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%W  basics.tex  ANUPQ documentation - background info       Werner Nickel
%W                                                      Joachim Neubueser
%H  $Id: basics.tex,v 1.17 2002/11/27 00:31:47 gap Exp $

\Chapter{Mathematical Background and Terminology}

In this chapter  we will give a brief  description of the mathematical
notions used  in the  algorithms implemented in  the ANU  `pq' program
that are made accessible from  {\GAP} through this package. For proofs
and  details  we  will  point  to relevant  places  in  the  published
literature. Also we  will try to give some  explanation of terminology
that may help to use the ``low-level'' interactive functions described
in Section~"Low-level Interactive ANUPQ  Functions based on menu items
of the pq program".  However,  users who intend to use these functions
are  strongly  advised to  acquire  a  thorough  understanding of  the
algorithms from the quoted literature.  There is little or no checking
done in these functions and naive use may result in incorrect results.

\Section{Basic notions}

*pc Presentations and Consistency*

For details, see e.g.~\cite{NNN98}.

Every finite $p$-group $G$ has a presentation of the form: 
\{a_1,\dots,a_n \mid a_i^p = v_{ii}, 1 \le i \le n, 
               [a_k, a_j] = v_{jk}, 1 \le j \< k \le n \}.  
where $v_{jk}$ is a word in the elements $a_{k+1},\dots,a_n$ for 
$1 \le j \leq k \le n$.

\index{power-commutator presentation}\index{pc presentation}\index{pcp}
\index{pc generators}\index{collection}
This is called a *power-commutator* presentation (or *pc presentation*
or *pcp*) of $G$, generators from such a presentation will be referred
to as *pc generators*. In terms of such pc generators every element of
$G$ can  be written  in a ``normal  form'' $a_1^{e_1}\dots a_n^{e_n}$
with $0  \le e_i \< p$.  Moreover any given product  of the generators
can be brought into such a normal form using the defining relations in
the above presentation  as rewrite rules.  Any such  process is called
*collection*.  For the  discussion of  various collection  methods see
\cite{LGS90} and \cite{VL90a}.

\index{consistent}\index{confluent  rewriting system}\index{confluent}
Every $p$-group of order $p^n$ has such a pcp on  $n$  generators  and
conversely every such presentation  defines  a  $p$-group.  However  a
$p$-group defined by a pcp on $n$ generators can be of  smaller  order
$p^m$ with $m\<n$. A pcp on $n$ generators that does in fact define  a
$p$-group of order $p^n$ is called *consistent*  in  this  manual,  in
line with most of the literature on the algorithms occurring  here.  A
consistent   pcp   determines   a   *confluent    rewriting    system*
(see~"ref:IsConfluent" of the {\GAP} Reference Manual) for  the  group
it defines and for this reason often  (in  particular  in  the  {\GAP}
Reference Manual) such a pcp presentation is also called *confluent*.

Consistency of a pcp is tantamount to the fact that for any given word
in the generators any two collections will yield the same normal form.

\index{consistency conditions}
Consistency of a pcp can be checked by a finite  set  of  *consistency
conditions*, demanding that collection of the left hand  side  and  of
the right hand side of certain equations,  starting  with  subproducts
indicated by bracketing, will result in the same  normal  form.  There
are 3 types of such  equations  (that  will  be  referred  to  in  the
(a^n)a &=& a(a^n)                                \hfill&{\rm (Type\ 1)}\cr
(b^n)a &=& b^{(n-1)}(ba), b(a^n) = (ba)a^{(n-1)} \hfill&{\rm (Type\ 2)}\cr
 c(ba) &=& (cb)a                                 \hfill&{\rm (Type\ 3)}\cr
See \cite{VL84} for a description of a sufficient set of consistency
conditions in the context of the $p$-quotient algorithm.


*Exponent-$p$ Central Series and Weighted pc Presentations*

For details, see \cite{NNN98}.

\atindex{exponent-p central series}{@exponent-$p$ central series}
The (*descending* or *lower*) (*exponent-*)*$p$-central series* of  an
arbitrary group $G$ is defined by
P_0(G)  := G,  P_i(G) := [G, P_{i-1}(G)] P_{i-1}(G)^p\.
For a $p$-group $G$ this series terminates with the trivial group. $G$
has *$p$-class* $c$ if $c$ is the smallest integer such that  $P_c(G)$
is the trivial group. In this manual,  as  well  as  in  much  of  the
literature about the `pq'- and related algorithms,  the  $p$-class  is
often referred to simply by *class*.

Let  the  $p$-group $G$  have  a consistent  pcp  as  above. Then  the
\langle1\rangle \< {\langle}a_n\rangle \< {\langle}a_n, a_{n-1}\rangle %
    \< \dots \< {\langle}a_n,\dots,a_i\rangle \< \dots \< G
form a central series of $G$. If this refines  the $p$-central series,
\index{weight function}
we can define the *weight function*  $w$  for  the  pc  generators  by
$w(a_i) = k$, if  $a_i$  is  contained  in  $P_{k-1}(G)$  but  not  in

\index{weighted pcp}
The pair of such a weight function and a pcp allowing it, is called  a
*weighted pcp*.

*$p$-Cover, $p$-Multiplicator*

For details, see \cite{NNN98}.

\atindex{p-covering group}{@$p$-covering group}\atindex{p-cover}{@$p$-cover}
\atindex{p-multiplicator rank}{@$p$-multiplicator rank}
\index{multiplicator rank}
Let $d$ be the minimal number of generators of the  $p$-group  $G$  of
$p$-class $c$. Then $G$ is isomorphic to a factor  group  $F/R$  of  a
free group $F$ of rank $d$. We denote $[F, R] R^p$ by $R^\*$.  It  can
be proved (see e.g.~\cite{OBr90}) that the isomorphism type  of  $G^\*
:= F/R^\*$ depends only on $G$. $G^\*$  is  called  the  *$p$-covering
group* or *$p$-cover* of $G$, and $R/R^\*$ the *$p$-multiplicator*  of
$G$. The  $p$-multiplicator  is,  of  course,  an  elementary  abelian
$p$-group;  its  minimal  number   of   generators   is   called   the
*($p$-)multiplicator rank*.

*Descendants, Capable, Terminal, Nucleus*

For details, see \cite{New77} and  \cite{OBr90}.

\index{descendant}\index{immediate descendant}\index{nucleus}
Let again  $G$ be  a $p$-group  of $p$-class $c$  and $d$  the minimal
number of generators of $G$.  A $p$-group $H$ is a *descendant* of $G$
if the  minimal number of generators  of $H$ is $d$  and $H/P_c(H)$ is
isomorphic  to  $G$.   A  descendant  $H$  of  $G$  is  an  *immediate
descendant* if it has $p$-class  $c+1$.  $G$ is called *capable* if it
has immediate descendants; otherwise it is *terminal*.

Let $G^\* = F/R^\*$ again be the $p$-cover  of  $G$.  Then  the  group
$P_c(G^\*)$ is called the *nucleus* of $G$. Note that  $P_c(G^\*)$  is
contained in the $p$-multiplicator $R/R^\*$.

\index{nucleus}\index{allowable subgroup}
It is proved (e.g.~in \cite{OBr90}) that the immediate descendants  of
$G$ are obtained  as  factor  groups  of  the  $p$-cover  by  (proper)
supplements   of   the   nucleus   in   the    (elementary    abelian)
$p$-multiplicator. These are also called *allowable*.

\index{extended automorphism}\index{permutations}
It is further  proved there that every automorphism  $\alpha$ of $F/R$
extends to  an automorphism $\alpha^\*$ of the  $p$-cover $F/R^\*$ and
that the  restriction of $\alpha^\*$ to the  multiplicator $R/R^\*$ is
uniquely  determined   by  $\alpha$.   Each   *extended  automorphism*
$\alpha^\*$ induces a permutation of the allowable subgroups. Thus the
extended automorphisms determine a  group $P$ of *permutations* on the
set $A$  of allowable  subgroups (The group  $P$ of  permutations will
appear in  the description of some interactive  functions). Choosing a
representative $S$  from each orbit of  $P$ on $A$, the  set of factor
groups $F/S$ contains each  (isomorphism type of) immediate descendant
of $G$ exactly once.  For  each immediate descendant, the procedure of
computing the $p$-cover, extending the automorphisms and computing the
orbits  on allowable  subgroups can  be repeated.   Iteration  of this
procedure can in  principle be used to determine  all descendants of a


\index{law}\index{identical relation}\index{exponent law}
\index{metabelian law}\atindex{Engel identity}{@Engel identity}
Let $l(x_1, \dots, x_n)$ be a word in the free generators $x_1, \dots,
x_n$ of a free group of rank $n$. Then $l(x_1, \dots,  x_n)  =  1$  is
called a *law* or *identical relation*  in  a  group  $G$  if  $l(g_1,
\dots, g_n) = 1$ for any choice of elements $g_1, \dots, g_n$ in  $G$.
In particular, $x^e = 1$ is called an *exponent law*, $[[x,y],[u,v]] =
1$ the *metabelian law*, and $[\dots [[x_1,x_2],x_2],\dots, x_2] =  1$
an *Engel identity*.

\Section{The p-quotient Algorithm}

For details,  see  \cite{HN80},  \cite{NO96}  and  \cite{VL84}.  Other
descriptions of the algorithm are given in \cite{Sims94}.

The `pq' algorithm successively determines the factor  groups  of  the
groups of the $p$-central series of a finitely  presented  (fp)  group
$G$. If a bound $b$ for the $p$-class is  given,  the  algorithm  will
determine those factor groups up to at  most  $p$-class  $b$.  If  the
$p$-central series terminates with a subgroup $P_k(G)$ with $k \<  b$,
the algorithm will stop with that group. If no such bound is given, it
will try to find the biggest such factor group.

$G/P_1(G)$ is  the largest elementary abelian $p$-factor  group of $G$
and this  can be found  from the relation  matrix of $G$  using matrix
diagonalisation   modulo  $p$.   So   it  suffices   to  explain   how
$G/P_{i+1}(G)$ is found from $G$ and $G/P_i(G)$ for some $i \ge 1$.

This  is  done, in  principle,  in  two  steps:  first  the  $p$-cover
of $G_i := G/P_i(G)$ is determined (which depends only on
$G_i$, not on  $G$) and then $G/P_{i+1}(G)$ as a  factor group of this

*Finding the $p$-cover*

A very detailed description of  the first step is given in \cite{NNN98},
from which  we just extract  some passages in  order to point  to some
terms occurring in this manual.

\index{labelled pcp}\index{definition!of generator}
Let $H$ be a $p$-group and $p^{d(b)}$ be the order of  $H/P_b(H)$.  So
$d := d(1)$ is the minimal number of generators of $H$. A weighted pcp
of $H$ will be called *labelled* if for each generator $a_k$, $k >  d$
one relation, having this generator as its right hand side, is  marked
as *definition* of this generator.

As described in \cite{NNN98}, a weighted labelled pcp of  a  $p$-group
can be obtained stepping down its $p$-central series.

So let us assume that a weighted labelled pcp of  $G_i$  is  given.  A
straightforward way of of writing down a (not necessarily  consistent)
pcp for its $p$-cover is to add  generators,  one  for  each  relation
which is not a definition, and modify the right hand side of each such
relation by multiplying it on the right by one of the  new  generators
-- a different generator for each such relation. Further relations are
then added to make the new generators central and of order  $p$.  This
procedure is called *adding tails*. A more formal description of it is
again given in \cite{NNN98}.

It is important  to realise that the ``new''  generators will generate
an elementary abelian  group, that is, in additive  notation, a vector
space  over the  field  of $p$  elements.   As said,  the  pcp of  the
$p$-cover obtained in  this way need not be  consistent. Since the pcp
of $G_i$  was consistent, applying  the consistency conditions  to the
pcp of the $p$-cover, in  case the presentation obtained for $p$-cover
is not  consistent, will  produce a set  of equations between  the new
generators, that,  written additively,  are linear equations  over the
field  of $p$  elements  and can  hence  be used  to remove  redundant
generators until a consistent pcp is obtained.

In  reality,  to  follow  this  straightforward  procedure  would   be
forbiddingly inefficient except for very  small  examples.  There  are
many ways of a priori reducing the number of ``new generators'' to  be
introduced, using e.g.~the weights attached to the generators, and the
main part of \cite{NNN98} is devoted to  a  detailed  discussion  with
proofs of these possibilities.

*Imposing the Relations of the fp Group*

In order to obtain $G/P_{i+1}(G)$ from the pcp  of  the  $p$-cover  of
$G_i  =  G/P_i(G)$,  the  defining   relations   from   the   original
presentation of $G$ must be imposed.  Since  $G_i$  is  a  homomorphic
image of $G$, these relations again yield relations between the  ``new
generators'' in the presentation of the $p$-cover of $G_i$.

*Imposing Laws*

While we have so far only considered the  computation  of  the  factor
groups of a given fp group by the groups of its descending $p$-central
series, the $p$-quotient algorithm allows a very important variant  of
this idea: laws can be prescribed that  should  be  fulfilled  by  the
$p$-factor groups computed by the algorithm. The key observation  here
is the fact that at each step down the descending  $p$-central  series
it suffices to impose these laws only for a finite  number  of  words.
Again for efficiency of the method it is crucial to keep the number of
such words small, and much of \cite{NO96} and the literature quoted in
this paper is devoted to this problem.

\index{exponent check}
In this form, starting with a free group and imposing an exponent  law
(also referred to as an *exponent check*) the  `pq'  program  has,  in
fact, found  its  most  noted  application  in  the  determination  of
(restricted)  Burnside  groups  (as  reported   in   e.g.~\cite{HN80},
\cite{NO96} and \cite{VL90b}).

Via a {\GAP} program using the ``local'' interactive functions of  the
`pq' program made available through this interface also arbitrary laws
can be imposed via the option `Identities' (see~"option Identities").

\Section{The p-group generation Algorithm, Standard Presentation, 
Isomorphism Testing}

For details, see \cite{New77} and \cite{OBr90}.

\atindex{p-group generation}{@$p$-group generation}\index{orbits}
The  $p$-group   generation   algorithm   determines   the   immediate
descendants of a given $p$-group $G$ up to isomorphism. From what  has
been explained in Section~"Basic  Notions",  it  is  clear  that  this
amounts to the construction of the $p$-cover,  the  extension  of  the
automorphisms of  $G$  to  the  $p$-cover  and  the  determination  of
representatives of the orbits of the action of these automorphisms  on
the set of supplements of the nucleus in the $p$-multiplicator.

The  main  practical  problem  here  is  the  determination  of  these
representatives. \cite{OBr90} describes methods for this and the  `pq'
program allows choices according to whether space or time  limitations
must be met.

Along with the descendants of $G$, the `pq'  program  also  determines
their automorphism groups from that of $G$  (see~\cite{OBr95}),  which
is important for an iteration of the process; this has  been  used  by
Eamonn O'Brien, e.g.~in the classification of the $2$-groups that  are
now also part of the *Small Groups* library available through {\GAP}.

\index{standard  presentation}\index{echelonised matrix}
\index{label of standard matrix} 
A variant of the $p$-group generation algorithm is also used to define
a *standard presentation* of  a  given  $p$-group.  This  is  done  by
constructing an isomorphic copy of the given group through a chain  of
descendants  and  at  each  step  making  a  choice  of  a  particular
representative for the respective orbit of capable groups. In a fairly
delicate process, subgroups of the $p$-multiplicator  are  represented
by *echelonised matrices* and a first among the *labels  for  standard
matrices* is chosen (this is described in detail in \cite{OBr94}).

\index{isomorphism testing}\index{compaction}
Finally, the standard presentation provides a way of  testing  if  two
given $p$-groups are isomorphic: the  standard  presentations  of  the
groups are  computed,  for  practical  purposes  *compacted*  and  the
results compared for being identical, i.e.~the groups  are  isomorphic
if and only if their standard presentations are identical.
