

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 41ade2a4680c1a0d18a75b33aade72a7 > files > 68


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<font face=Helvetica size=3>

  <b>class c4_Row</b>
 : public <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A> <br><br>

<dd><font face=Times size=3>
An entry in a collection with copy semantics.<br><br>


  <table cellborder=0>
    <td colspan=2>
	  <font face=Helvetica size=-1><b>Public members</b></font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <b>c4_Row</b> ();
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
			Construct a row with no properties</font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <b>c4_Row</b> (const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; row_);
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
			Construct a row from another oneConstruct a row copy from a row reference</font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <b>c4_Row</b> (const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; row_);
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
			Construct a row from another oneConstruct a row copy from a row reference</font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <b>~c4_Row</b> ();
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <A HREF="c4_Row.html" >c4_Row</A>&#38; 
	  <b>operator= </b> (const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; row_);
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
			Assign a copy of another row to this oneCopy another row to this one</font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <A HREF="c4_Row.html" >c4_Row</A>&#38; 
	  <b>operator= </b> (const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; row_);
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
			Assign a copy of another row to this oneCopy another row to this one</font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  <b>ConcatRow</b> (const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; row_);
		<font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>
			Add all properties and values into this row</font>

  <table cellborder=0>
    <td colspan=2>
	  <font face=Helvetica size=-1><b>Friends</b></font>
    <td valign=top align=right width=150>
	  friend <A HREF="c4_Row.html" >c4_Row</A> 
	  <b>operator+ </b> (const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; a_, const <A HREF="c4_RowRef.html" >c4_RowRef</A>&#38; b_);
	  <font face=Helvetica size=-1><br>Return a new row which is the concatenation of two others</font>

<br><hr size=1 width=50 align=left>

<table cellborder=0>
    <td width=150>
	  <font face=Helvetica size=-1><b>Header file</b></font>
	  "mk4.h" &nbsp; -- &nbsp; Dec 9, 1999

    <td valign=top>
	  <font face=Helvetica size=-1><b>See also</b></font>
		<a name="c4_Row" href="c4_Row.html">c4_Row</a>

	  <font face=Helvetica size=-1><b>Derived from</b></font>
		<a name="c4_RowRef" href="c4_RowRef.html">c4_RowRef</a>

