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<!-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->
<B><A HREF="dblist.html">dblist(8)</A></B>             Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse             <B><A HREF="dblist.html">dblist(8)</A></B>

     <B>dblist</B> -- Database List Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse

     <B>dblist</B> [<B>-vVHD</B>] [<B>-G</B> <I>on</I> | <I>off</I>] [<B>-h</B> <I>homedir</I>]
            [<B>-s</B> [<I>server-ID</I>][<I>,server-addr</I>][<I>,server-port</I>]]
            [<B>-C</B> <I>'type</I> <I>h1</I> <I>h2</I> <I>h3</I> <I>h4'</I>] [<B>-I</B> <I>server-ID</I>] [<B>-A</B> <I>dbaddr</I>] [<B>-L</B> <I>pathlen</I>]
            [<B>-P</B> <I>pages</I>] [<B>-T</B> <I>timestamp</I>] [<I>file1</I> <I>file2</I> <I>...</I>]

     <B>Dblist</B> lists the contents of a DCC database as it does some consistency

     <A NAME="OPTION-v"><B>-v</B></A>   lists more of the database.  Additional information is produced with
          additional <B>-v</B> arguments.

     <A NAME="OPTION-V"><B>-V</B></A>   displays the version of the DCC database lister.

     <A NAME="OPTION-H"><B>-H</B></A>   turns off the listing of the hash table as well as the analysis of
          the hash table.  Determining the worst case and average lengths of
          chains in the hash table can take a long time for a large database
          on a small computer.

     <A NAME="OPTION-D"><B>-D</B></A>   turns off the listing of the data or checksum records.

     <A NAME="OPTION-G"><B>-G</B></A> <I>on</I>
          lists a greylist database.

     <A NAME="OPTION-h"><B>-h</B></A> <I>homedir</I>
          overrides the default DCC home directory, <I>/var/lib/dcc</I>.

     <A NAME="OPTION-s"><B>-s</B></A> [<I>server-ID</I>][<I>,server-addr</I>][<I>,server-port</I>]
          somewhat quiets the DCC server process, <B><A HREF="dccd.html">dccd(8)</A></B>, to get somewhat
          more consistent results.  <I>server-ID</I> must be in the <I>ids</I> file.
          <I>server-addr</I> and <I>server-port</I> are the IP address and UDP port at which
          the server process listens.

     <A NAME="OPTION-C"><B>-C</B></A> <I>'type</I> <I>h1</I> <I>h2</I> <I>h3</I> <I>h4'</I>
          limits the listing to records containing that checksum or one of the
          other checksums specified with <B>-C</B>.  If the four hexadecimal values
          <I>h1</I> <I>h2</I> <I>h3</I> <I>h4</I> are absent, records with the matching <I>type</I> will be
          listed.  If <I>type</I> is absent, any checksum with the four hexadecimal
          values will be listed.  As many as 16 checksums can be specified.

     <A NAME="OPTION-I"><B>-I</B></A> <I>server-ID</I>
          limits the listing to records with that server-ID or one of the
          other server-IDs specified with <B>-I</B>.  As many as 16 server-IDs can be

     <A NAME="OPTION-A"><B>-A</B></A> <I>dbaddr</I>
          excludes database records before <I>dbaddr</I>.

     <A NAME="OPTION-L"><B>-L</B></A> <I>pathlen</I>
          excludes records with path lengths shorter than <I>pathlen</I>.

     <A NAME="OPTION-P"><B>-P</B></A> <I>pages</I>
          ignores all but the last <I>pages</I> of the database.

     <A NAME="OPTION-T"><B>-T</B></A> <I>timetamp</I>
          excludes records with other timestamps.  A timestamp with a missing
          microsecond value matches any record with that second.  As many as
          16 timestamps can be specified.

     <I>file1</I> <I>file2</I> <I>...</I>
          are names of databases to be listed.  The default is <I>dcc</I><B>_</B><I>db</I> and its
          companion, <I>dcc</I><B>_</B><I>db.hash</I> in the DCC home directory.

     By default, the sizes of the main file and the hash table as well as how
     much they contain and values related to the performance of the hash are

     With a single <B>-v</B>, most of the mail database file and the contents of mem-
     ory mapped server flooding positions in the <I>/var/lib/dcc/</I> file  are
     listed.  The listing starts with the serial number of the database file
     which is when old entries were last removed from it by <B><A HREF="dbclean.html">dbclean(8)</A></B> That is
     followed by similar lines showing the oldest timestamp of checksums not
     expired by dbclean and of mail that is not "spam."

     The flooding positions from the <I>/var/lib/dcc/</I> file are record offsets
     or addresses in the main database file.

     A typical record in the main database file looks like:

       02/07/02 20:25:12.497032    5         1601              2fe5b94
            path: 103&lt;-101&lt;-1601
         Body      6       e2d3f96a c65aea01 3fece361 edff9ecf  2f21364 772d2
         Fuz1      many    6ff56fe8 ffc312d7 a5fe8f13 12a537ae  2f21364 200a9
         Fuz2      many    fac882b8 03eea34f bd792c40 2fe6fd54  2f21364 72816

     That example was received by a DCC server with server-ID <I>1601</I> at about
     8:25 UTC on the evening of February 7, 2000.  The report was about a mail
     message set to <I>5</I> addressees.  The report was then sent or `flooded' to
     the server with server-ID <I>101</I> which in turn sent it to a server with
     server-ID <I>103</I>.  That server sent it to the local DCC server.  The record
     is at the address <I>0x2fe5b94</I> in the database.  The record contains 3
     checksums.  The simple checksum of the body of the message was <I>e2d3f96a</I>
     <I>c65aea01</I> <I>3fece361</I> <I>edff9ecf</I> The total number of recipients of messages
     with this body checksum known in the database is <I>6</I>, which implies this
     checksum had been previously reported with a target count of 1.  The pre-
     vious report in the database of a message with this body checksum is at
     <I>0x2f21364</I>.  The hash table entry for this body checksum is at <I>0x772d2</I>.
     This report included two fuzzy checksums.  Both have been previously
     reported as having been sent to <I>many</I> targets.

     An asterisk (*) before the name of the checksum would indicate that a
     later record in the database makes this checksum redundant.  A report of
     <I>many</I> addressees makes all preceding reports redundant.

     The string <I>trimmed</I> after the server-ID marks older reports that have had
     uninteresting checksums removed.  The string <I>compressed</I> after the server-
     ID would indicate that this older report has been trimmed and compressed
     with older reports.

     With two <B>-v</B> arguments, records added to the database by <B><A HREF="dbclean.html">dbclean(8)</A></B> from
     the server whitelist are also displayed.

     Three <B>-v</B> arguments cause the hash table to be displayed.  Three typical
     hash table entries look like:

             19b8:   19ee   19b7
             19b9:   19c0      0    90120 Fuz1
             19ba:      0      0  1b72300 Fuz1

     The entry in slot number <I>0x19b8</I> is unused or free.  Slot number <I>0x19b9</I> is
     the start of a chain of collisions or entries with the same hash value of
     0x19b9.  The next slot in this chain is at <I>0x19c0</I>.  The corresponding
      checksum is at <I>0x9012</I> in the database.  The third slot at <I>0x19ba</I> is also
     that of a <I>Fuz1</I> checksum, but it is not part of a hash chain and its data-
     base record is at <I>0x1b72300</I>.

     <A NAME="FILE-/var/lib/dcc">/var/lib/dcc</A>     is the DCC home directory containing data and control files.
     <A NAME="FILE-dcc_db">dcc_db</A>       main file of DCC checksums.
     <A NAME="FILE-grey_dcc_db">grey_dcc_db</A>  main file of checksums used for greylisting.
     <A NAME="FILE-dcc_db.hash">dcc_db.hash</A>  database hash table for <I>dcc</I><B>_</B><I>db</I>.
     <A NAME="FILE-grey_dcc_db.hash">grey_dcc_db.hash</A>
                  database hash table for <I>grey</I><B>_</B><I>dcc</I>.
     <A NAME=""></A>
     <A NAME=""></A>
                  memory mapped flooding positions.

     <B><A HREF="cdcc.html">cdcc(8)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="dcc.html">dcc(8)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="dbclean.html">dbclean(8)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="dccd.html">dccd(8)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="dccifd.html">dccifd(8)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="dccm.html">dccm(8)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="dccproc.html">dccproc(8)</A></B>.

     Implementation of <B>dblist</B> was started at Rhyolite Software, in 2000.  This
     document describes version 1.3.113.

                                 July 20, 2009
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