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<title>GAP (AutMan) - Appendix D: Semilinear expressions</title>
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<p><a name="s0ss0"></a></p>

<h3>D. Semilinear expressions</h3>

<p><a name="s1ss0"></a></p>

<h4>D.1 Semilinear Sets</h4>

<p>A <em>semilinear</em> set, is a finite union of <em>linear</em> sets, i.e., of sets of the form a+b_1Bbb N+ cdots +b_pBbb N, with a, b_1, ..., b_pin Bbb N^n. We consider also sets of the form a+b_1Bbb Z+ cdots +b_pBbb Z, with a, b_1, ..., b_pin Bbb Z^n, i.e., cosets of subgroups of Bbb Z^n. We call them <em>Bbb Z-linear</em>. Finite unions of Bbb Z-linear sets are then called <em>Bbb Z-semilinear</em>. An expression of the form a+b_1N+ cdots +b_pN , with a, b_1, ..., b_pin Bbb N^n, is said to be a <em>linear expression</em>. Let us call n its <em>arity</em>, a its <em>base point</em> and b_1, ..., b_p its <em>vectors</em>. (Analogous definitions may be given for Bbb Z-linear sets.) Linear and Bbb Z-linear sets may be given using the functions that follow.</p>

<p><a name="s1ss1"></a></p>

<h5>D.1-1 NLinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; NLinear</code>( <var>arity, base\_point, vectors</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p>Returns a linear set. The meaning of the arguments should already be clear.</p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt; LN := NLinear(2,[0,1],[[1,2],[5,2]]);
[ 0, 1 ] + [ 1, 2 ] N  + [ 5, 2 ] N 


<p><a name="s1ss2"></a></p>

<h5>D.1-2 ZLinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; ZLinear</code>( <var>arity, base\_point, vectors</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p>Returns a Bbb Z-linear set. The meaning of the arguments should already be clear.</p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt; LZ := ZLinear(2,[0,1],[[1,2],[5,2]]);
[ 0, 1 ] + [ 1, 2 ] Z  + [ 0, 8 ] Z 


<p>In the case of a Bbb Z-linear set the expression returned represents the same linear set than the expression given, but the vectors have changed: they are the nonzero rows of a matrix in Hermite Normal Form. Notice that a+b_1Bbb Z+ cdots +b_pBbb Z, with a, b_1, ..., b_pin Bbb Z^n, is a coset of the subgroup of Bbb Z^n generated by the vectors b_1, ..., b_pin Bbb Z^n. In general, when we give an expression for such a coset to \GAP\ an expression involving a basis for the subgroup consisting of the nonzero vectors of a matrix in HNF is returned.</p>

<p><a name="s2ss0"></a></p>

<h4>D.2 Operations with semilinear sets</h4>

<p>We may compute expressions for the <code class="code">product</code>, <code class="code">union</code> and <code class="code">star</code> (i.e., submonoid generated by) of semilinear and Bbb Z-semilinear sets. In some cases, specially for Bbb Z-semilinear expressions, simpler expressions representing the same set are returned. Of course, these operations may be used to construct more complex expressions.</p>

<p>For linear or semilinear expressions we have the following functions that return respectively semilinear expressions for the <code class="code">union</code> and <code class="code">sum</code> of the languages given by the semilinear expressions <code class="code">r</code> and <code class="code">s</code> and the <code class="code">star</code> of the language given by the semilinear expression <code class="code">r</code>.</p>

<p><a name="s2ss1"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-1 UnionNSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; UnionNSemilinear</code>( <var>r, s</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><a name="s2ss2"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-2 SumNSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; SumNSemilinear</code>( <var>r, s</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><a name="s2ss3"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-3 StarNSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; StarNSemilinear</code>( <var>r</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p>Some examples involving linear expressions:</p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt; s1 := NLinear(2,[0,3],[[1,2],[5,2]]);          
[ 0, 3 ] + [ 1, 2 ] N  + [ 5, 2 ] N 
gap&gt; s2 := NLinear(2,[1,1],[[3,2],[0,3]]);          
[ 1, 1 ] + [ 3, 2 ] N  + [ 0, 3 ] N 
gap&gt; UnionNSemilinear(s1,s2);                       
[ [ 0, 3 ] + [ 1, 2 ] N  + [ 5, 2 ] N , [ 1, 1 ] + [ 3, 2 ] N  + [ 0, 3 ] N  ]
gap&gt; StarNSemilinear(s1);                           
[ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 3 ] + [ 0, 3 ] N  + [ 1, 2 ] N  + [ 5, 2 ] N  ]
gap&gt; SumNSemilinear(s1,s2);                         
[ [ 1, 4 ] + [ 0, 3 ] N  + [ 1, 2 ] N  + [ 3, 2 ] N  + [ 5, 2 ] N  ]


<p>The analogous functions for Bbb Z-linear and Bbb Z-semilinear expressions follow:</p>

<p><a name="s2ss4"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-4 UnionZSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; UnionZSemilinear</code>( <var>r, s</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><a name="s2ss5"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-5 SumZSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; SumZSemilinear</code>( <var>r, s</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p><a name="s2ss6"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-6 StarZSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; StarZSemilinear</code>( <var>r</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p>Now, some examples involving Bbb Z-linear expressions</p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt; z1 := ZLinear(2,[0,3],[[1,2],[5,2]]);
[ 0, 3 ] + [ 1, 2 ] Z  + [ 0, 8 ] Z 
gap&gt; z2 := ZLinear(2,[1,1],[[3,2],[0,3]]);
[ 1, 1 ] + [ 3, 2 ] Z  + [ 0, 3 ] Z 
gap&gt; UnionZSemilinear(z1,z2);
[ [ 0, 3 ] + [ 1, 2 ] Z  + [ 0, 8 ] Z , [ 1, 1 ] + [ 3, 2 ] Z  + [ 0, 3 ] Z  ]
gap&gt; SumZSemilinear(z1,z2);
[ [ 0, 0 ] + [ 1, 0 ] Z  + [ 0, 1 ] Z  ]
gap&gt; StarZSemilinear(z2);
[ [ 0, 0 ] + [ 1, 0 ] Z  + [ 0, 1 ] Z  ]


<p>Let S be a subgroup of Bbb Z^n. An element xin Bbb Z^n belongs to a Bbb Z-semilinear set z+S if and only if the subgroup generated by x-z and S is equal to S. This test may be done computing basis for the subgroups < x-z,S> and S consisting of the nonzero vectors of a matrix in HNF and testing their equality. Recall that an integer matrix B is row equivalent over Bbb Z to a unique matrix A in Hermite normal form. (See, for example, <a href="chapBib.html#biBSims:94">[S94]</a> .)</p>

<p><a name="s2ss7"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-7 BelongsZLinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; BelongsZLinear</code>( <var>x, L</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p>Tests if <var>x</var> belongs to the Bbb Z-linear set <var>L</var></p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt; BelongsZLinear([5,27],z2);


<p><a name="s2ss8"></a></p>

<h5>D.2-8 BelongsZSemilinear</h5>

<div class="func"><table class="func" width="100%"><tr><td class="tdleft"><code class="func">&gt; BelongsZSemilinear</code>( <var>x, L</var> )</td><td class="tdright">( function )</td></tr></table></div>
<p>Tests if <var>x</var> belongs to the Bbb Z-semilinear set <var>L</var></p>

<table class="example">

gap&gt;  BelongsZSemilinear([5,29],UnionZSemilinear(z1,z2));


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