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<html><head><title>ALNUTH : a GAP 4 package - References</title></head>
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<h1><font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ALNUTH</font> : a <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 4 package - References</h1><dl>

<dt><a name="Coh93"><b>[Coh93]</b></a><dd>
Henri Cohen.
<br> <em>A course in computational algebraic number theory</em>.
<br> Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1993.

<dt><a name="Kant"><b>[Kant]</b></a><dd>
M.&nbsp;Daberkow, C.Fieker, J.&nbsp;Kl"uners, M.&nbsp;Pohst, K.Roegner, and K.&nbsp;Wildanger.
<br> Kant V4.
<br> <em>J. Symb. Comput.</em>, 24:267 -- 283, 1997.

<dt><a name="Polycyclic"><b>[Polycyclic]</b></a><dd>
Bettina Eick and Werner Nickel.
<br> <em>Polycyclic</em>, 2000.
<br> A GAP 4 package, see <a href="#GAP4"><cite>GAP4</cite></a>.

<dt><a name="GAP4"><b>[GAP4]</b></a><dd>
The GAP&nbsp;Group.
<br> <em>GAP -- Groups, Algorithms, and Programming, Version 4.3</em>,
<br> <a href=""></a>.

<dt><a name="Poh93"><b>[Poh93]</b></a><dd>
Michael&nbsp;E. Pohst.
<br> <em>Computational Algebraic Number Theory</em>, volume&nbsp;21 of <em>DMV
<br> Birk"auser, 1993.

<dt><a name="PZa89"><b>[PZa89]</b></a><dd>
M.&nbsp;Pohst and H.&nbsp;Zassenhaus.
<br> <em>Algorithmic algebraic number theory</em>.
<br> Cambridge University Press, 1989.

<dt><a name="Sta79"><b>[Sta79]</b></a><dd>
I.&nbsp;N. Stuart and D.&nbsp;O. Tall.
<br> <em>Algebraic number theory</em>.
<br> Chapman and Hall, 1979.

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<address>ALNUTH manual<br>November 2006