purposes -->

<!ELEMENT Returns (%Text;)*>
<!ELEMENT Description (%Text;)*>]]>

The <C>ManSection</C> element  can have a <C>Label</C>  attribute, such that
this subsection  can be referenced later  on with a <C>Ref</C>  element (see
section <Ref Subsect="Ref"/>). But this is probably rarely necessary because
the elements <C>Func</C> and so  on (explained below) generate automatically
labels for cross referencing.<P/>

The  content  of  a  <C>ManSection</C>  element  is  one  or  more  elements
describing  certain  items  in  &GAP;,  each  of  them  optionally  followed
by  a  <C>Returns</C> element,  followed  by  a <C>Description</C>  element,
which contains  <C>%Text;</C> (see <Ref  Label="Text" Text="here"/>)
describing it. (Remember to include examples  in the description as often as
possible,  see&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="Log"  />). The  classes of  items &GAPDoc;
knows  of are:  functions (<C>Func</C>),  operations (<C>Oper</C>),  methods
(<C>Meth</C>), filters  (<C>Filt</C>), properties  (<C>Prop</C>), attributes
(<C>Attr</C>),  variables  (<C>Var</C>),  families  (<C>Fam</C>),  and  info
classes  (<C>InfoClass</C>).  One  <C>ManSection</C>  should  only  describe
several of such items when these are very closely related. <P/>

Each element for  an item corresponding to a &GAP;  function can be followed
by a <C>Returns</C>  element. In output versions of the  document the string
<Q>Returns: </Q> will be  put in front of the content text.  The text in the
<C>Returns</C> element  should usually  be a  short hint  about the  type of
object returned  by the function. This  is intended to give  a good mnemonic
for the  use of a  function (together  with a good  choice of names  for the
formal arguments).<P/>

<C>ManSection</C>s are also sectioning  elements which count as subsections.
Usually there  should be  no <C>Heading</C>-element in  a <C>ManSection</C>,
in  that  case   a  heading  is  generated  automatically   from  the  first
<C>Func</C>-like  element. Sometimes  this default  behaviour does  not look
appropriate, for  example when there are  several <C>Func</C>-like elements.
For such cases an optional <C>Heading</C> is allowed.


<Subsection Label="Func"><Heading><C>&lt;Func></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Func"><C>Func</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Arg   CDATA #REQUIRED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to specify the usage
of a  function. The <C>Name</C> attribute  is required and its  value is the
name of the function. The value  of the <C>Arg</C> attribute (also required)
contains  the full  list of  arguments including  optional parts,  which are
denoted  by  square  brackets.  The  argument  names  can  be  separated  by
whitespace, commas or  the square brackets for the  optional arguments, like
<C><![CDATA["grp[, elm]"]]></C> or <C><![CDATA["xx[y[z] ]"]]></C>.<P/>

The  name of  the function  is  also used  as label  for cross  referencing.
When  the name  of the  function  appears in  the  text of  the document  it
should <E>always</E> be written with  the <C>Ref</C>  element, see&nbsp;<Ref
Subsect="Ref" />. This allows to use a unique typesetting style for function
names and automatic cross referencing.<P/>

If the  optional <C>Label</C>  attribute is  given, it  is appended  (with a
colon <C>:</C> in between) to the name of the function for cross referencing
purposes. The text of the label can also appear in the document text. So, it
should be a kind of short explanation.

<Listing Type="Example">
<![CDATA[<Func Arg="x[, y]" Name="LibFunc" Label="for my objects"/>]]>

The  optional <C>Comm</C>  attribute should  be a  short description  of the
function,  usually  at  most  one  line  long  (this  is  currently  nowhere

This element  automatically produces  an index  entry with  the name  of the
function and, if present, the text of the <C>Label</C> attribute as subentry
(see also&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="TheIndex" /> and&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="Index" />).


<Index Key="Oper"><C>Oper</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Arg   CDATA #REQUIRED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to specify the usage
of an operation. The  attributes are used exactly in the same  way as in the
<C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>). <P/>

Note  that multiple  descriptions  of  the same  operation  may  occur in  a
document because  there may  be several  declarations in  &GAP;. Furthermore
there  may  be several  <C>ManSection</C>s  for  methods of  this  operation
(see&nbsp;<Ref  Subsect="Meth"  />)  which  also  use  the  same  name.  For
reference  purposes these  must be  distinguished by  different <C>Label</C>


<Subsection Label="Meth"><Heading><C>&lt;Meth></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Meth"><C>Meth</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Arg   CDATA #REQUIRED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to specify the
usage of a method. The attributes are used exactly in the same
way as in the <C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>). <P/>

Frequently,  an  operation  is  implemented by  several  different  methods.
Therefore it seems to be interesting to document them independently. This is
possible  by using  the same  method name  in different  <C>ManSection</C>s.
It  is  however  required  that   these  subsections  and  those  describing
the  corresponding operation  are  distinguished  by different  <C>Label</C>


<Index Key="Filt"><C>Filt</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Arg   CDATA #IMPLIED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED
               Type  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to specify the
usage of a filter. The first four attributes are used in the same
way as in the <C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>),
except that the <C>Arg</C> attribute is optional. <P/>

The <C>Type</C> attribute can be any string, but it is thought to be
something like <Q><C>Category</C></Q> or <Q><C>Representation</C></Q>.

<Index Key="Prop"><C>Prop</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Arg   CDATA #REQUIRED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to specify the
usage of a property. The attributes are used exactly in the same
way as in the <C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>). <P/>

<Index Key="Attr"><C>Attr</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Arg   CDATA #REQUIRED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to specify the usage
of an  attribute (in  &GAP;). The  attributes are used  exactly in  the same
way  as  in  the  <C>Func</C>  element  (see  <Ref  Subsect="Func"/>).  <P/>

<Index Key="Var"><C>Var</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to document 
a global variable. The attributes are used exactly in the same
way as in the <C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>) except
that there is no <C>Arg</C> attribute. <P/>

<Index Key="Fam"><C>Fam</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Label CDATA #IMPLIED
               Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to document
a family. The attributes are used exactly in the same
way as in the <C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>) except
that there is no <C>Arg</C> attribute. <P/>

<Index Key="InfoClass"><C>InfoClass</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
                    Label CDATA #IMPLIED
                    Comm  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element is used within a <C>ManSection</C> element to document
an info class. The attributes are used exactly in the same
way as in the <C>Func</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Func"/>) except
that there is no <C>Arg</C> attribute. <P/>

<Section><Heading>Cross Referencing and Citations</Heading>

Cross referencing in the &GAPDoc; system is somewhat different to
the usual &LaTeX; cross referencing in so far, that a reference
knows <Q>which type of object</Q> it is referencing. For example a
<Q>reference to a function</Q> is distinguished from a <Q>reference to
a chapter</Q>. The idea of this is, that the markup must contain this
information such that the converters can produce better output. The HTML
converter can for example typeset a function reference just as the name
of the function with a link to the description of the function, or a
chapter reference as a number with a link in the other case.<P/>

Referencing is done with the <C>Ref</C> element:

<Subsection Label="Ref"><Heading><C>&lt;Ref></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Ref"><C>Ref</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
              Oper      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Meth      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Filt      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Prop      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Attr      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Var       CDATA #IMPLIED
              Fam       CDATA #IMPLIED
              InfoClass CDATA #IMPLIED
              Chap      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Sect      CDATA #IMPLIED
              Subsect   CDATA #IMPLIED
              Appendix  CDATA #IMPLIED
              Text      CDATA #IMPLIED

              Label     CDATA #IMPLIED
              BookName  CDATA #IMPLIED
              Style (Text | Number) #IMPLIED>  <!-- normally automatic -->]]>

The  <C>Ref</C>  element is  defined  to  be  <C>EMPTY</C>.  If one  of  the
attributes <C>Func</C>, <C>Oper</C>,  <C>Meth</C>, <C>Prop</C>, <C>Attr</C>,
<C>Var</C>,   <C>Fam</C>,    <C>InfoClass</C>,   <C>Chap</C>,   <C>Sect</C>,
<C>Subsect</C>,  <C>Appendix</C> is  given then  there must  be exactly  one
of  these,  making  the  reference  one to  the  corresponding  object.  The
<C>Label</C> attribute  can be specified  in addition to make  the reference
unique, for example  if more than one  method with a given  name is present.
(Note that  there is no way  to specify in the  DTD that exactly one  of the
first listed attributes must be given, this is an additional rule.)<P/>

A   reference  to   a   <C>Label</C>  element   defined   below  (see   <Ref
Subsect="Label"/>)  is  done  by   giving  the  <C>Label</C>  attribute  and
optionally  the  <C>Text</C>  attribute.  If the  <C>Text</C>  attribute  is
present its value is typeset in  place of the <C>Ref</C> element, if linking
is possible  (for example  in HTML).  If this is  not possible,  the section
number is  typeset. This type  of reference is  also used for  references to
tables (see <Ref Subsect="Table"/>).<P/>

Optionally an external reference into another book can be specified by using
the  <C>BookName</C>  attribute. In  this  case  the <C>Label</C>  attribute
<E>must</E> be specified and refers to a  search string as in the &GAP; help
system. It  is guaranteed that the  reference points to the  position in the
other book, that the &GAP; help system finds as first match if one types the
value of the <C>Label</C> element after a question mark.<P/>

An  external reference  into  another book  can be  specified  by using  the
<C>BookName</C> attribute.  In this case  the <C>Label</C> attribute  or, if
this  is not  given, the  function  or section  like attribute,  is used  to
resolve the reference. The generated reference  points to the first hit when
asking <Q>?book name: label</Q> inside &GAP;.<P/>

The optional attribute <C>Style</C> can take only the values <C>Text</C> and
<C>Number</C>. It  can be used  with references  to sectioning units  and it
gives a hint  to the converter programs, whether an  explicit section number
is generated or  text. Normally all references to  sections generate numbers
and references  to a  &GAP; object  generate the  name of  the corresponding
object with  some additional  link or sectioning  information, which  is the
behavior of <C>Style="Text"</C>. In  case <C>Style="Number"</C> in all cases
an explicit section number is generated. So

<Listing Type="Example">
<![CDATA[<Ref Subsect="Func" Style="Text"/> described in section 
<Ref Subsect="Func" Style="Number"/>]]>

produces: <Ref Subsect="Func" Style="Text"/> described in section 
<Ref Subsect="Func" Style="Number"/>.

<Subsection Label="Label"><Heading><C>&lt;Label></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Label"><C>Label</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">

This element is used to define a label for referencing a certain position in
the document,  if this is  possible. If an  exact reference is  not possible
(like in a printed version of the document) a reference to the corresponding
subsection  is generated.  The value  of the  <C>Name</C> attribute  must be
unique under all <C>Label</C> elements.


<Subsection Label="Cite"><Heading><C>&lt;Cite></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Cite"><C>Cite</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
               Where CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This  element  is   for  bibliography  citations.  It   is  <C>EMPTY</C>  by
definition. The attribute  <C>Key</C> is the key for a  lookup in a &BibTeX;
database that  has to be  specified in the <C>Bibliography</C>  element (see
<Ref  Subsect="Bibliography"/>). The  value  of  the <C>Where</C>  attribute
specifies  the position  in the  document  as in  the corresponding  &LaTeX;
syntax <C>\cite[Where value]{Key value}</C>.

<Subsection Label="Index"><Heading><C>&lt;Index></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Index"><C>Index</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Index (%InnerText;|Subkey)*>
                Subkey CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT Subkey (%InnerText;)*>]]>

This  element generates  an  index entry.  The text  within  the element  is
typeset  in the  index  entry, which  is  sorted under  the  value, that  is
specified in  the <C>Key</C> and  <C>Subkey</C> attributes. If they  are not
specified, the typeset text itself is used as the key. <P/>

A subkey can be specified in the simpler version  as an attribute, but
then no further markup can be used for the subkey. Optionally, the
subkey text can be given in a <C>Subkey</C> element, in this case the
attribute value is used for sorting but the typeset text is taken from
the content of <C>Subkey</C>.<P/>

Note that all <C>Func</C> and  similar elements automatically generate index
entries. If the <C>TheIndex</C> element  (<Ref Subsect="TheIndex" />) is not
present in the document all <C>Index</C> elements are ignored.


<Subsection Label="URL"><Heading><C>&lt;URL></C></Heading>
<Index Key="URL"><C>URL</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT URL (#PCDATA|Alt|Link|LinkText)*>  <!-- Link, LinkText
     variant for case where text needs further markup -->
<!ATTLIST URL Text CDATA #IMPLIED>   <!-- This is for output formats
                                          that have links like HTML -->
<!ELEMENT Link     (%InnerText;)*> <!-- the URL -->
<!ELEMENT LinkText (%InnerText;)*> <!-- text for links, can contain markup -->

This element is for references into the internet. 
It specifies an URL and optionally a text which can be used for a link 
(like in HTML or PDF versions of the document). This can be specified in
two ways: Either the URL is given as element content and the text is
given in the optional <C>Text</C> attribute (in this case the text
cannot contain further markup), or the element contains the two elements
<C>Link</C> and <C>LinkText</C> which in turn contain the URL and the
text, respectively. The default value for the text is the URL itself.

<Subsection Label="elEmail"><Heading><C>&lt;Email></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Email"><C>Email</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Email (#PCDATA|Alt|Link|LinkText)*>]]>

This element type is the special case of an URL specifying an email
address. The content of the element should be the email address without
any prefix like <Q><C>mailto:</C></Q>. This address is typeset by all
converters, also without any prefix. In the case of an output document 
format like HTML the converter can produce a link with a 
<Q><C>mailto:</C></Q> prefix.

<Subsection Label="elHomepage"><Heading><C>&lt;Homepage></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Homepage"><C>Homepage</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Homepage (#PCDATA|Alt|Link|LinkText)*>]]>

This element type  is the special case of an  URL specifying a WWW-homepage.


<Section><Heading>Structural Elements like Lists</Heading>

The &GAPDoc; system offers some limited access to structural elements
like lists, enumerations, and tables. Although it is possible to use
all &LaTeX; constructs one always has to think about other output
formats. The elements in this section are guaranteed to produce something
reasonable in all output formats.

<Subsection Label="List"><Heading><C>&lt;List></C></Heading>
<Index Key="List"><C>List</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT List ( ((Mark,Item)|(BigMark,Item)|Item)+ )>
               Not  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element produces a list. Each item in the list corresponds to
an <C>Item</C> element. Every <C>Item</C> element is optionally preceded
by a <C>Mark</C> element. The content of this is used as a marker for the
item. Note that this marker can be a whole word or even a sentence. It will
be typeset in some emphasized fashion and most converters will provide
some indentation for the rest of the item. <P/>

The <C>Only</C> and <C>Not</C> attributes can be used to specify, that 
the list is included into the output by only one type of converter 
(<C>Only</C>) or all but one type of converter (<C>Not</C>). Of course
at most one of the two attributes may occur in one element. The following
values are allowed as of now: <Q><C>LaTeX</C></Q>, <Q><C>HTML</C></Q>,
and <Q><C>Text</C></Q>. See also the <C>Alt</C> element in 
<Ref Subsect="Alt"/> for more about text alternatives for certain

<Index Key="Mark"><C>Mark</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Mark ( %InnerText;)*>]]>

This element is used in the <C>List</C> element to mark items. See
<Ref Subsect="List"/> for an explanation.


<Subsection Label="Item"><Heading><C>&lt;Item></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Item"><C>Item</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Item ( %Text;)*>]]>

This element is used in the <C>List</C>, <C>Enum</C>, and <C>Table</C>
elements to specify the items. See sections <Ref Subsect="List"/>,
<Ref Subsect="Enum"/>, and <Ref Subsect="Table"/> for further information.


<Subsection Label="Enum"><Heading><C>&lt;Enum></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Enum"><C>Enum</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Enum ( Item+ )>
               Not  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This   element   is   used   like  the   <C>List</C>   element   (see   <Ref
Subsect="List"/>)  except that  the items  must not  have marks  attached to
them. Instead, the items are numbered automatically. The same comments about
the <C>Only</C> and <C>Not</C> attributes as above apply.


<Subsection Label="Table"><Heading><C>&lt;Table></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Table"><C>Table</C></Index>

<Index Key="Caption"><C>&lt;Caption></C></Index>
<Index Key="Row"><C>&lt;Row></C></Index>
<Index Key="Align"><C>&lt;Align></C></Index>
<Index Key="HorLine"><C>&lt;HorLine></C></Index>
<Index Key="Item in Table"><C>&lt;Item></C> in <C>&lt;Table></C></Index>
<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Table ( Caption?, (Row | HorLine)+ )>
                Only    CDATA #IMPLIED
                Not     CDATA #IMPLIED
                Align   CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!-- We allow | and l,c,r, nothing else -->
<!ELEMENT Row   ( Item+ )>
<!ELEMENT Caption ( %InnerText;)*>]]>

A table in &GAPDoc; consists of an optional <C>Caption</C> element followed
by a sequence of <C>Row</C> and <C>HorLine</C> elements. A <C>HorLine</C>
element produces a horizontal line in the table. A <C>Row</C> element
consists of a sequence of <C>Item</C> elements as they also occur in 
<C>List</C> and <C>Enum</C> elements. The <C>Only</C> and <C>Not</C>
attributes have the same functionality as described in the <C>List</C>
element in <Ref Subsect="List"/>. <P/>

The <C>Align</C> attribute is written like a &LaTeX; tabular alignment
specifier but only the letters <Q><C>l</C></Q>, <Q><C>r</C></Q>,
<Q><C>c</C></Q>, and <Q><C>|</C></Q> are allowed meaning left alignment,
right alignment, centered alignment, and a vertical line as delimiter
between columns respectively. <P/>

If the <C>Label</C> attribute is there, one can reference the table
with the <C>Ref</C> element (see <Ref Subsect="Ref"/>) using its
<C>Label</C> attribute.<P/>

Usually only simple  tables should be used. If you  want a complicated table
in the  &LaTeX; output  you should  provide alternatives  for text  and HTML
output.  Note that  in HTML-4.0  there is  no possibility  to interpret  the
<Q><C>|</C></Q> column  separators and <C>HorLine</C> elements  as intended.
There are lines between all columns and rows or no lines at all.



<Section><Heading>Types of Text</Heading>

This section covers the markup of text. Various types of <Q>text</Q> exist. 
The following elements are used in the &GAPDoc; system to mark them.
They mostly come in pairs, one long name which is easier to remember
and a shortcut to make the markup <Q>lighter</Q>. <P/>

Most of the following elements are thought to contain only character
data and no further markup elements. It is however necessary to
allow <C>Alt</C> elements to resolve the entities described in section
<Ref Subsect="GDent"/>.

<Subsection><Heading><C>&lt;Emph></C> and <C>&lt;E></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Emph"><C>Emph</C></Index>
<Index Key="E"><C>E</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Emph (%InnerText;)*>    <!-- Emphasize something -->
<!ELEMENT E    (%InnerText;)*>    <!-- the same as shortcut -->]]>

This element is used to emphasize some piece of text. It may contain
<C>%InnerText;</C> (see <Ref Text="here" Label="InnerText"/>). 

<Subsection><Heading><C>&lt;Quoted></C> and <C>&lt;Q></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Quoted"><C>Quoted</C></Index>
<Index Key="Q"><C>Q</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Quoted (%InnerText;)*>   <!-- Quoted (in quotes) text -->
<!ELEMENT Q (%InnerText;)*>        <!-- Quoted text (shortcut) -->]]>

This element  is used to put  some piece of text  into <Q>&nbsp;</Q>-quotes.
It   may   contain    <C>%InnerText;</C>   (see   <Ref   Text="here"


<Subsection><Heading><C>&lt;Keyword></C> and <C>&lt;K></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Keyword"><C>Keyword</C></Index>
<Index Key="K"><C>K</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Keyword (#PCDATA|Alt)*>  <!-- Keyword -->
<!ELEMENT K (#PCDATA|Alt)*>        <!-- Keyword (shortcut) -->]]>

This element is used to mark something as a <E>keyword</E>. Usually this
will be a &GAP; keyword such as <Q><K>if</K></Q> or <Q><K>for</K></Q>.
No further markup elements are allowed within this element except for
the <C>Alt</C> element, which is necessary. 

<Subsection Label="Arg"><Heading><C>&lt;Arg></C> and 
<Index Key="Arg"><C>Arg</C></Index>
<Index Key="A"><C>A</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Arg (#PCDATA|Alt)*>      <!-- Argument -->
<!ELEMENT A (#PCDATA|Alt)*>        <!-- Argument (shortcut) -->]]>

This  element is  used inside  <C>Description</C>s in  <C>ManSection</C>s to
mark something as an <E>argument</E> (of a function, operation, or such). It
is guaranteed that the converters typeset those exactly as in the definition
of functions. No further markup elements are allowed within this element.


<Subsection Label="Code"><Heading><C>&lt;Code></C> and 
<Index Key="Code"><C>Code</C></Index>
<Index Key="C"><C>C</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Code (#PCDATA|Alt)*>     <!-- GAP code -->
<!ELEMENT C (#PCDATA|Alt)*>        <!-- GAP code (shortcut) -->]]>

This element is  used to mark something  as a piece of  <E>code</E> like for
example a  &GAP; expression.  It is guaranteed  that the  converters typeset
this  exactly  as  in  the  <C>Listing</C>  element  (compare  section  <Ref
Subsect="Listing"/>.  No further  markup  elements are  allowed within  this


<Subsection><Heading><C>&lt;File></C> and <C>&lt;F></C></Heading>
<Index Key="File"><C>File</C></Index>
<Index Key="F"><C>F</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT File (#PCDATA|Alt)*>     <!-- Filename -->
<!ELEMENT F (#PCDATA|Alt)*>        <!-- Filename (shortcut) -->]]>

This  element  is  used  to  mark   something  as  a  <E>filename</E>  or  a
<E>pathname</E> in  the file system. No further markup elements  are allowed
within this element.


<Subsection><Heading><C>&lt;Button></C> and <C>&lt;B></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Button"><C>Button</C></Index>
<Index Key="B"><C>B</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Button (#PCDATA|Alt)*>   <!-- "Button" (also Menu, Key, ...) -->
<!ELEMENT B (#PCDATA|Alt)*>        <!-- "Button" (shortcut) -->]]>

This element is  used to mark something  as a <E>button</E>. It  can also be
used  for other  items  in  a graphical  user  interface like  <E>menus</E>,
<E>menu entries</E>, or <E>keys</E>. No  further markup elements are allowed
within this element.


<Index Key="Package"><C>Package</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Package (#PCDATA|Alt)*>   <!-- A package name -->]]>

This element is used  to mark something as a name  of a <E>package</E>. This
is for  example used to define  the entities &GAP;, &XGAP;  or &GAPDoc; (see
section  <Ref Subsect="GDent"/>).  No  further markup  elements are  allowed
within this element.


<Subsection Label="Listing"><Heading><C>&lt;Listing></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Listing"><C>Listing</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Listing (#PCDATA)>  <!-- This is just for GAP code listings -->
<!ATTLIST Listing Type CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- a comment about the type of
                                            listed code, may appear in
                                            output -->]]>

This element is  used to embed listings of programs  into the document. Only
character  data and  no  other  elements are  allowed  in  the content.  You
should  <E>not</E> use  the  character entities  described  in section  <Ref
Subsect="GDent"/> but instead type the characters directly. Only the general
XML rules  from section  <Ref Sect="EnterXML"/>  apply. Note  especially the
usage  of <C>&lt;![CDATA[</C>  sections described  there. It  is guaranteed
that all  converters use a  fixed width font for  typesetting <C>Listing</C>
elements. Compare also the usage of the <C>Code</C> and <C>C</C> elements in
<Ref Subsect="Code"/>. <P/>

The <C>Type</C> attribute contains a comment  about the type of listed code.
It may appear in the output.


<Subsection Label="Log"><Heading><C>&lt;Log></C> and
<Index Key="Log"><C>Log</C></Index>
<Index Key="Example"><C>Example</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Example (#PCDATA)>  <!-- This is subject to the automatic 
                                   example checking mechanism -->
<!ELEMENT Log (#PCDATA)>      <!-- This not -->]]>

These two elements behave exactly  like the <C>Listing</C> element (see <Ref
Subsect="Listing"/>). They are thought for protocols  of &GAP; sessions. The
only difference between the two is that <C>Example</C> sections are intended
to be subject  to an automatic manual checking mechanism  used to ensure the
correctness of the &GAP; manual whereas <C>Log</C> is not touched by this.


<Subsection Label="Verb"><Heading><C>&lt;Verb></C></Heading>

There is one further type of verbatim-like element. 

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Verb  (#PCDATA)> ]]>

The  content of  such an  element is  guaranteed to  be put  into an  output
version exactly as it  is using some fixed width font.  Before the content a
new line is started. If the line after  the end of the start tag consists of
whitespace only then this part of the content is skipped.<P/>

This element is intended to be  used together with the <C>Alt</C> element to
specify  pre-formatted  ASCII  alternatives for  complicated  <C>Display</C>
formulae or <C>Table</C>s.


<Section Label="MathForm"><Heading>Elements for Mathematical Formulae</Heading>

<Subsection Label="Math"><Heading><C>&lt;Math></C> 
                              and <C>&lt;Display></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Math"><C>Math</C></Index>
<Index Key="Display"><C>Display</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[
<!-- Normal TeX math mode formula -->
<!ELEMENT Math (#PCDATA|A|Arg|Alt)*>   
<!-- TeX displayed math mode formula -->
<!ELEMENT Display (#PCDATA|A|Arg|Alt)*>]]>

These elements are  used for mathematical formulae. As  described in section
<Ref Sect="GDformulae"/> they correspond to  &LaTeX;'s math and display math
mode  respectively.<P/>

The formulae  are typed in  as in  &LaTeX;, <E>except</E> that  the standard
XML  entities,   see&nbsp;<Ref  Subsect="XMLent"   />  (in   particular  the
characters  <C>&lt;</C> and  <C>&amp;</C>), must  be escaped  - either  by
using  the  corresponding  entities  or by  enclosing  the  formula  between
<Q><C>&lt;![CDATA[</C></Q> and  <Q><C>]]&gt;</C></Q>. (The  main reference
for &LaTeX; is <Cite Key="La85" />.)<P/>

It is also possible to use some unicode characters for mathematical
symbols directly, provided that it can be translated by <Ref Func="Encode" /> into <C>"LaTeX"</C> encoding and that <Ref Func="SimplifiedUnicodeString"/> with arguments <C>"latin1"</C> and <C>"single"</C> returns something sensible.
Currently, we support entities <C>&amp;CC;</C>, <C>&amp;ZZ;</C>,
<C>&amp;NN;</C>, <C>&amp;PP;</C>, <C>&amp;QQ;</C>, <C>&amp;HH;</C>,
<C>&amp;RR;</C> for the corresponding black board bold letters 
&CC;, &ZZ;, &NN;,&PP;, &QQ;, &HH; and  &RR;, respectively.

The only  element type that  is allowed within  the formula elements  is the
<C>Arg</C> or <C>A</C> element (see  <Ref Subsect="Arg"/>), which is used to
typeset identifiers that are arguments to &GAP; functions or operations.<P/>

In text and HTML output these formulae are shown as &LaTeX; source code. For
simple  formulae (and  you should  try to  make all  your formulae  simple!)
there  is the  element  <C>M</C> (see&nbsp;<Ref  Subsect="M"  />) for  which
there  is a  well  defined translation  into  text, which  can  be used  for
text  and HTML  output versions  of  the document.  So, if  possible try  to
avoid the  <C>Math</C> and  <C>Display</C> elements  or provide  useful text
substitutes for complicated formulae  via <C>Alt</C> elements (see&nbsp;<Ref
Subsect="Alt" /> and&nbsp;<Ref Subsect="Verb" />).


<Subsection Label="M"><Heading><C>&lt;M></C></Heading>
<Index Key="M"><C>M</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"><![CDATA[
<!-- Math with well defined translation to text output -->
<!ELEMENT M (#PCDATA|A|Arg|Alt)*>]]>

The <Q><C>M</C></Q>  element type  is intended for  formulae in  the running
text for which there is a sensible ASCII version. For the &LaTeX; version of
a &GAPDoc;  document the <C>M</C>  and <C>Math</C> elements  are equivalent.
The  remarks in  <Ref Subsect="Math"  />  about special  characters and  the
<C>Arg</C> element  apply here as  well. A  document which has  all formulae
enclosed in <C>M</C>  elements can be well readable in  text terminal output
and printed output versions.<P/>

The  following &LaTeX;  macros have  a  sensible ASCII  translation and  are
guaranteed to be translated accordingly by text (and HTML) converters:

<Table Align="|l|l|">
 <Caption>&LaTeX; macros with special text translation</Caption>
  <Row><Item>\ast</Item>           <Item><C>*</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\bf</Item>     <Item><C></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\bmod</Item>           <Item><C>mod</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\cdot</Item>           <Item><C>*</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\colon</Item>           <Item><C>:</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\equiv</Item>          <Item><C>=</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\geq</Item>            <Item><C>>=</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\germ</Item>     <Item><C></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\hookrightarrow</Item>     <Item><C>-></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\iff</Item> <Item><C>&lt;=></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\langle</Item>         <Item><C>&lt;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\ldots</Item>          <Item><C>...</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\left</Item>           <Item><C>&nbsp;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\leq</Item>            <Item><C>&lt;=</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\leftarrow</Item>      <Item><C>&lt;-</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\Leftarrow</Item> <Item><C>&lt;=</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\limits</Item>         <Item><C>&nbsp;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\longrightarrow</Item> <Item><C>--></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\Longrightarrow</Item> <Item><C>==></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\mapsto</Item>         <Item><C>-></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\mathbb</Item>         <Item><C>&nbsp;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\mathop</Item>         <Item><C>&nbsp;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\mid</Item>            <Item><C>|</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\pmod</Item>           <Item><C>mod</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\prime</Item>           <Item><C>'</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\rangle</Item>         <Item><C>></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\right</Item>          <Item><C>&nbsp;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\rightarrow</Item>     <Item><C>-></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\Rightarrow</Item> <Item><C>=></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\rm, \sf, \textrm, \text</Item>     <Item><C></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\setminus</Item>     <Item><C>\</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\thinspace</Item>     <Item><C> </C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\times</Item>     <Item><C>x</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\to</Item>             <Item><C>-></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\vert</Item>     <Item><C>|</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\!</Item>     <Item><C></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\,</Item>     <Item><C></C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\;</Item>     <Item><C>&nbsp;</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\{</Item>     <Item><C>{</C></Item></Row>
  <Row><Item>\}</Item>     <Item><C>}</C></Item></Row>


In all other macros only the  backslash is removed. Whitespace is normalized
(to one blank)  but not removed. Note  that whitespace is not  added, so you
may  want to  add a  few more  spaces than  you usually  do in  your &LaTeX;

Braces  <C>{}</C> are  removed  in general,  however pairs  of
double braces are converted to one pair of braces. This can be used to write
for <C>x^12</C> and
for <C>x_{i+1}</C>.  <P/>



<Section Label="sec:misc">
<Heading>Everything else</Heading>

<Subsection Label="Alt"><Heading><C>&lt;Alt></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Alt"><C>Alt</C></Index>

This  element  is   used  to  specify  alternatives   for  different  output
formats within  normal text. See  also sections <Ref  Subsect="List"/>, <Ref
Subsect="Enum"/>, and  <Ref Subsect="Table"/> for alternatives  in lists and

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Alt (%InnerText;)*>  <!-- This is only to allow "Only" and
                                    "Not" attributes for normal text -->
              Not  CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

Of course exactly one  of the two attributes must occur  in one element. The
attribute values must be one word or a list of words, separated by spaces or
commas. The words  which are currently recognized by  the converter programs
contained  in  &GAPDoc;  are: <Q><C>LaTeX</C></Q>,  <Q><C>HTML</C></Q>,  and
<Q><C>Text</C></Q>. If the <C>Only</C> attribute  is specified then only the
corresponding converter  will include  the content of  the element  into the
output document. If the <C>Not</C>  attribute is specified the corresponding
converter will ignore the content of the element. You can use other words to
specify special alternatives for other converters of &GAPDoc; documents.<P/>

We fix  a rule for  handling the content of  an <C>Alt</C> element  with 
<C>Only</C> attribute. 
In  their content code for the corresponding output format is included
directly. So, in case of HTML the content is HTML code, in case of
&LaTeX; the content is &LaTeX; code. The converters don't apply any
handling of special  characters to this content. <P/>

Within  the element  only <C>%InnerText;</C>  (see <Ref  Text="here"
Label="InnerText"/>) is  allowed. This  is to  ensure that  the same  set of
chapters, sections, and subsections show up in all output formats.


<Subsection Label="Par"><Heading><C>&lt;Par></C> and 
<Index Key="Par"><C>Par</C></Index>
<Index Key="P"><C>P</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd">
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Par EMPTY>    <!-- this is intentionally empty! -->
<!ELEMENT P EMPTY>      <!-- the same as shortcut  -->]]>

This <C>EMPTY</C>  element marks  the boundary of  paragraphs. Note  that an
empty line  in the input  does not  mark a new  paragraph as opposed  to the
&LaTeX; convention.<P/>

(Remark:  it would  be much  easier to  parse a  document and  to understand
its  sectioning and  paragraph structure  when  there was  an element  whose
<E>content</E> is  the text of a  paragraph. But in practice  many paragraph
boundaries  are implicitly  clear which  would make  it somewhat  painful to
enclose each  paragraph in extra tags.  The introduction of the  <C>P</C> or
<C>Par</C>  elements  as above  delegates  this  pain  to  the writer  of  a
conversion program for &GAPDoc; documents.)


<Subsection Label="Br"><Heading><C>&lt;Br></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Br"><C>Br</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"> 
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Br EMPTY>     <!-- a forced line break  -->]]>

This element can be used to force a line break in the output versions of
a &GAPDoc; element, it does not start a new paragraph. 
Please, do not use this instead of a <C>Par</C> element, this would
often lead to ugly output versions of your document.


<Subsection Label="Ignore"><Heading><C>&lt;Ignore></C></Heading>
<Index Key="Ignore"><C>Ignore</C></Index>

<Listing Type="From gapdoc.dtd"> 
<![CDATA[<!ELEMENT Ignore (%Text;| Chapter | Section | Subsection | ManSection |
<!ATTLIST Ignore Remark CDATA #IMPLIED>]]>

This element can appear anywhere. Its content is ignored by the standard
converters. It can be used, for example, to include data which are not
part of the actual &GAPDoc; document, like source code, or to make
not finished parts of the document invisible.

Of course, one can use special converter programs which extract the
contents of <C>Ignore</C> elements. Information on the type of the
content can be stored in the optional attribute <C>Remark</C>.

