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<html><head><title>[ANUPQ] 1 Introduction</title></head>
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<h1>1 Introduction</h1><p>
<li> <A HREF="CHAP001.htm#SECT001">Authors and Acknowledgements</a>
<li> <A HREF="CHAP001.htm#SECT002">Change history</a>
<a name = "I0"></a>

The <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4 package <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> provides an interface to  the  ANU  <code>pq</code>  C
progam written by Eamonn O'Brien,  making  the  functionality  of  the  C
program available to <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>. Henceforth, we shall refer to  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>
package when referring to the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>  interface,  and  to  the  ANU  <code>pq</code>
program or just <code>pq</code> when referring to that C program.
The <code>pq</code> program consists of implementations of the following algorithms:
A <strong><i>p</i>-quotient algorithm</strong> to  compute  pc-presentations  for  <i>p</i>-factor
groups of finitely presented groups.
A <strong><i>p</i>-group generation algorithm</strong> to generate pc presentations of groups
of prime power order.
A  <strong>standard  presentation  algorithm</strong>  used  to  compute   a   canonical
pc-presentation of a <i>p</i>-group.
An algorithm which can be used to compute the <strong>automorphism group</strong>  of  a
This part of the <code>pq</code> program is  not  accessible  through  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>
package. Instead, users are advised  to  consider  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4  package
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font> by Bettina Eick and Eamonn O'Brien, which implements a  better
algorithm in  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>  for  the  computation  of  automorphism  groups  of
The current version of the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package  requires  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.4,  and
version 1.2 of the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font> package. All code  that  made  the  package
compatible with earlier versions of <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> has been removed. If you still
have <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.3 (at least fix4), then  you  must  use  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>&nbsp;2.2,  and
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font>&nbsp;1.1. You should not  use  earlier  versions  of  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>
package since they are known to have bugs.
<strong>How to read this manual</strong>
It is not expected that readers of this manual will read it in  a  linear
fashion from cover to cover; some sections contain material that  is  far
too technical to be absorbed on a first reading.
Firstly,  installers  of  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package  will   need   to   read
Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP007.htm">Installing the ANUPQ package</a>, if they have not already  gleaned
these details from the <code>README</code> file.
Once the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> package is installed, users  of  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package
will benefit most by first reading Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP002.htm">Mathematical  Background  and Terminology</a>, which gives a  brief  description  of  the  background  and
terminology used (this chapter also cites  a  number  of  references  for
further reading), and the introduction of Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP003.htm">Infrastructure</a>  (skip
the remainder of the chapter on a first reading).
Then  the  user/reader  should  pursue   Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP004.htm">Non-interactive   ANUPQ functions</a> in detail, delving into Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP006.htm">ANUPQ Options</a>  as  necessary
for the options of the functions that are described. The user will become
best acquainted with the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> package by trying  the  examples.  This
chapter describes the non-interactive functions of the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package,
i.e.&nbsp;``one-shot'' functions that invoke the <code>pq</code> program in  such  a  way
that once <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> has got what it needs, the <code>pq</code> is allowed to  exit.  It
is expected that most of the time, users will only need these functions.
Advanced users will want to explore Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP005.htm">Interactive ANUPQ functions</a>
which describes all the interactive functions of  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package;
these are functions that  extract  information  via  a  dialogue  with  a
running <code>pq</code> process. Occasionally, a user needs the ``next  step'';  the
functions provided in this chapter make use of data from  previous  steps
retained by the <code>pq</code> program, thus allowing the user to interact with the
<code>pq</code> program like one can when one uses the <code>pq</code> program as a stand-alone
(see&nbsp;<code>guide.dvi</code> in the <code>standalone-doc</code> directory).
After   having   read    Chapters&nbsp;<a href="CHAP004.htm">Non-interactive    ANUPQ    functions</a>
and&nbsp;<a href="CHAP005.htm">Interactive ANUPQ functions</a>, cross-references will have  taken  the
reader into Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP006.htm">ANUPQ Options</a>; by this stage, the reader need  only
read the introduction of Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP006.htm">ANUPQ Options</a>.
After the reader has developed some facility with the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package,
she should explore the examples described in Appendix&nbsp;<a href="CHAP00A.htm">Examples</a>.
If  you  run  into   trouble   using   the   <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>   functions,   some
troubleshooting hints are given in Section&nbsp;<a href="CHAP003.htm#SECT006">Hints and Warnings  regarding the  use  of  Options</a>.  If  the  troubleshooting   hints   don't   help,
Section&nbsp;<a href="CHAP001.htm#SECT001">Authors and Acknowledgements</a> below, gives contact  details  for
the authors of the components of the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> package.
<h2><a name="SECT001">1.1 Authors and Acknowledgements</a></h2>
The C implementation of the ANU <code>pq</code> standalone was developed by
Eamonn O'Brien
Department of Mathematics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
<code>email:</code> <a href=""></a>
The <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 4 version of this package was adapted from the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font> 3
version by  
Werner Nickel
AG 2, Fachbereich Mathematik, TU Darmstadt
Schlossgartenstr. 7, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
<code>email:</code> <a href=""></a>
An  interactive  interface  using  iostreams  was  developed   with   the
assistance of Werner Nickel by
<code>Greg Gamble</code>
<br><code>Lehrstuhl D f&uuml;r Mathematik, RWTH Aachen</code>
<br><code>Templergraben 64, 52062 Aachen, Germany</code>
<code>email:</code> <a href=""></a> 
The authors would  like  to  thank  Joachim  Neub&uuml;ser  for  his
careful    proof-reading    and    advice,    and     for     formulating
Chapter&nbsp;<a href="CHAP002.htm">Mathematical Background and Terminology</a>.
We would also like to thank Bettina Eick who by her testing and provision
of examples helped us to eliminate a number of bugs and  who  provided  a
number of valuable suggestions for extensions of the package  beyond  the
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;3 capabilities. 
<a name = "I1"></a>

If you find a bug, the last section of <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>'s <code>README</code> describes  the
information we need and where to send us a bug report;  please  take  the
time to read this (i.e.&nbsp;help us to help you).
<h2><a name="SECT002">1.2 Change history</a></h2>
Below we list the main changes between versions of the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> package.
<dl compact>
<a name = "I2"></a>

Backward compatibility code for pre-4.4 versions of <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>  removed.  The
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> package now requires at least <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.4 and version 1.2 of  the
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font> package, and the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font> package is now essential.
Deprecated commands replaced by <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.4 commands, e.g.&nbsp;<code>PrimeOfPGroup</code>
replaced by <code>PrimePGroup</code>, <code>ReadPkg</code> replaced by <code>ReadPackage</code>, including
in the <code>pq</code> program code (so <code>pq</code> program is now version 1.8).
Improved non-isomorphism test in <code>IsPqIsomorphicPGroup</code> using  suggestion
made by Marco Costantini (thanks Marco).
Removed <code>pkgbanner</code> option that used to control how the <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font>  package
banner was displayed.
Corrected a typo. in <code>PackageInfo.g</code>.
Binomial coefficient algorithm in <code>pq</code> program (now version 1.7) modified
to avoid overflow.
A bug discovered by Tobias Ro&szlig;mann was fixed. It was  caused  in  the
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">ANUPQ</font> package's interface by not passing on the  parameter  <code>StepSize</code>
to the <code>pq</code> program properly. This bug  could  result  in  computing  the
wrong number of descendants if a <code>StepSize</code> different from 1 was chosen.
Changes suggested by Gary Zablackis were implemented in order to make the
package run under Windows with cygwin:
use <code>[grp]</code> as default filename instead of <code>&lt;grp&gt;</code>,
add target to the makefile for compiling the <code>pq</code>  program  with  cygwin,
run <code>PqQuitAll()</code> more often in test examples. This reduces the number of
simultaneously running processes and avoids bumping into system limits.

Changes to <code>pq</code> program (now version 1.6) and  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>  code  to  fix  bug
reported by Boris Girnat (thanks Boris!) where too many descendants  were
generated for a group of class more than 1  with  insoluble  automorphism
group. Also more changes for <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.4, for which
option <code>pkgbanner</code> for suppression of the package  banner  is  deprecated
(now does nothing); its function is now provided by an optional  argument
of  the  <code>LoadPackage</code>;  see  Section&nbsp;<a href="../../../doc/htm/ref/CHAP075.htm#SSEC002.1">LoadPackage</a>  in  the   <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>
Reference Manual); and
the package banner is no longer <code>Info</code>-ed at <code>InfoANUPQ</code> level 1, and  so
cannot be suppressed by setting the <code>InfoANUPQ</code> level to 0.

For <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.3fix4, the previous behaviour  for  the  display/suppression
and <code>Info</code>-ing of the banner is unchanged, and <code>RequirePackage</code>  must  be
used rather than the new command <code>LoadPackage</code>.
<code>PqSupplementInnerAutomorphisms</code> now returns a record  analogous  to  the
<code>AutomorphismGroupPGroup</code>  function  of  the  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font>   package,   and
<code>AutomorphismGroupPGroup</code> rather than <code>PqSupplementInnerAutomorphisms</code> is
now used to generate the required automorphism group data  in  descendant
calculations. The corresponding <code>PqExample</code> example  has  similarly  been
Fixed bug in the filtering of ones from input to <code>pq</code> program (thanks  to
Robert Morse again for  the  fix).  Some  preparatory  changes  made  for
<font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.4.
Removed an unnecessary file and line from a file in the <code>src</code> directory.
Efficiency improvements: in particular, the use of <code>IsSyllableWordsFamily</code>
as first argument of some <code>FreeGroup</code> commands.
Fixed some inefficiencies in transmission of relators to the <code>pq</code> program
(thanks to  Robert  Morse  for  identifying  the  problem).  Updated  for
bugfixes in fix4 of <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.3, which required some usages of  <code>Pcgs</code>  to
be replaced by <code>GeneralizedPcgs</code>. Requires at least <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.3fix4 and an
updated <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">AutPGrp</font> package that  uses  <code>SetGeneralizedPcgs</code>  in  lieu  of
<code>SetPcgs</code> in its definition of <code>ConvertHybridAutGroup</code>.
First <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4 release. Requires  at  least  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.2,  but  <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.3
recommended. Supersedes the earlier <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;3 version (1.0) in many  ways;
in particular, it provides an interactive interface  using  the  IOStream
technology introduced in <font face="Gill Sans,Helvetica,Arial">GAP</font>&nbsp;4.2.
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<address>ANUPQ manual<br>Januar 2006