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%W  manual.bib                ACE documentation              Colin Ramsay
%W                                                      Joachim Neub"user
%W                                                            Greg Gamble
%H  $Id: manual.bib,v 1.14 2001/08/20 13:08:04 gap Exp $
%%  manual.bib - BibTeX database file of ACE references

%%  In previous versions, years were not attached to the keys in the true
%%  `alpha' style; and BCP became Magma etc. (this change seemed sensible
%%  since updates that change both the authors and year seemed probable).
%%  Here is a list of the changes to the keys:
%%    Lee4 -> Lee70   CDHW -> CDHW73   Dok  -> Dok88   Lee  -> Lee84
%%    War  -> War77   BCP  -> Magma    Sch  -> GAP     AHT  -> AHT84
%%    HKRR -> HKRR84  Bee  -> Bee84    Hav  -> Hav91   Pla  -> Pla92
%%    HR   -> HR99a   KB   -> KB70     Lee2 -> Lee77   Hav2 -> Hav76   
%%    Ede  -> Ede89   Fel  -> Fel98    Moo  -> Moo97   TC   -> TC36
%%    Lee3 -> Lee63   Sim  -> Sim94    Neu  -> Neu82   Men  -> Men64
%%    Can  -> Con65   Dic  -> Dic01    HR1  -> HR01    HR2  -> HR00
%%    Hig  -> Hig51   Neu1 -> Neu54    Neu2 -> Neu79   CH   -> CH97
%%    CLR  -> CLR90   MKS  -> MKS76    CM   -> CM72

  AUTHOR        = {John Leech},
  TITLE         = {Coset enumeration},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra},
  }PUBLISHER     = {Pergamon Press, Oxford},
  YEAR          = {1970},
  PAGES         = {21--35},

  AUTHOR        = {John J. Cannon and Lucien A. Dimino and George Havas
                        and Jane M. Watson},
  TITLE         = {Implementation and analysis of the {Todd-Coxeter}
  JOURNAL       = {Mathematics of Computation},
  YEAR          = {1973},
  VOLUME        = {27},
  NUMBER        = {123},
  PAGES         = {463--490},
  MONTH         = {July}

  AUTHOR        = {Dragomir Z. Dokovic},
  TITLE         = {Presentations of some finite simple groups},
  JOURNAL       = {Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 
                        (Series A)},
  YEAR          = {1988},
  VOLUME        = {45},
  NUMBER        = {2},
  PAGES         = {143--168},
  MONTH         = {October}

  AUTHOR        = {John Leech},
  TITLE         = {Coset enumeration},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Computational Group Theory},
  PUBLISHER     = {Academic Press},
  YEAR          = {1984},
  EDITOR        = {Michael D. Atkinson},
  PAGES         = {3--18}

  AUTHOR        = {J.N. Ward},
  TITLE         = {A note on the {Todd-Coxeter} algorithm},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Group Theory (Canberra, 1975)},
  PUBLISHER     = {Springer-{\kern-1.5pt}Verlag},
  YEAR          = {1977},
  EDITOR        = {R.A. Bryce and J. Cossey and M.F. Newman},
  NUMBER        = {573},
  SERIES        = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics},
  PAGES         = {126--129}

  AUTHOR        = {W. Bosma and J. Cannon and C. Playoust},
  TITLE         = {The \textsc{Magma} algebra system {I}: 
                        the user language},
  JOURNAL       = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
  YEAR          = {1997},
  VOLUME        = {24},
  PAGES         = {235--265}

  TITLE         = {\textsf{GAP} -- Groups, Algorithms and Programming},
  AUTHOR        = {M. {Sch\"onert et al.}},
  ORGANIZATION  = {Lehrstuhl D f\"ur Mathematik},
  ADDRESS       = {Rheinisch-Westf\"alische Technische Hochschule,
  YEAR          = {1995}

  AUTHOR        = {M.D. Atkinson and R.A. Hassan and M.P. Thorne},
  TITLE         = {Group theory on a micro-computer},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Computational Group Theory},
  PUBLISHER     = {Academic Press},
  YEAR          = {1984},
  EDITOR        = {Michael D. Atkinson},
  PAGES         = {275--280}

  AUTHOR        = {George Havas and P.E. Kenne and J.S. Richardson and
                        E.F. Robertson},
  TITLE         = {A {Tietze} transformation program},

  BOOKTITLE     = {Computational Group Theory},
  PUBLISHER     = {Academic Press},
  YEAR          = {1984},
  EDITOR        = {Michael D. Atkinson},
  PAGES         = {69--73}

  AUTHOR        = {M.J. Beetham},
  TITLE         = {Space saving in coset enumeration},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Computational Group Theory},
  PUBLISHER     = {Academic Press},
  YEAR          = {1984},
  EDITOR        = {Michael D. Atkinson},
  PAGES         = {19--25}

%% Already included in ../../../doc/manual.bib}
%% ... by removing the `at' symbol BibTeX sees the following as comments:
%%   AUTHOR        = {George Havas},
%%   TITLE         = {Coset enumeration strategies},
%%   BOOKTITLE     = {ISSAC'91 (Proceedings of the 1991 International
%%                         Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation)},
%%   YEAR          = {1991},
%%   EDITOR        = {Stephen M. Watt},
%%   PAGES         = {191--199},
%%   PUBLISHER     = {ACM Press}
%% }

  AUTHOR        = {P.J. Plauger},
  TITLE         = {The Standard {C} Library},
  PUBLISHER     = {Prentice Hall},
  YEAR          = {1992}

  KEY           = {Group-pub-forum},
  NOTE          = {Group-pub-forum e-mail list
                   Problem 11, 1996.

  AUTHOR        = {George Havas and Derek F. Holt and P.E. Kenne and
                        Sarah Rees},
  TITLE         = {Some challenging group presentations},
  YEAR          = {1999 (preprint)}

  AUTHOR        = {George Havas and Colin Ramsay},
  TITLE         = {Coset enumeration: {\sf ACE} version 3},
  YEAR          = {1999},
  NOTE          = {{\sf ACE} version 3.001 is available from

  AUTHOR        = {D.E. Knuth and P.B. Bendix},
  TITLE         = {Simple word problems in universal algebras},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra},
  PUBLISHER     = {Pergamon Press, Oxford},
  YEAR          = {1970},
  PAGES         = {263--297},

  AUTHOR        = {John Leech},
  TITLE         = {Computer proof of relations in groups},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Topics in Group Theory and Computation},
  PUBLISHER     = {Academic Press},
  YEAR          = {1977},
  EDITOR        = {Michael P.J. Curran},
  PAGES         = {38--61}

  AUTHOR        = {George Havas},
  TITLE         = {Computer aided determination of a {Fibonacci} group},
  JOURNAL       = {Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society},
  YEAR          = {1976},
  VOLUME        = {15},
  PAGES         = {297--305}

  AUTHOR        = {Margaret Edeson},
  TITLE         = {Investigations in coset enumeration},
  SCHOOL        = {Canberra College of Advanced Education},
  YEAR          = {1989}

  AUTHOR        = {V. Felsch},
  NOTE          = {E-mail to Havas, 1998}

  AUTHOR        = {E.H. Moore},
  TITLE         = {Concerning the abstract groups of order $k!$ and
                   $\frac{1}{2}k!$ holohedrically isomorphic with the
                   symmetric and the alternating substitution-groups
                   on $k$ letters},
  JOURNAL       = {Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (1)},
  YEAR          = {1897},
  VOLUME        = {28},
  PAGES         = {357--366}

  AUTHOR        = {J.A. Todd and H.S.M. Coxeter},
  TITLE         = {A practical method for enumerating cosets of finite
                        abstract groups},
  JOURNAL       = {Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society},
  YEAR          = {1936},
  VOLUME        = {5},
  PAGES         = {26--34}

  AUTHOR        = {J. Leech},
  TITLE         = {Coset enumeration on digital computers},
  JOURNAL       = {Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society},
  YEAR          = {1963},
  VOLUME        = {59},
  PAGES         = {257--267}

  AUTHOR        = {Charles C. Sims},
  TITLE         = {Computation with finitely presented groups},
  PUBLISHER     = {Cambridge University Press},
  YEAR          = {1994}

%% Already included in ../../../doc/manual.bib}
%% ... by removing the `at' symbol BibTeX sees the following as comments:
%%   AUTHOR        = {J. Neub\"{u}ser},
%%   TITLE         = {An elementary introduction to coset table methods in
%%                         computational group theory},
%%   BOOKTITLE     = {Groups -- St. Andrews 1981},
%%   SERIES        = {London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 71},
%%   PUBLISHER     = {Cambridge University Press},
%%   YEAR          = {1982},
%%   PAGES         = {1--45}
%% }

  AUTHOR        = {N.S. Mendelsohn},
  TITLE         = {An algorithmic solution for a word problem in group
  JOURNAL       = {Canadian Journal of Mathematics},
  YEAR          = {1964},
  VOLUME        = {16},
  PAGES         = {509--516},
  NOTE          = {Corrigendum: \textit{Ibid.} 17:505, 1965.}

  AUTHOR        = {J.H. Conway},
  TITLE         = {Problem \#5327},
  JOURNAL       = {American Mathematical Monthly},
  YEAR          = {1965},
  VOLUME        = {72},
  PAGES         = {915},
  NOTE          = {Solutions, by various authors, given in: 
                   Generators and relations for cyclic groups,
                   \textit{Ibid.}, 74:91--93, 1965.}

  AUTHOR        = {L.E. Dickson},
  TITLE         = {Linear Groups, with an exposition of the Galois field
  PUBLISHER     = {B.G. Teubner, Leipzig},
  YEAR          = {1901}

  AUTHOR        = {George Havas and Colin Ramsay},
  TITLE         = {Proving a group trivial made easy: 
                   a case study in coset enumeration},
  JOURNAL       = {Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society},
  YEAR          = {2000},
  VOLUME        = {62},
  NUMBER        = {1},
  PAGES         = {105--118}

  AUTHOR        = {George Havas and Colin Ramsay},
  TITLE         = {Groups and Computation {III}},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute
  VOLUME        = {8},
  PUBLISHER     = {de Gruyter},
  YEAR          = {2001},
  PAGES         = {183--192},

  AUTHOR        = {Colin M. Campbell and George Havas and Alexander Hulpke
                   and Edmund F. Robertson},
  TITLE         = {The simple group {$L_3(5)$} is efficient},
  JOURNAL       = {Communications in Algebra},
  YEAR          = {to appear c. 2001},

  AUTHOR        = {Cannon, John J. and McKay, John and Young, Kiang Chuen},
  TITLE         = {The non-abelian Simple groups {$G$}, 
                   {$|G| \< 10^5$} --- presentations},
  JOURNAL       = {Communications in Algebra},
  VOLUME        = {7},
  NUMBER        = {13},
  YEAR          = {1979},
  PAGES         = {1397--1406},

  AUTHOR        = {Colin M. Campbell and Edmund F. Robertson},
  TITLE         = {Presentations for the Simple groups {$G$}, 
                   {$10^5 \< |G| \< 10^6$}},
  JOURNAL       = {Communications in Algebra},
  VOLUME        = {12},
  NUMBER        = {21},
  YEAR          = {1984},
  PAGES         = {2643--2663},

  AUTHOR        = {G. Higman},
  TITLE         = {A finitely generated infinite simple group},
  JOURNAL       = {Journal of the London Mathematical Society},
  YEAR          = {1951},
  VOLUME        = {26},
  PAGES         = {61--64}

  AUTHOR        = {B.H. Neumann},
  TITLE         = {An essay on free products of groups with
  JOURNAL       = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
                        London (A)},
  YEAR          = {1954},
  VOLUME        = {246},
  PAGES         = {503--554}

  AUTHOR        = {B.H. Neumann},
  TITLE         = {Proofs},
  JOURNAL       = {The Mathematical Intelligencer},
  YEAR          = {1979},
  VOLUME        = {2},
  ISSUE         = {1},
  PAGES         = {18--19}

  AUTHOR        = {Gene Cooperman and George Havas},
  TITLE         = {Practical parallel coset enumeration},
  BOOKTITLE     = {Workshop on High Performance Computing and Gigabit 
                        Local Area Networks},
  PUBLISHER     = {Springer-{\kern-1.5pt}Verlag},
  YEAR          = {1997},
  EDITOR        = {G. Cooperman and G. Michler and H. Vinck},
  NUMBER        = {226},
  SERIES        = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
  PAGES         = {15--27}

  AUTHOR        = {Thomas H. Cormen and Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald
                        L. Rivest},
  TITLE         = {Introduction to Algorithms},
  PUBLISHER     = {The MIT Press},
  YEAR          = {1990}

  AUTHOR        = {Wilhelm Magnus and Abraham Karrass and Daniel Solitar},
  TITLE         = {Combinatorial Group Theory},
  PUBLISHER     = {Dover},
  EDITION       = {2nd},
  YEAR          = {1976}

  AUTHOR        = {H.S.M. Coxeter and W.O.J. Moser},
  TITLE         = {Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups},
  PUBLISHER     = {Springer-Verlag},
  EDITION       = {3rd},
  YEAR          = {1972}

  AUTHOR        = {Colin Ramsay},
  TITLE         = {{\sf ACE} for Amateurs (Version 3.001)},
  INSTITUTION   = {Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing,
                   The University of Queensland},
  YEAR          = {1999},
  NUMBER        = {14},
  ADDRESS       = {St.~Lucia 4072, Australia}
