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<html><head><title>ACE : a GAP 4 package - References</title></head>
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<h1><font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ACE</font> : a <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 4 package - References</h1><dl>

<dt><a name="CDHW73"><b>[CDHW73]</b></a><dd>
John&nbsp;J. Cannon, Lucien&nbsp;A. Dimino, George Havas, and Jane&nbsp;M. Watson.
<br> Implementation and analysis of the Todd-Coxeter algorithm.
<br> <em>Mathematics of Computation</em>, 27(123):463--490, July 1973.

<dt><a name="CHHR01"><b>[CHHR01]</b></a><dd>
Colin&nbsp;M. Campbell, George Havas, Alexander Hulpke, and Edmund&nbsp;F. Robertson.
<br> The simple group <i>L</i><sub>3</sub>(5) is efficient.
<br> <em>Communications in Algebra</em>, to appear c. 2001.

<dt><a name="CLR90"><b>[CLR90]</b></a><dd>
Thomas&nbsp;H. Cormen, Charles&nbsp;E. Leiserson, and Ronald&nbsp;L. Rivest.
<br> <em>Introduction to Algorithms</em>.
<br> The MIT Press, 1990.

<dt><a name="CM72"><b>[CM72]</b></a><dd>
H.S.M. Coxeter and W.O.J. Moser.
<br> <em>Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups</em>.
<br> Springer-Verlag, 3rd edition, 1972.

<dt><a name="Hav91"><b>[Hav91]</b></a><dd>
George Havas.
<br> Coset enumeration strategies.
<br> In <em>Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and
  Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'91), Bonn 1991</em>, pages 191--199. ACM Press,

<dt><a name="HR99a"><b>[HR99a]</b></a><dd>
George Havas and Colin Ramsay.
<br> Coset enumeration: <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ACE</font> version 3, 1999.
<br> <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ACE</font> version 3.001 is available from
  <a href=""></a>.

<dt><a name="HR01"><b>[HR01]</b></a><dd>
George Havas and Colin Ramsay.
<br> Groups and computation III.
<br> In <em>Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute
  Publications</em>, volume&nbsp;8, pages 183--192. de Gruyter, 2001.

<dt><a name="Lee77"><b>[Lee77]</b></a><dd>
John Leech.
<br> Computer proof of relations in groups.
<br> In Michael&nbsp;P.J. Curran, editor, <em>Topics in Group Theory and
  Computation</em>, pages 38--61. Academic Press, 1977.

<dt><a name="Lee84"><b>[Lee84]</b></a><dd>
John Leech.
<br> Coset enumeration.
<br> In Michael&nbsp;D. Atkinson, editor, <em>Computational Group Theory</em>,
  pages 3--18. Academic Press, 1984.

<dt><a name="Neu82"><b>[Neu82]</b></a><dd>
Joachim Neub&uuml;ser.
<br> An elementary introduction to coset table methods in computational
  group theory.
<br> In Colin&nbsp;M. Campbell and Edmund&nbsp;F. Robertson, editors, <em>
  Groups-St.Andrews 1981, Proceedings of a conference, St.Andrews 1981</em>,
  volume&nbsp;71 of <em>London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series</em>, pages 1--45.
  Cambridge University Press, 1982.

<dt><a name="Ram99"><b>[Ram99]</b></a><dd>
Colin Ramsay.
<br> <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ACE</font> for amateurs (version 3.001).
<br> Technical Report&nbsp;14, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing,
  The University of Queensland, St.&nbsp;Lucia 4072, Australia, 1999.

<dt><a name="Sim94"><b>[Sim94]</b></a><dd>
Charles&nbsp;C. Sims.
<br> <em>Computation with finitely presented groups</em>.
<br> Cambridge University Press, 1994.

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<address>ACE manual<br>Januar 2006