

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 0c1f9463f03451b5503f0c33beb88a98 > files > 471


  13. Cocycles
      |  CcGroup(A,f)  Inputs a G-module A (i.e. an abelian G-outer group) and a standard 2-cocycle f G x G ---> A. It returns the extension group determined by the cocycle. The group is returned as a CcGroup. This is a HAPcocyclic function and thus only works when HAPcocyclic is loaded.                                                                                                                                                              | 
      |  CocycleCondition(R,n)  Inputs a resolution R and an integer n>0. It returns an integer matrix M with the following property. Suppose d=R.dimension(n). An integer vector f=[f_1, ... , f_d] then represents a ZG-homomorphism R_n --> Z_q which sends the ith generator of R_n to the integer f_i in the trivial ZG-module Z_q (where possibly q=0 ). The homomorphism f is a cocycle if and only if M^tf=0 mod q.                                   | 
      |  StandardCocycle(R,f,n)   StandardCocycle(R,f,n,q)  Inputs a ZG-resolution R (with contracting homotopy), a positive integer n and an integer vector f representing an n-cocycle R_n --> Z_q where G acts trivially on Z_q. It is assumed q=0 unless a value for q is entered. The command returns a function F(g_1, ..., g_n) which is the standard cocycle G_n --> Z_q corresponding to f. At present the command is implemented only for n=2 or 3. | 
      |  Syzygy(R,g)  Inputs a ZG-resolution R (with contracting homotopy) and a list g = [g[1], ..., g[n]] of elements in G. It returns a word w in R_n. The word w is the image of the n-simplex in the standard bar resolution corresponding to the n-tuple g. This function can be used to construct explicit standard n-cocycles. (Currently implemented only for n<4.)                                                                                  |